Why castor oil is useful, instructions for use at home

The benefits and harms of castor oil are much broader than commonly believed. This simple and time-tested remedy can help not only with intestinal problems, but also in many other situations. Therefore, the properties of the product deserve careful consideration.

Castor oil color, smell and taste

Castor oil is a product that is extracted from a plant called castor oil plant. The color can vary quite widely - you can find colorless, yellowish and even dark brown oils in pharmacies. The shade depends on the method of cleaning the product, but light castor oil with a barely noticeable yellowness has the greatest benefit.

Castor oil does not have a pronounced odor, if you smell it properly, you can only feel a faint aroma of wax. Much more interesting is the glycerin taste of a useful product - it is rather weakly expressed, but after swallowing it leaves a long unpleasant aftertaste. That is why most people, despite the well-known benefits and harms of castor oil, are wary of the product and do not like to take it in pure form.

Chemical composition and calorie content of castor oil

The composition of castor oil can be considered truly unique. Almost completely healthy oil consists of fatty acids - oleic, palmitic, stearic. The main acid in its composition is ricinoleic - it occupies about 90% of the total volume.

Castor oil contains absolutely no minerals, there are no proteins or carbohydrates in the composition, of the nutrients it contains only fats. The vitamin group is represented by tocopherol, or vitamin E.

As for the calorie content of the product, it is very high - almost 900 kcal per 100 ml. But at the same time, the daily dosage of oil is only about 10 ml, so the increased nutritional value rarely harms the figure.

Useful properties of castor oil

The benefits and harms of castor oil for the body are very wide. Castor oil when used correctly:

  • relieves symptoms of colds and relieves bronchitis;
  • effectively cleanses the intestines and removes toxins and harmful substances from the body;
  • helps to lose weight quickly without harming your own health;
  • relieves joint and muscle pain;
  • has a beneficial effect on the skin - heals wounds, ulcers and burns, relieves irritation;
  • removes papillomas and warts;
  • helps with dry eyes;
  • strengthens hair and promotes its abundant growth;
  • eases the condition with hemorrhoids and helps to eliminate it;
  • cleanses the skin of the face of acne, age spots and blackheads.

It is impossible not to mention the most famous property of castor oil - it is one of the most effective products to help with constipation.

Indications for the use of castor oil

Since the beneficial castor oil affects the body quite strongly, in order to avoid harm, it is recommended to use it only if there are special indications. These include:

  • constipation and slagging of the intestines;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • inflammatory ailments of the genitourinary sphere;
  • sand and stones in the gallbladder and kidneys;
  • joint diseases;
  • muscle sprains and skin lesions;
  • female gynecological ailments;
  • colds;
  • liver ailments.

Castor oil can be used for cataracts and inflammatory processes in the eyes. It will help eliminate the infection and relieve dry mucous membranes.

The use of castor oil in traditional medicine

To properly use the healing properties of castor oil, you need to know when and how much to consume it. Traditional medicine has many proven recipes.

Colon Cleanse & Constipation Relief

The healing properties of castor oil for the intestines consist of a powerful laxative effect. It is very easy to get rid of constipation with castor oil - you just need to take a small spoonful of oil on an empty stomach early in the morning. If the taste of the product seems too unpleasant, it is allowed to drink it with water or orange juice.

With constipation, healthy castor oil helps very quickly. But if the effect does not come immediately, the treatment can be continued for 3 days - there will be no harm from this.

From parasites

Benefits castor oil internally for getting rid of parasites. Colon cleansing is carried out as follows:

  • on the day of cleaning, you need to eat for the last time 5 hours before the procedure - preferably no later than noon;
  • before the procedure, you need to weigh yourself in order to calculate the individual dosage - for 1 kg of body weight, 1 ml of castor oil should be taken away;
  • the required amount is measured and mixed with freshly squeezed lemon juice, and you need to take twice as much lemon;
  • the mixture is drunk in one gulp immediately after preparation.

After that, for 10-12 hours, you can not take any water or food, they will interfere with the cleansing processes. During this time, all parasites must leave the body, and with them - toxins and toxins.

With otitis media

Ricinoleic acid, present in large amounts in castor oil, has potent antimicrobial properties. Therefore, the oil is well suited for the treatment of otitis externa, it eliminates sulfur plugs, relieves inflammation and eliminates pain.

