What foods are bad for teeth: top 10 most destructive

Dentists claim that dietary habits determine 90% of oral health. Eating healthy food and taking preventive measures can prevent periodontal disease. It is necessary to limit and, if possible, exclude harmful products for teeth. This is due to their damaging effects.

What foods are bad for teeth

Food nourishes not only the body, but also the bacteria living in the oral cavity. Foods include carbohydrates, which create a favorable environment for pathogenic flora. Microorganisms convert sugar to acid. It damages the dentition by washing out the calcium. The process is accompanied by an increase in the sensitivity of the tooth surfaces.

Bacteria penetrate through the forming microcracks. They provoke the development of periodontal disease. The abuse of harmful products causes the following pathologies:

  • caries;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontal disease.
Attention! It is important to know what food is detrimental to the enamel. Products that harm teeth are often corrosive.


The drinking regimen ensures the adequate functioning of all organs and systems. However, liquid cannot replace drinking pure water.

Various sweetened options are often preferred:

  • coffee and tea;
  • juices.

These names contribute to the destruction of enamel and lead to an increase in the sensitivity of the coronal part. This is accompanied by the onset of pain.

To minimize harm, it is advisable to drink sugary drinks using a straw. It is not recommended to keep the liquid in the mouth for a long time. After consuming the product, rinse the mouth with water.

Dentists strongly advise to reduce the amount of sugary drinks that harm teeth


Sugar, when ingested, reacts with microorganisms. The result is enamel-destroying acid. The most harmful foods include caramel, toffee, and hard candy. They can remain on the teeth for quite a long time, provoking the formation of cracks in the teeth.

The harm caused by sweet foods can be reduced. It is necessary to give preference to products that are characterized by a soft consistency (marshmallow or soufflé). Dessert should be eaten within a few minutes. After eating, use a rinse aid.


Frequent consumption of cold foods, such as ice cream or drinks, gradually thinns tooth enamel. The pathological process is accompanied by the formation of microcracks and the accumulation of bacteria that harm the oral cavity.

During the consumption of cold food, severe pain syndrome often occurs, indicating a violation of the integrity of the surface of the teeth


The most dangerous combination of contrast temperatures. The alternation of hot and cold dishes increases the sensitivity of the tooth enamel.

The food you eat should be warm


Products contain acids that damage the surface of the teeth. Prolonged exposure to enamel leads to a violation of its integrity.

After eating acidic foods, rinse your mouth with special solutions or plain water.

Carbonated drinks

The sweet product contains phosphoric acid, which interferes with the absorption of calcium. Abuse can lead to osteoporosis. The presence of sugar and acids has a destructive effect on tooth enamel. The consequences include the development of carious cavities.

Sugary sodas contain high concentrations of carbon dioxide, which can damage your teeth

Crispy croutons and chips

They not only scratch the enamel, but also damage the gums. The harm also lies in the fact that crispy foods are usually used for quick bites. As a rule, after using them, the oral cavity is not cleaned properly.

Various crispy foods can be replaced with nuts

What foods do teeth turn yellow

Food influences not only the integrity of the enamel, but also its color. The following foods are known to cause darkening of teeth:

  1. Coffee... The drink is both good and bad. It depends on the naturalness of the product and the frequency of its use. Exceeding the recommended amount leads to leaching of calcium from the bone tissue, which is accompanied by yellowing of the teeth. Particles of caffeine can settle in microcracks. The teeth become grayish.
    Adding cream to minimize harm to coffee
  2. Alcohol... Drinking alcohol is harmful to the entire body. The acidic environment softens the enamel, eliminates shine. This causes darkening of the teeth. The presence of sugar and dye, which are added to the cheapest names, is essential.
    Changes in the enamel shade are caused by the use of any alcoholic beverages
  3. Some medications... Antibacterial agents destroy beneficial microflora, which is accompanied by yellowing of the teeth. Analgesics, antidepressants, antipsychotics help to reduce the amount of saliva produced. This factor also affects the change in the shade of the enamel.
    Syrups and lozenges contain significant amounts of sugar and cause dark teeth

Top 10 most harmful and tooth-damaging foods

The effect of food on the state of the oral cavity is ambiguous. Some of the names help to strengthen teeth and gums. Products that spoil teeth are recommended to be excluded from the diet.


They contain a significant amount of sugar, which settles on the enamel and creates favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria. Sweets with a viscous consistency contribute to the wear of fillings and crowns.

Lollipops are more harmful to teeth than chocolates due to prolonged exposure to enamel and sharp edges


Pickles typically include vinegar, which is known for its tooth-damaging properties. The abuse of pickled foods leads to an increase in sensitivity, as well as a change in the shade of the enamel.

Choose fresh vegetables instead of pickles.

Berry jam containing small seeds

The product contains acid in high concentrations. A significant amount of sugar is also added to jams and preserves. Small bones are often clogged between tightly standing teeth, damaging the enamel.

Berry jam harms teeth due to acid, sugar content

Dried fruits

Apples, apricots and grapes lose moisture during drying. This leads to an increase in the concentration of sugar, which is harmful to oral health. In the process of chewing dried fruits, the particles often stick to the enamel, and also get stuck in the tooth spaces.

After using the product, you need to use special hygienic threads and rinse your mouth with herbal infusions, water, special solutions

Sunflower seeds

They are rich in minerals and vitamins that strengthen the dentition. However, misuse of the product can cause significant harm due to its hardness. You cannot open the seeds with your front teeth. This method of use causes thinning of the enamel and the formation of carious lesions.

Seeds should be peeled exclusively by hand or purchased pre-peeled kernels


Baked goods and sweets contain fast carbohydrates. The remains of such food in the interdental spaces decompose rather quickly. Disruption of healthy microflora creates good conditions for the life of harmful microorganisms.

Pastries and pastries lead to periodontal disease

Ketchup and tomato paste

These foods are acidic, which can damage the surfaces of teeth and gums. Frequent use of sauces and ketchup leads to increased sensitivity and pain.

Tomatoes and products based on them negatively affect the state of the enamel
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Pasta and potatoes

These products damage teeth. This is due to the presence of starch in the composition. During the chewing process, adhering pieces remain on the surface, which are a breeding ground for the reproduction of harmful microbes.

The starchy substances of pasta and potatoes interact with saliva, resulting in the formation of sugar


It is known that grapefruit, lime, orange and lemon are fruits with a rich vitamin and mineral composition. The damage to the teeth also lies in the abundance of acid, which acts aggressively. The substance dissolves calcium, which leads to the fragility of the coronal part.

Fresh and store-bought juices are harmful due to sugar content


Foods like soy sauce and balsamic vinegar give the sour taste. They cause enlargement of the pores on the surface of the teeth and disruption of their integrity.

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Turmeric and curry damage dentin pigmentation


Harmful products for teeth include various names. Their abuse leads to the occurrence of diseases of the oral cavity. Foods that damage teeth should be consumed in small quantities. It is important to carry out appropriate hygiene measures after eating.

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