Drops "Taufon" for eyes: benefits and harms, indications for use, analogues

According to statistics, about 285 million people worldwide suffer from ophthalmic diseases every year. Overexertion, stress, aging, trauma and other factors serve to impair vision. Many ophthalmic problems can be solved when using Taufon drops. The drug has a positive effect on patients of any gender. But are there any benefits and harms of Taufon drops for young children and the elderly? This article will help answer these and related questions.

Description and composition of eye drops "Taufon"

"Taufon" is a colorless substance of liquid consistency, odorless. The Latin name for the ophthalmic medicine is "Taufonum".

Taking into account the introduction, the drug is produced in the following forms:

  • bottle;
  • an elastic tube with a droplet former;
  • dropper bottle.

Standard dispensing volumes are 1.3 ml, 5 ml and 10 ml.

The main useful component of eye drops is considered taurine... This harmless sulfonic acid was first obtained by German scientists from bovine bile in 1827. In medical practice taurine in the form of eye drops is used for various eye lesions, including hereditary pathologies.

Auxiliary components of "Taufon" for vision and their properties:

  1. E218 preservative. This substance has antifungal and disinfecting effect.
  2. Sodium hydroxide... The component participates in the purification of water from impurities and creates an alkaline balance.

An additional element for the dilution of all components is water for injection.

Why "Taufon" is useful for the eyes

With subconjunctival use, Taufon eye drops have retinoprotective, anti-catarrhal and metabolic effects. During systemic use, the drug has hypotensive, hepatoprotective and cardiotonic properties.

During the treatment of eyes with Taufon drops, the following useful goals are achieved:

  1. Stabilizing the balance of DNA molecules to repair damaged cells.
  2. Protection of the retina from negative external factors.
  3. Strengthening the excitatory wave of the nerve impulse along the eye fibers.
  4. Normalization of oxygen tissue respiration.
  5. Improving the regeneration of eye tissue.

The main benefit of Taufon drops for the eyes is that they stop degenerative dystrophy. As well as senile and traumatic types of cataracts.

Why appoint "Taufon"

Due to their beneficial properties, drops are used in the treatment of various types of ophthalmic pathologies. The absence of harmful factors makes it possible to use them for people of any sex with various diseases.

For conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis damages the thin connective membrane that surrounds the outside of the eye and the back movable part of the eyelid. More often, the pathology is expressed by the inflammatory process. The properties of "Taufon" help to cope with eye puffiness, pain, and tearing.When conjunctivitis becomes severe, the ophthalmologist, together with Taufon eye drops, prescribes other drugs. Such a complex therapy is of great benefit to the body to quickly eliminate the symptoms of pathology.

From barley

Weak immunity is considered the main cause of barley. With insufficient protection, the human body cannot cope with pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to eye infections.

The properties of the drug "Taufon" accelerate the process of tissue regeneration, normalize blood circulation, and reduce discomfort. As a result, the patient's retinal regeneration is accelerated and visual acuity is increased.

From cataracts

The development of cataracts is facilitated by a lack of water and oxygen in the tissues of the eyes. In the initial stage of pathology, there is a burning sensation of the eyelids and redness of the eyeball. When the disease becomes severe, the patient has a foreign body sensation in the eyes. Over time, these symptoms lead to myopia or hyperopia. The properties of the eye preparation "Taufon" help the body to regress cataracts, which prevents surgical intervention.


Glaucoma is a rather dangerous eye disease that causes great harm to the patient's vision. The first signs of pathology are the urge to vomit, headache, itching and burning in the eye sockets. To eliminate these symptoms and prevent the development of the disease, doctors prescribe the medication "Taufon". But in order to achieve the benefits, you need to strictly follow the precautions. Therefore, self-treatment of the eyes is not recommended.

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Important! It is strictly forbidden to drip Taufon onto the lenses.

The ophthalmic medication should be used within 30 minutes. before putting on an accessory and after removing it. Otherwise, the surface of the eyeball will receive great damage.

From eye pressure

When the intraocular pressure rises or falls, the microcirculation of the eyes and metabolism fail. Such a pathological deviation leads to the development of glaucoma or to other ophthalmic diseases. The properties of Taufon drops reduce the production of intraocular fluid, which contributes to its better outflow. In addition, the medication improves metabolism. These beneficial qualities normalize intraocular pressure, thereby preventing loss of vision.

Corneal dystrophy

Retinal dystrophy is most common in the elderly. Usually, this pathology harms the photoreceptor cells of neurons, which are responsible for the perception of light and distance vision.

At first, such a pathology may be asymptomatic. However, over time, eye dystrophy begins to acquire a high degree of myopia. Modern treatment of this condition involves the use of useful drops "Taufon". Thanks to their properties, blood vessels are strengthened, and the metabolic process in the retina of the eyes is improved.

Corneal trauma

This category includes superficial microtraumatization of the corneal epithelium. Such pathological harm can happen when wearing contact lenses, careless application of cosmetics, ingress of foreign bodies, injury with a handkerchief or finger. In these and similar cases, the drug "Taufon" will quickly restore regeneration processes, which will have a beneficial effect on the tissues of the cornea of ​​the eyes.

Attention! During swelling of the eyes, fatigue and deterioration of vision, it is recommended to drip "Taufon" for prevention. This approach will prevent the development of ophthalmic pathologies without harming the body.

