Why pistachios are useful

The chemical composition, benefits and harms of pistachios are well studied by nutritionists. Nuts are a source of "correct" fats, B vitamins, minerals, plant proteins, although they are quite high in calories.

Due to its taste, "Magic Nut" is combined with a variety of products. In addition, it is a raw material for the production of useful pistachio oil.

How and where do pistachios grow?

The pistachio tree loves calcium-rich lands and bright sunlight. A plant native to Asia, but also found in northwest Africa. The largest exporters of nuts today are Iran and Iraq.

The pistachio tree is a low two-tiered plant. In a span, the crown can reach up to 40 m. Lighting is very important for plants, so they are planted at a great distance from each other. In the wild, they can even be found on mountain slopes. Long 15-meter roots allow the plant to cling to rocky and salty soil. Pistachio is often the only fruit in the mountains. Therefore, it is highly valued in the difficult Asian climate.

Nuts are often harvested by hand so as not to damage the shells and retain all their benefits. In the old days, peasants waited for them to fall off the branches and gathered their crops in wicker baskets. The nuts were sprinkled on the cloth and dried under the sun. Some modern farms use mechanical assembly technology and dry nuts in special elevators.

Chemical composition and calorie content of pistachios

In dietetics, the product is considered to be the primary source of fat omega-3 and omega-6as well as vegetable protein. Nuts also contain carbohydrates. B6 and B3 prevail among vitamins, copper and manganese prevail among minerals.

100 g of nuts account for:

  • 20 g protein;
  • 45 g fat;
  • 27 g of carbohydrates.
Warning! Diabetics should know that 7 g of carbohydrates in the composition are simple sugars. But 10 g of fiber and a large amount of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats inhibit the absorption of sugar, because the glycemic index of nuts is low.

Scientists from the University of Toronto have shown that the combination of sweets and pistachios reduces the GI of the dessert.

The composition also contains about 4 g of water and a little ash. But there is no cholesterol or saturated fat in it.

The calorie content of nuts is 560 kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties of pistachios

The health benefits of pistachio are not disputed by nutritionists. The high content of omega-3 and omega-6 allows:

  • Improve the work of the heart and blood vessels. Healthy fats fight the buildup of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Reduce blood pressure. The mechanism of action of healthy fats is simple: they prevent the vascular lumen from narrowing and contribute to the normalization of the heart.
  • Balance the secretion of hormones. The normal amount of omega-3 in the diet allows you to synthesize sex hormones and reduce cortisol levels.
  • Improve the functioning of the nervous system.A complex of healthy fats and B vitamins is what the body needs, which is subject to constant stress.
  • Make hair and skin healthy and youthful.
  • Accelerate collagen synthesis and resist the effects of aging free radicals.
  • Vegetable proteins are a source of amino acids. Pistachio allows you to get the protein norm, balance the diet, restore the immune system and muscles after exercise. Nuts are useful for those engaged in physical labor, athletes and all people leading a healthy lifestyle.

Pistachio is a source of both complex and simple carbohydrates. They give the body energy for physical and mental work, trigger metabolic processes and help get rid of lethargy and fatigue.

The vitamins in the composition benefit the nervous system, balance protein and carbohydrate metabolism and contribute to the active prevention of stress-related diseases. There is evidence that a successful dosage of vitamin B6 in pistachios is the best prevention of tumors and chronic diseases of the kidneys and liver.

Recommended reading:  Useful properties and use of horse chestnut, contraindications

The video will tell you more about the benefits of the "magic nut":

The benefits of pistachios for women

  • Eastern medicine recommends eating nuts for those who have problems with the regularity of the cycle and conception. It makes sense. Pistachio is rich in vitamin E, important for the female reproductive system. To experience the benefits, nuts need to be eaten frequently, and hormones will improve.
  • A large amount of healthy fats helps prevent inflammatory gynecological diseases.
  • For beauty preservation, you can eat 20-30 g of nuts every day to maintain skin tone and good blood circulation. Getting enough natural fats is the secret to youthful, healthy looking hair and nails.
  • The oil can be used for skin care during pregnancy.
  • Nuts do not cause allergies and can be included in the diet when planning to conceive.
Attention! It is best for a pregnant woman to consult a doctor about her diet so as not to harm the baby.

Why pistachios are useful for men

  • Green nuts can improve potency. They normalize hormones, and a man's body produces testosterone better.
  • The omega-3 in nuts can help improve blood circulation. Therefore, nuts are worth eating to prevent erectile dysfunction.
  • Thanks to their properties, pistachios improve protein synthesis and improve sperm quality.
  • The benefit of raw pistachios is that they help you gain muscle mass with regular exercise.
Warning! Despite the miraculous properties of pistachios, it is important for men not to overdo it: they can be included in the diet regularly, but in amounts up to 50 g per day.

Nuts are often used in recipes to prolong male strength, a mixture of nuts and honey will be especially effective. Traditional medicine advises pouring a glass of kernels 250 ml acacia honey, leave for 14 days and take 1 tablespoon before breakfast to improve potency.

