Food supplement E501i: dangerous or not, effect on the body

Food supplement E501 is one of those substances that mankind has been using for many centuries. Until now, the component is considered a safe additive and is a baking powder, acidity regulator and stabilizer.

What is the additive E501

Food additive E501 is called potassium carbonate. The stabilizer has been in use for a long time. But GOST in 2012 created new conditions for packaging, transportation and storage of substances.

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The food supplement has other names:

  • anhydrous potassium carbonate;
  • hydrated potassium carbonate;
  • potash;
  • dipotassium carbonate;
  • potassium hydrogen carbonate;
  • potassium bicarbonate;
  • potassium bicarbonate.

The additive is classified as a stabilizer. E501 is available in powder form. Crystals have a whitish tint and taste of alkali. There is no smell. It dissolves well in water. Differs in hygroscopicity, high thermal stability and ability to diffuse in air.

The powdery mass is usually packaged in bags or containers. But at the same time, the container must meet certain requirements: the surface is made five-layer, a laminated layer or a lining of several layers of paper is added inside. This will protect the powder from moisture and air. Most often, products are used in production.

Potassium salt is presented in the form of transparent crystals with a whitish tint

What is the additive E501 made of?

A food additive is usually understood to mean potassium salts of carbonic acid. The substance is obtained as a result of the chemical reaction of carbon dioxide with potassium hydroxide (caustic potash). As a result, small transparent crystals of white color are obtained.

The benefits and harms of the food additive E501

The effect of the food additive E501 on the body has been studied for a long time. The stabilizer began to be used many thousands of years ago. The substance was recognized as one of the safest, because it has the least harm.

Such a substance as potassium is in every human body. The food supplement is absorbed by the intestinal walls and excreted naturally. Experts say that the food supplement E501 has the ability to compensate for the lack of a trace element. This is its benefit.

Harm is extremely rare and only if a person is abusing the stabilizer. This phenomenon occurs with the uncontrolled use of drugs and dietary supplements. If we talk about food, then they contain only a small amount of E501, therefore, they are harmless to health.

Dangerous or not food additive E501

Food supplement E501 is not dangerous for the body, if not abused. Potassium is the element that is vital for the functionality of the human body. He is responsible for the functioning of the kidneys and the elimination of harmful substances. The stabilizer is completely absorbed by the intestinal walls, excreted in the urine and feces.

But excess can still be harmful. With uncontrolled use of the stabilizer, a person develops hyperkalemia. This is when the kidneys lose their ability to remove excess fluid from the body. Because of the kidneys, the functionality of the adrenal glands is also impaired.If you do not take timely measures, this will lead to Addison's disease.

In its pure form, potassium carbonate is also dangerous, because it is presented in the form of an alkali. If the substance gets on the skin, a chemical burn will occur. This process is accompanied by redness, irritation and itching. In such cases, it is urgent to rinse the damaged area with water, and then seek help from a doctor.

Enters production in large bags or containers
Important! If the food additive E501 enters the respiratory tract, it will adversely affect the mucous membranes. As a result, symptoms of an allergic reaction, choking and attacks of bronchial asthma will appear.

Where and why is the food additive E501 added?

This substance was discovered by humans many thousands of years ago. Then it was used as an excellent cleanser and disinfectant. It allowed to remove any stains from clothes and remove grease from dishes.

After a while, people started adding stabilizer to the dough as a baking powder. This made it more airy. From about the 16th century, E501 began to be used in other industries - glass making, soap making, and the production of dyes.

At the present time, the food additive is added:

  • in chocolate - used as a stabilizer and emulsifier, helps to improve the structure and prevent the formation of a whitish coating;
  • in products from cocoa and milk powder;
  • in biscuits, baked goods, bakery products - acts as a baking powder;
  • into condensed milk - improves structure;
  • in jam, marmalade, citrus jam - regulates acidity;
  • in gingerbread;
  • in soft drinks.

The food additive E501 has found application in the pharmaceutical industry. It is added to ointments, creams and gels that have bactericidal and antifungal effects.

Potassium carbonate is used to treat hypokalemia in combination with sodium alginate and sodium citrate.

The substance is added to the composition of cleaning agents - liquid soap, various disinfecting liquids for washing hands and cutlery.

E501 is actively used in the agricultural industry for fertilizing the soil and processing corrals.

The stabilizer can also be found in building materials, because it increases frost resistance.


Food supplement E501 is one of the safe substances that has the properties of a stabilizer and acidity regulator. This is a source of potassium, but the substance should not be abused in case of kidney problems, otherwise it threatens the development of edema. It is widely used in food, construction, pharmacology. Remarkably, the food additive appeared many thousands of years ago and was already used as a cleanser and disinfectant.

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