Sunflower oil: benefits and harms, composition, which is better

Vegetable oil is one of the must-haves in the kitchen of every housewife. Especially in demand is sunflower, enriched with useful properties. However, not many people know that it can be used not only for cooking: it is also useful as a cosmetic and healing agent. Before you start using this ingredient, you need to get acquainted with the benefits and harms of sunflower oil for human health.

What is sunflower oil made of

Produced from sunflower seeds. To do this, they are peeled, crushed, fried and squeezed. The oil obtained from the seeds is settled. In production, preference is given to oilseeds.

The chemical composition of sunflower oil

The oil is known for its healing properties due to its content of useful elements:

  • vegetable fats; according to experts, such fats are much easier to digest compared to animals;
  • fatty acids - linoleic, stearic, arachidic, oleic, palmitic, behenic, which have a beneficial effect on the construction of tissues and cells, and also benefit in improving the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) - the most important antioxidant that slows down the natural aging process and protects against the formation of cancer cells.

It also contains phosphorus and sterols.

It is worth noting that it is in sunflower oil that a high concentration of tocopherol is contained in comparison with other vegetable fats. For this component, even olive, which is positioned as the most useful and enriched with the most important medicinal properties.

Important! Sunflower seed oil contains 12 times more tocopherol than any other vegetable oil.

Nutritional value and calorie content of sunflower oil

A very high-calorie product: there are 899 calories per 100 g. Information on nutritional value and beneficial ingredients is presented in the table:



Calorie content

899 kcal


99.9 g


0.1 g

Vitamin E

44 mg


2 mg


200 mg

Saturated fatty acids

11.3 g

including Palmitic

6.2 g


4.1 g


0.3 g


0.7 g

Oleic monounsaturated fatty acid (omega-9)

23,7 g

Linoleic polyunsaturated fatty acid

59.8 g

Why sunflower oil is useful

The benefits of sunflower oil for the human body:

  • It is used as a prophylactic agent against skin diseases.
  • Useful for respiratory diseases.
  • It has long been used in the treatment of rickets in children.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Reduces the likelihood of developing cancer.
  • When used correctly, it helps to cleanse the body of excess cholesterol.
  • Improves brain function.
  • Normalizes the cardiovascular system.

The health benefits of refined deodorized sunflower oil are not so significant. This is due to the fact that it undergoes multi-stage processing, as a result of which vitamins and beneficial properties disappear. It can even cause harm if used regularly.

Sunflower oil for pregnant and lactating women

During pregnancy, a woman is often worried about constipation caused by a sedentary lifestyle, lower back pain, bowel disorders, and poor nutrition. To deal with this delicate problem, it is beneficial to drink sunflower oil. It is enough to take 2 tablespoons.

A similar technique is also effective for heartburn, which many pregnant women complain about. It is permissible to take it in another way, for example, to season salads. This does not change the beneficial properties.

After the birth of a child, a woman's body undergoes serious hormonal changes, food enriched with proteins, fats and carbohydrates, micro and macro elements, vitamins is useful for him. Sunflower oil is an essential part of the diet of a young nursing mother.

Women during pregnancy and lactation are advised to take only raw-pressed sunflower oil, which has not been heat-treated and is maximally enriched with vitamins and beneficial properties. Other types of product can harm the vulnerable organism.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that before adding oil to your diet and using it to get rid of health problems, you need to consult a specialist.

Important! In such a delicate period as carrying a baby and breastfeeding, you need to be extremely careful when choosing various food ingredients, since many of them can harm both mother and baby.

Is sunflower oil good for the elderly

With age, the body begins to lose its ability to cope with stress on its own, for this reason, elderly people regularly suffer from disorders in the work of the heart and gastrointestinal tract. Wastes, toxins that clog blood vessels, increasing the risk of thrombosis are especially harmful to health. Therefore, the body needs help, which is recommended to be obtained by taking healthy foods. Sunflower oil will help to balance nutrition, saturate it with vitamins and essential substances.

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Cold-pressed sunflower oil is very beneficial for the elderly because it allows:

  • normalize hormones;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • enrich yourself with macro- and microelements, vitamins;
  • normalize the work of the stomach, intestines, heart muscle.

According to clinical data, the volunteers of the older age group, who daily add a small amount of this useful ingredient to their menu, for example, as a salad dressing, reduced cardiovascular pathologies by 2 times.

