How to remove ink from white clothes

A suddenly leaking pen rod or ink stains on clothes that have come from nowhere can cause a lot of problems. It is doubly offensive when a white product gets dirty. However, you should not give up on your favorite thing. It may not always be easy to wash the handle off a white shirt so that the item does not lose its original appearance, but it is quite possible.

Methods for removing the handle from white clothing

Today, the detergent market offers a wide range of different bleaches and detergents for all types of fabrics. However, you can remove the paste from white clothes in other ways. So, in addition to traditional powders and stain removers, ink can be washed off:

  • folk remedies;
  • household chemicals.

The choice of funds often depends solely on the preferences of the owners of the damaged item. Folk remedies and formulations based on household chemicals are captivating in their availability, since they can be found in every home. In turn, professional detergents, in addition to cleaning stains, provide proper care for the fabric.

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How to remove a ballpoint pen from white clothing

To wash a ballpoint pen off a white cloth, use a variety of store-bought cleaning products:

  • "Vanish";
  • "Ariel";
  • "Ace";
  • Faberlic;
  • "Persil".

These lines include preparations suitable for a specific type of white tissue. They not only allow you to remove the most difficult stains, but also gently care for clothes, helping to extend its service life.

In addition, there are inexpensive stain removers on the market that allow you to remove a pen from white clothes in just a few minutes, for example, Expert, which is produced in liquid form.

There are also special dry products that resemble the same pen or marker with a rod impregnated with cleaning compounds. To apply them, it is enough to draw a pen over the stain in a few strokes, and then wash the thing.

How to get a gel pen off white clothes

Unlike ballpoint pen marks, gel writing utensil stains are more difficult to remove from white clothing. This procedure requires some effort, however, in a similar situation, there are several proven methods:

Traces of dirt will disappear much faster if you soak a thing in cool water for 20 - 30 minutes, before adding a little "Whiteness" to it.

After the stain has formed, the soiled item should be washed off immediately by hand using a specialized soap called Antipyatin.

Washing in cold water with DURU laundry soap or bleaching soap will also help save the product from gel pen marks.

In addition to these methods, gel ink will help remove a variety of folk remedies from white clothes.

How to remove ink from white clothes using folk methods

There are many popular recipes to help cope with this problem. Among them, the following funds have shown the greatest efficiency:

  • lemon juice;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • acetone;
  • milk and whey;
  • soda;
  • ammonia;
  • laundry soap;
  • ethanol.
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In order to completely wash the handle without damaging the white fabric, you should carefully study the nuances in the use of each of the above means.

How to remove a pen from white clothing with acetone

Perhaps one of the fastest ways to remove pen stains is to expose white fabric to acetone. Thus, it is possible to remove contamination from almost any material. However, applying acetone directly to clothing can damage the fabric fibers, so it is mixed with ethyl alcohol in a 1: 1 ratio. Then they act according to the following scheme:

  1. A mixture of alcohol and acetone is poured into an iron or glass container and heated in a water bath without boiling.
  2. A cotton pad is moistened in a hot solution and the place of contamination is treated.
  3. Then the piece of clothing is ironed through wet gauze.
  4. If pale blue stains have formed on the white fabric, they are removed with ammonia.

It should be remembered that even in a diluted form, acetone is quite powerful and is not suitable for removing ink traces from delicate products made of thin materials, otherwise, along with the pigment, it will corrode the fabric. You can prevent damage to things if you do not ignore the inscriptions on the clothing label.

Important! It is not recommended to use enamelware for heating acetone - in order to avoid a chemical reaction of the coating with the solvent.

How to remove ink stain with white ammonia

Ammonia can also be very effective when you need to wipe the blue handle off white clothing, especially when used in combination with baking soda:

  1. In a deep saucepan, combine 1 tbsp. water, 1 tsp. ammonia and 1 tsp. soda.
  2. Mix the components until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. The composition is applied to the traces of the pen for 50 - 60 minutes.
  4. After all procedures, the thing is washed in water with the addition of a soap solution and rinsed thoroughly.

How to remove a pen stain on white laundry soap

When it comes to wiping a ballpoint pen off white items, don't forget the effectiveness of laundry soap. It is quite capable of coping with pollution on its own, but it is often used with ethyl alcohol:

  1. First, the ink marks are wiped with an alcohol-containing liquid.
  2. Then the dirt is lathered and left alone for a few minutes.
  3. After that, the product is washed at a temperature of 30-40 ° C, and then rinsed in cold water.

How to remove ink stains from white clothes with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide comes in handy when you need to safely remove the pen from white clothing, such as a children's school blouse or pajamas. You can also increase the effectiveness of peroxide by combining it with ammonia in a 2: 1 ratio. This solution is then applied to the contaminated area and allowed to soak for 10 to 15 minutes. After that, the thing should be washed in the usual way to get rid of the remaining ink.

