Sweetener Rio Gold: benefits and harms, composition

It used to be difficult to imagine that natural sweeteners (honey, molasses, stevia) would soon be replaced by alternative, but equally healthy options. The replacement was necessary for patients with diabetes mellitus, for whom ordinary sweets are harmful. However, over the years, a useful supplement has moved from the category of nutrition for patients to the diet of those who monitor their weight and are trying to reduce their calories. What are the benefits and harms of Rio Gold, one of the types of sweeteners, and its properties - further in the article.

The chemical composition of Rio Gold sugar substitute

The food industry quickly responded to the demand of the population, marketing campaigns were not long in coming. Healthy groups of sugar substitutes based on natural raw materials and fully synthetic ingredients have appeared, which have become popular among fitness and healthy lifestyle lovers.

Foreign and Russian companies produce a lot of sweetening drugs, for example, Argoslastin, Milford, Bionova sucralose, but the most popular of them is the Rio Gold product.

Recommended reading:  The sweetener sucralose: benefits and harms

Rio is a beneficial artificial sweetener that can only be harmful and beneficial in properties. Sold in a plastic jar with a dispenser, packing 450 and 1200 tablets. You can buy Rio Gold at the pharmacy and in the supermarket without a prescription. Depending on the region and the number of tablets in the drug, the cost ranges from 100-150 rubles. What is Rio Gold made of?

Sodium saccharinate

At first glance, it sounds threatening, but it is absolutely not true. Sodium saccharinate (additive E 954) was obtained almost 150 years ago. It is an artificial white crystalline powder, odorless. Its properties allow it to dissolve easily in H2O, it does not decompose at high temperatures.

Due to its properties, saccharinate is not processed by the body, therefore it has been successfully used in dietary nutrition for people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes for 100 years. For the benefit of the body, it is recommended to consume 5 mg of the substance per kilogram of human weight per day. Pure saccharinate has a metallic taste and is not used alone. In the course of clinical studies, it was found that in this way the work of gastrointestinal enzymes is harmed, therefore it is not allowed in all countries. Although this is a moot point, it all depends on the amount of food consumed.

E 594 ranks third in popularity in the food industry. Jams, pastilles, chewing gum, sugary drinks, canned foods, baked goods - saccharinate is everywhere. It is a cheap product with minimal consumption. Due to the properties of saccharinate, its taste in combination with other additives does not differ at all from ordinary sugar.

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Sodium cyclamate

Few people study the composition of products in the supermarket and analyze their properties. The information is usually indicated by the manufacturer in small print; it is not always possible to read it when the store is lit.

Sodium cyclamate (E 952) is another additive from the category of sugar substitutes, discovered at the beginning of the 20th century.It was originally used in pharmaceuticals to relieve bitterness in tablets, but subsequent studies have proven that such a drug can harm the body. E 952 is ten times sweeter than sugar, and its second plus is to enhance the taste of other substances.

Important! The supplement is not approved for use in all countries, but a direct relationship of possible harm between sodium cyclamate intake and disease has not been established.

The substance is widely used in cooking (ice cream, desserts), and the alcohol industry. I did not forget about sodium cyclamate and pharmacology: it is included in useful vitamins, cough syrups, lozenges, lozenges for children from the throat. Over the years, the scope of E 952 has expanded, the additive began to be used by the cosmetic industry, adding it to decorative cosmetics.

Baking soda

The most famous substance, the benefits of which are invaluable, are used in cooking, on the farm, and recently they have been talking a lot about the benefits of taking pure soda inside. Pharmacology also did not leave soda and its beneficial properties unattended: the substance disinfects wounds, relieves itching, is suitable for rinsing the throat, it is added to cough medicines, and lozenges.

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NaHCO3 alkalizes the body, neutralizes increased acidity in the stomach, and saves from heartburn. In medicine, soda of the highest quality is used, without any impurities, which has undergone pharmaceutical processing. Harm from it is excluded if you do not take the powder with spoons (in large quantities, useful properties are lost, the gastric mucosa is irritated, the drug can provoke gastritis).

Wine acid

Tartaric acid is obtained from ripe grapes. The acid is formed during the fermentation of the drink, eventually turning into potassium salt or tartar. The additive is registered under the number E 334.

