The benefits and harms of silicon water, how to make and take it

Despite the fact that the useful properties of silicon have been known to the people for a long time, science approached the study of its effect on the human body relatively recently, in the 70s of the twentieth century. Silicium (Silicium) as a chemical element of the system of D.I.Mendeleev, contain many minerals, the most famous of which is flint. It is a black or gray, sometimes reddish stone, which has been known since the beginning of human civilization: its atoms make up sand, rocks, clay. For a long time, this mineral was lined with wells from the inside and they knew that it has a unique useful property - to interact with water and change its quality, making it transparent and pleasant to the taste.

To find out what are the benefits and harms of silicon water for the human body, we will analyze its properties

Properties and effects of silicon on the body

The benefits of silicon for the human body are manifested in a complex of its properties.

The natural beneficial qualities of silicon are manifested in the suppression of bacteria that give rise to the processes of fermentation and decay, as well as in the neutralization of chlorine, precipitation of heavy metals and the removal of radionuclides. It's all about its properties to create colloids that "glue" viruses and fungi to themselves, including the hard-to-remove Candida fungus, remove them from the body as part of complex compounds, neutralizing their harm.

In the human body, a useful mineral is a part of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands and, most of all, hair and nails as an integral component of the collagen connective tissue protein, which, in combination with elastin, ensures its elasticity in tendons, joints, and vascular walls.

In the middle of the 20th century, French scientists proved that in patients with atherosclerosis, the walls of the vessels contain a low amount of silicon. This is fraught with harm to the loss of their elasticity, and in addition, the lack of a useful mineral is compensated for by calcium, which reduces their ability to expand and contract and leads to the deposition of cholesterol, which also needs silicon for absorption. They confirmed experimentally that when the body is saturated with a mineral, the walls of blood vessels are cleared, atherosclerosis stops its development, the level of cholesterol in the blood is normalized.

When interacting with proteins in the body, silicon is able to form enzymes, hormones, amino acids important for humans.

It also has benefits in helping the body absorb more than 70 vitamins and minerals: in particular, by participating in the absorption of calcium, it affects the state of bone tissue. Lack of it affects the harm from a decrease in their absorption by the body and metabolic disorders.

Interesting! In the composition of the flint itself, you can find about 20 chemical elements: in particular, it is rich in useful magnesium, calcium, manganese, zinc.

What is silicon water useful for the body

Due to its beneficial properties, flint water is called "a cure for 100 diseases", and it is no coincidence.

Due to its composition, the benefits of silicon water can be used to prevent many problems:

  • cardiovascular: in particular, violations of the patency and flexibility of blood vessels;
  • digestive system;
  • skin diseases;
  • lowering heart pressure;
  • excess weight;
  • metabolism and work of the digestive tract;
  • condition of bones, teeth and hair.

Indications for taking silicon water

The properties of silicon water for the body are truly comparable to miraculous ones, since they are indicated for a number of health problems:

  • strengthening of immunity: silicon water helps to increase T- and B-lymphocytes in the blood;
  • for cuts, bruises, burns, ulcers - contributes to their rapid healing;
  • with liver diseases, as it promotes the outflow of bile;
  • kidney disease;
  • to lower blood sugar levels;
  • normalization of metabolism, which means weight regulation;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis by lowering blood cholesterol levels,
  • with hypertension, normalizes blood pressure;
  • reduced general tone of the body;
  • with a runny nose or sore throat, as well as various viral diseases of the mouth or throat;
  • rashes on the face: acne and acne, as well as in the fight against wrinkles (silicon water not only eliminates the wrinkles that have appeared, but also prevents the appearance of new ones);
  • with seborrhea and dry scalp;
  • Silicon water treatment is excellent for gastrointestinal problems: disorders, poisoning, etc.

