Red cabbage: benefits and harms, what to cook

The benefits and harms of red cabbage have some differences from the properties of the white cabbage. The main difference between varieties is the color and hardness of the leaves. The red-headed plant variety is considered less juicy, coarser, but also more useful. The beneficial properties of red cabbage are used in folk medicine and cooking.

Description of red cabbage

Homeland of red cabbage in the Mediterranean. From there it came to Western Europe, and in the 17th century it appeared in the Russian Empire. Since then, the red-headed variety has been grown on personal subsidiary plots, industrially, for sale for the sake of its useful properties.

Outwardly, red cabbage differs from white only in color - the head of cabbage looks like its green-white counterpart, only smaller and denser. There is no difference in taste, but if the red vegetable is not kneaded before use, it will be tough and will not juice.

When cooked, cabbage retains its color, which gives the dishes an original look. This does not in any way affect the benefits or harms of the product. Properties have little to do with color.

The taste of red cabbage is sharper, sharper than that of white. This feature makes the variety less attractive to those who try the vegetable for the first time.

Important! The red-headed plant variety tolerates extreme climatic conditions well. However, white cabbage varieties are more popular due to their greater prevalence in cooking.

Composition and calorie content of red cabbage

The health benefits and harms of red cabbage are explained by the substances contained in the vegetable:

  • vitamins A, C, E, K, H, U;
  • vitamins PP, groups B1, B2, B5, B6, B9;
  • iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc;
  • iodine, potassium, calcium;
  • manganese, phosphorus;
  • folic acid;
  • fiber, carbohydrates;
  • amino acids, vegetable protein;
  • phytoncides, anthocyanins.

Calorie content per 100 g of product is 26 kcal. During strict diets, it is irreplaceable.

Important! The content of vitamins A and C in red cabbage is higher than in white.

Useful properties of red cabbage

The health benefits and harms of purple cabbage are manifested in different ways for people of different ages and genders. How the vegetable manifests itself depends on the health state of the user. Interestingly, the red-headed variety improves the condition of the hair, is good for the teeth, but this property is overlooked.

The vegetable can be harmful if consumed excessively. As with any other product, you should follow the measure, caution. Meals should be balanced, mono diets do not bring anything good to health.

General useful qualities of the product:

  • prevention of tuberculosis;
  • prevention of oncology;
  • cleansing the blood and body;
  • cleansing the skin when washing with juice;
  • elimination of insomnia, depression;
  • improvement of vision;
  • diuretic effect;
  • antibacterial action;
  • neutralization of the consequences of alcohol consumption;
  • protects against osteoporosis.

For adult men and women

The main beneficial properties of the plant are universal for both sexes. The vegetable contributes to:

  • cleansing the circulatory system;
  • helps to treat diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • cleansing the body of smokers;
  • rejuvenation of the body.

For men, a separate benefit: the prevention of prostate cancer is a special case of a general nature, to protect against oncology.

For women, red cabbage is useful for benign breast lesions in the form of leaf compresses. The vegetable is believed to delay the onset of menopause.

Red-headed vegetable does not directly affect potency. Due to the ability to cleanse the body, it can improve the situation, but not necessarily. It will definitely not bring harm.

For the elderly

People over 50 years of age benefit from the properties of cabbage to strengthen the immune system, protect against Alzheimer's disease, and preserve memory. It also serves to prevent heart disease, blood vessels. The vegetable will help build stronger bones.

In the presence of chronic diseases, the consultation of a therapist is required, especially for the elderly. Otherwise, instead of good, it will bring harm.

For children

A vegetable should be given to a child with caution - at an early age, it causes problems with the digestive system. The benefits of blue cabbage for children:

  • strengthening of immunity;
  • help in brain work, concentration, memory improvement;
  • strengthening the muscular system;
  • participation in the formation of bones.

Despite the potential harm to children's digestion, it can be beneficial if used carefully. It is imperative to consult a pediatrician.

Important! The claim that red cabbage is the cause of childhood diathesis is controversial. However, an allergy to a vegetable can occur in both a child and an adult.

Is red cabbage possible for pregnant and lactating mothers

Red cabbage is more beneficial than harmful during pregnancy. Properties to strengthen immunity, improve skin, teeth, hair will help to endure a difficult period without any particular difficulties. An increase in the diet of vegetables rich in trace elements will reduce the use of dietary supplements.

