Macrurus: benefits and harms, how to cook

The benefits and harms of hoki are currently well known only to a narrow circle of specialists, since this fish is still looking for its admirers. Its popularity is not great, however, every day more and more people try it and are convinced that, having most of the positive properties of cod, it is much tastier.

Hoki (Makrurus): what is this fish

Macrurus is a fish of the Cod family, which is widespread almost everywhere. It can be found in all oceans, except for the very northern regions. A distinctive feature of the grenadier or hoki is its long body with a thin tail.

The fish lives at a depth of up to 2 km, and, nevertheless, is an object of fishing. The weight of the fish does not exceed 4 kg, and its size reaches no more than 100 cm. The scales of the grenadier are small, but very sharp and capable of injuring potential fish enemies. In total, 5 species of grenadier are distinguished, depending on its habitat. External differences in these species are insignificant.

Hoki meat composition

100 g of fish contains:


  • A and RE - 30 mcg;
  • B1 - 0.17 mg;
  • B2 - 0.13 mg;
  • B6 - 0.1 mg;
  • B9 - 4.8 mcg;
  • C - 1.7 mg;

Trace elements:

  • potassium - 300 mg;
  • calcium - 30 mg;
  • magnesium - 35 mg;
  • phosphorus - 150 mg;
  • iron - 0.63 mg;
  • iodine - 0.050 mg;
  • cobalt - 0.02 mg;
  • manganese - 0.05 mg;
  • chromium - 0.055 mg.

Vitamin and mineral composition is typical for most Codfish and almost completely repeats the composition of hake. But there are also some peculiarities. In particular, 100 g of khoki contains a daily dose of chromium and two daily doses of cobalt and such essential amino acids:

  • lysine - 1710 mg;
  • leucine - 1070 mg;
  • arginine - 980 mg.

Like all members of the family, grenadier meat contains 230 mg of omega-3 fatty acids, which is about 30% more than cod.

Calorie content and nutritional value of hoki

The calorie content of grenadier per 100 grams is determined by how it was prepared. It is presented in the table:

Cooking method

Caloric content, kcal / 100 g

Without processing








The nutritional value of khoki resembles the composition of almost all Treskovykh:

  • proteins - 13.2%;
  • fats - 0.8%.

There are no carbohydrates in fish.

Useful properties of grenadier

Macrurus is wonderful because it has a complete set of all "cod" vitamins, microelements and fatty acids. But, unlike most other members of the family, its meat has excellent gastronomic qualities. It is eaten with pleasure in a wide variety of dishes.

The benefits of grenadier for the human body are multifaceted and are explained by the substances included in it.

The iodine in fish helps in the regulation of metabolism and accelerates chemical reactions. This element is especially useful for patients with thyroid disorders.

The beneficial properties of meat, due to the presence of phosphorus and calcium in fish, allow maintaining bone tissue in normal condition. This element will be especially useful for children and pregnant women, whose body constantly lacks them.

Thanks to the iron contained in meat, the blood composition and its ability to carry oxygen throughout the body are improved.Iron is also used to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. The presence of this element in the diet avoids anemia.

Vitamin A and some B vitamins are powerful antioxidants. Their positive properties lie in the prevention of aging of the body. They are an excellent tool for the prevention of cancer.

And, of course, do not forget about one of the most important components of hoki - the unsaturated Omega-3 acids. The complex effect of this group of acids has an effect on almost all systems of the body - from the normalization of the processes of fat metabolism to the improvement of the functioning of the brain. Of the Codfish, perhaps only haddock contains more of these useful acids than hawks.

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An equally important useful property of grenadier is the low calorie content of its fillet. As a result, thanks to the excellent taste of grenadier, an excellent dietary product is obtained, rich in many useful substances.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women to have hoks

This fish is very "light" for the body and is well absorbed by it. It contains all the substances necessary for pregnant women: iodine, iron and phosphorus. That is why it is strongly recommended to be added to the diet of pregnant women.

Important! On the recommendation of doctors, grenadier should be consumed up to twice a week in portions of 150-200 g.

In addition, since the use of fish oil (the very Omega-3) is recommended even during intrauterine development, fish should be introduced into the diet of the expectant mother as early as possible.

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The lack of these acids in the fetus has serious negative consequences. The fetus may develop respiratory failure and mental retardation. In some cases, with a lack of these acids, visual impairment is recorded.

Is hoki fish good for children

A growing body needs polyunsaturated acids, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce grenadier into the children's diet as early as possible. On the other hand, the properties of fish will be able to manifest themselves only with a more or less formed digestive system of the child.

Therefore, it is recommended to start the first fish feed no earlier than from 11-12 months.

Cases of individual intolerance or allergies in this fish are extremely rare. However, if a child has a seafood intolerance, its intake should occur after consultation with a pediatrician or doctor.

How to cook hokey fish

Thanks to its excellent taste, this fish can be cooked in any form: boiled, baked, fried, etc. It is almost impossible to spoil its taste.

Grenadier meat has several special properties:

  • it is recommended to process it with a minimum amount of liquid, since it is already quite watery;
  • the time for frying the fish is very short, so you should not bake it until crusty;
  • it is preferable to use not fillet in its pure form, but to make minced meat from it; after mechanical processing, the taste of fillets will only improve.

Fish roe is also eaten. In appearance and taste, it is very similar to salmon caviar, and is prepared in the same way.

To do this, 1 kg of fish is covered with a mixture of salt and sugar for half an hour. The caviar is mixed every 5 minutes. Then it is put in the refrigerator for 12 hours. The composition of the salting mixture: 60 g of salt and 25 g of sugar.

Harm of hawks and contraindications

Diet Hoki meat does no harm. Allergies are extremely rare. Contraindications include individual intolerance to seafood.

How to choose and store hoks correctly

One of the properties of fish is its ability to withstand any heat treatment. Heating and freezing in no way affects the beneficial properties of fish, since they do not reduce the amount of vitamins in it. Therefore, you can safely buy frozen khoki in stores.

The fish is sold in the form of fillets without a head and scales. During the selection, it is worth taking specimens with a thin layer (no more than 1 mm) of transparent ice. If the ice is white or thicker, there is a high probability of re-freezing. Thawed meat of well-preserved hoki resembles meat in its firmness and appearance shrimp.

Important! In a frozen state, fish can be stored for up to 60 days, in thawed - no more than 4 hours.


With the expansion of the assortment of supermarkets, the benefits and harms of khoki are gradually becoming clear to the population. The beneficial properties of this dietary fish help a person restore fat balance in the body and speed up metabolism. Fish oil in the form of Omega-3 acids and a wide range of vitamin and mineral effects will also be beneficial for the body. Macrourus itself is a tasty and low-calorie food. It can be used by those losing weight and diabetics without any consequences.

Fish reviews

Shinkarenko Svetlana, 30 years old, Nalchik
The dietitian recommended that I eat a low-calorie white sea fish at least two days a week. But with this I have a big problem. I cannot stand the taste of any "cod-like" creature. Neither cod nor hake nor pollock suit me. The grenadier was a real discovery for me. All the necessary substances, plus few calories, and even such a taste! I never thought that boiled and baked white fish would be so delicious. I recommend everyone to try it.
Petrov Vladislav, 65 years old, Chelyabinsk
Several years ago, for the sake of experiment, I decided to try a new fish from the supermarket. He took something that looked like a hake and asked his wife to cook it. I was very pleased with the taste. I learned the name of the fish - grenadier. Since then, we regularly buy it. Since using it, my memory has improved significantly, and my joints stopped hurting. The local therapist explained this by the beneficial properties of this very fish. Try it, maybe it will help you too.
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