How to use eye drops "Taufon"

Eye drops should be prescribed by a strictly qualified ophthalmologist at a medical facility. Only he will be able to correctly disassemble the treatment regimen, taking into account the patient's state of health and the severity of the pathology.

The dosage regimen of the drug according to the instructions should be carried out as follows:

  1. In case of cataract, the drug should be used 4 times a day. 1-2 drops of solution are injected into each eye. The course of treatment is 3 months. If necessary, the process can be repeated after 30 days.
  2. In case of glaucoma, the drug "Taufon" is prescribed in conjunction with medications of the group of beta-blockers. The course of treatment is 4 months. Drops are applied 2 times a day for 20 minutes. before using other drugs. The recommended dose is 1-2 drops per eye.
  3. With microtrauma of the epithelium of the eyes, the course of treatment is 2 weeks. The medicine is instilled in 1-2 drops in each eye 4 times a day. After 6-8 months, the course of treatment is recommended to be repeated.
  4. During eye dystrophy "Taufon" is used 2 drops 1 time per day. The duration of treatment is 10 days.

At the end of treatment, you need to re-examine the eyes. If necessary, the doctor will prolong the course of treatment or cancel it completely.

Is it possible to drip "Taufon" for children

Until now, no studies have been carried out on whether Taufon drops harm the child's body. Therefore, the drug's instructions contain a restriction under the age of 18. But many ophthalmologists in their practice still prescribe Taufon drops to a child.

The drug is prescribed after a complete eye examination. The daily dosage and course of treatment are determined by the doctor, taking into account the diagnosis and its nature.

Side effects of the drug "Taufon"

Useful properties of Taufon drops allow them to be used by patients of any gender and age. But with prolonged use, they can harm the body.

Negative consequences are expressed in the form of the following symptoms:

  • nasal congestion;
  • redness of the eyelids;
  • tearing;
  • dry cough.

"Taufon" can be prescribed as the main drug in complex therapy. Therefore, in order not to harm the body, the interval between taking medications should be 15 minutes.

Contraindications to the use of "Taufon"

A feature of Taufon eye drops is that they have a short list of contraindications.

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The drug should not be taken in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug.

In some cases, eye drops can be harmful in the form of an allergic reaction. Therefore, the beginning of the course of treatment should be carried out under the supervision of an ophthalmologist.

Warning! During pregnancy, Taufon drops can benefit vision only in minimal doses and in the absence of an allergic reaction to taurine.

Can "Taufon" be addictive?

Thanks to the beneficial properties of Taufon drops, you can cure a wide range of ophthalmic problems. In addition, this medication is not addictive and retains the achieved positive effect of therapy for a long time. But when using it, you should strictly follow the treatment regimen. A mandatory requirement is a break between taking drops. The interval is set depending on the nature of the disease.

Analogues of "Taufon"

Currently, there are several analogues of the Taufon eye drops. Among them, the following drugs are considered the cheapest segment with high benefits for the eyes:

  1. "Oftan katakhrom"... Despite the fact that these eye drops have a fairly low cost, they have a positive effect in the treatment of various types of cataracts. As for the intake, the drug is considered useful even for young children and women who are breastfeeding.
  2. "Khrustalin"... This analogue of "Taufon" is considered the most effective. When using it, the eyes receive all the necessary trace elements in the fight against cataracts, dystrophy, dryness and presbyopia. However, the properties of "Crystal" can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
  3. "Quinax"... This drug is used for these types of cataracts: senile, congenital, traumatic, secondary. Patient reviews indicate that Quinax is well tolerated even with prolonged use. But the active substance of the drug can harm hypersensitive people.

These funds prevent the development and suppress the progression of various eye diseases. They provide benefits without significant harm to health. But, despite this, eye drops "Taufon" occupy a leading position in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases.


The benefits and harms of Taufon drops depend on their correct use. Observing the dosage and duration of the course of treatment, you can defeat various eye diseases, improve visual acuity and improve the general condition of the patient. If you ignore the doctor's recommendations or self-medicate, the drug will bring negative effects.

Reviews of doctors

Smirnova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, 48 years old, Barnaul
"Taufon" has established itself as one of the useful drugs in the treatment of ophthalmic problems. I usually prescribe it to older people with cataracts. It is well tolerated and has no side effects. In addition, after treatment, the positive effects of Taufon remain for a long time.
Gerstein Vladimir Genrikhovich, 38 years old, Krasnoyarsk
I recommend Taufon drops to all my patients. The ophthalmic drug is well tolerated by them. It is beneficial for many eye conditions. The drops are not addictive. But when using them, you must strictly follow the instructions. Otherwise, after instillation in the eyes, discomfort and burning may occur.
Kiseleva Inga Vasilievna, 54 years old, Khabarovsk
I cannot leave a negative review about this useful medication. It deals with many types of eye diseases. But given that most people are beyond the average standard of living, I would recommend cheaper analogs.

Patient reviews

Pilipenko Evgeny Leonidovich, 43 years old, p. Volchikha, Altai Territory
People! In my life I have tried many different life-giving agents, but "Taufon" are magic drops, after which I saw all the colors of the world. Recommend!
Sergeeva Antonina Sergeevna, 33 years old, Voronezh
For many years she suffered from tear-producing eye problems. After taking Taufon, I forgot about those unpleasant sensations that tormented me.
Tikhonov Vlad Andreevich, 25 years old, Achinsk
I have cataracts in my eyes. The drops were completely useless for me. After completing the entire course of treatment, I still had to agree to surgery.
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