Useful properties and contraindications of acacia honey

Honey is a sweetness that is familiar to everyone from childhood. As they grow older, preferences change: someone prefers to avoid the use of honey, someone chooses a certain variety for themselves. Flower honey is rich in a variety of species. Useful properties and contraindications of acacia honey depend on the qualities of the flowers of the bush.

What does acacia honey look like?

The appearance of honey evokes associations with nectar. It is absolutely transparent and has a liquid consistency. The color depends on the shade of the buds of the shrub. The collection from white acacia will be light. If the flowers are yellow, the hue becomes golden. The peculiarity of acacia honey is a very slow crystal formation. This variety remains liquid and transparent for 20 months from the date of harvest.

Chemical composition and caloric content of acacia honey

The benefits of acacia honey depend entirely on the chemical properties of the elements it contains.

Acacia honey is considered one of the best monofloral species. The division into monofloral and polyfloral types means that honey is collected exclusively from the surface of one plant or from several located in a similar territory. There are from 300 to 450 compounds of chemical elements in copper. These are useful biologically active substances that make honey a product unique in its properties.

The peculiarity of the acacia product lies in the high content of carbohydrates. Sugar can account for more than 85% of the specific gravity. The carbohydrate content can vary depending on the maturity of the honey.









Reducing sugars


Oligoses of the highest type


Turanose, laminaria and others


These are average carbohydrates. The fact is that from the moment of collecting acacia honey until the moment of settling, several stages pass, during which carbohydrates are naturally stabilized.

For those who are not used to evaluating the properties of honey in terms of chemical formulas, the answer to the question: is it sugar-coated or not. The presence of fructose is responsible for this process: the more it is contained, the slower the sugar settles in honey and the longer it retains its beneficial properties. Acacia honey is especially valuable because it remains liquid, transparent, and unsweetened for a long time. In addition to carbohydrates, honey contains up to 14% water. The most significant trace elements that are present in it: potassium, boron, magnesium, iron, manganese, silicon.

The protein content is on the border - from 0.5 to 1.5%. Protein compounds are of a colloidal type, which explains the quality of honey - foam when poured. Amino acids are represented by a whole list of useful types:

  • lysine;
  • glutamic acid;
  • aspartic acid;
  • alanine.

The tandem of amino acids and certain enzymes is responsible for the special aroma and taste of the variety.

The product contains traces of alkaloids that are beneficial to the body if their content is minimal.

The ph of acacia honey is 4.0: this property indicates a high presence of organic acids. Acids give unique flavors, from which the bouquet is collected, which becomes recognizable. Researchers claim that acacia honey smells like acacia flowers, this is due to the properties of the acids included in it:

  • apple;
  • oxalic;
  • acetic;
  • oleic;
  • linoleic;
  • sugar.

Acacia honey contains citric acid above all others.

The vitamins that are found in the composition vary depending on the stage of honey maturation. The acacia variety contains vitamin B12, folic acid, ribaflavin, ascorbic acid, retinol. Vitamins tend to be filtered out during storage.

In addition, it contains unique combinations of pollen, nectar, propolis. Many compounds are poorly understood, therefore, it cannot be said that the composition is fully disclosed. The researchers say that using acacia honey can slow down the growth of gram-positive bacteria in the body.

Recommended reading:  Medicinal properties of propolis with milk and contraindications for use

Determination of the chemical composition goes through several stages, the annual collection of honey revealed that the presence of useful elements varies over time. These rates depend on the collection site, storage conditions and processing requirements.

The benefits of acacia honey

The benefits and harms of acacia honey are determined by analyzing the qualities of those substances in which it is rich. Each group has special beneficial properties that affect the human body in different ways.

The peculiarity of acacia honey is the increased concentration of fructose. It is the simplest form of sugar, and its atomic composition is closely related to that of glucose. Fructose is sweeter than sugar but has fewer calories. It is this quality that lies at the heart of adding honey to drinks.

Acacia nectar is often used as an external agent and is added to creams, ointments or masks. This is due to its beneficial antiseptic effect due to the high content of trace elements and traces of alkaloids.

Acacia honey is beneficial to the body's systems in several ways.

It helps in the season of colds, improves the protective properties of the body, relieves inflammation of the larynx, therefore, it is often used for colds of the upper respiratory tract.