Is it possible to give sunflower oil to children

It is not only possible but also necessary to give it to children, since the oil is rich in healthy fatty acids, which are necessary for the full development of the child and normal growth.

Warning! It is worth noting that the gradual introduction of oil into the baby's diet starting from 5 months is considered safe and beneficial. However, doing this on your own initiative is unacceptable, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary. Possible harm to the fragile body of the child.

Permissible dosage:

  • babies up to a year - no more than 3 g per day;
  • from one to 3 years - 6 g each;
  • over 3 years old - up to 18 g per day.

Can be added to mashed potatoes, vegetable soups.It is not recommended to subject it to strong heat treatment, as the beneficial properties of the oil will disappear.

Sunflower oil treatment

The health benefits of the oil are that it can be used to safely treat various diseases:

  1. Removing constipation with oil is one of the most effective methods of dealing with the problem. To prevent / eliminate constipation, it is enough to adjust the dietary regimen and add a spoonful of useful remedy to the main dishes every day. It is not recommended to exceed this dosage so as not to harm the intestines.
  2. Rinsing your mouth with sunflower oil allows you to cleanse the body of germs and bacteria, since most of them are concentrated in the oral cavity. Also, rinsing can reduce gum inflammation. Take a small amount of the product into your mouth, rinse slowly for 3-5 minutes and spit it out.
  3. For angina, sore throat, gargling is also helpful. Oil is collected in the mouth, the head is thrown back a little, for a few minutes you need to gargle, then spit it out. To benefit from throat ailments, gargle should be done every 2-3 hours. The harm from such treatment is minimal, but it is recommended that you first consult with a specialist.

An interesting video about the benefits of oil:

How to take sunflower oil for weight loss

The benefits of the product in the process of losing weight are questionable. There is an opinion that it is necessary to drink it in order to accelerate weight loss. However, it has been scientifically proven that this method will not be able to get rid of excess subcutaneous fat. This will not harm your health, but there will be no particular benefit for reducing the number of kilograms.

However, the beneficial properties for losing weight are different. The composition contains fatty acids, vitamins, which are often lacking for those who, in pursuit of a slim figure, limit themselves to certain dishes. Due to strict diets, the body is deficient in vital elements, and adding a small amount of oil (for example, as a dressing in vegetable salad) will fill in the gaps without harming the process of losing weight.

Cleansing the body with sunflower oil

Cleansing the body can be done by sucking oil in the mouth. The benefits of this procedure are colossal:

  • sucked out all unnecessary, harmful, which is in the body;
  • metabolic processes are improved;
  • normal cell function is restored;
  • the sinuses of the nose are cleared with sinusitis, colds;
  • slags are removed, excess cholesterol is reduced.

To get real benefits from this method, you must perform the procedure at least twice a day.

The use of sunflower oil in cosmetology

Using the beneficial properties of body oil is one of the most popular summer life hacks. To get a perfectly even and beautiful tan, before going to the beach, you need to wipe the skin with a sponge soaked in high-quality oil.

Also, based on this ingredient, you can prepare various cosmetic masks for the face and hair.

Facial masks

Masks will moisturize the skin, rejuvenate, reduce the appearance of wrinkles. To test the health benefits of one of the healthiest recipes, you'll need the following ingredients:

  • yeast - 30 g;
  • cream - 50 ml;
  • honey - 50 g;
  • sunflower oil - 30 ml;
  • lemon juice - 5-6 drops.


  1. First you need to mix the yeast with the cream and heat slightly.
  2. Stir, wait until the yeast dissolves.
  3. After that, add the rest of the ingredients in the indicated proportions, beat well with a whisk.
  4. Apply the resulting mixture to your face.
  5. For maximum benefit, it is also recommended to treat the neck and décolleté.
  6. After half an hour, when the skin is saturated with the healing properties of the mask, remove it with a damp cotton pad and wash.

Hair masks

The beneficial properties of the oil are also used for masks.With their help, it will be possible to make your hair beautiful, healthy, shiny; they will grow faster and the color will become more saturated. The benefits of the mask will be primarily noticeable on dry, brittle, split ends.