Daily rate

As a rule, it is allowed to take silicon water without any special restrictions. The average daily intake for a person with low daily activity can be considered 1.5 - 2 liters per day. In the absence of such an opportunity due to individual characteristics, it is necessary to drink silicon water at least 3 - 5 times a day, half a glass, and then gradually increase the volume.

It has been proven that our body absorbs only 4% of silicon. The body's daily requirement for silicon is approximately 30 mg, of which 3.5 - 4 mg comes with water and another 13 - 15 - with air. The benefit of ingesting silicon water on a daily basis is to restore the mineral level to optimal.

Symptoms of a lack of silicon in the body

Lack of silicon in the body and can also be associated with contamination with worms, bacteria and fungi and the harm they bring to health. As a result, the filtration of bilirubin in the liver becomes difficult, the blood is not purified, against this background, in addition to atherosclerosis, diseases such as heart attack, rheumatism, hepatitis or dysbiosis develop. It can also lead to the formation of kidney stones and gallbladder stones.

Since silicon is involved in the metabolism of a large amount of minerals and vitamins, its deficiency negatively affects the metabolism.

Negative signals indicating a lack of a beneficial mineral and the risk of subsequent harm will be the following symptoms:

  • deterioration of the skin condition, its dryness, the appearance of various rashes and inflammations;
  • fragility and loss of hair, brittleness and crumbling of nails;
  • fragility and weakness of bones in the elderly, associated with a deficiency of both calcium and silicon;
  • joint pain;
  • pain in the abdomen and stomach, poor digestion.

How to make silicon water at home

First of all, you need to thoroughly wash the flint under running water. Then put it in a glass container and fill it with drinking water (1 liter of water is needed for 10 g of silicon), cover with a thin cloth or gauze on top and put in a dark and dry place. So water must be infused for 3-4 days for daily use and from 7 to 10 days for a pronounced therapeutic effect. The water is activated and ready to use!

Attention! You do not need to drink all the silicon water: only its upper layers will benefit the body, and the lower ones at the level of 3-4 cm from the day should be left behind - all heavy compounds harmful to the body will accumulate there.

Where to find flint

Water purification flint can be purchased from organic food stores or online health food stores.

On the packaging, manufacturers indicate the period of validity: usually it is long and is designed for up to 5 years. It is believed that the stones should be replaced every 6 to 8 months. In any case, a gray coating will be a sure sign that the stones need cleaning and may be doing more harm than good to health. To do this, put it in a mild saline solution for two hours, and then immerse it in plain water for another two hours.

It is also recommended to rinse the flints with cool water every 2 times of use, leaving them then for 2 - 3 hours in the fresh air.

How to take silicon water

You can drink silicon water without volume restrictions.

Silicon-activated water (AKV) is also used externally, making lotions, rinsing, compresses with it for the treatment of acne, burns, psoriasis, dandruff, furunculosis, as well as children's diathesis.

If the joints are disturbed, warm compresses with AKV are applied; for conjunctivitis, wash the eyes with silicon water, for a cold - the nose; rinsing helps from sore throat and periodontal disease.

Prepared silicon water should not be boiled or stored in the refrigerator. Changes in temperature make silicic acids unstable, which is why they are destroyed, and the unique beneficial properties of silicon water are lost.

AKV is able to retain its benefits for a year and a half in a hermetically sealed vessel. It is recommended to store it in a glass container at a temperature of + 4 ° C.

The use of silicon water in home cosmetology

Silicon water is also called "the elixir of youth", and all thanks to the benefits of the beneficial silicon contained in it, which, working in a woman's body, perfectly copes with cosmetic problems, helping to strengthen nails and hair, and restore the skin. The secret is in the production of collagen - the main protein that helps to improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin. And all this with simple silicon water! If you regularly use it for washing, then soon you will notice a beneficial result: the skin comes back to life, acquires a healthy color, becomes smoother and smoother. Silicon water is able to remove the harm of various inflammations and irritations on the skin, eliminate flaking. That is why it is actively used as a means of fighting acne.

