Health benefits and harms of blackberries

Blackberry is a fruit shrub that is found everywhere in Russia, in private gardens, vegetable gardens and wild nature. The plant is appreciated not only for its delicious berries. What are the health benefits and harms of blackberries, and how can different parts of the plant be used?

What does a blackberry look like?

The plant is a small shrub no more than 1.5 m tall. Branches of blackberries are flexible, recumbent or directed upwards, most often covered with thorns, and the leaves are serrated at the edges and with a slight edge along the surface. The shrub blooms from June to late summer with pink or white flowers, and begins to bear fruit in early autumn. In the south, the berries appear earlier.

Blackberry fruits are very similar in appearance to raspberries, but when ripe they are black.

The chemical composition and calorie content of blackberries

The fruits of the plant are not very nutritious - only 34 calories per 100 g. Nutritional value is represented mainly by carbohydrates - 4.4 g, there are blackberries and some proteins - 1.5 g. Fats in the fruits contain a minimum amount, no more than 0.5 d, making them a dietary dessert.

The main benefit of the plant lies in the vitamin and element composition of the berries. In particular, the fruits contain:

  • a huge amount of vitamins are B1 and B2, A and C, E and PP;
  • the most valuable microelements for the body - iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium;
  • fiber;
  • tannins;
  • citric, nicotinic and malic acids.

What are blackberries useful for?

All parts of the plant have healing properties. The positive influence is expressed in the fact that blackberries:

  • helps to remove toxins and harmful substances from the body;
  • eliminates inflammation and relieves heat;
  • lowers bad cholesterol and reduces the burden on the liver;
  • helps to normalize metabolism;
  • improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • strengthens blood vessels.

For women

The benefits of the plant for women are mainly due to the fact that it facilitates the natural conditions of the body. So, during menstruation, tea from blackberry leaves reduces pain, and with menopause - evens out the hormonal background and generally improves physical well-being.

For men

The benefits of the plant for men is that the berries contain a large amount of potassium. This element contributes to the good work of the cardiovascular system, and also allows you to recover faster after training and other physical activity.

For children

Children start giving blackberries no earlier than 9 months. But after that, it can and should be introduced into the diet. Berries and drinks based on the plant strengthen the child's body, increase immunity. Blackberries will be useful to a child for their anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties - children often have scratches and abrasions, the plant will contribute to their healing.

Important! Introduce berries into the diet only after consulting a pediatrician.

During pregnancy

Blackberries are allowed for women in position.It does not cause increased muscle contractions, so there is no need to fear a miscarriage at any time. Drinks based on this plant are an excellent natural antipyretic for pregnant women, the benefits will also be from vitamins and minerals in the composition.

Attention! Blackberry fruits contain tannins. If a woman suffers from a tendency to constipation, then it is better to abstain from fresh berries during pregnancy, preferring decoctions from the leaves of the plant.

When losing weight

Since blackberries are low in calories and rich in vitamins (including vitamin C), they are ideal for a diet.

Of course, this does not mean that during weight loss you can eat exclusively blackberries - they cannot be considered a complete food product. But complementing the main dishes with berries and plant-based drinks will be very beneficial.

When breastfeeding

You can eat blackberries during lactation, but you should first make sure that the baby is not allergic - that is, start literally with a couple of berries for dessert and consult a doctor.

Useful properties of blackberry leaves

The benefits are present not only in the berries of the plant, but also in the leaves. They can be dried and then brewed into teas or decoctions based on them.

Blackberry leaves help both internally and externally. They lower the temperature, soothe the exacerbation of stomach ulcers. When treating the skin with such an infusion, wounds, scratches and irritations from eczema and lichen heal faster.

The use of blackberries in traditional medicine

The benefits of the plant are highly regarded in folk medicine. Blackberry-based products are used to treat:

  • physical injury, cuts, abscesses, lichen skin irritations and eczema;
  • cardiovascular ailments, anemia, osteochondrosis and arthritis, intervertebral hernias, any joint diseases;
  • diabetes and urolithiasis;
  • colds, sore throats, flu.

Blackberry infusions and decoctions serve as an effective prevention of cancer.

There are several basic blackberry-based recipes that are most commonly found in traditional medicine.

