Why a pear is useful

The birthplace of pears is Ancient Greece. Previously, people did not eat raw fruits, considering them poisonous. Only from the leaves did the men spin self-garden. Today, the pear is the second most popular after the apple, and is popularly considered the “queen of fruits” due to its many beneficial and taste properties. What are the benefits and harms of pears for human health?

The chemical composition and calorie content of a pear

The calorie content of a pear per 100 grams is only 42 kcal. As part of the fruit:

  • fructose, which has a beneficial effect on the function of the pancreas;
  • vitamins of group B1, B2, C, P, E;
  • trace elements (phosphorus, iodine, potassium, iron, sulfur);
  • folic acid;
  • essential oils that suppress inflammation, strengthen the immune system;
  • fiber, which gives a feeling of fullness, lowers blood cholesterol;
  • plant fibers, which prevent the deposition of salts in the kidneys and liver, stimulating the excretion of bile;
  • a unique phytosterol capable of neutralizing bad cholesterol, burning excess fat in the body;
  • flavonoids are vegetable acids that have a powerful natural antioxidant effect.
Comment! There is much less sucrose in a pear than in an apple. Although in sweet varieties, the percentage of sugar can be higher.

What vitamins are contained in pear

Pear is a multivitamin dietary fruit. If you take it regularly in food, then it is vitamins that contribute to:

  • rendering diuretic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic action;
  • increasing resistance to infections;
  • relieving depression;
  • protecting the skin from aging due to the antioxidant properties of vitamins C, E;
  • exerting a beneficial effect on the pancreas, which is important for people with diabetes.

The composition includes vitamins - A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E:

  1. Vitamin K prevents the risk of atherosclerosis.
  2. Vitamin E is an active participant in the normalization of hormonal levels, a stimulant of ovulation and weight loss in women
  3. Vitamin B renews and regenerates cells.
  4. Folic acid is an essential ingredient for women during pregnancy. Renews and accelerates cell division in the body, prevents damage to the nervous system in newborns.

Useful properties of pear

Pears are recommended to be eaten by children, pregnant women, the elderly, patients with stomach and intestinal problems.

Many doctors and adherents of a healthy diet constantly talk about the invaluable benefits of the fruit. So, if you constantly drink tea from the leaves, then there will be a healing effect on the kidneys.

Unconditional benefits of a pear:

  • strengthening of blood vessels, immune forces of the body;
  • suppression of inflammatory processes;
  • normalization of the functions of hematopoiesis, thyroid gland, digestive processes, intestinal microflora;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • elimination of toxins, poisons;
  • improved heart function;
  • increased hemoglobin;
  • elimination of heartburn, deficiency of trace elements and vitamins;
  • increased energy;
  • decrease in body temperature thanks to arbutin - a natural antibiotic in the composition;
  • healing of wounds, cracks, cuts on the skin;
  • restoration of hormonal levels.

Why a pear is useful for men

The fragrant fruit is considered a male fruit because regular use contributes to:

  • increasing potency;
  • elimination of premature baldness (alopecia);
  • preventing the development of prostatitis;
  • anti-cancer effect (if taken in combination with ginger);
  • reduction of alcohol intoxication, elimination of hangover syndrome.
Advice! If you drink 1 glass of fresh juice or eat a fruit before drinking alcohol, then dryness and thirst in the mouth, headache after drinking will not bother you.

The benefits of pears for women

The composition of the fruit contains folic acid, which is indispensable for women during pregnancy, it will prevent the development of pathologies of the nervous system in infants, normalize cell division and renewal.

Vegetable fibers in the composition of the fetus are good at eliminating constipation, normalizing bowel function, which is also often encountered by women before childbirth.

Vitamins and trace elements protect the body from free radical damage:

  • vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant, helps to slow down skin aging, has a beneficial effect on hair and nails (activating their growth);
  • vitamin C - cancer prevention, which is important for women after 40 years.

Other minerals in the composition have a beneficial effect on the formation of hormonal levels and normalize ovulation in women. Taking a juicy fruit during menopause will help improve your mood and make it easier to get through this time.

If you are worried about cystitis, it is recommended to eat pears in combination with cranberries, rowan berries to provide a diuretic effect.

Pear for children

Many mothers ask: at what age can children be given a pear? Sweet fragrant fruits practically do not contain allergens, therefore, they should be included in the diet of infants up to 1 year old to stimulate growth. In addition, the digestibility of pears is much better than that of apples and other fruits:

  • pure juice is allowed to drink from 4 months;
  • puree - from 6 months.

