The benefits and harms of banana chips, calories

What are the benefits and harms of banana chips and why are they so loved by gourmets? First you need to figure out what it is. Banana chips are a baked dish made from deep-fried dried fruit slices. The delicacy takes a few minutes to prepare, after which it is served as a treat or snack. The taste is sweet, crunchy, like oatmeal cookies, and can be combined with various toppings and sauces. The benefits of banana desserts are the same as those of fresh fruits, because they are nutritious, saturate the body with vitamins and complex carbohydrates.

What are Banana Chips

Crispy fresh banana goodies and chips. As mentioned, food is prepared from fruit cuts and contains dietary fiber and a variety of nutrients. They got their name due to the crispy crust that was formed as a result of food processing. Prepare banana rings in the microwave, oven or dry in the sun.

At the same time, the proportional ratio of the baked volume to the cooking duration is observed. To achieve a crispy crust like real potato chips, the bananas are cut into thin slices and dried before cooking in the sun to evaporate the moisture. If you bake them immediately, then they will be moist inside, and crumble outside. So you should process the banana blanks in advance, so that you can delight and treat your friends at home later.

The composition and calorie content of banana chips

After processing fresh banana slices, the composition changes, but only slightly. The beneficial properties are preserved, as well as the sweetness and aroma. Components include the following:

  • Dietary fiber with nearly 9 grams of fiber per 100 gram serving. This is a third of the required daily amount of substances for the female body.
  • A standard serving contains 19% iron.
  • Potassium in banana chips after heat treatment remains the same, 13%.

Bananas are also rich in vitamin A, magnesium and phosphorus. Despite the fact that the quality of usefulness does not change, the calorie content of the product increases - half a portion of dried fruit contains the same energy value as a whole portion of fresh bananas. Therefore, they are not recommended for weight loss, but are suitable for a snack and satisfying severe hunger. Because of the fiber in bananas, the body digests them for a long time, spending a lot of energy.

This forces the stomach to produce juice in large quantities, the metabolism is started, and intestinal peristalsis is stimulated. Athletes consume bananas before exercise to fuel their muscles. Eating them after exercise will stimulate muscle growth. There are a lot of calories in banana chips - 519-526 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Are banana chips good for you?

Definitely, like any other fruit, the benefits of banana chips for the body are very significant, despite the high ability to saturate the body with carbohydrates. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, it is banana chips that are beneficial for diabetics and people suffering from intestinal obstruction.

Bananas help to cope with high blood sugar, stabilizing the balance of plasma components, reducing cholesterol, restoring intestinal flora. For the older generation, dried bananas are considered a preventative treatment that prevents cardiovascular diseases and cancers.

The process of hematopoiesis is carried out - the blood is saturated with hemoglobin and myoglobin, promoting the activation of enzymes to improve metabolism and energy production. Potassium with sodium controls blood pressure levels.

At the same time, there is a general benefit - muscles contract better, neuronal impulses are transmitted faster, and the water balance in the body is maintained.

If you eat banana chips once a week, you will notice a lack of fatigue, lethargy, constipation, nausea and dizziness, which happens from a lack of potassium, will disappear.

How to make banana chips at home

There are many recipes that can be used to make banana chips, depending on whether you have an oven or other cooking utensils. There are several possible cooking methods to choose from, to which the same rules apply:

  1. It is advisable to place bananas in the refrigerator before peeling. Since they are kept warm, the cold will allow for a short time to "preserve" vitamins so that they do not lose their properties as a result of exposure to high temperatures.
  2. It is not recommended to wash bananas after peeling them. Previously, this was necessary due to the lack of the necessary storage conditions for fruit.
  3. Black spots - they need to be cut out so that the banana in this area does not burn in a hot place. The process of decomposition and putrefaction starts faster if the area of ​​spoiled fruit is exposed to heat treatment.
  4. Fruit banana chips will pair well with muesli, porridge and nuts, but the exotic flavor of dried treats is unmatched.
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If you want to deep-fry them, it's best to add coconut oil. When warm, it releases lauric acid, which is completely digested and absorbed by the body, despite its high saturated fat content. The following shows how banana chips are made in different variations.

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Oven Banana Chips Recipe

First, peel the fruit and cut it into rings. Two large bananas yield approximately 50-60 slices of future chips. For a better soak, you can sprinkle lemon juice on the rings to add a pleasant light scent. In addition to the extra dose of vitamins, the dish will be protected from browning during baking.


  1. Arrange the banana rings evenly on a baking sheet.
  2. Cover with cling foil to prevent drying out.
  3. For piquancy, you can add a pinch of sea salt.
  4. Bake at 90 degrees for 1-3 hours.
Important! The longer the chips are baked, the more crisp they will be. When half cooked, the banana slices need to be turned over so that they bake evenly. Before serving, you need to cool to room temperature in a natural way and only then eat.

For clarity, a video is presented on how to make banana chips.

Banana chips in the microwave

A microwave oven sometimes replaces a full-fledged dimensional oven, performing the same functions, also without consuming gas. Depending on the power of the device and the variety of functions, the recipe may vary slightly in terms of cooking duration or the number and capacity of portions. By the way, this recipe will also be very pleasant for children who like to crunch, but due to their age, store-bought "crunchy" is harmful for them.

How to make banana chips:

  1. So, you need to peel the bananas and cut them into thin wheels. Place each wedge separately on a platter.
  2. You need to bake them at high power (750 W) for 4-5 minutes.
  3. You can check the readiness of bananas by the presence of a golden crust.

Flip the banana wedges every minute so they cook evenly. After that, they can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or cocoa powder while they are still warm. It is worth noting that a low-power microwave will prevent banana slices from roasting so hard, leaving them soft on the inside, like mashed potatoes. Children from one year old can be offered such an interesting dessert without adding sprinkles.

How to make banana chips in a dryer

An electric dryer is a great way to remove moisture from food without using heat treatments. If in the sun, under the influence of UV rays, the fruit can not only dry out, but also deteriorate, then the electric dryer carefully affects the composition of dietary fibers.

How to make chips:

  1. Preheat the dryer first - 5 minutes is enough.
  2. Put banana slices away from each other.
  3. Wait 10 hours.
  4. The specified time is the maximum for the operation of the device.

If you want to enjoy fruit that is not too dry, it is recommended to keep them for 5-6 hours. Bananas will taste like sweets with almonds. You can cook banana chips at home using this recipe without standing at the stove or oven.

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Harm of banana chips and contraindications

Do not forget that with type 2 diabetes, such chips, especially purchased ones, are not safe to eat. It is recommended to dry them without using devices. It is advisable not to add sprinkles and butter, sugar and toppings.

Important! For children and adults who adhere to a healthy lifestyle, it is better to eat such products rarely, without overusing dried fruits. It will be useful for women to sometimes include dried fruits in their diet, not just bananas.


The benefits and harms of banana chips are varied, as are the ways they are prepared. The only drawback is those fruits that are deep-fried. This is due to the oil in which the rings are processed. For some people, fatty foods are strictly prohibited, so it is better to use an alternative cooking option.

Hostess reviews

Judging by the numerous reviews of housewives and lovers of cooking goodies for their family, it is noted that dried banana chips are not a privileged delicacy, as in the countries of growth of this culture.

Numerous recipes and a variety of alternatives for combining dried bananas suggests that, after all, in a tropical climate, these products are well-established, the human body is already accustomed to such food. Stomach disorders are less common than among our compatriots, whose diet consists of slightly different types of food. But there are not only negative, but also positive effects from eating fruits or berries - much also depends on the individual reaction.

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