It is quite simple to use healthy oil - you need to instill 2 drops of castor oil into each auricle at least three times a day. Preliminarily, castor oil is slightly steamed to room temperature, and after instillation, a cotton swab is inserted into the ear for several minutes. The head must be tilted several times in different directions so that the castor oil is evenly distributed over the ear. In total, the course of procedures should take 5 days.

Important! With the help of castor oil, only uncomplicated otitis externa can be treated, an advanced disease with purulent accumulations must be eliminated under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise severe harm is possible.

With calluses and hemorrhoids

Castor oil effectively softens the skin, so it helps to get rid of calluses and calluses on the feet. The problem area must be properly lubricated with oil, and then put on clean cotton socks for a couple of hours. Then the calluses can be easily removed with a pumice stone or a blade, and the calluses will go away in a few days and do not cause much discomfort.

Externally, castor oil is used for hemorrhoids. For diseases of the anus, compresses are made - a piece of gauze is moistened in castor oil and applied to the sore spot, if necessary, fixing it with a bandage for the whole night.With internal hemorrhoids, rectal inserts are beneficial - you need to purchase capsules with useful oil at the pharmacy and insert them into the anus three times a day.

With arthritis and arthrosis

The healing properties of castor oil are of great benefit for joint diseases. First of all, with arthritis and arthrosis, you can do a therapeutic massage using castor oil - the oil will penetrate the tissues through the skin and relieve inflammation and pain.

You can also apply a gauze soaked in castor oil with a compress to the sore joint. It is best to carry out the procedure in the evening before going to bed, then the compress, fixed with a bandage, can be left overnight.

From warts and papillomas

Cosmetic properties of castor oil allow you to get rid of ugly papillomas and warts on the skin. It is necessary to apply a small amount of castor oil daily to each separate growth and rub it in with light massaging movements for a quarter of an hour.

How to take castor oil for weight loss

The cleansing properties of castor oil are used not only to combat constipation. The competent use of a useful product helps to lose weight quickly - when taken orally, oil will remove toxins and excess fluid from the body, due to which body weight will immediately decrease.

Castor oil is not suitable for permanent dietary use. Castor oil can be cleaned only for one day and not too often, otherwise there is a risk of harming the body. Considering that castor oil has a laxative effect, the day for the procedure should be chosen free. It is necessary to carefully measure the dosage - no more than 1 ml of castor oil is allowed per 1 kg of weight.

The use of castor oil in home cosmetology

Castor oil is beneficial in cosmetology, it has a complex effect on hair, skin of the whole body and nails. Using a simple and inexpensive product, you can achieve a significant improvement in appearance.

Castor oil for hair

Every woman has heard about the properties of castor oil for hair. The home remedy prevents strands from falling out and increases volume, stimulates the rapid growth of new hairs and gives curls a beautiful natural shine.

From falling out

The benefits of castor oil for hair are, first of all, in the fact that castor oil strengthens the hair follicles, stimulates blood circulation under the scalp and thereby stops the process of hair loss. If there is too much hair left in the bath and on the comb, the following mask will benefit:

  • castor oil in equal volumes is mixed with other useful oil - olive, burdock or almond;
  • the mixture is evenly distributed over the entire length of the curls and the head is covered with cling film;
  • on top, the hair is insulated with a towel and the mask is left for 40 minutes.

After the expiration date, the oil will need to be washed off with shampoo. It is worth repeating the treatment procedure twice a week for 3 months, and the first result will become noticeable after several applications.

For growth

To achieve an increase in the volume of hair, it is enough to regularly rub castor oil into the skin at the roots. Since you need to wash your hair after the procedure, it is best to do it the day before the scheduled wash - the oil can be left on the hair overnight. In order not to stain the pillow, it is better to put a plastic cap on your head.

The beneficial properties of castor oil will awaken dormant hair follicles to grow. Therefore, after a couple of weeks of application, the curls will become noticeably thicker.

From split ends

For weakened hair, a three-component mask will benefit. To create it, you need to mix 50 ml of castor oil with egg yolk and a large spoonful of apple cider vinegar. The mixture is distributed through the hair and, according to the standard procedure, is insulated with a film and a towel. After 45 minutes, the mask will need to be washed off, but the whole procedure should be carried out at least three times a week.

Recommended reading:  Why apple cider vinegar is useful, medicinal properties, recipe, how to take

Facial masks

The properties of castor oil for the skin of the face are extremely useful - it comprehensively improves the condition of the epidermis, smoothes wrinkles and eliminates inflammation. Healing masks based on it are able to cope with almost all common cosmetic problems.