In relation to the activity of the heart and blood vessels, it has the useful ability to increase the elasticity of the vessel walls, normalize the heart rate, and regulate blood pressure. Benefit for the cardiovascular system lies in lowering the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, in the prevention of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

The activity of the nervous system under the influence of acacia honey is normalized, since it tends to manifest itself as a natural antidepressant.

Researchers claim that it has a bactericidal effect on intestinal inflammation, helps to normalize digestion, and has a positive effect on the secretion of pancreatic juice.

Women speak positively about the benefits of acacia honey due to its ability to reduce pain during menstruation, as well as smooth out the manifestations of age-related menopause.

These properties were revealed after careful research on the effect of acacia nectar on the human body.

Is it possible to honey acacia with diabetes

The peculiarity of the acacia product is that it benefits people who suffer from diabetes. This disease creates many inconveniences. Dishes that can be consumed without harm to health can be counted on one hand. When consumed in moderation, acacia flower honey can replace sugar. The glycemic index of this variety is one of the lowest among other varieties at 32.It is an indicator of how carbohydrates affect blood glucose choices.

Varieties of the monofloral type bring harm to patients with diabetes: the glycemic index of such species exceeds 50 units.

Honey is useful for diabetics for the following reasons:

  • it reduces the need for insulin;
  • normalizes blood supply, which reduces the damage from the development of plaques.

Traditional medicine recipes with acacia honey

Many people are familiar from childhood with the firm belief that flower honey can help with any disease. Over time, these ideas are adjusted, but the main thing that remains unchanged is the universal benefits of honey. It is used in many recipes for folk therapy, for a variety of diseases, and recipes for useful remedies are passed down from generation to generation.

For colds

The easiest way to take honey during a cold is with tea.

Warning! Honey is not added to hot drinks. High temperatures destroy beneficial properties and contribute to the release of harmful oxymethylfurfural, a poisonous substance released during the conversion of sugars.

To eliminate cough, relieve sore throat, as well as an immunomodulating and antipyretic agent, use a drink based on honey, soda and milk. The components are taken at the rate of 1 tsp per glass of warm milk. They all mix, drink at night.

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Such a drink is able to relieve a painful night cough by relieving spasm of the laryngeal muscles

From depression and stress

The drink for the nervous system is especially useful during exacerbations of nervous disorders. When properly prepared and consumed, it has a mild sedative effect.

Mix 1 part of honey and 1 part of beet juice until a homogeneous consistency is formed, leave for 2 - 3 hours, drink half a glass 3 times a day.

Recommended reading:  Beets: beneficial properties and contraindications

From pressure

To normalize the activity of the hematopoietic system and prevent complications with the heart and blood vessels, a delicious general tonic is prepared. Equal parts of dried apricots, prunes, raisins are added to the product. Eating dried fruits has additional benefits for the digestive system.

This healthy mixture is rolled in a meat grinder or smashed with a blender. Store in a glass container in the refrigerator, take 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day with plenty of water.

To lower blood cholesterol

The mechanism of action on the level of cholesterol in the blood lies in the vigorous activity of beneficial antioxidants. Due to their action, harmful substances - toxins - are removed from the body. This has a preventive effect on the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

A mixture of cinnamon and honey is considered a useful tool.

To 1 st. l. add 1 tsp. cinnamon, consumed 30 minutes before breakfast.

Researchers claim that after 2 hours, the concentration of harmful cholesterol in the blood is significantly reduced.

Advice! Before taking the product, you must consult with your doctor to avoid the risk of harm to the body.

To improve vision

Acacia flowers have an anti-inflammatory effect, this technique is used for redness, swelling of the eyes. A decoction of chamomile is mixed with a small amount of honey, lotions are made in the morning and evening.

The peculiarity of the preparation of mixtures for instillation is that they only need a high-quality and fresh product, otherwise they can harm the organs of vision.

For the ointment that is placed in the eyelid, take equal parts of honey from acacia and fish oil.

Such a mixture can be harmful to those who have eye diseases complicated by concomitant symptoms, so consultation with an ophthalmologist is mandatory.

To improve the digestive tract

Due to the low acidity, the acacia product is used for intestinal problems.Antioxidant properties have a positive effect on the functioning of all digestive systems.

