The benefits and harms of oatmeal, how to cook it

Oatmeal has long been considered the basis of a healthy and balanced diet. Many have learned this truth since childhood, but since the time of our grandmothers, science has not stood still, and new facts have become known in the course of scientific research. Therefore, it will be useful to study in detail what the benefits and harms of oatmeal are.

Types of oatmeal

Once in the store, the shopper may be faced with the challenge of which oatmeal to choose while getting the most of the health benefits. There is no unequivocal answer to this question, it all depends on the preferences of a particular consumer and the purposes for which oats will be used. So, there are 2 types of flakes that have their own specific properties:

  • "Extra";
  • "Hercules".

In addition, the cereal itself is divided into 2 types, each of which, in turn, is of the highest, I and II grades:

  • not crushed;
  • flattened.

The table below shows the names of oat groats and their properties:



Properties and use

Flakes "Extra"


Large whole-grain oats are often used for weight loss.


Small chopped cereal flakes


The flakes are soft, boil quickly. Suitable for baby food.

Flakes "Hercules"

Thick, highly refined flakes.

Non-crushed groats

Higher, I, II

They retain the most useful properties. It is used for medical nutrition

Rolled groats

Higher, I, II

It has a corrugated pattern and a shorter cooking time compared to the previous one.

Composition, nutritional value and calorie content of oatmeal

The beneficial properties of oatmeal for the body are associated with numerous vitamins and trace elements in its composition. It contains:

  • vitamins of group B and E;
  • beta carotene;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • fluorine.

In addition, oats contain useful organic acids, including nicotinic, oxalic, erucic and folic. Oatmeal is also a rich source of fiber.

Oatmeal, along with other healthy grains, contains insignificant amounts of fat. There is not much protein in it either, and the main benefit and nutritional value lies in the high content of hard-to-digest carbohydrates, which, due to their properties, are rather slowly processed by the body. Nevertheless, this is a fairly high-calorie product. Depending on the cooking method, 100 g of porridge accounts for 88 to 270 kcal. Raw oatmeal contains 310 - 350 kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties of oatmeal

Almost everyone knows that oatmeal is useful, since it is the first product that is cited as an example when talking about healthy eating.But not many are interested in the benefits of oat porridge in more detail. Meanwhile, it has a lot of unique properties that help maintain the health and youth of the body.

First of all, porridge effectively improves digestion. The beneficial fiber contained in it helps to improve the functioning of the stomach, helps with colitis and indigestion. The mild, debilitating properties of cereals, in turn, relieve constipation and cleanse the body of harmful toxins and undigested food.

Fiber is also involved in the regulation of blood glucose and prevents blood clots, as it has a low glycemic index. This property reduces the risk of heart disease. In addition, the active substances in oats reduce the level of bad cholesterol and normalize blood pressure, which also has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart.

In addition, oatmeal with milk or water has intestinal benefits. It restores the integrity of the mucous membranes and maintains the level of beneficial bacteria, while inhibiting the activity of harmful microorganisms.

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Although the protein content in oats is quite low, it contains the beneficial vitamin H, which stimulates the metabolism of protein in the human body and aids its absorption. This property of oatmeal leads to accelerated growth of muscle mass, and therefore its benefits will be appreciated by people who are fond of sports, in particular men. In addition, vitamin E in croup is involved in the production of the male sex hormone testosterone, which directly affects sexual desire and sperm activity.

Oatmeal is no less beneficial for the woman's body. Its antioxidant properties suppress the activity of free radicals that damage the structure of cells, which is why the skin remains elastic and youthful for longer. Useful folic acid has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helps to fight fatigue and nervous strain due to its anti-stress properties. In addition, it increases resistance to harmful external influences, strengthens the immune system and keeps the body in good shape.

Another important property of oatmeal is that it retains its benefits in almost any form. That is why there are an immeasurable number of recipes from this cereal.

