Why mashed potatoes are useful, how to cook it

The benefits and harms of mashed potatoes have been studied by most nutritionists for many years, since it is difficult to find a person who would not like potatoes. And mashed potatoes made from it, without any doubt, are one of the most revered dishes on the table.

The history of mashed potatoes

This root vegetable, brought from South America in the 17th century, was little known to Europeans. For the first time, crushed potatoes were mentioned in the book "Pirates of America" ​​by A. Exquemelin, a ship surgeon who participated in pirate expeditions to the shores of the American continent. It describes the method of preparation of potatoes by the Peruvian Indians, who interested the author, who made chunya from it. What tricks did the Indians have to resort to to rid the wild root crop of the bitter aftertaste.

Recommended reading:  Potatoes: useful properties and contraindications

Small tubers were scattered for frying in the sun. In the rainy season, they were soaked, and then frozen at the first frost. After such a long treatment, the bitterness disappeared, and the women had to turn the tubers into gruel, that is, pour them directly into the peel. Their bare feet served as a potato grinder. So the "trampled" potato chunya was eaten by the whole tribe. Of course, this method of cooking could not take root in Europe, and, like true gourmets, the French adapted it: the result was mashed potatoes.

Vitamin and mineral composition of mashed potatoes

The benefits of mashed potatoes have long been known. The root vegetable from which it is prepared contains many biologically active substances useful for human health. A lot has been said about the fact that potatoes are rich in carbohydrates (mainly starch). But there are no less mineral salts and proteins in it, not to mention the amino acids, which are present in the root crop almost in full composition of all those found in plant products. The content of vitamins C and P in tubers is so high that 300 g of potatoes can provide a daily dose for the body. Research has shown that incorporating healthy potato meals into your daily diet can be considered a beneficial prevention against scurvy. This brings ambiguity to the well-known statements about the benefits and harms of mashed potatoes for the body.

Nutritional value and calorie content of mashed potatoes

If we talk about the nutritional value of the product, then a 100 g serving contains about 3% protein and 5% daily fat and carbohydrates.

This is not much higher than the nutritional value of boiled potatoes, so those who believe that the use of this dish tends to interfere with weight loss are mistaken.

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If 100 g of crushed potatoes have a caloric content of about 90 kcal, then, depending on the method of cooking, this indicator, of course, changes.For example, when milk is added, it increases to 110 kcal, while butter adds only 10 kcal.

The benefits of mashed potatoes for the body

The beneficial properties of potatoes have long been used by doctors in the treatment of various diseases. Mashed potatoes belong to the category of dietary puréed dishes that are recommended to be used for gastritis, disorders and disorders of the digestive system. The use of mashed potatoes for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system lies in the considerable content of potassium in the root vegetable. 200 g of potatoes contains half of its daily value. This trace element has the property not only to have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, but also to be useful to blood vessels and bones.

Masks from mashed potatoes for the face

Disputes about the benefits and harms of mashed potatoes are conducted not only by doctors, but also by cosmetologists. True, in beauty salons they prefer to use expensive products. With crushed potato mass, which has beneficial properties, they mainly carry out facial treatments at home. Mashed potato mask is an effective remedy for wrinkles and skin hydration. The product can truly be considered a panacea for dry, flaky skin. Indeed, in contact with the skin of the face, it has useful properties to moisturize the epidermis well, since it consists of 2/3 water.

Anti-wrinkle mask for dry skin

You must mix 2 tbsp. l. mashed potatoes, 1 egg and 1 tsp. aloe juice. Apply a warm mass to the face and leave for a quarter of an hour. Wash off with cool water.

Mask for wrinkles around the eyes

Beat 1 egg in a bowl, add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and 1 tbsp. l. warm mashed potatoes. Stir the mass, form 2 "pancakes", wrap them in 2 layers of gauze and apply in the eyelids. Leave for a quarter of an hour.

Lifting mask

A mask with a beneficial lifting effect can be prepared from 3 tbsp. l. mashed potatoes, egg white and 1 tsp. cream. Beat egg white in a bowl, add cream and potatoes. Mix the mixture thoroughly. For greater benefit, steam and cleanse the skin before applying the mask. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. To consolidate the beneficial result, you can rub your face with an ice cube.