During the feeding period, red cabbage is not consumed so as not to provoke bloating in the child, colic, and other problems. Also, an allergy attack in infants is undesirable - it is much more difficult to remove it than in an adult.

Red cabbage for weight loss

The low calorie content of fresh red cabbage makes the vegetable a valuable aid for losing weight. The high content of dietary fiber, nutrients in the red-headed variety reduces the harm from the diet. As a result, weight loss takes place with less damage to the body.

Salads, stews, sauerkraut are important components of a balanced diet. Most of the beneficial micronutrients are obtained from the red-headed plant variety, which allows you to reduce the intake of dietary supplements.

The benefits of red cabbage for weight loss are greater if you make a salad with sunflower oil. It is permissible to add vinegar only if there are no stomach problems. In other cases, it is more useful to add calories by supplementing the product with sour cream. Mayonnaise is not allowed in diet meals.

Folk recipes with red cabbage

The health benefits of red cabbage are known in herbal medicine and informal medicine. One of the advantages is no harm when applied externally, with the exception of possible allergies. With internal use, undesirable reactions are possible, but with the timely detection of the presence of contraindications, they are minimized.

For cough and bronchitis

For these diseases, a simple infusion of a red-headed plant is prepared. Ease of preparation does not diminish useful properties, does not add harm.

  • 100 g of leaves are finely chopped;
  • pour 1 tbsp. boiling water (250 ml);
  • insist an hour, filter.

Until the moment of recovery, they drink 3 times a day.If, instead of improving the condition, extraneous symptoms appear, the state of health worsens, it is necessary to stop such treatment, consult a therapist.

The infusion cannot be replaced with juice. The benefits and harms of red cabbage juice are somewhat different. The properties are generally identical, but they are less pronounced in decoctions, infusions and salads. The juice can be diluted with water.

With hypertension

Ordinary dishes with red cabbage save from high blood pressure. It is recommended to drink 1 tbsp for 2 weeks. juice a day.

Drinking juice is more effective than salad, it contains more substances. However, fresh cabbage is safer, tastier, you can cook various dishes from it, supplement it with other products.

Care should be taken when consuming these foods so as not to drop the blood pressure too much.

Important! With low blood pressure, juice should not be abused. Salads and other dishes can be eaten in moderation.

From bruises and abrasions

Such troubles are treated with leaf compresses. There are 2 main options:

  1. Apply gruel from crushed raw materials, applying a bandage, a plaster, otherwise the compress is fixed, it is permissible to make it warm. By adding a few pounded comfrey leaves, you can speed up the healing process.
  2. Apply the leaves without treatment, fixing with an elastic bandage.

Which method is more effective depends on the situation. However, other methods of treating bruises and abrasions will be more beneficial.

The third, alternative option: lightly steamed whole leaves are fixed in place of the injury.

For joint pain

A drink made from black currant leaves and a red-headed plant is useful for sore joints.

  • 8 g of currant leaves are poured with 250 ml of boiling water;
  • insist 4 hours;
  • filter and mix with cabbage juice (150 ml);
  • Drink 150 ml of the drink 2 times a day.

The therapy lasts 2–3 weeks. If necessary, after consulting a specialist, repeat the course of treatment.

Before you start taking a drink, you should find out the nature of the pain. Perhaps the disease is serious, requiring medical attention.

With cardiovascular diseases

For treatment, prevention of cardiovascular diseases, a drink with hawthorn inflorescences is useful:

  • 2 g of hawthorn flowers are poured into 300 ml of hot water;
  • insist 20 minutes;
  • filter and cool the liquid;
  • add 150 ml of red plant juice.

The remedy is taken up to 1.5 weeks, drinking one portion at a time. But despite all the benefits, an attempt to self-medicate will cause irreparable harm to health. During exacerbations, folk remedies are indispensable.

Boost immunity

A simple recipe for a drink to increase the body's resistance - 125 ml of beet juice is mixed with 150 ml of cabbage juice and is drunk for a month once a day.