For acne

Benefits castor oil for facial skin with a tendency to acne, blackheads and blackheads. You can get rid of skin imperfections with this mask:

  • a small spoonful of castor oil is mixed with a similar amount of calendula broth;
  • add egg white and crushed aspirin tablet;
  • apply the mask in four layers, each time waiting for the previous one to dry.

Keep the mask for only 5 minutes, otherwise aspirin will harm the skin and leave a chemical burn. The effect becomes noticeable after the first application.

From wrinkles

Castor oil has firming and softening properties, therefore it allows you to fight the first wrinkles. Castor oil will be beneficial for the skin around the eyes, where a mesh of wrinkles usually appears by the age of 30. The mask is prepared like this:

  • a large spoonful of oil is mixed with egg yolk;
  • spread over the entire face in an even layer;
  • after a quarter of an hour, wash off the mixture with warm water.

If it is useful to repeat the procedure at least twice a week, then the elasticity of the skin will improve very soon, and the wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead and on the chin will disappear.

For eyebrows and eyelashes

If you look at the photos before and after castor oil, you can make sure that the product helps well not only for skin defects, but also for rare eyelashes and eyebrows. To stimulate hair growth, you need to rub castor oil into your eyebrows daily in the evenings and rinse off the oil in the morning. The benefits of castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows will appear after a few weeks - the hairs will become thicker and more voluminous, and their loss will be reduced.

The properties of castor oil for eyelashes help to emphasize the beauty of the eyes and almost eliminate the use of cosmetics. To apply castor oil to the eyelashes, you can use an old mascara brush, of course, it must be thoroughly washed before use.

For nails

Castor oil will not harm the nail plates, on the contrary, it will be of continuous benefit. If the nails become too dull, begin to exfoliate and crumble, then the problem will be solved by daily rubbing castor oil into the cuticle and the nail itself. Useful substances will penetrate into the tissues and help to strengthen the plate, as well as start cell renewal and stimulate rapid growth.

Contraindications and side effects

The benefits of castor oil can easily backfire if used carelessly. Contraindications for castor oil are:

  • pregnancy and lactation:
  • allergy to castor drug or its individual components;
  • intestinal obstruction - in this case, laxative properties will be harmful.

An overdose of castor oil must be avoided, it can lead to severe dehydration and cause severe harm. For oily skin, oil should be used with caution for cosmetic purposes - castor oil can clog the pores, which will negatively affect the condition of the epidermis.

How to choose and store castor oil

In pharmacies and supermarkets, castor oil is available in a wide variety. When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to several points:

  • spinning - the greatest number of useful properties is retained by castor oil, made using the cold-pressed technology;
  • Colour - the highest quality oil is considered to be transparent in color with a slight yellowish tint;
  • consistency - healthy oil should be thick and viscous, but not too fluid.

It is necessary to store castor oil under a tightly screwed lid, in a glass container with dark walls.It is better to put castor oil in the refrigerator - at a low temperature and in the dark, it will be able to retain its beneficial properties for 2 years, while in the light it will quickly turn rancid and begin to be harmful.


The benefits and harms of castor oil depend on the caution of use. The product is capable of causing harm in case of overdose or in the presence of contraindications, but in small doses, castor oil is very useful for the body.


Ivanova Irina Vasilievna, 52 years old, Saratov
Due to my tendency to constipation, I regularly use castor oil to cleanse my bowels. It has a strong and fast, but mild effect and does not lead to subsequent dysbiosis. I had to use castor oil for papillomas - it turned out to get rid of them very quickly, the skin became cleaner.
Sergeeva Anna Alexandrovna, 30 years old, Moscow
Castor oil for hair allows me to maintain the volume and shine of my hair, which usually begins to fall out after any stress or nutritional failure. I also apply castor oil to the eyelashes and eyebrows, they really get thicker. And castor oil for the face from wrinkles helped to get rid of the "mesh" that appeared around the eyes.
Avdeeva Olga Vladimirovna, 36 years old, Yekaterinburg
Castor oil masks are my favorite beauty care product. They not only allow you to maintain smooth skin without wrinkles - eyelashes after castor oil become very thick, even cosmetics do not give such an effect. Sometimes I use castor oil for weight loss - if you need to lose a few pounds quickly, it is simply irreplaceable.

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