Raspberry: useful properties and contraindications, calorie content

The benefits and harms of raspberries are due to its composition and interaction with the human body. This medicinal plant is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases. Low calorie content of raspberries helps to reduce excess weight, berry fiber cleanses from toxins. Natural vitamins and minerals contained in fruits and leaves improve well-being, add strength and energy.


Common raspberry is a shrub that grows in forests, clearings, along the banks of water bodies. The stems of the plant are prickly, with thorns. The lower part of the leaves is lighter and pubescent. The flowers are small, white. Fruits are drupes of red shades: from pink to burgundy. There are varieties with yellow fruits, as well as almost black, like blackberries.

Raspberry composition: vitamins and minerals

Juicy fruits contain:

  • glucose and fructose;
  • essential oils;
  • fruit acids;
  • protein and mucous components;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins A, C, B, E, PP;
  • trace elements;
  • coumarins.

In terms of the content of the trace element iron, raspberries are superior to many fruit crops. Used in the treatment of iron deficiency conditions. Raspberries are rich in salicylic and folic acid. Coumarins strengthen capillaries and normalize blood clotting.

Calorie content of raspberries

The calorie content of fresh raspberries is only 42 kcal. This is a low-calorie product when consumed separately.

Comment! When raspberries are combined with milk and sugar, the calorie content increases. Raspberry jam already contains 106 kcal.

Why are raspberries useful?

The benefits of raspberries for the human body are due to the content of substances necessary for health in it. Raspberry helps in the treatment of diseases, boosts immunity, is used as a natural vitamin supplement and as an important component of a healthy diet.

For women

The beautiful half of humanity should pay attention to the rejuvenating effect of eating this delicious fruit. The health benefits of raspberries are to cleanse the body, saturate it with vitamins and minerals. This prevents aging processes and prolongs youth. Raspberry is also used in cosmetology.

For men

The health benefits of raspberries for men are due to their zinc content. This chemical element helps to normalize testosterone levels, which has a beneficial effect on potency. Vitamin PP and coumarins strengthen blood vessels, including the genitourinary system.

For children

Children love raspberry berries for their sweet taste. Moms sometimes doubt: is it possible for children to have raspberries, and at what age. It is not recommended to give these fruits to babies up to a year. In the second year, you can gradually introduce berries into the feeding. They benefit the growing body and improve appetite.


Fiber of berries helps to cleanse the intestines. Along with the accumulated slags, the hated extra pounds go away. The calorie content of raspberries per 100 grams is very low. This allows you to feast on delicious, fresh fruits as much as you want, without fear for your figure.

Is raspberry possible for pregnant women and breastfeeding?

During pregnancy, you can eat berries if there is no individual intolerance to this product. Raspberries will not hurt a nursing mother, will benefit. Provided that there is no allergy and moderate consumption.

Warning! It is necessary to closely monitor how the infant reacts to the diet of a nursing mother.

Useful properties of raspberry leaves

In addition to the berries of this plant, leaves are also used.

Found in the leaves:

  • astringent and tannins;
  • ascorbic and salicylic acid;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • essential oils.

Raspberry leaves are used to treat gastrointestinal pathologies. Thanks to the astringent properties of the green parts of this plant, well-being is improved in case of diarrhea and hemorrhoids. Decoctions and infusions from raspberries are used as an immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory, vitamin and general tonic. It is useful to drink tea from the leaves for colds. They contain more vitamin C than fruits.

Recommended reading:  Mint tea: useful properties and contraindications, how to make

Chronic constipation is a contraindication to eating raspberry leaves. This is due to the presence of tannins in the leaves, which can aggravate problems with defecation.

Attention! During pregnancy, it is not recommended to use an aqueous extract of the leaves due to the stimulating effect on the uterus, in order to avoid premature birth.

The healing properties of raspberries for various diseases

Most often, the berry is used for febrile conditions with high fever. An infusion of fruits and leaves, due to diaphoretic and antipyretic properties, helps to improve the patient's condition and accelerate recovery. The therapeutic effect is also provided for a number of other diseases.

For colds and flu

Berries and leaves contain a lot of salicylic acid. This substance is a natural analogue of Aspirin. Therefore, an infusion of fruits and leaves is useful in cases where you need to reduce high body temperature.

Comment! This natural herbal remedy is used to treat colds in children.

The rich multivitamin and mineral composition of the plant increases immunity, improves the body's resistance to influenza and promotes a speedy recovery.

With diabetes mellitus

The glycemic index of raspberries is 30, which indicates the safety of eating the berry in case of diabetes. Malic acid contained in fruits stimulates carbohydrate metabolism. You can eat berries without fear of sudden surges in glucose. For diabetics, this product is harmless and beneficial when used wisely.

With stomach ulcers and gastritis

In case of ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa, it is recommended to use a decoction, infusion and tea from raspberry leaves. The astringent, enveloping, anti-inflammatory properties of the leaves help to reduce pain and improve the regeneration of damaged stomach tissues.

The fruits are recommended to be consumed with caution due to the presence of coarse fiber in them, which can injure the mucous membrane. The high content of organic acids in berries can also provoke an undesirable deterioration in the condition.

With pancreatitis

With this disease, it is recommended to limit the consumption of fresh berries. Fruit acids are irritating and cause pancreatic secretion.

The presence of small seeds in fruits can exacerbate the disease.

Advice! Raspberries for pancreatitis should be consumed in the form of diluted freshly squeezed juice, peeled from seeds.

With gout

With this disease, it is not recommended to eat berries in any form, so as not to exacerbate the disease.

Raspberry recipes in traditional medicine

In the Middle Ages, the Slavs often drank a drink made from raspberries and cranberries for preventive and therapeutic purposes - an explosive. Leaves and fruits in the form of an aqueous infusion are beneficial to use together with good quality honey.

