Oftan Katahrom drops for eyes: benefits, indications, application, analogues

Oftan Katakhrom is an imported drug that has become widespread in Russia due to its efficacy and useful properties. Drops are used by people suffering from insufficient moisture in the outer and inner parts of the eyeball and some other diseases. This article will conduct a thorough analysis of the benefits and harms of Oftan Katakhrom eye drops.

The principle of the drug

This combination treatment improves dissimilation (energy metabolism) within the lens, helping to restore its healthy function. The main benefits of the eye drops are their antioxidant and nutritional properties.

The composition includes three main active ingredients - adenosine, cytochrome and nicotinamide.

  1. Adenosine is able to expand blood vessels inside the eye, its properties contribute to the enhancement of dissimilation processes, the exchange of fluids. It removes toxic substances that cause irritation.
  2. Cytochrome prevents the appearance of internal eye damage by destroying cytochrome oxidase (a special enzyme that damages the eye structures).
  3. Benefits of nicotinamide consists in faster cell renewal. By neutralizing the harmful effects of extraneous factors, it stops the development of cataracts and other ophthalmic diseases.

Each component of Oftan Katahrom drops plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of eye problems - it moisturizes the mucous membrane, disinfects the surface of the eye and promotes treatment.

Composition and release form of the drug Oftan Katakhrom

The drops are red liquid and are available in 10 ml vials.


Dose per ml


0.675 mg


2 mg


20 mg

Benzalkonium chloride

0.04 mg

Sodium succinate hexahydrate

1 mg


10 mg

Sodium phosphate disubstituted 2-aqueous

4.4 mg

Sodium phosphate monobasic 2-aqueous

2.8 mg

Useful properties of drops Oftan Katakhrom

Drops Oftan Katakhrom bring considerable benefit to the membrane and inner tissues of the eye during their recovery from possible postoperative complications. A useful drug accelerates healing, takes an active part in cell metabolism, and helps cells to renew faster. Oftan Katakhrom is used in the treatment of many eye diseases.

Useful properties of the drug:

  • it is an active antioxidant and neutralizes negative oxidative processes;
  • helps in the restoration of lens cells;
  • improves assimilation and dissimilation processes inside the eyeball and outside, on the shell;
  • nourishes the eye and moisturizes its surface with an excessive tendency to dryness;
  • can serve as a useful antiseptic when foreign bodies get on the ocular membrane, reducing inflammation;
  • insignificantly improves indicators of visual ability with myopia.
Advice! Doctors are sure that Oftan Katakhrom should be used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for the prevention of many diseases for greater benefit.

Indications for the use of drops Oftan Katakhrom

Based on the beneficial properties of the components that make up the eye drops, we can conclude that Oftan Katakhrom is suitable for people who suffer from problems:

  1. Blepharitis (inflammation of the eye)... With this disease, the outer edges of the eyeball are harmed, which is why the eyelids become inflamed and increase in size.
  2. Dry eye syndrome... This is a condition in which the eye system is unable to provide sufficient hydration on its own, as a result of which ophthalmic problems can appear.
  3. Cataract... Oftan Katachrom drops can help only in the initial stages of cataract development. They can reduce pain symptoms and temporarily reduce the damage caused by the disease.
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How to use Oftan Katakhrom

Important! Before starting use, you must consult with your doctor so that he prescribes the exact course with certain doses, since improper and thoughtless use of drugs can lead to irreparable consequences in the form of serious harm to health.

Usually, an ophthalmic medication is applied 3 times a day, 1-2 drops.

It is important to adhere to the following algorithm of actions.

  1. Tilt your head back slightly.
  2. Pull the crease of the eyelid, look up and gently pour in the drops.
  3. The liquid must completely cover the mucous membrane of the eye.

The duration of use of drops for each patient varies depending on the severity of the disease. In the treatment of serious diseases, the average time is 6 months, for the prevention of Oftan Katakhrom it is used in smaller doses.

Contact lenses and Oftan Katakhrom

For people using contact lenses, there are specific instructions for use. Before applying drops to the mucous membrane, you must remove the lenses and do not put them on for the next 30 - 40 minutes.

Is the drug approved for pregnant and lactating women

Experts strongly discourage the use of this ophthalmic drug for pregnant and lactating women. There have been no reliable studies on how Oftan Katakhrom drops and their properties can affect the development of the fetus and the health of the mother, therefore, for greater health confidence, it is better to refrain from using the product.

Can Oftan Katakhrom be used for children

These eye drops are not recommended for children under 14 years old, which is not only due to the lack of information about the effect of the drug on a young body. At this age, the child's body is just in the middle stage of formation, and some powerful drugs can adversely affect health.