Tartaric acid enters the body with fruits: grapes, apples, citrus fruits, berries (currants, gooseberries). It performs a number of functions in the body, which include the properties of the acid:

  • increases the elasticity, firmness of the skin;
  • the heart muscle is excited;
  • exchange presses are accelerating;
  • oxidation of the body is prevented.

E334 in the sweetener helps the substance dissolve quickly in the liquid. If, when adding the Rio Gold tablet to a cup of tea, the drug does not dissolve, you need to get rid of the purchased packaging: the product is either expired or not made according to GOST.

Why is Rio Gold sweetener useful?

The benefits of the Rio Gold sweetener are due to the combination of 2 amino acids, the supplement itself is based on aspartame. It does not differ from sugar in taste and properties, but contains absolutely no calories.

Norms and features of the use of Rio

One Rio Gold tablet is equal to a teaspoon of sugar - on average it is 4.5-5 g. If initially a person used 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar for a mug of tea, then the number of tablets will be the same. However, the dose should be reduced, because the main function of Rio Gold is to gradually reduce its consumption.

Is it possible to use Rio Gold for diabetes

The doctors' comments on the Rio Gold sugar substitute are positive. It is recommended, since when consumed, the glycemic index does not rise, however, in each case, the dose is individual and depends on the severity of the disease.

Possible harm and contraindications

The benefits and harms of the Rio Gold sweetener, as well as any drugs, are obvious. Sugar substitute Rio was created for diabetic nutrition and is useful for its properties, but it is not recommended for everyone, since in exceptional cases it is possible to harm the body.

Absolute contraindications for Rio:

  • children under 18;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • hypersensitivity to components.

Rio relative contraindications:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • kidney and liver problems.
Important! Rio Gold is not allowed to be taken in unlimited quantities.

We must not forget that initially the drug was produced for patients with diabetes. For them, the dose is calculated individually. This does not mean that healthy people do not need to monitor dosage.

Sugar substitutes are widely used in the food industry. Thanks to their beneficial properties, they are added to yoghurts, baked goods, sports nutrition bars, and carbonated drinks. If the diet contains products with sweeteners, then the daily dose in tea and coffee should be reduced.

Long-term use in large quantities increases the load on the liver and kidneys, negatively affects the central nervous system.

How and how much you can store Rio Gold

Rio Gold has a long shelf life. This is an additional advantage when buying a pack of 1200 tablets, since one person cannot use it in 1 month. The label states that the drug has a shelf life of 3 years.

Important! Rio Gold sweetener is stored at room temperature.


The benefits and harms of Rio Gold are obvious - the sweetener is not a panacea for diabetes, but it is a good way to regulate your diet during illness. And for those who care about their figure, Rio Gold will help to maintain their shape, reduce weight and maintain blood glucose levels at an acceptable level. The drug has a positive effect on the body, keeping it in good shape and keeping it healthy.


Irina Bersten, 45 years old, Volgograd
When I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I thought that I would never be able to drink my favorite coffee, because it's always sugar. However, the doctor dispelled my sadness and said that there are a lot of sugar substitutes for diabetics, and calculated the dose for me. The diagnosis was made 4 years ago. After the course of treatment, she switched to a sugar substitute - Rio Gold tablets. During this time, the glycemic index did not go beyond the norm. And sweet coffee is still my favorite drink.
Ivan Gitz, 33 years old, Tula
I know about Rio Gold from my wife. Monitors the figure, so there is always this sweetener in the house. At first I did not drink it, but once I tried it and did not feel the difference between tea with sugar and tea with a substitute. Sometimes he began to add it to food and quietly removed the sugar from the table, since the magical properties and benefits of the Rio Gold remedy turned out to be colossal. I don’t follow my figure, but I donate blood for glucose once a year, while it’s normal.
Victoria Konovalova, 26 years old, Lipetsk
I heard about the benefits of Rio Gold for a long time, but she herself started drinking only six months ago, when she began to gain weight. I am such a sweet tooth that I cannot refuse sweet. So I bought it to try it, and I liked it. I began to add it to baked goods, the taste of the biscuit does not change from this. It turns out to be tasty and minimum calories in the absence of sugar. So as an alternative - convenient!

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