Why is cod liver useful?

Cod is a fish native to the North Atlantic. Its peculiarity is its unique anatomy. Being a very lean fish, it has an extremely fatty and high-calorie liver. The benefits and harms of cod liver depend on its composition, method of preparation and consumption.

Composition and calorie content of cod liver

The nutritional value of 100 g of cod liver is as follows:

  • proteins - 4.2%;
  • fats - 65.7%;
  • carbohydrates - 1.2%.

The calorie content of cod liver per 100 grams is 400 kcal for a natural product. When cod liver is preserved in oil, this figure rises to 613 kcal.

The main useful component is fish oil. These are the unsaturated acids of the Omega-3 group that are part of fats.

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The product contains the following vitamins:

  • vitamin K - 110 mg;
  • vitamin A - 4.4 mg;
  • vitamin D - 0.1 mg.

Filling the product with microelements:

  • sodium - 720 mg;
  • phosphorus - 230 mg;
  • calcium - 35 mg;
  • copper - 12.5 mg;
  • cobalt - 65 mcg.

The water content is approximately 26% of the total mass.

Useful properties of cod liver

The benefits of cod liver for the body lies in the complex effects of its constituent components. Its main beneficial property lies in the fish oil (Omega-3) it contains. It is this component that causes the following positive effects:

  • decrease in blood cholesterol levels;
  • partial resorption of already formed atherosclerotic plaques;
  • normalization of pressure;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • improving the functioning of the brain;
  • prevention of diabetes mellitus;
  • strengthening the immune system.

An additional useful property of the product is to improve vision due to the content of vitamin A.

In addition, fish oil, in combination with monosaccharides contained in the liver, leads to the synthesis of heparin in the body, the benefit of which is to improve blood clotting. In this case, the likelihood of blood clots is significantly reduced.

The beneficial effects of vitamins A and E help slow the aging process due to their antioxidant properties. This improves skin color and prevents the early appearance of wrinkles. Amino acids help in the regeneration of body tissues.

Vitamin D and calcium contained in the product have a beneficial effect on the formation of the skeletal system in children. In addition, the benefits of these elements are that they strengthen the already formed skeletal system. This property makes cod liver an indispensable component in the prevention of osteoporosis. It is often recommended to speed fracture healing.

Most of the beneficial trace elements contained in the product (copper, phosphorus, potassium and others) are in a state that is easily assimilated for the human body.

For women

Despite the high fat content of the product, it is often recommended (naturally, in acceptable doses) for women who are trying to lose weight. The fats contained in it have the property of being quickly absorbed and create a feeling of fullness in the body. In addition, the normalization of metabolic processes in the female body due to fish oil leads to a significant reduction in cellulite.

Also, the properties of cod liver will be useful for women during pregnancy.

For men

Men traditionally experience more physical activity than women, so the male body expends more energy. Digestible healthy fats will help restore this energy. In addition, a useful property of the product is the strengthening of the male skeleton due to calcium.

The beneficial effect of fish oil helps to dissolve harmful cholesterol in the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Also, fish oil creates favorable conditions for the synthesis of testosterone, thereby supporting male sexual functions.

For the elderly

The main problem in people over the age of 50 is that brain cells begin to die off. Unfortunately, this process cannot be stopped, but it can be significantly slowed down. The benefits of fish oil lie in its ability to stimulate brain activity.

This property is used as the prevention of diseases such as strokes, senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease.

Also, do not forget about strengthening bones, which is especially important for an elderly body.

Is cod liver possible for pregnant and lactating women

The beneficial properties of cod liver during pregnancy include the following:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • preventing anemia;
  • prevention of thrombosis.

The vitamin D contained in it allows you to properly form the skeleton of the unborn baby.

In addition, it will also be useful in maintaining the mother's skeleton, since calcium deficiency is usually a common problem during pregnancy.

Trace elements will help strengthen the immunity of the expectant mother. And protein has the property of quickly absorbing, and the mother's body will not spend many resources on its digestion.

However, do not forget about the dangers of this product. The fact is that the concentration of many substances that make up the cod liver is quite high. And their excess can have a diametrically opposite effect on the fetus - this includes the inhibition of the development of the fetal nervous system, its cardiovascular and excretory systems.

