Food supplement E965: benefits and harms, effects on the body

Food supplement E965 is a sugar substitute that doctors allow people with diabetes to use. Having figured out what are the benefits and harms of the sweetener Maltitol, you can decide whether to include it in the diet or not. It belongs to artificial sugar substitutes with a low hazard class.

What is Maltit E965 additive

The additive is available in the form of a crystalline white powder or syrup, which looks like a viscous transparent liquid. Maltit has no smell, it tastes sweet. The powder dissolves well in warm water.

E965 is designed to make foods sweet. There is no unpleasant aftertaste when consumed. According to its chemical structure, the substance is a polyhydric alcohol, which belongs to the class of alditols.

Comment! Maltite is actively used in cooking and food industry, as its properties are similar to sugar. When heated, the sweetener first becomes liquid, and then the process of caramelization begins.

Caloric content of Maltitol is less than that of sucrose. 1 g of the substitute contains 2.1 kcal, and the same amount of sugar contains 3.9 kcal. Because of this, Maltit is recommended to be used by people who follow the figure and want to reduce the calorie content of the diet. But the sweetness of the food additive is 25% less than that of sugar.

What is the sugar substitute Maltit made of?

In an industrial setting, malt sugar known as maltose is used to produce E965. This substance is obtained from potato or corn starch. Less commonly, cereals are used for its manufacture. First, the starch is hydrolyzed to produce a syrup, which is a mixture of carbohydrates.

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The production of a food additive was established in the 60s in Japan. To obtain Maltitol, the enzymatic hydrogenation of maltose is carried out. This is the name of a chemical reaction during which hydrogen is added to an organic substance. The formula of the obtained Maltitol is C12H14O11.

Also used for production is glucose syrup, which has a high maltose content. As a result of processing, a powder or syrup is obtained.

The benefits and harms of Malta

Food supplement E965 is classified as safe. When ingested, the preservative is broken down into sorbitol, dextrose and mannitol hexahydric alcohol. But Maltitol is absorbed very slowly. Therefore, it does not provoke sharp jumps in blood glucose levels. Due to the low calorie content of Maltit, it is allowed to be included in the diet of people who are losing weight.

The sweetener E965 belongs to food additives with a low hazard class, it can be consumed without fear

Effect of E965 on the adult body

There are no problems with the use of Maltitol in the permitted quantities. Adults are advised to plan their diet so that no more than 90 g of this substance gets into the body per day. If the recommendations are not followed, there is a possibility of such complications:

  • bloating;
  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea.

In some countries, the packaging of products made with the addition of the sweetener Maltitol contains information that excessive consumption may lead to a laxative effect. Such information is indicated by manufacturers whose products are on sale in Australia, USA, New Zealand, Norway.

The laxative effect of Maltit is due to its delayed absorption. This is the reason for the increase in osmotic pressure in the intestine. As a result, a person's peristalsis increases.

The sweetener is not metabolized in the mouth, so it can be consumed without risk to dental health. It does not provoke the development of caries.

Sweetener E965 for children

Despite the fact that Maltitol is a harmless additive, it is undesirable for children to include it in their diet. In accordance with the decree of the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation of April 18, 2003 No. 59, which approved SanPiN 2.3.2 1293-03, the use of sweeteners in the manufacture of products intended for children is prohibited.

But the sanitary standards provide for an exception. Sweeteners can be found in foods made for children with diabetes.

Maltite during pregnancy

Doctors recommend that pregnant women monitor the quality of food. If there are no restrictions on the use of sugar, then it is undesirable to switch to artificial sweeteners. But there are no contraindications for including Maltite in the diet.

Attention! It is best to consult your doctor before consuming products containing added sweeteners.

If a woman has been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, then the amount of sugar consumed should be minimized. Doctors allow such patients to eat sweets in small quantities, intended for people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism.

The abuse of sweets, in the production of which Maltitol is used, can cause increased intestinal motility. This leads to an increase in the tone of the uterus and the appearance of a threat of miscarriage in the early stages.

Maltitol for diabetics

With the use of the food supplement E965, the level of glucose in the blood does not rise abruptly, but gradually. This allows people with diabetes to include a variety of confectionery, including chocolate, in their diet. This is possible provided that Maltitol was added instead of sugar during their manufacture. It can be used alone or in combination with other sweeteners.

Maltitol is used to produce food for people with diabetes

The glycemic index of Maltitol, produced in the form of a powder, is low, it is equal to 26. Therefore, Maltitol is allowed for diabetics. When buying a sugar substitute, remember that the glycemic index of the additive in the form of a syrup is 2 times higher.

It is impossible to abuse products that are made with added sweeteners. When they enter the body, the glucose level increases. If the patient's process of assimilation of sugar by tissues is disturbed, then hyperglycemia cannot be avoided. The glucose concentration will rise much more slowly than when sucrose is consumed.

It is better to calculate the admissible dose of consumption of sweeteners together with the endocrinologist. The doctor can determine how much sugar substitute should be consumed.

E965 food additive is dangerous or not

The sweetener Maltitol is a safe preservative. But for children, pregnant and lactating women who do not suffer from carbohydrate metabolism disorders, it is better to limit its use. Although there is no information on the negative effects of this substance.

Regular consumption of Maltitol in large doses can lead to the development of stomach and intestinal problems. To prevent complications, you should check the composition of the food and calculate how much preservative enters the body.

Where and why add sweetener E965

Maltitol is used as a sweetener in industry.But this is not its only purpose. Maltit is used as a water-retaining agent. It slows down the crystallization of sucrose. When added, the organoleptic characteristics of the products are improved.

Maltite enhances the aroma of products, makes products transparent, and increases resistance to various influences. Manufacturers of jellies, jams and confiture use E965 in combination with other gelling agents. Their combined use allows you to give products the desired texture and consistency.

Maltit is used in the production of such food products:

  • low-calorie ice cream;
  • jelly products, marmalade, jams, fruits in sweet glaze;
  • sweets, sugar-free cocoa products;
  • dairy, fruit desserts, bakery and other flour products with reduced calorie content;
  • dry breakfasts;
  • sauces.
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E965 preservative is a part of chewing gum.

Comment! The sweetener is also available at retail. It can be bought from diabetic stores and added to tea, coffee, and homemade cakes instead of sugar.

Maltitol is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. It is found in syrups, suspensions, water-soluble tablets, powders, which are labeled "Sugar Free". It can be found in vitamin complexes and dietary supplements for weight loss, products intended for oral care.

Sweetener E965 is used in the production of preparations in the form of syrups, suspensions, including for children

In the production of drugs, Maltit is used as:

  • a thickener in lozenges and chewable tablets;
  • a binder for wet granulation;
  • filler - low-calorie sweetener.

But E965 is used not only in the food and pharmaceutical industries. It is found in face creams.


Before including sweeteners in the diet, you should understand what are the benefits and harms of the sweetener Maltitol. The E965 additive is classified as a safe and harmless preservative provided that it is consumed no more than 90 g per day. It is recommended to use it instead of sugar for people who suffer from diabetes or are on a low-calorie diet.

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