Vitamins for women in menopause: the names of the best drugs

Menopausal vitamins are necessary for women after 40-45 years. During this period, the body is easily vulnerable, it needs external support. When choosing drugs in a pharmacy, you should choose a complex with an optimal composition and dosage. The best solution to this issue is to seek advice from a gynecologist or endocrinologist. Of course, vitamin preparations will not be able to delay the onset of menopause, but they will significantly improve health and prevent the development of many diseases associated with this period.

Benefits of vitamins during menopause

With the advent of menopause, all areas of a woman's life are changing significantly.

Menopause is usually called the last independent menstruation caused by the work of the ovaries. It can be natural or artificial.

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Natural is caused by age-related changes in a woman's body after 45-50 years, depletion of the follicle in the ovaries. Artificial, as a rule, is caused by surgical removal of the ovaries or any effect on the body (radiation, drugs). In connection with the cessation of the production of certain hormones, the work of many organs and tissues that are somehow related to estrogen is disrupted - the skin, bone, nervous, cardiovascular system, urogenital organs, mammary glands.

Menopause is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • hot flashes, excessive sweating;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • nervous irritability;
  • depression, mood swings;
  • dryness of the vagina;
  • decreased libido;
  • frequent urination;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • increased fragility of bones;
  • decrepitude of muscles and skin.

Before starting treatment for some symptoms of menopause, diagnostic measures will be required - cytological studies, blood tests, mammography, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, determining the level of hormones and some other examinations.

Treatment consists of hormone therapy, a certain diet, sleep, rest, moderate physical activity. Also, experts assign an important role in relieving symptoms of menopause to vitamin complexes.

Important! One of the first signs of menopause in women is the failure of the monthly calendar, since the production of sex hormones is disrupted.
During menopause, it is important to eat right and choose physical activity to your liking.

In this difficult period for a woman, it is important to maintain efficiency and not lose heart during the appearance of unpleasant manifestations of menopause. Non-hormonal vitamins for women contain certain beneficial substances that affect the synthesis of estrogen and smooth out age-related changes in the body. Correctly selected vitamins can help:

  • strengthen the woman's body as a whole;
  • support the nervous system of the body;
  • stimulate the protective function of the body;
  • to be prevention of diseases of ligaments, tendons, bones;
  • maintain psycho-emotional balance;
  • smooth out wrinkles and prevent muscle tissue sagging;
  • improve metabolism.

Taking vitamins for women during menopause can improve health, sleep, stabilize emotions, and increase efficiency. In addition, the period of menopause with the support of vitamin products may pass a little faster, not so pronounced.

What vitamins to take during menopause

Taking vitamins and minerals will help stabilize the body

Many vitamins are needed during menopause, but the following are most needed:

  1. Retinol. A good antioxidant, the main source of youthfulness and elasticity of the skin. Prevents the development of neoplasms in the mammary glands and reproductive organs. With constant use, the production of collagen and elastin in the layers of the skin increases significantly, and also stimulates the production of sex hormones.
  2. B vitamins... Reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis. They participate in lipid metabolism, preventing the appearance of excess weight, help regulate the functioning of the nervous system in the body, stabilize the emotional background, relieve tension, and restore sleep.
  3. Vitamin C... It is a good oxidizing agent. Maintains vascular tone, relieves inflammation of their walls, significantly increases the body's resistance. Supports the work of the pancreas and thyroid gland.
  4. Vitamin E... This element is necessary to maintain the genitals in order, especially during menopause. Reduces the risk of nervous and mental disorders.
  5. INitamine D... It is a good prevention of osteoporosis, which often plagues women during menopause. This disease is directly associated with hormonal imbalance. Vitamin D reduces the risk of many types of ovarian, breast and brain neoplasms.
  6. Vitamin K2 (MK2) - regulates the formation of calcium in the body.

In addition to vitamins during menopause, it is important to take minerals that can affect many metabolic processes in the body. One of the most important elements is calcium. It is extremely difficult to accumulate it in the body with food, an overdose is as dangerous as a deficiency, since it can be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, causing the formation of blood clots. The mineral is essential for a healthy skeleton and brain. Magnesium is important for maintaining a healthy nervous system and relieves irritability during menopause. Also necessary for the female body are selenium and potassium, which are good antioxidants.

Menopause vitamin names

There are several drugs that have proven to be effective. It is worth considering their main features.

Vitrum Centuri

Vitrum Centuri helps women cope with hot flashes and nervous strain

A good vitamin remedy for women after 45 years of age with menopause. The manufacturer is an American pharmaceutical company. The complex contains all the nutrients necessary for women - 14 vitamins and 17 mineral supplements. The course is designed for several months. The manufacturer does not recommend drinking the drug with tea or coffee, so that some useful components do not collapse under their influence. Many women have noted their beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails, hair, and the nervous system. Possible disadvantages include large tablet size.


Menopace has long been popular with menopausal women

The manufacturer of this vitamin complex is Great Britain. It contains 11 vitamins, 2 amino acids, 8 mineral elements. Vitamins relieve most of the symptoms that occur during menopause in many women. The drug comes in capsules that are quite easy to swallow. The disadvantages include mild nausea if you take the drug on an empty stomach.

Attention! Menopausal vitamins are not a drug, they are supplements that can help a woman overcome some of the main symptoms of hormonal decline.

Doppelherz Active Menopause

Complex often prescribed during menopause

The drug is produced in Germany and belongs to biologically active food additives. Contains all essential vitamins and most important mineral supplements. It is noted that they stabilize hormonal levels well, reduce nervous excitability, improve sleep, mood, performance and minimize hot flashes. The drug is taken once a day with water. Among the possible disadvantages is individual drug intolerance.

How to take vitamins during menopause

Menopause is not a disease, but its manifestations cause many women to suffer severely. When the first symptoms appear, you should contact a specialist who, with the help of diagnostic measures, can confirm the onset of menopause. He will also advise on certain vitamins that are best suited for the body and help stabilize the condition.


It is important to understand the difference between mineral and vitamin complexes and anti-climacteric agents. They cannot interchange each other. Perhaps the doctor will consider it necessary to prescribe both for women in the postmenopausal period. You should inform your doctor about other medical conditions so that he can prescribe the right drugs. During the purchase at the pharmacy, you should carefully read the indications and contraindications, as well as side effects.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications for vitamin preparations include age under 45-50 years old and individual intolerance to certain components of the complex. Side effects include overdose, nausea, dyspeptic disorders.


Vitamins during menopause are necessary for women after 45 years to maintain health and emotional background. They help avoid many of the unpleasant symptoms that often accompany menopause. It is important not to self-medicate and consult a qualified specialist for advice.

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