Other products

Shawarma: is it harmful to health, recipes are useful
There are several types of shawarma. This dish has been known since the century before last under the name doner kebab. They began to cook it in eastern countries: ...
Liver pate: the benefits and harms of chicken, beef and goose
The benefits of liver pate are the abundance of protein, vitamins and minerals. The dish got its distribution in France. Today pate can be ...
Buckwheat noodles: calorie content, use and contraindications
The benefits and harms of buckwheat noodles are controversial. Its dietary properties are compared to buckwheat. Groats are considered an alkaline product that provides ...
Pea soup when breastfeeding: when to eat
When breastfeeding, women are afraid to include pea soup in the diet for fear of harming the baby. These fears are fully justified, because you cannot ...
Chum salmon caviar: benefits and harms, contraindications
Chum salmon caviar is a delicacy that is in high demand among buyers. Such popularity is due to its high taste, as well as the fact that ...
Sprats: benefits and harms to the body
The benefits and harms of sprat for the body have long been the subject of controversy and discussion. It is widely believed about the negative effects of the product ...
Scallop: what is useful, contraindications
Scallops are a type of bivalve molluscs. This healthy delicacy is used as an independent dish and as part of culinary masterpieces. Sinks ...
Oysters: useful properties, composition and contraindications
Oysters have been known for years. In ancient times, this product was popular among the poor due to the high cost of meat ...
Margarine: benefits and harms, chemical composition
The harm of margarine has long worried housewives who use it in baking. The product consists of hydrogenated vegetable oils enriched with various additives and ...
Sausages while breastfeeding: can mom use
Correct and balanced nutrition is essential for breastfeeding. Food components are known to pass into breast milk. It may...


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