How to remove mold odor from a washing machine

A washing machine is an indispensable attribute of almost every household, which could greatly facilitate the process of washing clothes. Sometimes small black dots begin to appear on the parts of the car, and an unpleasant, rotten smell emanates from it - this is nothing more than a fungus. Getting rid of the mold smell in the washing machine is a task that will require special knowledge and tricks to complete.

Why did the washing machine smell like mold?

Before proceeding with the question of how to remove the smell of mold in the washing machine, you should understand the reasons why it appears there. If you eradicate these factors and know how to properly handle an electrical appliance, in the future it will be possible to avoid elementary mistakes that lead to the appearance of fungus and odor.

The main reason for the appearance and spread of mold on various parts of the machine and the subsequent unpleasant smell from it is improper handling of the device. Housewives neglect some of the rules for working with this unit, which is why it may become impossible to use it later. The most important reasons for the appearance of fungus in the car:

  • Frequent washing of laundry in the short, quick wash mode at a low temperature. This, of course, saves time and is quite convenient in the modern pace of life, when there is no time to wash one batch of things for 2 hours. However, for mildew and bad odors, washing at such low temperatures and the humidity that is constantly present in the washing machine are ideal conditions for the development of mold;
  • Purchase of one universal cleaning powder that is suitable for washing all kinds of clothes. Meanwhile, the use of a powder, which contains bleaching ingredients, will not only help to give the laundry a snow-white look, but also prevent harmful mold and unpleasant odors from spreading in the car;
  • Use of rinse aid without performing an additional rinse. Rinse aid tends to leave a characteristic slimy coating on all parts of the machine, which does not disappear after one rinse. This environment is also ideal for the spread of the fungus;
  • Humidity and dampness. After using the washing machine, only a few housewives wipe the gum dry, rinse and dry the powder reservoir and the machine itself. Meanwhile, if this is not done, then soon the mold will probably make itself felt.

How to remove fungus from various elements of a washing machine

The fungus can spread to all elements of the washing machine, and getting rid of it will be problematic. Depending on which element of the washing machine has been colonized with pores of mushrooms, you should choose the cleaning composition used and how to remove the fungus from the washing machine.

Washing machine element

A remedy to get rid of mold

Mode of application

Rubber compressor

Lemon + detergent + water

Apply the composition for a day on the entire surface of the seal. After the required amount of time, start washing at the highest possible temperature mode.

Container for detergent and rinse aid for linen

Any product that contains bleach / soda + water

Remove the reservoir from the machine, use a brush to clean, rinse, dry and reinstall.

Filter Machine

Whiteness / Acetic Acid

· It is necessary to shut off the water;

· Disconnect the filler hose from the mountings;

· Pull out the filter;

· Clean and rinse with whiteness or acetic acid solution, if necessary, immediately treat the drain hose in the same way;

· Put everything in place.

Drain hose

Sewer cleaners

In order to clean the hose from mold, without carrying out its dismantling, these funds must be poured into the container for detergent powder and start washing at the highest possible temperature.

How to remove mold from a washing machine using folk methods

In order to get rid of the mold smell in the washing machine, it is not necessary to immediately run to the household chemicals department and look for a suitable product there. Everything you need to cope with the problem that has arisen can be found at home. These components are very budgetary and can effectively get rid of mold, not inferior in this process even to modern chemicals. The main rule in this case is to comply with all the necessary recommendations for the use of the chosen cleaning method and to get rid of the problem with the washing machine qualitatively.

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How to remove mold from a washing machine with soda

Soda is a substance that has been helping to get rid of mold and its smell for more than a dozen years. It can be found in every household and will help you quickly and effectively overcome dirt and fungi on the surface of the rubber seal, the reservoir for cleaning components and rinse aid. To properly get rid of the fungus with soda, you must:

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  • mix the substance with water in such a proportion so that the consistency turns out to be a mushy mass;
  • using an unnecessary toothbrush or a regular dishwashing sponge, apply the prepared cleaning composition to the places affected by the fungus;
  • leave everything in this form for about half an hour;
  • start one wash cycle (at the highest possible temperature), and to enhance the effect, 2 tablespoons of cleaning powder can be added to the container for cleaning components.
Important! This technique will help not only get rid of mold in the washing machine, but also quickly cope with the unpleasant odor that comes from the machine, thanks to the properties of soda to absorb stench.