Drug harm and side effects

Eye drops Oftan Katahrom can cause side effects in some patients:

  • in the first 10 to 15 minutes after applying the drops, a person may feel an unpleasant burning sensation on the mucous membrane of the eye: this usually passes quickly and does not cause serious complications;
  • in rare cases, Oftan Katakhrom can lead to inflammatory conjunctivitis, swelling of the upper and lower eyelids;
  • inflammation of the skin around the eye and on the entire surface of the face is possible, the skin may become covered with a red rash: with such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor;
  • it is important to know if there is an allergy to any element from the composition of the product, as this can lead to unpleasant consequences;
  • in the first minutes after administration, a slight pulsation may be felt in the parietal and temporal regions of the head, since the medicine causes vasodilation;
  • nausea, dizziness, slight shortness of breath may appear;
  • there were situations when a person lost consciousness after instillation, but such outcomes are very rare and are possible only in certain circumstances;
  • lowering blood pressure (hypotension) by 20 - 40% of the original.

Contraindications for use

In order for the eye drops not to harm the body, it is important to adhere to the following rules and not use them at all in some cases.

Doctors do not recommend Oftan Katakhrom for glaucoma (a chronic disease in which the pressure of the inner lining of the eye increases). However, the drug is good in complex application for the treatment of myopia (myopia). In this case, the specialist must prescribe a full course, consisting of several drugs and additional procedures.

You can not enter drops intravenously or in any other form of injection. This can be fatal.

Since eye drops tend to cause blurred vision for a while, drivers, mechanics and other people whose profession requires clear vision should take a break of 15 to 20 minutes, and then return to work.

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Interaction with other drugs

When using Oftan Katakhrom together with other eye remedies, you must also take a break between taking them for at least 15 - 20 minutes, so as not to mix the effective properties and not cause harm. There were no serious negative consequences from the combined use with the drug of any other ophthalmic agents.

Analogs of eye drops Oftan Katakhrom

The remedy has several analogous options that can also be beneficial in the treatment and prevention of disease.

These include:

  1. Slezin... He is the most popular. Its main action is to moisturize the cornea. Slezin works as a useful artificial tear, setting the necessary mucous film on the surface of the eye for timely cleansing of toxins and other harmful substances.
  2. Visidik... These useful drops are mainly used when it is necessary to heal microtrauma and damage on the surface of the eye. They also eliminate redness, swelling of the eyelids and irritated mucous membranes. They contain polyacrylic acid and a number of other substances that can cause an allergic reaction.
  3. Oftolik... By its properties, it is most similar to Oftan Katahrom. Its benefits are to reduce burning, inflammation, prevent ophthalmic problems and eliminate dry eyes.
  4. Visiomax... This beneficial agent improves metabolic processes and helps the rapid regeneration of eye cells. It is great for recovering from surgery and transferring a serious illness.

Analogs also include Taufon, Solcoseryl, Khrustalin, Quinax, Emoxilin, Udzhala, but their effect is not so high.

Medicines storage rules

Eye drops should be stored at 8-15 ° C in the refrigerator. It is important to keep the medication away from the reach of small children or pets.

Shelf life is 3 years, but it is unacceptable to keep the drug for more than 1 month with a leaky package.


When studying the benefits and harms of Oftan Katakhrom eye drops, it becomes obvious that this is a useful eye remedy that helps prevent the development of cataracts, eliminate dry eye syndrome and improve visual abilities. It is important to familiarize yourself with possible side effects and carefully study the composition of the medicine so that allergic reactions do not occur. Oftan Katahrom has many analogues that can be a good replacement if it is absent.

Reviews of doctors and patients

Amineva Luiza Vasilievna, 46 years old, ophthalmologist, Petrozavodsk
Oftan Katahrom is an indispensable remedy in the treatment of dry eye syndrome. Over the 15 years of work in the medical field, he has repeatedly saved patients with serious problems, providing benefits in reducing the harmful effects of extraneous factors and improving overall vision. In any case, before use, a mandatory consultation with a specialist is required!
Mitroshenko Ksenia Igorevna, 28 years old, Yekaterinburg
Several years ago I developed a hereditary cataract. After seeing a doctor, I was advised to use Oftan Katakhrom in order to prevent further development of the disease. After its systematic use for 4 months, all the signs of the disease disappeared, and I don't feel any problems with my eyes anymore.
Grigoriev Vasily Dmitrievich, 52 years old, Chelyabinsk
As a result of age-related changes, myopia began to appear, although all my life I had excellent vision. Ophthalmologist appointed Oftan Katahrom. I took it with benefit every day, 2 times a few drops: after six months, my vision improved significantly, although it did not become ideal. However, I am more than satisfied with the effect, I recommend the drug to all those who have age-related myopia.

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