The benefits of oatmeal in water

While water-based oatmeal is considered by many to be as delicious as milk-based oatmeal, the popularity of this dish has more to do with its health benefits and dietary properties. Such porridge is often prescribed for nutritional therapy for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or for patients during the recovery period after operations. In addition, this type of porridge, unlike the option cooked in milk, will not harm if you are lactase intolerant.

Oats, boiled in water, are less caloric (88 kcal), and therefore have worked well for weight loss. It gives a feeling of fullness for a long time, speeds up metabolism and safely removes harmful toxins, improves mood and fills with energy, which makes it much easier to lose weight both physically and mentally. However, only pure oatmeal in water has dietary properties, without added sugar or artificial impurities.

Advice! For better assimilation of some components of cereals, you can add products containing healthy vegetable fats to porridge in water, for example, flaxseed oil, hazelnuts or pine nuts, sunflower seeds.

The benefits of oatmeal with milk

But you shouldn't think that milk oatmeal has no benefit. On the contrary, the properties of cereals prepared in this way complement the beneficial substances characteristic of dairy products, along the way giving it a delicate creamy taste. Milk with a low percentage of fat will help to compensate for the calorie content of such porridge.Fruit, dried fruits and berries, which can be used to sweeten porridge instead of sugar, will be useful vitamin help.

Important! If you are allergic to milk protein, to avoid harm, it is worth replacing cow's milk with coconut or almond.

Oatmeal bowel scrub

Along with its excellent taste, oatmeal has medicinal properties, from which traditional medicine aficionados benefit. So, on the basis of oat flakes, special scrubs are prepared that cleanse the gastrointestinal tract from harmful compounds and unprocessed food residues. Oat scrubs are used if you have the following symptoms:

  • lethargy, apathy;
  • prolonged insomnia, irritability;
  • swelling;
  • sharp weight gain;
  • deterioration of hair;
  • peeling and rashes on the skin;
  • white coating on the tongue.
Important! These symptoms can be signs of serious diseases that have nothing to do with slagging of the body, therefore, before using an oat scrub, you should definitely consult a doctor.

The recipe for the cereal-based cleanser is as follows:

  1. In the evening, 3 tbsp. l. oatmeal is poured with cool boiled water and put in the refrigerator overnight.
  2. In the morning, they eat porridge, chewing slowly and not washing it down. A little honey or nuts are added for flavor.

This meal is considered an equivalent and healthy substitute for breakfast. For better activation of the properties of the scrub, you can drink 1 tbsp before use. water or green tea without milk and sugar. A raw cereal-based product will be most beneficial if taken daily for 30 days. After a 3-week break, you can repeat the procedure 1 to 2 times a week.

Oatmeal for constipation

The beneficial properties of oatmeal porridge for constipation are also noted. Oats regulate the functions of the digestive system with the help of fiber. It tends to envelop the walls of the stomach, facilitating the digestion of food and at the same time absorbing harmful toxic substances. With its non-aggressive effect, fiber restores the normal absorption of beneficial compounds and improves stool. At the same time, oatmeal made from whole grains is most beneficial in combination with raisins or prunes, which also have laxative properties.

Oatmeal for weight loss (with a diet)

Many people know the benefits of oatmeal for weight loss, and therefore, among people who want to improve their figure in a short time, the oat-based diet is not losing popularity. However, it should be understood that oatmeal has the property not only to reduce body weight, but also to promote weight gain. Different methods of preparing oatmeal porridge lead to opposite results, and this property should be considered before starting to follow a diet.

Those who want to lose weight should include "Extra" No. 1 cereal or cereal in the menu - they drown out the feeling of hunger for a long time and contain a lot of fiber. It is not advisable to add milk, cream and yoghurts to the product. For dietary purposes, oats should only be boiled in water without sugar and oil, but fruits, vegetables and nuts will not harm the body. Moderate physical exertion can enhance the effect of such a diet, since in this case complex carbohydrates are processed much faster.

Important! Oatmeal mono-diet can cause serious harm to the untrained body, therefore, a doctor's approval is required before changing the diet.