Researchers claim that 1 tbsp. l honey from acacia before the first breakfast is able to have a healing effect for gastritis, an uncomplicated ulcer. The mechanism of work lies in its ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria and relieve inflammation.

Warning! Digestive system damage can be caused by eating sweets uncontrollably.

For the treatment of skin diseases

The benefit of the product for the skin lies in its property - to relieve irritation, soothe, promote cell regeneration. It is added to the composition of ointments and creams: the peculiarity of the application is that after application, such funds must be washed off with warm water.

Ulcers, erosions, small inflammations with suppurations are treated with the product as needed, washed off after drying.

Attention! It is contraindicated to apply honey to open bleeding wounds, it can harm the skin.

Acacia honey in home cosmetology

This product has long been used in home cosmetology, women have learned to find benefits from its use for the face, hair, and the whole body.

Face masks

Facial skin needs nourishment and hydration every day. Looking good for a woman is not always a requirement for large financial investments. Competent care is possible at home. Honey is effective as a component of face masks. It is added to scrubs and creams. These formulations are not harmful even with daily use.

Facial scrub:

  • acacia honey - 20 g;
  • oatmeal - 20 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp.

The parts are mixed, applied to the face, kept for 15 minutes, washed off. After peeling, you need to protect the skin with an additional nourishing cream.

The benefits of such a procedure will be felt on the very first day.

Mask for the face:

  • acacia variety - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • olive oil - 0.5 tbsp. l.

The mixture is rubbed into the skin of the face with massaging circular movements. This procedure moisturizes and activates the production of elastin. An additional benefit of using the mask is the lifting effect.

Hair masks

A nourishing mask helps to strengthen hair roots and give shine. For cooking use:

  • acacia variety - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • 1 egg yolk.

The components are mixed, rubbed into the scalp, and left for 40 minutes. Wash off with shampoo, it is useful to do this procedure once a week for a month.

Body Scrub

Cleopatra loved to take honey and milk baths. Modern beauties often use the product for peeling the skin of the whole body. For cooking you need:

  • acacia honey - 2 tbsp. l;
  • coffee grounds.

The components are mixed until a thick slurry is formed, applied all over the body, rubbed, washed off with warm water. The benefits for the skin after such a procedure are obvious, it becomes soft and elastic.

Possible harm to honey and contraindications

A food high in carbohydrates can harm the human body.

Its calorie content per 100 g of product is 300 kcal. This means that the daily collection rate from acacia for an adult is no more than 2 - 3 tbsp. l.

It is harmful to use it for those people who have a tendency to display allergies.

It can also be harmful to tooth enamel like all foods high in sugar.

It is also harmful to use it for those who are prone to gaining excess weight. Fructose promotes active fat storage under certain circumstances.

Honey can be harmful to children under 2 years of age. Food allergies are common at this age.

Pregnant and lactating mothers should refrain from using it so as not to harm the baby.

How to identify real acacia honey

Use in traditional medicine recipes or desserts involves a real healthy collection.Selling it and its derivatives is a whole industry, many manufacturers go to the trick to save money and offer consumers a low-quality product. To determine the authenticity of a product, so as not to harm yourself, you can use several properties:

  • Colour. Fresh honey is transparent, light with a yellowish tinge, without precipitation and impurities.
  • Smell. Weak, unsharp floral aroma.
  • Structure. When rubbed in, it does not form lumps, reaches for a spoon.
  • Adding iodine. If artificial thickeners are present, the product will turn blue.
Important! The most valuable is the golden collection of yellow acacia, it crystallizes more slowly than related varieties.

A product with a pungent vinegar smell is evidence of improper storage, which means that harmful substances begin to be released in it that will not be beneficial when used.

How to store acacia honey

Proper storage is a guarantee that honey will retain its beneficial properties. It is stored in a dark place in a glass container with a closed lid.

Warning! If the lid on the can is not tightly closed, then active delamination of the product will occur, the release of water, and the benefits are leveled.

Honey is capable of absorbing odors, so it is harmful to store it next to spices. Its shelf life is about 1 year, after which the beneficial properties are lost. Storage for more than 2 - 3 years entails the consequences of harm to digestion.


The beneficial properties and contraindications of acacia honey depend on many factors. Collection and storage determines what useful qualities the product will have. Proper use is beneficial for adults and children, helps to improve the functioning of body systems and improves mood.

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