What foods increase insulin in the human body: a list

Insulin is a protein hormone produced by the cells of the human pancreas. It is responsible for regulating serum sugar concentration. Foods that increase insulin should be included in the diet. With their help, you can improve the process of absorption of carbohydrates by the cells of the body.

What foods contain insulin

Research has shown that some foods contain a natural insulin analogue. When used, it is possible to prevent sudden surges in blood sugar.

The list of products containing natural insulin includes:

  • Jerusalem artichoke;
  • cinnamon;
  • blueberry leaves.
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The phytohormones included in their composition have a positive effect on the absorption of glucose by the cells of the body. Under their influence, sugars from food quickly penetrate into tissues and become a source of energy. This avoids hyperglycemia.

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to consume 300 g of boiled or baked Jerusalem artichoke daily. You can replace it with ¼ tsp. cinnamon or tea made from blueberry leaves. In the absence of metabolic disorders, it is not necessary to include these sources of phytohormones in the diet.

Jerusalem artichoke is considered a source of phytoinsulin, it is recommended for patients with a predisposition to type 2 diabetes.

What foods increase blood insulin

Phytoinsulin is found in only a few foods. People who do not have diabetes or a predisposition to developing this disease do not need to change their diet. But the menu should include foods that increase insulin levels and lower blood sugar levels.

High-fiber foods are good for health. Its use contributes to the fact that sugar rises not abruptly, but gradually. Thanks to this, the pancreas has time to cope with the load.

Highly digestible carbohydrates cause sugar to rise rapidly. This process starts the beta cells, which are responsible for the production of insulin. But at the same time, the consumption of such food in large quantities increases the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream.

Over time, beta cells deteriorate and tissues become insulin resistant. Carbohydrates that enter the body cease to be a source of energy. Glucose from them is not absorbed by cells, but circulates in the bloodstream for a long time. Therefore, eating foods that trigger the release of insulin and an increase in sugar levels contribute to weight gain and worsening overall health.

Warning! Doctors do not recommend eating easily digestible carbohydrates. They increase the load on beta cells and provoke the development of metabolic disorders.

To normalize the condition, it is necessary to include foods with a low glycemic index in the diet. Vegetables, legumes, mushrooms, meat, fish, dairy products have a positive effect on health.

In cases where the body's insulin response is weak, the cells stop absorbing glucose. Its concentration rises, and the patient develops diabetes mellitus. In the initial stages of the disease, the condition can be stabilized with the help of proper nutrition.

Table with foods that increase insulin in the blood

When forming a diet, you should pay attention to the insulin index. It shows how the intake of certain food increases the level of hormonal substances in the blood, which are produced by the pancreas.

To increase insulin concentration without harming your health, you should include foods with a low glycemic index in your diet. But at the same time, it must stimulate the production of a hormone that is necessary for the absorption of glucose.


Glycemic index

Insulin index


62 ± 15

115 ± 13

White rice

110 ± 15

79 ± 12

Ice cream

70 ± 19

89 ± 13


74 ± 9

82 ± 6


76 ± 11

75 ± 8


141 ± 35

121 ± 11


39 ± 7

60 ± 3

Sugar pills

118 ± 18

160 ± 16

Baked beans

114 ± 18

120 ± 19

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Foods that promote the production of insulin dramatically increase blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is better to minimize their amount in the diet.

Insulin is produced by the beta cells of the pancreas, its production starts when carbohydrates and proteins enter the body

It is possible to normalize hormone production and prevent the development of diabetes mellitus if you eat fish, beef, nuts, and dairy products. Their insulin index level is higher than the glycemic one. They stimulate beta cells, but do not increase sugar.

TOP 10 foods with a high insulin index

The production of a hormonal substance by the pancreas is triggered when the body receives products that raise insulin in the blood. TOP-10 includes:

  • sweets (sweet pills);
  • chocolate bars;
  • potatoes;
  • White rice;
  • sweet yogurt;
  • White bread;
  • baked beans;
  • ice cream;
  • biscuit;
  • cake.

There are other foods that stimulate beta cells.

Comment! Not only carbohydrate but also protein foods increase insulin. For example, there will be sharp jumps in the level when eating low-fat sweet yogurt.

How to raise insulin in the body with foods

Carbohydrates quickly increase the level of pancreatic hormones. If you make buns and potatoes the basis of the diet, then you can provoke the development of insulin resistance. This is a condition in which hormonal substances are produced in large quantities, but the cells become insensitive to them. A person develops type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Foods with a high insulin content include not only sources of phytohormones (earthen pear, blueberry leaves). The list also includes low-fat protein foods.

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Doctors recommend focusing on:

  • lean meat - beef, chicken, turkey;
  • vegetable protein sources - legumes and their derivatives;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables rich in fiber.

For example, a beef steak does not contain carbohydrates, but produces the same insulin release as a serving of cereal bread. This reaction of the body is due to the fact that this hormone is involved in the production of new proteins and the absorption of amino acids. When eating meat, the concentration of glucose in the blood remains practically unchanged.

The consumption of carbohydrate foods in combination with protein foods quickly increases insulin levels. This is the effect of milk rice porridge or cottage cheese with sugar. Studies have shown that the insulin response to a combination of proteins and carbohydrates is 127% higher than when glucose alone is ingested.

You can increase insulin production with the help of dairy products. The maximum release of the protein hormone is observed with the use of sweet low-fat yoghurts, curd masses. But its excessive amount provokes the development of metabolic disorders. Gradually, cells become insensitive to the pancreatic hormone, and insulin resistance occurs. This leads to obesity, type 2 diabetes.

Sugar-free low-fat yoghurts, curds can provoke the development of hyperinsulinemia

It is advisable to include in the diet foods containing insulin only on the recommendation of the attending physician. This is necessary for people in whom the pancreas produces insufficient hormones. In the absence of metabolic disturbances, it is best to adhere to the principles of good nutrition.


Insulin-boosting foods are essential for people to stimulate the beta cells of the pancreas. Its natural sources are Jerusalem artichoke, blueberry leaves, cinnamon. Increases the production of hormonal substances by including carbohydrates in the menu. Its maximum release into the bloodstream is observed with the simultaneous use of glucose and protein foods.

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