Why is buckwheat porridge useful and how to cook it

Even in Soviet times, despite the shortage of food, buckwheat porridge was necessarily included in the diet in all children's institutions; people with diabetes received buckwheat with coupons. Those who are not indifferent to their health need to know what are the benefits and harms of buckwheat porridge in order to use this valuable product correctly.

Composition, nutritional value and calorie content of buckwheat porridge

Buckwheat is an environmentally friendly product that cannot be treated with poisons against weeds and has not been genetically modified. The presence of substances with useful properties in Greek is more than in any other cereal.

Buckwheat contains a huge set:

  • vitamins A, PP, E, B1-B6, B9;
  • mineral elements such as zinc, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, iron, iodine, silicon and others;
  • useful organic acids;
  • essential amino acids.

Nutritional value and calorie content of buckwheat porridge per 100 g of product:


97.8 kcal


4.2 g


1.1 g


18.6 g

Alimentary fiber

3.8 g


74.18 g

The kernel ranks first among other cereals in terms of the amount of protein, the digestibility of which, due to the presence and amount of special amino acids, is about 80%. And according to its properties, the protein is equated to the protein of legumes.

The benefits of buckwheat porridge for the human body are also due to the presence of complex carbohydrates, a large amount of fiber and flavonoids:

  • routine;
  • orientina;
  • quercetin;
  • vitexin and others.

The most valuable properties for humans among flavonoids are rutin and quercetin. There are more of them in buckwheat than in other cereals. Therefore, buckwheat is also used for the production of medicines.

The benefits of buckwheat porridge for men and women

Due to its rich composition, the use of buckwheat porridge every day is beneficial for men and women, allowing not only to keep the body in a healthy state, but also to cope with such disorders as:

  • high cholesterol;
  • hypertension;
  • constipation;
  • swelling;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • osteoporosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • slagging.

The beneficial properties of rutin in buckwheat porridge for the human body are presented in strengthening the capillary walls, their elasticity and strength. Rutin is extremely necessary for the human body, but it is not produced by it, and can only be obtained from food.

The amount of plant protein plays an important role in the renewal of protein cells in the body. This is especially important for men who need to maintain and grow muscle mass.

The fiber in buckwheat porridge has intestinal benefits. Having passed through the alimentary tract, it carries with it part of the food undigested through the gastrointestinal system. Thus, it promotes cleansing.

Buckwheat porridge cooked in water is of great benefit to those people who suffer from chronic anemia. Regular consumption of buckwheat with its volume of iron and copper allows you to normalize the level of hemoglobin.

Is buckwheat porridge good for the elderly?

Over the years, the human body wears out, and the life processes subside. And older people are faced with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and immune systems.

Advice! Nutrition in old age requires special attention. An elderly person's diet should include cereals every day.

Which one to give preference to, you need to decide on the state of your health. However, buckwheat porridge can solve many problems and provide health benefits for the elderly:

  • rutin and folic acid will lower cholesterol and improve liver function;
  • iron and copper will help cope with anemia;
  • potassium and magnesium normalize heart function;
  • dietary fiber will relieve constipation;
  • calcium will delay the manifestations of osteoporosis;
  • hard-to-digest carbohydrates provide energy without raising blood sugar.

In addition, a recent study by British scientists on the health benefits and harms of buckwheat found that buckwheat contains substances that can stop age-related degeneration of eye tissue and preserve vision in older people.

Buckwheat porridge during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The nutrition of a woman during pregnancy and during lactation is of great importance for the favorable carrying, birth and development of a healthy baby, since the child receives all the necessary substances through his mother.

The benefits of buckwheat porridge for a woman's body lies in the properties that it possesses. Regular consumption of buckwheat porridge in the morning and for lunch is beneficial for a pregnant woman suffering from constipation. Buckwheat helps to overcome depression and physical fatigue, as well as reduce toxicosis, if it is associated with certain types of meat.

However, one should not assume that buckwheat porridge, even with oil and vegetables, is so useful that it can replace other products. A growing fetus in the mother's womb needs many different substances, therefore, a woman's nutrition during pregnancy should be varied, useful and not harmful.

Buckwheat porridge for infants and older children

Mothers should feel special gratitude to buckwheat for the valuable properties that it possesses. Gluten-free, low-allergenic, nutritious buckwheat porridge has great benefits for children and is recommended by pediatricians as a first food for babies.

The smallest are cooked puree from buckwheat, ground in a coffee grinder. For cooking, you need to take 1 tsp for 100 g of water. buckwheat powder. In such proportions, the porridge turns out to be liquid, and the baby can drink it from the bottle through the nipple.

When the child is 7 months old, the amount of buckwheat can be doubled and the baby can be fed from a spoon. At this time, milk buckwheat porridge is already being prepared, the benefits of which also lie in its nutritional value.