Recommended reading:  Beets: beneficial properties and contraindications

The second option is to make an infusion of rose hips and cabbage. For this you will need:

  1. For 1 liter of water, put 1 tbsp. l. rose hips.
  2. Put 100 g of leaves from the head.
  3. Pour 1 liter of boiling water.
  4. Insist 30 minutes in a thermos.
  5. Strain and pour into a more convenient container.
  6. For taste, put 1–3 tsp. honey.
Recommended reading:  Rosehip infusion: benefits and harms, how to cook
Important! Cabbage will enhance immunity in any form. Even if you just chew on the untreated leaves, you will see moderate benefit.

With oncological diseases

Red cabbage is beneficial as a preventative against various types of cancer. The following recipe is recommended for protection against oncology:

  1. For 100 g of red cabbage, take 60 g of hazelnuts (hazelnuts), 40 g of honey and 80 g of avocado.
  2. Chop cabbage and avocado finely.
  3. The nuts are pounded.
  4. The chopped products are mixed.
  5. Add honey, mix again.
  6. Store in the refrigerator.
Recommended reading:  Hazelnuts: useful properties and contraindications

The product is taken 30 g before meals, preferably 5 times a day. The course is 1 month.

Important! It is impossible to treat oncology only with folk remedies. Alternative medicine methods should be fully coordinated with the attending physician.

Recommendations for eating red cabbage

In addition to benefits, the red-headed plant variety does little harm. Therefore, before use, you should check if there is one of the contraindications:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • allergies;
  • acute phase of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disruption of the thyroid gland.

When there are no contraindications, it is permissible to eat red cabbage in the same quantities as other foods. The benefits in this case will greatly outweigh the potential harm. The properties of the red-headed variety are best revealed in salads, pickled.

Red cabbage recipes

You can get benefits for the body from red cabbage without harming the body with the help of various dishes.

Salad with cucumbers, cabbage cheese:

  1. Cheese is rubbed on a coarse grater, cabbage is finely chopped.
  2. Cucumbers cut into strips are added.
  3. Finely chop greens, pour into salad.
  4. Season the dish with mayonnaise or sour cream, add salt and pepper to taste.

The ratio of vegetables to cheese varies in taste. Add hard-boiled eggs if desired.

Salad with squid, corn, cucumbers:

  1. 300 g of squid are cooked until tender.
  2. 1 carrot fruit is rubbed on a coarse grater.
  3. 1 medium-sized cucumber, coarsely chopped.
  4. Mix everything in a salad bowl.
  5. Add 250 g of finely chopped red cabbage.
  6. Put 150 g of canned corn.
  7. Season the salad with mayonnaise, salt, chopped herbs to taste.

If desired, it is permissible to replace corn with green peas; it is permissible not to add carrots, increasing the amount of cabbage and cucumbers.

The easiest way is to make a salad of equal amounts of purple and white varieties by pouring olive oil over the dish. In this case, it is necessary to knead the vegetables properly so that they give juice, become softer.

It is permissible to improvise with salad recipes, add ingredients to taste, change the ratio. The only thing that should not be allowed when preparing a dish is an excess of an ingredient that interrupts the taste of others.

Which cabbage is healthier: white or red cabbage

The beneficial properties of red cabbage are slightly different from the qualities of white cabbage. It is impossible to say exactly which one is more useful, although the concentration of useful substances in violet is higher. Maximum vitamins get:

  • mixing 2 plant varieties;
  • eating cabbage with oil: olive or sunflower;
  • from sauerkraut, especially from mixing 2 types;
  • to avoid harm, the product is eaten without vinegar.

The properties of the red and white varieties complement each other, but both are beneficial to use separately.

How to choose and store red cabbage

When choosing a suitable copy, you need to pay attention to the absence of:

  • dry, sluggish leaves;
  • mechanical damage on the surface of the head;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • leaf moisture;
  • the density of the head.

The storage of red cabbage and white varieties are no different. It is advisable to keep in the refrigerator, cold dark pantries. Packages, moisture will have a detrimental effect on the safety of the product. In total, it can lie fresh for about a month. In this case, useful properties will be partially lost.

Important! There will be no harm from a long-stored cabbage, but as storage progresses, the benefits decrease. Better to preserve the vegetable.


The benefits and harms of red cabbage are supported by science. Due to its properties, it is recommended to include a vegetable in the diet for people of different ages. Using equal amounts of white and red cabbage is healthier than just one of them.

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