The benefits and harms of taurine for humans, what is it for

A useful amino acid called "taurine" has been studied since 1827. Now it is increasingly included in the diet of people involved in sports or leading an active lifestyle. This substance is responsible for the normal functioning of body tissues, activates many vital processes, protects vision, regulates the activity of the nervous system and blood circulation. This acid also has negative properties, it can be harmful, therefore, before starting taking this drug, you should consult your doctor. The benefits and harms of taurine will be discussed in this article.

What is taurine and what is it for

Not everyone understands exactly what taurine is. In fact, it is a useful amino acid that the human body needs to function properly. It is thanks to her that the benefits are obtained in the form of cell restoration and division. Taurine responsible for the process of lipid metabolism and the transmission of nerve impulses. The body can synthesize taurine based on the amino acids that contain sulfur - cysteine ​​and methionine.

The main difference between taurine is the ability to stay in tissues in a free form. Most of all it is contained in:

  • muscle of the heart;
  • spinal cord and brain;
  • kidneys;
  • retina;
  • musculature.

Of course, this useful substance is extremely necessary for the human body. Taurine is able to completely dissolve in liquid and has the property of neutralizing harm, restoring the normal functioning of all organs.

Consequences of Taurine Deficiency in the Body

Researchers continue to debate about taurine and its benefits and harms to the body, but today there are known problems from the deficiency of a useful amino acid. Lack of taurine can harm the body, cause mental impairment, disrupt metabolism and reduce strength. The daily intake of taurine is 400 mg. With a daily deficiency of a substance in the diet, the body is harmed: various diseases of the organs develop. As a rule, this harm affects vision, gastrointestinal tract organs, cardiac activity, liver, kidneys, musculoskeletal system and brain.

A small amount of a substance is synthesized in the body, but this is not enough. Taurine deficiency provokes harm to the body in the form of:

  • depressive disorders and apathy, loss of strength;
  • decreased vision and pain in the eyes;
  • weight loss;
  • liver damage;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • loss of hair color.
Important! Therapy must be prescribed by a doctor, self-medication can harm the body. Such symptoms do not always indicate a lack of this particular amino acid.

Why taurine is useful

The controversy about the benefits and dangers of this amino acid does not subside. Still, the benefits of taurine for the body are much greater. The benefits of taurine are undeniable.

For the cardiovascular system

Taurine has the beneficial properties of improving blood circulation and metabolism in the heart muscles. This benefits the general condition of the body and improves tone.In addition, scientists believe that taurine acts as an anti-catabolic, a drug that reduces the harm from homocysteine. In a state of stress, taurine acts as a protection for the heart muscles, it binds and blocks catecholamines, which provoke an overload of the heart muscle cells with calcium ions. It is known that taurine intake counteracts necrotic processes of the cardiovascular system. It lowers blood pressure and has benefits in strengthening the heart muscle. Its beneficial properties have a beneficial effect on the heart rate and eliminate arrhythmias.

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For the nervous system

Taurine also benefits the nervous system. The fact is that it is a transport component, a neurotransmitter, a compound that ensures the transmission of impulses to the receptor. This beneficial property contributes to the functioning of all human organs. This connection provides a timely impulse from the brain.

For visual acuity

With increasing age, the eyes become more sensitive to external influences (sun, light, dust, heat), scientists attribute this to degenerative changes and harm from taurine deficiency. If the content of taurine in the tissues of the eye is present in normal amounts, then the visual apparatus is not subjected to negative influences. The lack of amino acids provokes degenerative and atrophic diseases of the organs of vision. Taurine benefits the eyes in the form of rejuvenation, regeneration and repair and normalizes energy balance and strengthening of the membranes in cells.

Important! Taurine is used for diabetes, the benefits and harms of such therapy are not correlated, the drug promotes intoxication and tissue regeneration, which is extremely necessary for such a disease.