Leaf decoction

One of the remedies that helps well with a variety of inflammations is a decoction of blackberry leaves. It is prepared like this: a handful of dried leaves are poured with a glass of water, and then boiled over a fire until half of the liquid boils away. Filter the leftovers, cool to room temperature and drink 2-3 sips three times a day.

You need to take the product no longer than 2 weeks, and then take a break for six months.

Important! A decoction of the leaves can help with diabetes, but it can only be taken after consulting a doctor and in combination with traditional medicines.

Root-based decoction

Blackberry root is of great benefit for hemorrhoids. It is made like this: 3 tablespoons of dry root powder is poured with boiling water, and then boiled over low heat for about 15 minutes. The filtered and cooled product is drunk in a tablespoon throughout the day at intervals of two hours.

The decoction will be useful not only for hemorrhoids, but also for kidney diseases.


Alcoholic tincture of blackberries and vodka will help protect the body from colds. To prepare a drink you need:

  • pour vodka (1 l) blackberry berries (2 glasses);
  • pour 3 large spoons of sugar;
  • mix;
  • remove for a month in a cool, dark place.

Ready tincture is drunk once a day, one tablespoon at a time as a prophylaxis for colds and infections.

Dried Berry Powder

From the dried berries of the plant, you can prepare a remedy for diarrhea. Dry berries are ground in a coffee grinder to a powdery state, and then, if necessary, take half a teaspoon three times a day with water. You need to use the remedy until the intestines restore normal functioning.

Advice! Blackberry powder for diarrhea is useful and safe for children from 3 years old.Therefore, with an intestinal disorder, you can first try this natural remedy - and only then turn to pharmacological drugs.


Fresh blackberry leaves will help with cuts, boils, bruises and abrasions. For early healing, a clean sheet of the plant should be applied to the sore spot for 20 minutes. The compress is done twice a day. When treating bleeding wounds, the sheet can be changed as needed.

Blackberry masks for face skin

The benefits of blackberries are appreciated not only in folk medicine, but also in home cosmetology. To even out your complexion, unclog pores and moisturize your skin, you can use the following mask:

  • thoroughly grind a handful of blackberries;
  • add sour cream and honey to the resulting gruel in equal proportions;
  • apply the mask on the face for 15 minutes, and then rinse with water.

You can do a simple mask 2-3 times a week, consisting of only blackberries, chopped in a blender to a mousse state.

Blackberries in cooking

Talking about the valuable properties of blackberries, it is impossible to ignore its use in cooking. Most often, sweet-sour berries are used as a filling for baked goods - pies, pastries, cakes and rolls.

In addition, fruits can be used to prepare:

  • delicious and healthy homemade ice cream;
  • jam;
  • various drinks - compotes, juices, cocktails with the addition of milk;
  • homemade liqueurs, liqueurs and wines;
  • diet fruit salads.
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How many blackberries can you eat per day

No matter how great the benefits of blackberries are, they need to be consumed in limited quantities. So, fresh berries are recommended to be eaten no more than 300 g per day. Compotes, fruit drinks and blackberry juice should be drunk up to 3-4 glasses a day.

Collecting and storing blackberries

The berries are harvested in September, when they are fully ripe, acquire a rich black color. Leaves and roots can be harvested in summer.

  • Fresh berries are stored for a very short time - no more than 5 days, even in the refrigerator. Therefore, it is best to place the fruits in the freezer - frozen blackberries will retain their beneficial properties for at least a year.
  • After collection, the leaves and roots of the plant are thoroughly washed, and then dried in the fresh air in a shaded place and crushed. They should also be stored in the shade, away from direct sunlight, in sealed paper bags or linen bags. The benefits of these parts of the plant persist for 1–2 years.

Contraindications and possible harm to blackberries

The benefits of blackberries do not negate the fact that if used carelessly, the berry can be harmful. Contraindications for this plant are:

  • allergy to blackberries in any of its varieties;
  • chronically low blood pressure;
  • severe diabetes mellitus;
  • gastrointestinal diseases in the acute phase.

The berries of the plant contain a lot of fructose and natural acids, so they should not be consumed in large quantities - otherwise it can negatively affect the stomach and kidney function.


The benefits and harms of blackberries are determined by how much they are consumed. In the absence of absolute contraindications, a glass of fresh berries, blackberry juice, fruit drink or jam will not harm, but only strengthen the body's strength and help to cope with the symptoms of many diseases.

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