Doctors recommend:

  • introduce pears for babies into complementary foods in a baked form, because allergic substances may still be present in the composition;
  • prepare decoctions of dried fruits to eliminate fever and colds, to normalize digestion;
  • prepare a drink or alternate with oat broth.
Advice! Pear seeds are an excellent remedy for diarrhea in children. Also to increase the body's defenses as a whole.

Benefits of pears during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The pear is considered a safe fruit for pregnant and lactating women. It is recommended to eat at high temperatures and kidney disease to relieve inflammation.


  1. Folic acid is an important element for women in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, preventing the development of fetal malformations.
  2. Vitamin C is excellent at fighting infections.
  3. Iron prevents the risk of anemia.
  4. Potassium normalizes the work of the heart, forms the skeletal system in the unborn baby.
  5. The fibers in the composition prevent constipation (often manifested in pregnant women), compensate for iron deficiency.

Pregnant women tend to gain weight, but the pear is a dietary product, so you can safely eat it in any trimester. The main thing is not to get carried away. To provide healthy energy, replenish the body with useful components, it is enough to eat 2-3 fruits a day.

Is it possible to eat a pear while losing weight

The fibers in the fruit accelerate metabolic processes, quickly satisfy hunger, and give a feeling of fullness. The process ultimately contributes to weight loss.

To get the desired results, the main thing is to take the fruit correctly:

  • chew the slices slowly;
  • cook in the oven, baking until fragrant.
Attention! When dieting, a baked pear is no worse than a fresh one. For the purpose of losing weight, it is recommended to eat it in this form.

The women themselves note that with a pear diet it is easy and comfortable to lose weight. The main thing is to eat aromatic ripe fruits or table varieties, where the calorie content is slightly lower than in dessert ones. The calorie content of one pear is not more than 45 calories. To increase the effect, it is possible to combine fruits with apples.

A pear is good for the liver when eaten with its peel. After all, fiber will enhance the elimination of toxins and toxins from the body. If you develop a diet correctly, then losing weight by 3-5 kg ​​in a week is quite possible.

The use of pears in traditional medicine

From the fruit, you can prepare different recipes with the addition of honey, ginger.

A decoction of the leaves or pear tea is useful for men with prostatitis, prostate adenoma. If you prepare tea or water tincture, you can take it for heartburn, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver.

Freshly squeezed juice diluted with water is beneficial for diabetics to lower blood sugar levels. Compotes without added sugar - for people with urolithiasis.

A decoction of dried fruits relieves cough, eliminates diarrhea.

Pear for diabetes

The fruit normalizes blood sugar levels, so diabetics can and should use it. In addition, the constant intake of decoction, pear jelly:

  • relieve chronic fatigue, stress, depression;
  • will have a beneficial effect on the functions of the pancreas, kidneys, liver.

Is it possible to have a pear for gastritis

The fruit is not considered an absolutely prohibited product for gastritis, however, it is possible to eat only at the stage of remission and safely include it in the diet if gastritis with high acidity is diagnosed. But with a reduced secretion of the stomach, it is better to minimize the intake of the fruit. For gastritis, pear drink is not allowed:

  • take on an empty stomach, preferably after lunch, before breakfast, instead of dessert;
  • drink water;
  • seize heavy dense food.

You can eat the fruit for gastritis raw, or bake, boil.

Pear juice will benefit from inflammation of the gastric mucosa, it should be natural (not packaged from the store). The main thing with gastritis is not to take spoiled and overripe fruits that can cause an upset stomach.

The use of pears in cosmetology

Due to its many medicinal properties, the fruit has found wide application in cosmetology, because it retains its properties even after heat treatment.

The fruit can be found in many creams, masks, scrubs. It is considered the best ingredient in anti-aging cosmetics because it helps:

  • increasing the elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • getting rid of wrinkles, acne;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • rendering of a whitening, tonic, refreshing effect;
  • elimination of problems with dandruff, if you rub pear juice into hair follicles;
  • making the skin smooth and velvety, if you wipe your face with a fruit composition.

Pear face masks

The fruit relieves inflammation well, tones and refreshes the integument of the skin, strengthens blood vessels. Found widespread use in the manufacture of face masks at home. Fetus:

  • has a whitening, regenerating and tonic effect;
  • restores skin turgor, elasticity;
  • treats acne;
  • prevent the formation of acne;
  • strengthens the capillaries on the face;
  • prevents the appearance of rosacea, pigmentation.