For the brain

Taurine has beneficial properties for the nervous system. Its protective properties are especially beneficial for the brain. The amino acid is used to treat neuroses, epilepsy, restlessness and excitement, hyperactivity and seizures. The taurine level in the brain of a child is 4 times higher than that of an adult. The substance has the property of helping the child learn better and be more focused. The use of the amino acid in the ability to restore the energy level of the nerve cell is such that both memory and attention improve (anger, irritability decreases), sleep is normalized.

Taurine in bodybuilding

People who are actively involved in sports have also appreciated the beneficial properties of taurine:

  • the substance has the property of reducing harm from active training;
  • Benefits by increasing blood volume, which promotes the active supply of carbohydrates to muscle tissue and makes it possible to do more repetitions on subsequent approaches;
  • reduces harm from stressful conditions, physical activity is stress for the body, which causes increased energy consumption and a decrease in immunity;
    Important! Excessive exercise provokes an increased release of adrenaline, which lowers glycogen levels and burns fat. Additional taurine is required to maintain muscle mass.
  • benefits taurine and immunity in cells;
  • increases the rate of glucose delivery to muscle tissues, benefiting in the form of their recovery and accelerating their growth;
  • useful properties of taurine have a stabilizing effect on the heart rate during prolonged aerobic exercise;
  • prevents the appearance of cramps in the muscles during power loads and when lifting large weights;
  • helps to recover from surgery or severe injuries.

Most athletes are not aware of the properties of taurine, but its benefits are enormous. This amino acid is useful for both the professional and the beginner. It will help you get the desired result and not harm the body.

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Where is taurine found

Taurine supplements can be purchased at a regular pharmacy or online store. But do not rush to purchase chemical additives, because this useful substance can be obtained in another way.

Taurine in food

Taurine in food is on our table every day. Taurine is more beneficial in natural form.

If you want to increase the amount of amino acids in your diet, you can create a specialized menu with dishes that will suit your taste and benefit.

So, taurine can be obtained from:

  • fish and seafood;
  • eggs and milk;
  • beef, pork and rabbit meat;
  • cottage cheese.

Taurine in energy drinks

But the presence of taurine in energy drinks causes misunderstanding of scientists, the harm and benefits of an amino acid in this format do not correspond at all. The fact is that it has the property of acting on the brain as a sedative, not an invigorating agent. Impact energy drinks on the brain has not been fully studied, but it is clear that there is no benefit from excessive use of the substance. There are versions that taurine is the cause of accidents on the roads, since it has the property of soothing, not invigorating.

Normally, a useful dose of taurine should not exceed 500 mg, but there are people who can drink up to 8 cans of energy drinks per day, which is equivalent to taking 8000 mg of the amino acid. This amount of taurine has the property of causing great harm to humans.

Daily intake of taurine for humans

The daily intake of taurine is 400 mg.

How to take taurine

The intake of a useful amino acid should be carried out in accordance with the instructions for the drug and the doctor's recommendation, only in this way the benefits of the substance will be obtained.

Side effects of taurine and contraindications

Experts are wary of the action of taurine, since it is a very active substance. Doctors believe that it has the property of over-acting on the heart, lowering blood pressure, provoking increased bile production and exacerbates chronic diseases.

Important! Before you start taking drugs with taurine, you should definitely visit your doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications. In this case, the benefits of the reception will be obtained, not harm.
  1. The amino acid intake is not recommended in the presence of stones in the gall bladder, liver disease.
  2. With gastritis with high acidity, a stomach ulcer, the substance can also be harmful.
  3. At low blood pressure, taurine intake is prohibited, heart failure and other pathological changes in the cardiovascular system can progress when exposed to this substance.
  4. Continuous intake of taurine into the body will lead to harm in the form of wear and tear. The beneficial properties of the substance can be obtained only with a minimum intake.
  5. Taurine should be taken by pregnant and lactating women and children only as directed and under medical supervision.
Important! You cannot combine taurine and caffeine or alcohol. This will cause enormous harm to the body.


Thus, the benefits and harms of taurine are about the same. Taurine is necessary for the body, but if abused, it can cause irreparable harm to humans. It is necessary to take useful preparations with this amino acid only after consulting a doctor. In no case should you combine it with caffeine and alcohol, this can cause serious harm.

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