Attention! One can of cod liver contains from 30 to 180% of the daily intake of various substances necessary for the body. But they can also enter the body with other foods, so you should not consume it in large quantities.

Breastfeeding mothers are also shown cod liver, since at an early age breast milk is practically the only way to transfer Omega-3 components to the child's body.

At what age can cod liver be given to a child

The benefits of cod liver for children are undoubted, however, due to a number of features, children are recommended to use it after reaching the age of 2.5 years. By this time, the child's body is able to tolerate such a load on the digestive system without any special consequences. But even so, it is not recommended to use it in its pure form. The best way to do this is by combining the liver with vegetables, eggs, or even regular bread, for example, making sandwiches.

In some cases (for example, vitamin deficiency or a lag in the formation of the skeleton), you can even give cod liver to children under one year old, but this can be done only after consulting a pediatrician or doctor.

Is cod liver good for weight loss

Despite the high calorie content, cod liver is recommended for weight loss, as it contributes to the rapid saturation of the body and the withdrawal of hunger.The proteins it contains have one of the highest absorption rates, which also contributes to quick satiety.

Unsaturated fats have the beneficial properties of dissolving cholesterol and, which is especially important for women, lead to a reduction in cellulite.

The benefits and harms of canned cod liver

Canned cod liver food has all the properties of a regular liver, but there are a number of nuances associated with their manufacture.

Firstly, if preservation was carried out after freezing, the content of all nutrients in the product is about half that in the untreated or cooked directly at the place of fishing.

Secondly, canned liver can be cooked with or without added oil. In the latter case, its caloric content practically does not change, and in the case of adding oil, it increases by about 1.5 times while maintaining other properties at the same level.

Features of the use of cod liver in diabetes and gout

Due to its low sugar content, the product is recommended for people with both types of diabetes. Its beneficial properties will have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and lower cholesterol levels. The only limitation when eating this product may be its high calorie content.

Important! In case of gout, it is not recommended to include the product in the diet, because the substances it contains, called "purines", cause an exacerbation of this disease.

What can be made from cod liver

Despite the fact that cod liver is a by-product, nutritionists classify it as a delicacy. With it, you can cook a wide variety of healthy dishes. These are main dishes, salads, various soups, and even pastries.

In addition, it is included in various pates, snacks and creams.

The liver works well with the following foods:

  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • with almost all vegetables;
  • green peas;
  • avocado;
  • corn;
  • olives;
  • rice.
Attention! Cod liver is very poorly combined with various mayonnaises (too much fat) and dairy products (causes gastrointestinal upset, in addition, it lacks some important properties).

Daily rate

The daily norm of cod liver is from 30 to 40 grams of pure product.

Possible harm to the liver of cod and contraindications

Product harm is caused by the following factors:

  • allergic reactions to seafood;
  • possible high concentration of heavy metal salts;
  • high calorie content of the liver itself;
  • a lot of retinol.

Therefore, the use must be limited to the following categories of people:

  • obese;
  • patients with hypotension;
  • to patients with urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • people with excess calcium or vitamin D.

In addition, the daily consumption of the product should not be exceeded so that its beneficial properties do not turn into harm. This is especially true for pregnant women.

How to choose and store cod liver

In the vast majority of cases, cod liver can be obtained exclusively in canned form. It is best to choose canned food made directly in the sea, since at a great distance from the production site, due to the transportation of raw materials in frozen form, about half of the useful properties of the product leaves.

The packaging (tin can) should be inspected for damage and dents, and also checked for swelling. In case of any deviations from the norm, it is better not to purchase this bank. You should also pay attention to the shelf life of the product. When shaking the jar, no clicking or gurgling should be heard.

The shelf life of cod liver in a jar is two years. If you open the canned food, then the shelf life is no more than a day.


The benefits and harms of cod liver directly depend on its quality, as well as the method of consumption.The properties of this product can significantly improve the state of the body, and in some ways its effect is truly unique. At the same time, do not forget that the concentration of active substances in it is quite high and it should be used exclusively in the correct doses.

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