The benefits and harms of coconut flour

What are the benefits and harms of coconut flour? For many years, there have been disputes about its unique properties. How useful and safe is it for humans and is there a danger of causing harm to the body when using it?

How and from what is coconut flour made

Flour is one of the minor products in the production of coconut oil. Fat is squeezed out of the fruit, leaving a cake with a low oil content, which is the basis for making flour. The process of creating it is divided into four main steps:

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  1. dehydration of coconut pulp when heated;
  2. grinding wet pulp;
  3. drying;
  4. grinding the pulp into flour in a food processor or blender.

As a result of processing, a powdery white consistency with unique properties is obtained. Its taste and smell are the same as that of coconut.

Chemical composition of coconut flour

The substance contains such useful substances as iron, manganese, calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, as well as fatty acids, vitamins B1, B9, C.

Nutritional value and calorie content of coconut flour

100 grams of natural substance contains 19 grams of protein, 12 grams of fat and 9 grams of carbohydrates. The energy value of this food product is 320 kilocalories. The glycemic index of coconut flour is 45, which is 30 units less than that of wheat or corn flour, which, of course, has a beneficial effect on the diet of diabetics.

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Important! It is generally accepted that the composition and properties of coconut pulp and flour are the same. In fact, they contain the same substances, but in different consistencies.
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Why is coconut flour useful?

If you compare it with any other similar product, then it is more useful. And the benefit lies in the following properties:

  • It contains manganese. Its benefits for the body are proven. It helps to improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, in addition, it helps to regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Another useful element in the composition is lauric acid. It also brings great benefits to the body - it strengthens the immune system and normalizes the thyroid gland.
  • High protein content, which brings exceptional benefits to the human body. But there is very little fat that is harmful in it.

Coconut flour does not contain such harmful components as gluten, inhibitors of digestive enzymes and excessive amounts of omega-6. Therefore, it is allowed to be consumed even by people suffering from diabetes. In addition, it is economical, since its consumption is 2–3 times lower than ordinary flour.

The healing properties of coconut flour

It has a number of beneficial properties. It is widely used in medicine for the preparation of medicines or folk remedies.Regular use will allow a person to get rid of a number of diseases:

  • Saturation with fatty acids, which provide liquefaction and removal of bile from the body. The substances included in its composition increase the tone of the vascular walls. Therefore, it is recommended to use healthy flour for people with diseases associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Its properties are useful for people with arrhythmia and arterial hypertension. Active ingredients help regulate blood pressure and improve brain function.
  • The high amount of protein benefits male reproductive function.

Having studied all the properties, we can state that coconut flour is a healthy and safe product. But still, you should not self-medicate. If it is used for medical purposes, then before using it, you need to consult a doctor. Otherwise, it can cause harm.

The use of coconut flour in cosmetology

Valuable flour is included in many expensive products for face and body skin. Its beneficial properties:

  • Moisturizing. Moreover, the positive effect occurs after the first application.
  • Provides saturation with nutrients.
  • Benefits aged women, as it has excellent anti-aging properties - it smoothes wrinkles, makes the skin elastic.
  • Another useful property is the acceleration of the wound healing process.
Comment! You don't have to spend money on expensive cosmetics. You can also make a face mask at home. The risk of harm from such a cosmetic product is practically zero.

Recipe number 1

  1. The main component should be combined with heated liquid honey in equal proportions.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until a smooth consistency is obtained.

The property of such a mask is to create moisturizing and nourishing effects.

Recipe number 2

To create a rejuvenating effect, it is recommended to regularly mask with coconut flour and olive oil.

The cooking method is simple:

  1. Mix 2 components in equal amounts.
  2. Apply to face and décolleté, rinse off after 20 minutes.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week for a month. The obvious benefits will be visible after the first application.

How is coconut flour used in cooking

The product with excellent properties is suitable for making jelly, gravy or puree soup. It is also recommended to use it instead of wheat flour, because it is much healthier. It should be noted that cooking will require 2-3 times more water. During the dilution process, it should be constantly stirred so that no lumps form.

How to make coconut flour at home

Flour in its natural form is rarely found in stores. But making coconut flour at home is simple, it only takes a few basic steps:

  1. Purchase coconut flakes or grind the pulp of a ripe coconut.
  2. Fill the shavings with water in a ratio of 1 to 4.
  3. Boil the mixture and let it brew for 5 hours.
  4. Process the present product with a blender, and then separate the liquid from the cake with gauze.
  5. Dry it out.
  6. Grind the remaining cake in a blender or coffee grinder.
Important! The optimum temperature for drying the cake in the oven is 85–90 degrees. It is recommended to pre-lay it on foil.

Harm of coconut flour and contraindications

This exotic substance is not as harmless as it seems. Coconut products are prohibited for patients with irritable bowel syndrome and young children. It is not recommended to ingest in large quantities, as it can cause harm - provoke nausea or diarrhea.

How to choose and store coconut flour

If the product is purchased in a store, there are several factors to consider when choosing:

  • High price. A good quality exotic product cannot be cheap.
  • Tightness. The packaging itself must be dry and intact.

The optimum storage temperature is 20 degrees. After opening the package, you can store and use it without harm for up to 6 months.


The benefits and harms of coconut flour are important information for people who monitor their health. A minor product of coconut oil now has a wide range of uses, so everyone needs to know about its properties.


Volkova Victoria Fedorovna, Ryazan, 43 years old
For 10 years I have been making a mask from coconut flour. During this time, there were never any problems with the skin, no wrinkles and acne appeared. The face always looks young and fresh. I did not find any harm from it, but the benefit, as they say, is "on the face"!
Afanasyeva Margarita Pavlovna, Moscow city 35 years old
I have had diabetes mellitus since childhood, so meals made from ordinary flour are harmful to my health, since they are high in carbohydrates. An excellent alternative for me was flour made from ground coconut flakes, products made from it are very tasty and healthy.
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