How to remove mold odor in a washing machine with vinegar

Acetic acid, due to its highly alkaline composition, has a detrimental effect on mold colonies and will help to easily get rid of microorganisms that filled the car, and, therefore, will be able to eliminate the mold smell in it. In order to use this technique correctly, it is important to follow the algorithm of actions:

  • Start the washing cycle of the machine (without laundry). In this case, it is necessary to select the mode of washing cotton linen at the highest possible temperature;
  • Wait until the first batch of water enters the drum;
  • Pour 125 ml of acetic acid into the container for cleaning components.

Washing will help get rid of the mold, and there will be no trace of the stench.

How to remove mold in a washing machine using household chemicals

Many owners of washing machines are thinking about how to remove the fungus in the washing machine, if traditional methods have not helped to get rid of the mold smell.In this case, you need to pay special attention to household chemicals. Thanks to the special chemical composition, they will help to cope with the trouble that has arisen and get rid of it quickly and efficiently.

Important! When using any specialized household chemicals in order to get rid of the fungus in the washing machine, you should strictly follow the recommendations for their use indicated on the bottle or product packaging.

In addition, you should protect your hands from contact with chemicals, and for this it is best to use rubber gloves.

Dishwasher special tablets

Although they are mainly used for cleaning dirty dishes, they can also get rid of the mold smell in the car. This requires:

  • prepare 6 - 7 tablets;
  • place the cleaning agent directly into the drum of the washing machine;
    Important! The capsules should be placed strictly in the drum, not in the container for the cleaning component and rinse aid.
  • run the washing mode in the machine with the highest possible temperature regime;
  • stop the procedure approximately in the middle of the wash cycle;
  • leave everything unchanged for about 3 hours;
  • start the continuation of the wash cycle.

Dishwashing gel

Any kind of gel-like dish soap will also help get rid of this kind of problem with washing machines. This requires:

  • prepare an unnecessary toothbrush and cleaning gel;
  • use a toothbrush and dish gel to treat all parts of the machine affected by the fungus;
  • start one wash cycle (without laundry).

If the method did not allow you to get rid of the trouble the first time, then the whole procedure for removing the mold smell from the car should be repeated again. Getting rid of the smell after reuse is obtained in 95% of cases.


This is a special product in the form of a spray, which makes it as easy to use as possible. It is specially designed to combat contamination of various origins on rubber parts and in the drum of automatic machines, therefore it is also well suited to get rid of the smell of fungus in the device. Sequencing:

  • spray the product on surfaces infected with the fungus;
  • wait a short period of time (1 - 2 minutes);
  • thoroughly rinse the cleaning compound from the elements of the device.


The chemical composition of this product must also be sprayed on the surface to be treated. It will disinfect all parts of the device and help get rid of fungus and odors.

Cillit bang

A fairly effective drug that helps get rid of the smell of the fungus. It is not recommended to treat rubber elements of cars with this agent, as it can damage them. If it was not possible to get rid of the smell the first time, you can repeat the procedure.

Preventing mold in the washing machine

It is always easier to perform certain actions to prevent the appearance of fungus than to subsequently look for a way to get rid of the mold smell in the washing machine. There are several basic rules that every owner of a washing machine must follow:

  • After finishing washing, wipe the drum and rubber seal dry each time. As you know, the best friend of mold is moisture, so in order not to leave the fungus a single chance, you need to create a dry environment in the machine;
  • At the end of using the appliance, leave the machine door open for at least several hours to ensure air circulation in the drum;
  • The reservoir for washing powder and rinse aid must be removed and cleaned after each use of the unit, after which do not insert it in its proper place until it is completely dry;
  • As a rule, it is necessary to take the fact that at the end of the wash cycle, the laundry must be removed from the machine, and not left there for an indefinite amount of time. It also creates a positive environment for the spread of harmful microorganisms;
  • The washing machine cannot be used as a basket for dirty laundry;
  • Use the correct amount of fabric softener. Since this substance is already poorly washed out from the elements of the unit, an increase in the norms of its use will only aggravate the situation with mold. As a preventive measure, when using the air conditioner, it is advised to include an additional rinse mode;
  • Run a wash without laundry at the highest possible temperature once a month. To increase the effectiveness of this procedure, it is necessary to add bleaching powder to the tank for cleaning components;
  • Once every six months, you should carry out enhanced cleaning of the elements of the washing machine using acetic or citric acid.


Getting rid of the mildew odor in a washing machine is not an easy task. In order to solve it, you can use both improvised means and folk methods, and resort to specialized household chemicals from the store. In any case, without solving this issue, the full use of the washing machine will become impossible, and the mold itself will increasingly spread to various elements of the electrical appliance.

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