Why is cod useful, reviews

To understand what the benefits and harms of cod are, you need to start getting to know this fish. A very large number of people love it, but not everyone knows about the shortcomings of this product.

What does cod look like and where is it found

The habitat of cod is the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, the Bering Strait in the direction of the Kamchatka Peninsula, the temperate part of the Atlantic Ocean. This fish is distinguished by the presence of many subspecies in accordance with the habitat:

  • Baltic cod;
  • white sea;
  • arctic and other types.

At the same time, cod is practically not found in the open part of the ocean, the entire main life cycle of the fish takes place near the coast.

The color of this fish can be either olive green or black (depending on the species). Within our country, the most common black cod. The fish has a torpedo shape, an elongated head with a whisker under the lower jaw. The back can be strewn with small spots, and the belly is mostly white, in rare cases with a yellowish tint.

Chemical composition of cod

On a diet, cod is a very valuable product with a rich composition of vitamins, macro- and microelements.


Quantity per 100 g


9.97 mcg

AT 12

1.6 μg

AT 6

0.2 mg


0.9 mg

IN 1

0.1 mg


9.95 mcg

AT 9

11.3 mcg


0.97 mg


5.8 mg

AT 2

0.07 mg

Macro - and trace elements


54.5 mg


164.8 mg


29.7 mg


209.8 mg


24,7 mg


199.7 mg


339.4 mg


0.1 mg


1 mg


8.9 mcg


29.4 μg


55 mcg


3.9 mcg


134.7 μg


699.7 μg


149.9 μg


0.5 mg

How many calories are in cod

The number of calories per 100 g of fresh fish is 68.908. But as a result of various types of processing, its nutritional value is greatly increased. Information on the calorie content of cod per 100 grams of product in accordance with the cooking method is given in the table.

Cooking type

Number of kcal



Dried and salted












Useful properties of cod

The valuable properties of cod have been appreciated by many people who follow a diet to lose or maintain weight. It is also suitable for those who are fasting, as it will serve as an excellent supplier of protein for the body.

For women, cod is a valuable product not only in terms of nutrition, but also beauty. The use of this fish will help to strengthen and speed up the growth of hair and nail plates, and improve the condition of the skin. These effects are possible due to the content of zinc, sulfur and selenium in fish.

Due to the sufficiently large amount of potassium in cod, its use in food favors the passage of impulses along the fibers of the nervous system. It is also rich in phosphorus, which takes part in the processes of renewal of bone and cartilage tissue.

Health Benefits of Cod children are also invaluable. The use of this product is recommended in carrying out preventive measures against rickets.In addition, due to the calcium content, this fish helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system of the child.

The healing properties of cod

Cod will be an assistant during preventive and therapeutic procedures in the presence of:

  • heart disease;
  • stroke;
  • heart attack;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • high cholesterol and triglyceride content;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • thrombosis;
  • some types of cancer;
  • multiple myeloma;
  • leukemia;
  • non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Is it possible for cod during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The benefits and harms of cod for pregnant women and nursing mothers are controversial due to the increased content of mercury. According to the recommendations of the US FDA, pregnant and lactating mothers of cod can consume no more than 2 servings over 7 days. And only after measuring the amount of mercury in fish (it should be minimal).

The benefits of cod for a child

To answer the question of at what age cod can be given to children, it will be necessary to take into account the child's predisposition to allergic reactions and the tolerance of the first complementary foods. If these indicators are normal, then the cod can be started to give the child before 1 year. So, to start feeding cod at the age of 9-10 months, you can give 0.5 teaspoon of soup, boiled fillet or steamed cutlets.

Important! To prepare any dishes from this fish, children under one year old must first cook it.

You can gradually increase the portion to 70 g. It is not recommended to give cod more than 3 times over 7 days. If you are prone to allergies, the serving is reduced to one per week.

Children over one year old can cook more complex dishes from this fish (pie, casserole, etc.).

Slimming cod

Cod is a very valuable product both for those who are losing weight and for those who want to control their weight. Among the recipes for cooking this fish, you can find a lot of dishes with a low calorie content. Indeed, depending on the method of its preparation, its calorie content changes slightly. And to preserve nutrients, it is better to bake cod or steam it. This treatment will help preserve sodium and magnesium in the fish.

Due to the richness of Omega-3, cod helps to improve metabolic processes in the body, which will also have a positive effect on losing excess weight.

Is cod good for pancreatitis

The benefits of pink cod for pancreatitis are very high, because it is rich in animal proteins, contains a low amount of calories. And the saturation of cod with various vitamins and fatty acids has a beneficial effect on all body systems.

Fish fillet is excellent for making mashed potatoes and cream, which is an important part of the diet for this disease. But even if you cook it in portions, it will be perfectly absorbed and will not harm the gastrointestinal tract system with pancreatitis.

Attention! In the acute stage of the disease and its exacerbation, cod is allowed for use 14 days after the exacerbation.

It is recommended to boil it or steam it; it is better to serve it in the form of cutlets, meatballs, meatballs.

In the chronic form of the disease during the recovery period, the use of a variety of casseroles, pies, fillets, steaks is allowed. But the dishes should be boiled, stewed or baked.

How to cook cod tasty and healthy

In order not to harm the figure and keep the maximum amount of vitamins and trace elements in the fish, it is better to boil it, bake it, steam it or stew it.

These methods of cooking cod will not contribute to weight gain, and due to the preserved beneficial properties, they will have a beneficial effect on all human organs.

There are many recipes for cooking cod in the above ways that will suit even gourmets. Among them can be distinguished cod soup, cod stewed with vegetables, cod soufflé.

Recommended reading:  Why boiled beets are useful for the body

For cooking fish, you can watch the following video:

Harm of cod and contraindications for use

Despite the impressive list of nutrients, cod can be harmful to the body. The fact is that this fish can be oversaturated with emissions from industrial production and heavy metals. In addition, fish can spread various parasites. It should be well heat treated.

When buying cod, you should ask sellers to show a certificate of product quality, and it is better to purchase it from a reliable supplier.

For medical reasons, fish may be prohibited in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • pathological changes in the work of the kidneys and bile ducts;
  • obesity of varying degrees is also a reason for refusing to cut cod tongues, but the use of fillets of this fish is allowed;
  • the presence of diseases such as hypercalcemia, hyperthyroidism and low blood pressure also requires the complete elimination of cod from the diet.

How to choose and store cod correctly

Good quality cod should meet the following parameters:

  • the pupils of the fish should be transparent and free of debris and dirt;
  • the scaly and skin of the cod should be shiny and not damaged;
  • fish scales are very small and can be easily removed;
  • gills should be bright red;
  • fish fillets should be solid;
  • the cod should have a pleasant fishy smell;
  • the cod must be free of any defects and plaque.

Store cod only in the refrigerator or freezer. If there is no packaging, you will need to place it in a plastic bag.

Advice! To preserve the taste of cod in the refrigerator, it is recommended to put it on a plate filled with ice.


Consequently, the benefits and harms of cod are highly controversial given the negative effects that frequent consumption and purchase from an unverified supplier can have. It is worth buying it only from a seller who has a quality certificate for the product.

Fish reviews

Irina Georgievna, 40 years old, Astrakhan
I started buying cod recently. The family tried it, now I cook it constantly. We love to bake it on the airfryer.
Tatiana, 35 years old, Kazan
I bought cod several times in different places, but I smell urea from it. For this reason alone I had to abandon it.
Olga Vladimirovna, 54 years old, Vologda
Very often I cook dishes from various fish, I buy cod periodically. I cook it in a double boiler with the addition of various vegetables. The whole family is delighted.
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