Why is oatmeal good in the morning

Many nutritionists and healthy lifestyle promoters talk about the maximum benefits of oatmeal in the morning, and this is not an unfounded statement. In the morning, a person most of all needs energy, which is precisely provided by oatmeal saturated with carbohydrates. They also provide a third of the daily intake of beneficial macronutrients, such as zinc and phosphorus. Eating oatmeal on an empty stomach boosts metabolism and gently prepares the stomach for fatty foods.

However, contrary to popular belief, the benefits of oatmeal for breakfast as a self-sufficient meal have been greatly exaggerated. And the point here is not so much in its harm, but in the absence in it of one of the key substances for life, namely: protein. There is little of it in oatmeal, and therefore for a balanced diet, it is worth combining a healthy cereal with dishes containing protein: cottage cheese, scrambled eggs or cheese.

But the benefits of oatmeal at night are unequivocally questioned by all competent experts. As it turned out, oats are high-calorie food and require energy to break down. At night, a person's metabolism slows down, and useful elements are not completely absorbed at this time, which is why fat accumulates. In addition, the proportion of carbohydrates consumed before bed keeps the body awake, which can lead to sleep problems. So for your own well-being, eating oatmeal for dinner is still not worth it.

Is it okay to eat oatmeal every day

After reading about the benefits of oatmeal, it is difficult to suppress the desire to eat this unique porridge every day. But as you know, in everything you need to know when to stop. Abuse of any, even the most useful product, can cause serious harm to human health. This also applies to oats. With daily use of porridge for a long time, a gradual accumulation of phytic acid occurs in the body, among the properties of which there is the ability to flush calcium from bone tissue. Lack of calcium can cause osteoporosis. To avoid this, it is enough to eat oatmeal no more than 3 times a week.

Why oatmeal is good for pregnancy and breastfeeding

As for the use of oatmeal during pregnancy and lactation, whole-grain meals have definitely earned the approval of doctors and nutritionists. Thus, phosphorus, calcium and vitamins are beneficial to both the mother and the child, strengthening bones and the nervous system. Iron prevents anemia, and essential acids increase immunity and help a woman stay toned during this important period.

There is a debate about the benefits and dangers of oatmeal for pregnant and lactating women to this day. Nevertheless, the flakes will not have a harmful effect if you observe the measure in the use of cereals and do not ignore the existing contraindications.

Is oatmeal possible for children

Oatmeal is beneficial not only for adults, but also for children. The phosphorus present in oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the strength of bones and the skeleton in general, and magnesium supports the health of muscles and blood vessels, which is very important for a growing child's body. In addition, sodium stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system and helps to overcome apathy and lethargy, and this is especially necessary for schoolchildren: so that in the absence of allergic reactions, you can safely give your child oat dishes without fear of causing harm.

In order for oatmeal to bring only benefit to the child's body, and not harm, one should not rush to introduce this cereal into the diet from a very early age. Doctors recommend including oats in the baby's menu after 8 months, when he is already familiar with the less allergenic buckwheat porridge. For breastfed babies, you can do this even later - from 10 months of age. In this case, it is worth carefully monitoring all changes in the baby's health. If you have digestive problems and other allergic reactions, it is a wise decision to wait up to 1 to 2 years for your baby's stomach to get stronger.

How to cook oatmeal

Because oatmeal is a popular breakfast in many countries, the recipes for making them are incalculable. But at the heart of all these variations are two basic options for oatmeal: water and milk.

On the water

Oatmeal in water is very easy to prepare, and its benefits are almost immeasurable. In addition, this recipe can be improved by adding fruits, vegetables, seeds and even meat to it. To make 2 servings of a dish, you need:

  1. Pour 150 g of oatmeal into 450 ml of boiling water.
  2. Season with salt to taste and cook over high heat for 2 - 3 minutes, not forgetting to stir.
  3. Then reduce heat to low and simmer porridge for 10 minutes, still stirring.
  4. Serve hot.
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Oatmeal with milk is also made in various variations, and its benefits are comparable to those cooked in water. Cooking it is also easy. For this:

  1. 2 tbsp. milk at room temperature is combined with 1 tbsp. l. butter.
  2. Pour ¾ cups of washed oatmeal into a saucepan with milk.
  3. Cook over low heat for 8 to 10 minutes until tender.

