Useful properties of bream

Bream is the most famous representative of the Karpov family. It is distinguished by its nutritional value and delicate taste. Many people want to know what are the benefits and harms of bream in order to use the product to promote health and improve mood.

What does bream look like and where is it found

The bream fish has a specific body shape by which it is easy to distinguish it from other inhabitants of the aquatic environment. The main external characteristics include:

  • high body compressed from two sides;
  • brown, brown or golden sides;
  • gray-tinted fins with dark edging;
  • a small head with large eyes and a mouth that extends like a tube.

It is found in lakes, ponds, rivers, and also in salt sea waters. The main condition for the habitat of useful fish is the presence of a large number of algae on the bottom. Bream feeds on aquatic plants, gastropods and bivalve molluscs, worm larvae.

The chemical composition of bream

The beneficial properties of bream are based on the presence of various vitamins and minerals in the composition, which have a beneficial effect on the body and normalize vital processes.





trace elements


30.0 μg


265 mg


0.3 mg


0.03 mg


220 mg




3.0 mg


25 mg



IN 1

0.12 mg


70 mg



AT 2

0.1 mg


30 mg




1.0 mg


171 mg




1.0 mg






6.2 mg





The high content of vitamin PP (31%) and phosphorus (27.5%) determines the successful course of all physiological processes, regulation of the water-salt balance, mineralization of bone tissue and improvement of the condition of the skin.

Calorie bream

The fish is very satisfying and nutritious due to its high content of easily digestible protein and low amount of fat. But the calorie content of bream per 100 grams can vary depending on the cooking method.


Calorie content (kcal)

Proteins (g)

Fat (g)

Carbohydrates (g)





















Hot smoked





Cold smoked





Healthy fish contains protein, which contains all the amino acids necessary for the human body, namely methionine. This component is of great importance for people suffering from heart and thyroid problems.

Why is bream useful?

The health benefits of bream were already known to our distant ancestors. Therefore, the product is regularly used to improve health and strengthen the immune system. Fish should be included in the diet because it:

  • quickly digested and absorbed by the body;
  • normalizes life processes at the cellular level;
  • reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease;
  • helps in the fight against excess fat;
  • regulates blood glucose levels;
  • has a beneficial effect on the state of the mucous epithelium;
  • accelerates enzymatic reactions;
  • positively influences the formation and regeneration of bone tissue.

In order for nutrients to bring maximum benefit and minimum harm, it is necessary to eat only fresh fish, avoiding frozen products.

The benefits and harms of bream caviar

Bream roe is a source of unique beneficial properties due to its high content of iodine and essential fatty acids.Its benefits extend to many systems, especially:

  • circulatory, excluding the occurrence and exacerbation of atherosclerosis;
  • nervous, reducing the likelihood of breakdowns and stress;
  • digestive, normalizing metabolism.

Possessing a balanced chemical composition and a significant content of healthy proteins, bream caviar can lead to weight loss, despite its high calorie content.

Important! The product can cause harm in case of excessive use and individual intolerance. Children under 3 years old are not recommended to include bream caviar in the menu.

The benefits of dried and smoked bream

Dried bream is traditionally consumed with beer during cultural holidays. But in fact, it is an independent product that has many useful properties, namely:

  • strengthens blood vessels and reduces the risk of coronary artery disease;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • eliminates problems of bone tissue and teeth;
  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • positively affects the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

The harm of dried bream in a significant salt content, therefore, the abuse of the product is contraindicated. Also, improperly withered fish can cause poisoning or stomach upset.

When smoking, many useful vitamins and minerals are retained, which have a positive effect on the human body, providing:

  • no problems with the circulatory system;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • elimination of the decline of strength and energy;
  • normalization of the urinary system;
  • good condition of the skin.
Attention! The harm of smoked bream lies in the likelihood of developing cancer cells due to the presence of carcinogens, the amount of which depends on the smoking method.

How to cook delicious bream

There are many ways to cook fish, but the most popular are frying and baking in the oven, and more recently pickling. For supporters of a healthy diet, steamed fish is perfect. Nutritionists say that it is most useful to use dried or dried bream, since with such culinary processing, the maximum number of useful properties is preserved. For cooking, it is best to use such spices as lemon juice, suneli hops and herbs.

Foil-wrapped bream recipe

A tasty and healthy dish that is not difficult to prepare. This will require ingredients such as:

  • 2 large bream;
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 carrot;
  • salt, pepper, herbs to taste.
Recommended reading:  The benefits and harms of leeks

Cooking method:

  1. Cut, peel the fish and salt and pepper on the outside and inside.
  2. Mix the chopped onion, bell pepper, parsley and grated carrots thoroughly.
  3. Place the foil on a baking sheet and carefully arrange the fish so that there are vegetables on top and bottom of it.
  4. Wrap everything on top with foil and put in an oven preheated to 100 degrees for 45 minutes.
Recommended reading:  Why is bell pepper useful, properties

Detailed recipe:

Harm of bream and contraindications for use

The product has no significant contraindications that can cause significant harm to the human body. But the possibility of a negative impact on some functions of organ systems is not excluded due to:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • the presence of parasites in the body of the fish;
  • a large number of small bones;
  • accumulation of harmful substances when bream is in polluted waters.

The benefits of fish far outweigh the harm, but you still need to be careful when choosing and preparing bream in order to protect yourself from negative consequences.

How to choose and store bream correctly

A useful product must be not only fresh, but also natural without chemicals and other components that cause significant harm to the body. Fish feed contains various colorants, antibiotics and stimulants. Natural fresh fish is characterized by:

  • pale meat;
  • well-developed fins;
  • weakly expressed sea smell of iodine;
  • shiny and elastic scales;
  • bright, bulging eyes;
  • light, no yellow gills;
  • elasticity when pressed.
Important! The supplier should store the fish in an ice-filled container for better cooling.

Optimum product storage temperature 0 0C, and in the refrigerator usually +5 0C, so keep the fish in a separate container with ice cubes. If storage is provided in large quantities, then the product must be frozen, but before that it must be carefully cut, washed and dried.


Despite the amazing taste and low calorie content of the product, before using it, you need to find out what are the benefits and harms of bream. After carefully reading them, you can confidently include fish in your diet.

Fish reviews

Natalia Borisova, 24 years old, Poltava
I do not like river and lake fish, but for me there are exceptions. The amazing taste of bream with any method of preparation, as well as many useful properties, changed my attitude towards this fish.
Alexandra Mudrik, 35 years old, Togliatti
Every weekend my family and I buy bream and bake it in the oven. We are delighted with the wonderful taste of this fish, and in addition, it is incredibly healthy.
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