In addition to facial care, activated water is widely used to improve the condition of the hair and scalp in general. Rinsing your hair after washing with silicon water can strengthen its structure, promote healthy growth and add shine. The benefits of rinsing the head with silicon water can heal seborrhea and dandruff on the scalp.

And one more trick: if you make a bath for nails based on silicon water, it will significantly improve their appearance, give the nails strength and accelerate growth.

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The benefits of silicon water for animals and plants

Silicon water can provide impressive benefits not only for humans, but also for indoor plants and pets.

Watering plants with water infused with silicon makes them resistant to various diseases and fungi, accelerates growth and can significantly extend the life of green friends.

And if you pour it into an aquarium, it will stay transparent longer and not “bloom”.

The use of silicon water in canning

3 beneficial properties of silicon water in horticulture and food preservation:

  1. If the seeds are soaked in such water before planting, they will sprout much faster.
  2. Silicon water accelerates the growth of fruits and vegetables.
  3. If you add flint to the canning water (1 cm³ of flint per three-liter jar), this will help to significantly reduce the risk of souring products, and their taste will become brighter.

Silicon for water purification in wells

Since ancient times, the use of flint has been used to help purify water in wells: with the help of this mineral, the well was carefully processed inside - and the water in it became pure, without impurities that could harm health. To purify water in modern wells, flint is added to them in a ratio of 1 cu. m of water about 10 g of flint.

The harm of silicon water and contraindications

It is worth remembering that water with silicon can be both beneficial and harmful to our health, since it has certain contraindications. It is strongly discouraged to drink silicon water in cases where:

  • there are any benign or malignant neoplasms in the body;
  • the presence of a genetic predisposition to cancer;
  • for serious violations of the cardiovascular system or people with heart pathologies;
  • with individual intolerance.

According to doctors, the risk of harm also increases when using silicon water outside the normal range.

Important! In the presence of chronic diseases, it is recommended to consult a specialist before drinking silicon water.

Silicon-rich foods

It is possible to raise the level of silicon in the body not only with silicon water, but also with the help of food.

Silicon-rich foods (per 100 g of product):

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  • rice groats (12.4 mg);
  • oatmeal (10 g);
  • barley (0.6 g);
  • buckwheat, chickpeas, beans (0.9 g);
  • lentils (0.8 g);
  • corn (0.6 g);
  • wheat groats, wheat, pistachios (0.5 g);
  • spinach, (0.4 g);
  • fermented baked milk, parsley (0.3 g);
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If you supplement your daily diet with them, it is possible in a fairly short time to increase the amount of a useful trace element in the body.


The benefits and harms of silicon water and silicon for the body as a whole continue to be actively studied at the present time. The benefits of this natural element for humans are invaluable as a wound-healing, choleretic, bactericidal and immunomodulating agent. Activated silicon water has few contraindications, however, due to its high biological activity, it should be taken on a regular basis in order to avoid possible harm after consulting a doctor.


Serbev Kirill Anatolyevich, 43 years old, Khabarovsk
I am a very active person, I constantly go in for sports, and a healthy lifestyle is my everything. I heard a lot about the beneficial properties of silicon water and could not remain indifferent after meeting it! After some time of its use, I began to feel surges of energy, endurance, and lost extra pounds. Silicon water is an incredible thing that helps me recover and bounce back from exercise.
Martynenko Anna Igorevna, 22 years old, Kaliningrad
I learned about the benefits of silicon water a very long time ago, but did not dare to try it: I doubted if there was any catch and harm. Once again I heard from my friend how she kept her teeth normal with the help of silicon water during pregnancy - she was impressed and could not resist. It was surprising to see the result in the next few days of taking it, when the skin became noticeably smoother and smoother, redness and irritation disappeared (before that I considered this one of my main problems). Now I want to experience the beneficial properties of the wonderful water on my hair. I am very glad that I discovered such a useful tool for myself.
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