Can pistachios be pregnant and lactating

Pistachios do not contain any harmful substances for the body of a healthy pregnant woman. If you are not prone to allergies, you can eat them regularly. An exception is the state of gestational diabetes, pathological disorders of the kidneys and liver. In this case, the doctor prescribes the diet. Allergy sufferers should refrain from all types of nuts and consult a doctor regarding the possibility of using oils.

Nursing people are guided by allergic reactions in a child when drawing up a diet. Normally, pistachios can be eaten during breastfeeding, their properties contribute to healthy lactation, and are beneficial in recovering the body after atypical loads and stress.

Advice! Pregnant and lactating women need to learn to listen to their bodies. If you suddenly have a stomach ache, flatulence or diarrhea began, it is worth giving up nuts for a while.

At what age can pistachios be given to children

For children with allergies, the product is introduced into the diet at the age of 5-6 years, if there is permission from a pediatrician and allergist. The rest can be slowly given as complementary foods from 3 years old. It is best to do this before lunch and be sure to monitor your reaction.

Pistachios are good for children, they contain vitamins and healthy fats necessary for development and growth. But you should not give salted nuts to babies. The norm of salt intake in children is lower, only 10 g of nuts will more than cover it.

Pistachios for weight loss

Nutritionists of the old Soviet school recommend eliminating all nuts when losing weight. The reason is the high energy value.

But the American Dietetic Association does not recommend reducing the amount of fat in the diet less than 1 g per kilogram of body weight, so as not to slow down the metabolism and not harm the hormonal system.

With a balanced diet, you can include pistachios in the menu. Strict control will help to avoid harm.

Advice! You can calculate the amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats for weight loss in any smartphone application.

Incorporating pistachios into your daily calorie intake is easy. It is worth starting with 10–20 g of nuts and, if possible, increase their number to 30 g per day. This is much better than eating "low fat" margarine and other unhealthy foods.

Recommended reading:  Nuts: useful and medicinal properties, contraindications

What time of the day is it better to eat nuts for losing weight? It doesn't matter for fat burning. But it is advisable to include them in the technique that needs to be made more satisfying. For those suffering from post-dinner hunger, sprinkle nuts on their salad. Those who do not gorge on morning oatmeal - throw a handful of chopped nuts into the porridge.

Are salted and fried pistachios healthy?

Nutritionists of all countries agree: salted and fried pistachios in large quantities are harmful. Modern man gets too much sodium. Salt in excess amounts increases blood pressure, heart disease, musculoskeletal system. And frying kills vitamins. You can eat a familiar snack in small quantities, but for a healthy diet, it is better to choose raw nuts.

The use of pistachios in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, fresh peeled pistachio kernels are used. They are eaten at 20-30 g before breakfast with:

  • anemia, exhaustion, weight loss;
  • tuberculosis and pneumonia;
  • sexual dysfunction in men.

Mixes with honey, pollen and bee bread in a 1: 1 ratio are popular.

Attention! Before using folk recipes, you should consult your doctor.

How many pistachios can you eat per day

The norm is from 20 to 40 g, you can increase the number of nuts to 50 g. Not worth it above. It can be harmful to digestion.

The norms for the use of nuts for children are as follows (data from the US ADA, in our country they are not established):

  • 10 g - from 3 to 5 years;
  • 20 g - from 5 to 9 years old;
  • 30 g - from 9 years old and older.

Pistachio oil: beneficial properties and uses

Pistachio oil is a source of healthy fats, vitamins E and B.

It is used:

  • in cooking - for dressing salads and cold cereals;
  • in cosmetology - for hair and skin care.

For hair

The oil prevents hair loss.

Oil masks are made to strengthen. Apply to scalp for 40 minutes and wrap with a towel. Then washed off with regular shampoo. Apply 1-2 times a week.

The oil does not harm oily skin, dissolves plugs and fights dandruff.

For skin and nails

Pistachio oil is used as an evening care product and a base for masks.

  • Oil can be applied to the décolleté and face skin overnight for 20-30 minutes and then wipe it off with napkins.
  • Use pistachio oil to remove the cuticle. It is applied to the nail sockets for 10-12 minutes before the manicure.

Pistachios in cooking

Pistachios are used not only as a snack for beer. Freshly chopped nuts are a salad dressing and pie filling. Green nuts are also used as an exquisite seasoning for desserts and ice cream.

How to choose and store pistachios

On the market, it is better to choose dried pistachios, already open, of the same size and without visible damage. Store nuts in the shell, at room temperature, in a dry container or linen bags. This way all useful properties are preserved.

Harm of pistachios and contraindications

Pistachios are contraindicated in exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver. They are harmful in excess, just like any other food. Overeating can lead to digestive disorders, excess weight, and gastrointestinal diseases. Pistachios with saffron can cause an allergic reaction in those who do not tolerate pollen.


Having learned what the benefits and harms of pistachios are, anyone can competently include them in their diet. Nuts will not only help you feel better, but also look your best.


Alla, 34 years old, Ufa
I began to make useful masks for hair loss with pistachio oil after childbirth. Hair stopped falling out after a month!
Nikita, 30 years old, Perm
After training, I eat pistachios and honey, I gain weight and strength well, there is no harm.
Inna, 23 years old, Krasnoyarsk
I take pistachios with me for a snack. If you don't eat much, you will get tired while clicking. Losing weight with benefit!
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