After a year, children are prepared a dish of whole grains, adding a little salt, sugar and butter. Children like buckwheat porridge with pumpkin, the benefit of which is a large amount of vitamins of groups B, A, E.

The benefits of buckwheat porridge for weight loss

A high protein content and a small amount of carbohydrates with a rich vitamin and mineral composition endow buckwheat porridge with such properties that it is indispensable for different types of diets, including for weight loss.

The calorie content of buckwheat is quite high - 308 kcal per 100 g of product. However, the buckwheat diet is often used for weight loss. And that's why:

  • most of the carbohydrates in buckwheat are complex, their assimilation occurs slowly, spending energy on maintaining vital activity and not being deposited as fat;
  • an already prepared product has a caloric value of about 97 kcal per 100 g, and this is a low energy supply;
  • the presence of useful elements and a large amount of fiber improve metabolism, which allows you to lose extra pounds.
Attention! Buckwheat can be beneficial during weight loss, not harm, if you follow some rules: do not eat it for dinner, eat it in small portions, drink water in large quantities.

Diet on buckwheat

The most popular is the buckwheat mono-diet. It consists in the fact that only buckwheat porridge is consumed for the entire duration of the diet. Receptions can be 4-5 a day, no more than 200 g at a time.

A mono-diet should not last more than one week, otherwise the body may be harmed due to a lack of elements that are not in buckwheat. With a mono-diet on buckwheat, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

It is necessary to cook buckwheat porridge without cooking, then its benefits are maximum. A glass of washed cereals is poured into 2 tbsp. boiling water and insist for 2-3 hours. You can add a little salt or do without salt.

To prepare buckwheat porridge for breakfast with benefit and, saving time, you can pour boiling water over the cereal in the evening and wrap it well. This cooking method allows you to maximize the preservation of useful properties.

Nutritionists also recommend a buckwheat diet with kefir. With such a diet, kefir is washed down with porridge or cereal is poured overnight for insisting instead of water. Compliance with all the rules of the diet for weight loss allows you to lose without harm from 3 to 5 kg per week.

Buckwheat porridge recipes

Buckwheat is an excellent addition to any kind of meat, chicken, fish, mushrooms and vegetables. You can cook it in different ways: boil, bake, stew in the oven. The benefits of buckwheat porridge only increase if you eat it with milk, dried fruits, honey, kefir, yogurt. There are many recipes.

Loose buckwheat porridge on the water

The most popular and simple recipe will not take much time if you do everything as follows:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire.
  2. Rinse the groats.
  3. Pour into boiling water and salt.
  4. Cover and leave on low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Remove from heat, add butter, stir.
  6. Wrap the pot with porridge and leave to cook for another 30-40 minutes.

The proportions of porridge and water must be 1: 2.

Buckwheat porridge with milk

Since childhood, the familiar taste of buckwheat with milk is of great benefit, in addition to satiety and pleasure. Time-tested recipe:

  1. Pour 2 tbsp into a saucepan. water and put on fire.
  2. After boiling, pour 1 tbsp. washed buckwheat.
  3. If desired, add salt and sugar, cover and cook over low heat until cooked.
  4. 1 tbsp is poured into the finished dish. milk, bring to a boil.
  5. Turn off the heat, close the lid and leave for 5-10 minutes.

Instead of sugar, honey can be added to buckwheat porridge, which will increase its benefits.

Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms

An unusually aromatic and tasty porridge with mushrooms can be cooked in half an hour as follows:

  1. Chop the onion and garlic.
  2. Saute in vegetable or ghee.
  3. Add finely chopped mushrooms and fry for 7-10 minutes.
  4. Pour 1 tbsp to the mushrooms. washed buckwheat.
  5. Pour 2 tbsp. water, salt, pepper to taste.
  6. Leave on low heat until the buckwheat is completely cooked.
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Comment! Some culinary experts advise soaking buckwheat for 1-2 hours before cooking. Then it increases in volume and becomes more crumbly.

The harm of buckwheat porridge and contraindications for use

Despite the enormous benefits for the human body, buckwheat porridge can cause certain harm, therefore, it has its own contraindications. It is not recommended to use a mono-diet for more than one week - you need to take a break. Diabetics and people with kidney failure should also not abuse buckwheat - due to the high starch content, blood sugar can increase.

Other contraindications, except for individual intolerance to buckwheat, have not yet been identified.


The benefits and harms of buckwheat porridge should be taken into account in advance by those people who monitor their health and want their loved ones not to get sick.This knowledge will help you organize the right nutrition at the right time to maintain your health. And at the same time, do not harm yourself by realizing the importance of a varied diet.

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