How to remove pen paste from white clothes with rubbing alcohol

Vodka or ethyl alcohol will help to restore the cleanliness of white clothes and get rid of pen stains:

  1. To prevent the ink stain from spreading all over the clothes, a piece of cloth or paper towel is placed under the product.
  2. Cotton wool soaked in liquid is applied to the stained area, evenly distributing alcohol over the stain.
  3. At the end of processing, the item is sent to the wash.

This method can remove not only fresh ink stains but also old ones.

How to remove ink from white clothes with milk

You can use regular cow's milk to remove fresh pen marks from delicate whites. The damaged product is soaked in it and left for 1 - 2 hours, after which it is washed with soapy water.

Advice! Instead of fresh milk, you can use a slightly acidified product or whey without dyes or food additives. The bacteria in their composition, which are responsible for the fermentation process, will oxidize the stain, which will make it much faster to wash it off.

How to remove a pen from white clothes with household chemicals

In addition to using folk remedies, you can quite successfully remove the handle from white products using household chemicals.

So, ordinary dishwashing detergent is good for more than just cleaning dishes from grease. It can also remove the handle from your favorite white dressing gown, if you apply it on the stain for 15 - 20 minutes, then send the thing to the wash in accordance with the instructions.

Important! Ink marks should be removed from any clothing as soon as they appear. The longer the stain stays on the fabric, the higher the risk of it not being completely removed.

Hairspray will be an unexpected assistant in the fight against pen stains. It must be sprayed generously onto the stained area so that the varnish saturates the fabric through and through. Almost immediately, the stain will begin to lighten, so you should immediately clean it off with a napkin or sponge. The main condition with this method is to remove the ink as quickly as possible, without allowing the fabric to dry, otherwise the varnish will hold the pigment together, and it will be much more difficult to clean it. Place a clean rag under your clothes to absorb excess varnish.

The effectiveness of chalk is also noted against ballpoint pen marks. Cleaning with this tool is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. A piece of white chalk is ground into powder.
  2. Sprinkle the dirt with a thick layer of chalk chips.
  3. Cover the stain with a clean towel and place under a press for 2 hours.
  4. At the end of the period, the load is removed, and the chalk is shaken off the product. If necessary, the thing is washed.

If you want to wipe a pen off a white shirt, the cleansing properties of toothpaste come in handy. It is enough to rub the composition into a dirty place, and then wash the product. Shaving foam and greasy hand cream can be used in the same way.

Will save a white product and the use of children's talcum powder without fragrances. For this:

  1. The place of pollution is abundantly powdered with powder.
  2. Spray the treated area with lemon juice over the entire spot.
  3. The composition is rubbed in by hand, after which the item is put aside for 1 - 1.5 hours.
  4. Repeat the procedure if necessary.
Advice! In the absence of talc, you can use fine-grained salt for the same purpose.

Features of removing ink from various types of fabrics

Although most of the above methods for removing paste from the pen can be used regardless of the material: some fabrics require a specific treatment.

So, a pen from white clothes made of cotton or linen, for example, a shirt or T-shirt, can be removed with almost any detergent composition. A warm ammonia solution at the rate of 5 ml of ammonia per 1 tbsp has proven itself well in cleaning ink traces. water. Subsequently, the product must be washed.

Pen stains from velvet are best removed with warm milk, but traces of ink must be kept fresh.

In order to remove the handle from the white woolen jacket, it is advisable to use a gentle product, such as baking soda, if possible. It is mixed with a small amount of water and the resulting paste is spread over the entire surface of the contamination. After 7 - 10 minutes, the composition is cleaned off and the clothes are washed, following the care instructions.

From no less delicate silk items, for example, a white blouse, the handle can be successfully washed with a mixture of kerosene, gasoline and soap solution.The product is applied to the stained area, after which the resulting stains are removed with 2% hydrochloric acid. Copes well with traces of ink and mustard powder mixed with water. The stain is soaked in mustard paste and left for 2 - 3 hours. After cleaning, be sure to wash your clothes in cold water.

If you want to wipe a pen off of a white denim jacket, citric acid diluted with water in equal parts is an effective cleanser. In this case, the heated solution is poured onto a cloth and left for 20 - 30 minutes. Finish cleaning with a standard wash.

Fresh ink from white jeans is removed with starch. They are thickly sprinkled with a stain and blotted with a paper handkerchief. The substance absorbs most of the pigment, preventing it from being absorbed into the denim. After 1 - 2 washes, the marks from the pen will completely disappear.


Whichever product you choose to wipe the pen off your white shirt, read the labels on your clothing carefully before cleaning. Accurate implementation of the recommendations for the care of the fabric will help you choose the best way to handle it from dirt and keep the product attractive for a long time.

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