What can be made from mashed potatoes

It is simply impossible to give up hot mashed potatoes with milk and butter, and yet it happens that it is not completely eaten. Don't throw away leftovers. After all, this product, useful in its properties, can serve as the basis for many new dishes.

Light soup

One of the options that makes it possible to use even a small remainder of mashed potatoes with benefit is making an appetizing light soup.

  1. Put a small piece of butter in a saucepan and put on fire.
  2. When the butter is melted, add the finely chopped onion.
  3. Pour 1 tbsp into the fried onion until golden brown. l. flour and fry a little more.
  4. Pour 2 - 3 tbsp into a saucepan. milk and bring the mixture to a boil.
  5. Continuing to stir, add the rest of the puree.
  6. Season the soup with salt, pepper and cook for another 10 minutes.
  7. When serving, you can sprinkle the soup with fresh herbs and grated cheese.


  1. Drive a couple of eggs into the rest of the mint potatoes and, stirring well, divide the mass in half.
  2. Put one part in a pre-oiled mold and smooth.
  3. Put any filling on top and cover everything with the second half of mint potatoes.
  4. Grease the casserole with an egg and sprinkle with grated cheese, send to the preheated oven for half an hour.

You can transform the taste of your casserole by serving it with your favorite sauce.

How to make delicious mashed potatoes

Probably, there is no such person who does not know how to cook this dish. But few people know how to make it really tasty. Meanwhile, there are little tricks that allow you to turn banal mint potatoes into the most delicate mashed potatoes without lumps.

For this you need ingredients:

  • 10 - 12 potatoes;
  • half a glass of cream or a glass of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • a small piece of celery root;
  • 1/3 tsp salt.
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  1. Peel the potatoes, rinse and cut the tubers into small pieces for quick cooking.
  2. Put it in a saucepan, fill it with hot water and set it to cook.
  3. As soon as the water boils, salt.
  4. Peel the celery, cut and add to the pot with potatoes.
  5. Milk is poured into a saucepan, oil is put in it and set to warm.
  6. Boil the root vegetables until tender and drain the rest of the water.
  7. After drying a little potatoes and celery, they begin to knead them with a potato grinder.
  8. Hot milk and butter are poured into a saucepan.
  9. They continue to knead the mass to the last lump.
  10. Put the puree on a plate and pour over the melted butter.

Harm of mashed potatoes and contraindications

Doctors warn about the dangers of the properties of crushed potatoes for those who suffer from diabetes and a tendency to be overweight. The glycemic index of the product is about 90 units. GI shows how fast blood sugar levels rise after eating crushed potatoes. The body recycles all the energy that enters the bloodstream in the form of glucose. Part of the glucose unnecessary for the body tends to be processed into fat reserves.

Is there a benefit in dry mashed potatoes

The question of the harm and benefits of instant mashed potatoes is of interest to most consumers. For an unambiguous answer to it, you need to know the technology for preparing the product. It's pretty simple:

  1. The tubers are washed and steamed.
  2. Then they are cleaned and cut into slices for accelerated cooking.
  3. Blanch for 2 - 3 minutes.
  4. They are sent to boiling water and brought to readiness.
  5. After boiling, the roots are kneaded with oxen.
  6. Then the potato mass is laid out on a hot drum, where it dries quickly.
  7. Then the dry layers are broken and ground into "flour", spices are added and packaged.

There are undoubtedly chemicals in dry mashed potatoes, but there are few of them and they won't do much harm. But in general, there is no harm from this product, like dangerous fast food. The controversy among nutritionists over the harm and benefits of dried mashed potatoes tends to lean towards its benefits. Therefore, the prevailing opinion about the dangers of dry mashed potatoes is actually a misconception.


Although the benefits and harms of mashed potatoes are still the subject of controversy, for many, without any exaggeration, it is a favorite dish, without which it is difficult to imagine your diet. And given the debunked myths about the great dangers of the product, subject to moderation in its use and contraindications, you can get not only a tasty, but also a side dish with useful properties.

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