Oatmeal will gain additional benefits if it is mixed with a banana before use and left in this form for 5 minutes.

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Lazy oatmeal in a jar

Lazy oatmeal combines the benefits of cereal with a minimum of cooking effort:

  1. Put 100 g of oatmeal in a 0.5-liter jar, pour over yogurt.
  2. Any berries - fresh or frozen - are washed and allowed to dry. Then they are crushed. Instead of berries, you can add fruit.
  3. Put the fruits in a jar, which is then placed in the refrigerator and left overnight.
  4. In the morning, the jar is taken out and allowed to warm slightly at room temperature. They are eaten cold.
Advice! Instead of filled yogurt, you can add natural unsweetened yogurt with a small amount of honey to the oatmeal: this will greatly increase the benefits of the product.

Other recipes using oatmeal

Instead of the usual cereals, on the basis of oatmeal, you can cook many other dishes that will not only bring health benefits, but also diversify the daily menu with an unusual taste.

Oat soup

Oatmeal soup will become an original and healthy dish. To prepare it, you need:

  1. Wash and peel 2 potato tubers, 1 carrot and 1 onion.
  2. Finely chop any pre-washed greens and onions.
  3. Cut the potatoes into large cubes.
  4. Grate the carrots.
  5. Bring 1 liter of water or broth to a boil, add vegetables and cook for 8-10 minutes.
  6. Add 100 g of oat flakes, then cook for another 10 minutes.
  7. Serve the ready-made soup hot, garnished with herbs.

Oatmeal Kissel

Many people will like homemade oatmeal jelly. This healthy drink is prepared as follows:

  1. Place 250 g of oat flakes in an enamel bowl, pour in 500 ml of water and leave to swell for 10 - 12 hours.
  2. Then add a small slice of black rye bread and let it lie for 1 - 2 hours in the oat mixture.
  3. The bread is taken out, the flakes are filtered through a sieve and sent to cook for 10 minutes over medium heat, stirring regularly so that the mass does not burn.

The use of oatmeal in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of oatmeal have found their way into the beauty industry. The unique cereal is often used in the production of hair masks, creams, ointments and rinses, not only at home, but also on an industrial scale.

Facial masks

Oatmeal masks have long been proven to be beneficial for the face. Antioxidants in the composition of the product restore healthy color to the skin, tighten and rejuvenate it. The flakes act like a peeling, gently removing dead skin and relieving redness and flaking.

To achieve a whitening effect, you can use the following mask:

  1. You need to mix in equal parts crushed oats, lemon juice and pink clay.
  2. The components should be combined with a small amount of water and mixed until a creamy mass is obtained.
  3. The mixture can then be applied. Keep on face until completely dry.

Washing with oatmeal

A very simple but effective procedure is washing with oatmeal. It will cleanse the face of blackheads and pimples and tighten the pores, leaving the skin softer and velvety:

  1. Oat flakes are ground in a coffee grinder.
  2. A handful of oats processed in this way are moistened with water and spread over the face with your fingers.
  3. Then gently perform massaging movements for 5 - 7 minutes.After rinsing the face with cool water.

Hair masks

For hair, oatmeal can be very beneficial too. Thanks to nicotinic acid, it protects the hair from harmful external factors, takes care of the scalp, and also moisturizes and nourishes the hair follicles.

Oats can restore shine and strength to hair if you make a mask according to the recipe:

  1. Grind 50 g of cereals in a coffee grinder and mix with warm water.
  2. After 30 minutes add 30 ml of honey and a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
  3. Spread the mixture evenly over the curls and cover your head with a plastic cap for 20 - 40 minutes.
  4. Rinse thoroughly afterwards.