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For dry hair

  1. Mix oil and lemon juice in a 2: 1 ratio.
  2. Apply the mixture along the entire length of the hair, from roots to ends.
  3. Hide hair under a plastic bag, wrap with a towel on top.
  4. After half an hour, rinse thoroughly under running water.
Important! This mask not only nourishes the hair, but also effectively fights dandruff.

For brittle and split ends

  1. Grind the burdock root (100 g), add to a glass with butter, mix.
  2. Cover the dishes, leave in a cool place for 24 hours.
  3. After that, hold the mixture in a water bath (no more than 20 minutes).
  4. Cool to a comfortable temperature, drain.
  5. Apply the mixture to hair from roots to ends.
  6. Be sure to rub the mask into the scalp with gentle massaging movements.
  7. To achieve a greater effect, cover the hair with a plastic bag or a special cap, on top - with a towel.
  8. After half an hour, wash off with water.

For a visible effect, it is recommended to care for your hair using the proposed recipes twice a week.

Which oil is healthier: refined or unrefined

If we compare unrefined and refined sunflower oil, their benefits and harms differ significantly. On the packaging of unrefined, you can see the inscription Virgin, which means a pure product that has passed only primary mechanical filtration. This allows you to preserve the maximum useful properties.

Refined in the preparation process undergoes many technological treatments, including thermal. Several degrees of purification reduce the healing properties. And if taken excessively, such a product can cause serious harm to health.

Based on the technology of preparation, we can conclude that unrefined is much more useful than refined in properties.

The harm of sunflower oil and contraindications

It is highly likely to get both benefits and harm from unrefined sunflower oil. It is very dangerous if abused, it can lead to obesity, a significant increase in bad cholesterol in the blood. In large doses, it causes indigestion. Poisoning is possible when consuming a poor-quality or expired product.

Important! Care should be taken to add oil to the diet of people suffering from diabetes and severe heart disease, since this product can cause significant harm to health.

How to choose sunflower oil

  • When choosing, you need to pay attention to the sediment in the bottle. If the oil is fresh, of good quality and has the most beneficial properties, a slight sediment with slight turbidity at the bottom of the container is acceptable.
  • Another important indicator is taste. It should be light and pleasant. If the taste is bitter, this is a sign of a poor-quality or expired product, which will not be useful.
  • You can also check the quality by the composition. It is necessary to drop a drop on the skin and rub it lightly. If absorbed quickly, this indicates high quality.
  • It is better to purchase containers of small volume. When the bottle is opened and used regularly, the oil will come into contact with air, which will significantly reduce its shelf life, worsen its healing properties, and can also harm the body.

How and where to store sunflower oil

When the container is opened, after the first use, the bottle must be placed in the refrigerator. It is recommended to store the product not in a plastic, but in a glass bottle, which must be tightly closed. Thanks to this, it will be possible to preserve useful properties for a long time.

Store at room temperature is undesirable. In a warm atmosphere, the quality will deteriorate, which can lead to poisoning.


The benefits and harms of sunflower oil for humans are significant. It is possible to help normalize health only by using a quality product enriched with beneficial properties. Before using it, it is recommended to consult with a specialist, since it is possible to identify individual restrictions and contraindications.


Ekaterina, 29 years old, St. Petersburg
I like to take care of my appearance with the help of natural substances, since such products have tremendous useful properties and, if used correctly, do not cause harm. I decided to try sunflower oil for hair, the effect was very pleasing. The hair has become thick and voluminous, a luxurious shine has appeared. I also used sunflower oil for sun tanning... I decided to replace expensive cosmetics with a natural ingredient, which, moreover, is more useful in terms of properties. After the vacation, I returned with a perfectly even, velvety tan. It turns out that you can get huge benefits from cheap funds.
Kirill, 36 years old, Krasnodar
The doctor diagnosed high cholesterol and recommended sucking on sunflower oil. This simple method made it possible to normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood. There was also a benefit from rinsing with sunflower oil during a sore throat. Always dubious about the recipes of traditional medicine, but now my opinion has changed dramatically. Never again will I neglect the useful advice of our ancestors.
Nadezhda, 45 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
Sunflower oil helped to get rid of constipation very quickly. Advised by a friend who prefers natural ingredients that are not harmful to health over drugs. I drank sunflower oil on an empty stomach every morning for several days. Huge benefit for the whole body: I ​​even feel lightness in the whole body!
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