Attention! To preserve its medicinal properties, honey should not be stirred in a hot drink.

Raspberry leaf decoction

The broth is used for such pathological conditions and diseases as:

  • diarrhea;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • inflammatory lesions of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • viral infections;
  • colds;
  • feverish conditions;
  • dermatitis.

Raspberry leaves increase immunity, improve the activity of the cardiovascular system. Used to stimulate labor during post-term pregnancy.

The broth has a tonic effect and is used in the complex therapy of depressive conditions.

Decoction preparation:

  1. Take 4 tbsp. l. leaves, twigs, pour 1 liter of boiling water and put on low heat.
  2. After 10-20 minutes, the broth is ready.
  3. It must be insisted and filtered.
  4. Take half an hour before meals, half a glass during the day.
Advice! It is recommended to prepare the broth if many branches are used. These are coarse raw materials, which, like roots with bark, require boiling.

Cooking infusion in a thermos

The infusion differs from the decoction in that in the first case, heating (boiling) on ​​fire is not used.

To prepare the infusion, the raw materials must be filled with hot water not exceeding 80 ° C (4 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). Insist 6-8 hours or leave overnight. Drink half a glass 30 minutes before meals. Keep in a thermos for no more than 2 days.

Important! It is advisable to use a thermos not metal, but with a glass flask, in order to exclude oxidation processes.

Raspberry leaf tea

It is used in the same cases as a decoction with infusion. Only the brewing method itself is different. You need to brew in earthenware, porcelain or glassware. Tea made from raspberry branches also has beneficial properties; it is brewed along with the leaves. It is necessary to let the drink brew.

To give a richer aroma, raspberry flowers are added to the tea.

Dried berry tea

The berries can be dried for the winter and made into delicious, healthy tea. It is better to use electric dryers for drying raw materials. Temperature range - up to 60 ° C. Berries should be picked in dry weather and not during dew. Let the drink brew.

Advice! When brewing leaves and berries, it is better to use water no higher than 80 ° C. At this temperature and above, vitamin C is destroyed.


To prepare the tincture, you need to take half a liter of vodka or medical alcohol.

Fall asleep 6 tbsp. l. dried leaves, fruits, twigs, flowers. You can mix everything together. Infuse in a dark place for 3 weeks. Take 30-50 drops before meals, diluting in a little water.

Along with the tincture to enhance the therapeutic effect, you should drink water infusions of the plant and teas.

The advantage of the tincture is its long shelf life (up to 3 years). Tinctures are prepared when it is necessary to obtain an extract of essential oils from a medicinal plant.

Raspberry tincture is used externally as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever for insect and poisonous snake bites.

The use of raspberries in cosmetology

The health benefits of raspberries are also related to the beneficial effects of this plant on the skin.

The presence of fruit acids in berries helps to smooth out small wrinkles, improves complexion. For such a natural peeling, it is necessary to use fresh fruit gruel.

Attention! Before applying a raspberry mask to your face, you need to make sure that there is no allergy.

Before using the product, an allergy test should be carried out: lubricate the skin on the inner surface of the forearm with raspberries and leave overnight.If there is no irritation, itching and rash, you can use this product for cosmetic purposes.

It is useful to mix berries with yolks, sour cream, linseed oil, natural apple cider vinegar and clay.

Do not overexpose the mask. It should start with 5-10 minutes. Do not keep on the skin for more than half an hour. Rinse off with cool water. Use 3 times a week.

To strengthen the hair, rinsing with infusion of raspberry leaves is used. This improves the structure of the hair and heals the skin.

Raspberry baths with the addition of sea salt have a tonic effect.

What can be made from raspberries

It is useful to eat berries fresh or in the form of freshly squeezed juice. It is recommended to dilute the juice with water. But these dishes have a very limited shelf life. Fresh berries spoil quickly. Canning raspberries by grinding and mixing them with sugar 1: 1. There is no need to cook the product.

Using honey instead of sugar significantly increases the health benefits of the resulting product. The benefits of raspberry jam depend on how you make it.

Important! The less the product undergoes heat treatment, the more useful properties it retains.

In cooking, a large number of various sweet desserts are prepared from raspberries and added to baked goods. They make jellies, pastry creams, jams ... Few people remain indifferent to the taste of this berry. But such products cannot be regarded as medicinal. The healing effect of raspberry pie is close to zero. Therefore, it makes sense to distinguish between the use of raspberries as a medicinal plant and as an ingredient in recipes.

Raspberry picking and storage

If there is a desire and opportunity to prepare this plant ourselves, then questions may arise when to collect raspberries and when to collect raspberry leaves. Leaves are harvested from May. You should choose healthy, young leaves without damage by insects. The berries are harvested as they ripen.

Advice! It is not recommended to store dried raw materials in cellophane bags. It is better to use bags made of natural linen or cotton fabric. For example, pillowcases.

Raw materials are not only dried for further storage, but are also deeply and quickly frozen. The benefits of frozen raspberries are that with this method the berries retain their healing properties. Thawed fruits must not be re-frozen.

Harm of raspberries and contraindications

It is necessary to take into account the individual susceptibility of the organism to this product. Eliminate the occurrence of allergic reactions. The presence of coarse fiber of seed shells and a large amount of fruit acids in fruits limits the consumption of raspberries by people suffering from erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, especially during an exacerbation of the disease.


Even in the days of Ancient Russia, our ancestors knew what the benefits and harms of raspberries were. Before the advent of tea from China, they drank a drink from the fresh and dried fruits of this plant. Raspberry is a medicinal plant with high nutritional value. The benefits of raspberries have been proven for centuries. And now it is successfully used in the treatment of many diseases, to increase immunity, rejuvenate and improve well-being.

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