Oatmeal with kefir will bring a lot of benefits to the hair. Prepare the tool like this:

  1. Kefir and oatmeal are mixed in equal proportions and allowed to brew for 1 - 2 hours.
  2. After that, the composition is immediately applied to the hair for 30 - 40 minutes, after which it is washed off using shampoo.

This procedure will give the hair thickness and splendor, but you can use it no more than 2 times a week.

Is instant oatmeal good for you?

In addition to the many options for oatmeal and cereal, today in stores you can find a variety of instant cereals that allow you to enjoy a healthy breakfast, spending a few minutes preparing it. Often, buyers try to assure that the benefits of oatmeal steamed with boiling water are not inferior to the properties of ordinary flakes. However, this is not quite true.

Although this porridge is still considered healthier than any other fast food, it contains a large amount of starch, which the body processes into sugar and water. Regular consumption of such a dish can have a harmful effect on the pancreas, as a result of which the risk of developing diabetes mellitus increases. In addition, sugar tends to accumulate in the form of fatty deposits, so instant oatmeal is not suitable for people seeking to lose those extra pounds. From this, we can conclude that the product will not replace its whole grain counterpart and will only work for an infrequent snack.

The harm of oatmeal and contraindications to use

Despite the obvious benefits of oatmeal, it is still not devoid of contraindications and can harm people in a certain state of health. So, oats are not recommended for people with individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Patients with diabetes mellitus, in order to avoid harmful effects, should eat oatmeal dishes only with the permission of a doctor. By itself, oat porridge does not harm diabetics, however, sweeteners and flavors are often added to it, which can aggravate the course of the disease.

Another harmful property of oatmeal is the very fiber, which, for all the benefits for healthy people, can cause a lot of discomfort to patients suffering from flatulence.

The possible harm of oatmeal is worth paying attention to for those who have celiac disease or other types of gluten intolerance. Although oats are gluten-free per se, the innocuous-looking packaging of oatmeal may contain gluten-containing cereals due to the packaging. In such cases, the possible presence of other cereals is marked on the product from bona fide manufacturers, however, it is possible to completely eliminate the risk of getting "harmful" gluten into the diet only by choosing products labeled "gluten free" or by completely refusing to eat oats.

How to choose and store oatmeal

In order for oatmeal to bring only health benefits, and potential harm to be minimized, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the recommendations for choosing a quality product.

  1. When buying cereals or flakes, you need to pay attention to the packaging. It must be sealed and integral - this will eliminate the risk of harmful bacteria entering the product.
  2. You should give preference to porridge made from whole oats, since it has more benefits than instant counterparts.
  3. Oatmeal contains most of the beneficial properties without sugar and impurities. You can also opt for a product that contains cinnamon, dried fruit, or natural berry sweeteners.

Oatmeal or flakes are usually stored in a closed container at room temperature in a shaded dry room with good ventilation. In this case, the shelf life should not exceed that indicated on the package. If the product begins to change color and texture, has acquired an unusual odor, or a moth has started up in it, it should be thrown away immediately, since it will not bring anything but harm.


The benefits and harms of oatmeal for the body largely depend on the physiological characteristics of a person and the amount of cereal consumed. Objectively, the beneficial properties of oat porridge are many times greater than its possible harmful effects. If you follow the recommendations for storage and consumption, dishes made from this healthy grain will help preserve health and balance the daily diet.


Sukhanova Kristina Vasilievna, 27 years old, Moscow
I often see positive reviews on various sites about oatmeal for the face, supposedly suitable for all skin types. Groats, of course, are useful, but these reviews rarely report that people with sensitive or damaged skin, like in my case, classic washing with oatmeal only brings harm. For example, I pour boiling water over the flakes, settle, then squeeze the starchy liquid out of the mixture and wash my face with it. The effect is the same, and it is softer on the face.
Zaitseva Irina Fedorovna, 35 years old, Voronezh
I love oatmeal very much, and it was a pleasant surprise to find out that it is used for weight loss. But, as for me, a diet on one oatmeal is too much. But I liked the idea of ​​an oatmeal bowel scrub. I will definitely try!
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