Due to the rich chemical composition, lotions, masks, and whitening creams are prepared from the fruit. Also proven to have an excellent exfoliating effect.

Pear combined with almond oil tones the skin, smoothes wrinkles, and removes muscle sagging. Pear juice in combination with buckwheat flour is an excellent natural remedy for narrowing and cleansing pores, and together with cream and starch it is a good mask for aging skin.

A mask of pear puree, semolina and patchouli ether will restore the epidermis, moisturize the skin, give freshness and elasticity. To have a cleansing (tonic, rejuvenating) effect, you can use a mixture of pear, clay and soda.

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Attention! Pear puree well removes acne, relieves inflammation, has a lifting effect, removes dead skin particles.

Hair Pear

Pear hair masks are an excellent remedy for all types of strands. Firming, restorative cosmetics for damaged curls are easy to prepare at home.

The benefits of pear seeds and fresh juice for hair are enormous thanks to pectin, acids, vitamins A, C, B, E in the composition. So, to give the strands a larger volume, you can prepare a mask from seeds and fruit peels:

  • grind into gruel;
  • add swollen gelatin;
  • mix;
  • apply to hair, spreading over the entire length;
  • withstand 15 minutes;
  • wash off with shampoo.

The benefits of dried and dried pears

All the benefits of arbutin as a natural antibiotic:

  • baked pear is useful for the prevention of prostatitis in men;
  • a decoction of dried fruits is an excellent remedy for high temperatures in winter;
  • dried fruit compote - anesthetic, diuretic, antitussive agent.

The benefits of pear juice will be obvious when:

  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of blood vessels, heart.

The calorie content of dried and dried pears does not exceed 5 kcal. Antioxidants in the composition normalize blood pressure indicators.

The benefits of pear leaves

Leaves are no less useful than the pulp, because they have anti-inflammatory, antifungal properties.

Pear leaf decoction:

  • treats rheumatism, cystitis;
  • removes stones and sand from the kidneys;
  • reduces sweating;
  • relieves inflammation, so it can be used by women for douching.

What can be made from pears

Many healthy recipes are made from the fruit:

  • preparations for the winter in their own juice;
  • pear juice;
  • pie;
  • dessert with cottage cheese;
  • jam;
  • tea from pear branches;
  • juices, compotes;
  • snacks;
  • garnish for meat and fish;
  • salad with cheese.

Pear is a product used in many diet salads because it removes toxins, toxins, cholesterol from the body and creates a feeling of fullness.

How many pears can you eat per day

You can not lean on pears, eat without measure, it can, instead of benefit, cause enormous harm to the body. Normally, you can eat 2-3 fruits per day. The main thing is not to eat on an empty stomach and do not drink water.

Advice! It is undesirable to eat overripe or unripe fruits, which may contain high concentrations of acetaldehyde and cause indigestion.

Unripe fruits contain woody cellulose, which causes heaviness in the stomach.

How to choose a pear

When choosing, you should pay attention to the sweetness and aroma. The fruit should give off a sweet aroma even when uncut.

Pear storage

For storage, you need to harvest the fruit as it ripens:

  • in May-June, flowers and leaves are collected for medicinal purposes;
  • in June-August - fruits of summer varieties;
  • in September - fruits of autumn varieties;
  • in October - fruits of winter varieties with the possibility of fresh storage.

Summer and autumn varieties can be dried, canned for the winter in the form of jam, jam.

Before drying, pears must be heat treated, dipped in boiling water for a few minutes (sugar, cinnamon, lemon juice can be added to the water).

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It is important to dry the fruit in the shade, but after keeping it under the sun for up to 3 days. Next, the fruits are placed for drying in well-ventilated rooms (on racks) or the fruits are strung on a strong thread.

You can dry the pear in the oven at t + 55 ... + 60 0FROM.

Dried fruits store well in slotted wooden crates. The main thing is to lay it so that the stalks are at the top and the pears (if possible) do not touch each other.

Pear harm and contraindications

Despite the many benefits of the fruit, there are still contraindications:

  • the pear is not used on an empty stomach;
  • with caution in diseases of the intestines, stomach.

Elderly people should eat fruits in moderation, avoiding sour, tart pear varieties.


What are the benefits and harms of a pear, people should know in order to use it for the benefit of health and not harm the body.

The fragrant low-calorie fruit does not lose valuable properties even after freezing and drying. You can use a pear for medicinal purposes throughout the year.

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