Shawarma: is it harmful to health, recipes are useful

There are several types of shawarma. This dish has been known since the century before last under the name doner kebab. They began to cook it in eastern countries: pita was stuffed with minced meat, vegetables, the mixture was poured with sauce. But in Russia it appeared about 30 years ago. The benefits and harms of shawarma can be assessed only after finding out all the nuances of cooking this popular type of street food.

Shawarma composition

The list of shawarma ingredients may vary at different points of sale. But at the same time, externally, the dishes remain similar. The standard version includes the following products:

  • meat;
  • lavash (pita);
  • vegetables;
  • seasonings;
  • sauces.

Most often add cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, Korean carrots. Shawarma is seasoned with sauces with garlic and hot spices. Many points of sale use mayonnaise, ketchup. But in the classic recipe, there are no such components in the composition.

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Shawarma types

Depending on the ingredients used, there are several types of shawarma. It can be prepared based on:

  • pork;
  • beef;
  • lamb;
  • poultry meat - chickens, turkeys.

In Muslim countries, this street food is prepared even with camel meat. If desired, you can make it with sausages or sausage.

Vegetarians can make meatless vegetable shawarma. In this case, fried potatoes, fresh vegetables, and cheese are added to its composition.

You can find different types of shawarma on sale, the difference lies in what vegetables, meat, sauces are used in cooking

Is shawarma useful

Many people believe that street food cannot be healthy. In their opinion, fast food is only harmful. But with proper preparation, shawarma is useful.

The meat included in the composition is a source of protein. The vegetables contained in shawarma provide the body with fiber, vitamins, minerals, lavash and sauces - carbohydrates. This dish can instantly satisfy hunger and provide a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Important! Shawarma will be useful if you cook it at home from quality products.

By refusing to use mayonnaise and other high-calorie sauces, you can make a diet meal. There will be no harm from using it.

Why is shawarma harmful?

Depending on the cooking method and the products used, there can be both benefits and harm from shawarma. The most dangerous is street fast food. Random inspections of Rospotrebnadzor showed that unscrupulous sellers sometimes use low-quality meat and unwashed vegetables for cooking. In tents, sauces are often made not based on kefir or sour cream, but from mayonnaise.

From the use of such shawarma there will only be harm. Street fast food lovers may face such problems:

  • intestinal infections;
  • poisoning;
  • digestive disorders.

It is almost impossible to notice that the meat has gone bad. By pre-processing and deep roasting it, chefs manage to hide the specific smell and taste.

Street food vendors can also harm consumers unintentionally. You can face digestive upset if sanitary standards are not observed in the tent.Because of this, E. coli or other pathogenic microorganisms may be present in the finished product.

Frequent consumption of shawarma is harmful not only because of the risk of poisoning or infection. Some types are high in fat. In one portion, they can be up to 100 g. The harm of shawarma to the figure can be estimated by knowing the consumption rates. Nutritionists advise to make sure that no more than 80 g of fat enter the body daily. Therefore, addiction to this product can cause weight gain.

Frequent use of shawarma can lead to weight gain, problems with the work of the cardiovascular system

Pork shawarma is considered the most dangerous. Fatty meats are often used for its preparation. This provokes an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood, the appearance of plaques inside the vessels, and the hardening of the arterial and venous walls. As a result, the risk of heart attack and coronary heart disease increases.

According to some researchers, the harm also lies in the possible addiction to this type of fast food. It is addictive.

Contraindications to shawarma

Some people are forbidden to eat shawarma. The list of contraindications includes:

  • liver disease;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • obesity.

But harm is possible if you buy shawarma in unverified places. People suffering from problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, should abandon the spicy types of this dish. Even low-fat chicken shawarma will be harmful if a lot of spices are added to it.

There are practically no contraindications for dishes cooked at home on their own. Everyone can choose the composition so that health problems do not arise. In the case where fried meat is prohibited, it can be boiled, baked or stewed. If you wish, you can even prepare a vegetarian version of the dish.

Rules for using shawarma

You can avoid digestive problems, gaining excess weight if you remember the recommendations of doctors and the possible harm from fast food. It is advisable to include in the diet a shawarma made from lean meats, cooked without adding mayonnaise.

Comment! Eating shawarma too often can be harmful. Better to limit yourself to 1 doner kebab per week.

It is better to give preference to dishes that are prepared at home or in proven catering establishments. It is better to refuse fast food from roadside trays. If the choice is between hot dog, burger and shawarma, then it is better to give preference to the latter option. Its composition is the most harmless.

Healthy shawarma recipes

There are many ways to cook shawarma. Some of them are harmful to the body, but everyone can choose the most delicious and healthy option for themselves.

A popular recipe requires the following ingredients:

  • 150 g of boiled chicken meat;
  • 150 g ripe tomatoes;
  • ½ avocado;
  • thin pita bread;
  • Mozzarella;
  • turmeric;
  • hops-suneli;
  • garlic;
  • natural unsweetened yogurt;
  • salt;
  • dried herbs.
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Boiled meat must be mixed with seasonings, yogurt with chopped garlic, herbs and salt. Avocados and mozzarella should be cut into strips, tomatoes into slices.

All components are mixed and placed on pita bread. It is necessary to wind it so that the filling is completely inside. After that, the shawarma is fried on a grill or an ordinary dry frying pan.

Depending on taste preferences, the composition of shawarma may differ, you can make it healthy if you add tomatoes, avocado, cheese and yogurt-based sauce to chicken

There is another way to prepare a healthy shawarma, from which there will be no harm to health. The list of components includes:

  • 1 sheet of thin pita bread;
  • 100 g chicken fillet;
  • 20 g of hard cheese;
  • 1 medium cucumber;
  • 50 g bell pepper;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Greek yogurt and garlic sauce;
  • 1 lettuce leaf;
  • soy sauce;
  • salt;
  • spices to taste.

The sliced ​​fillet should be soaked in soy sauce and chicken seasoning for 20 minutes. After that, it can be fried or stewed. The cucumber should be cut into slices, the cheese into strips, the pepper into strips. The mixed ingredients are laid out on pita bread, seasoned with sauce. A folded sheet with a filling is fried in a pan or in an airfryer.

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Is it possible for shawarma during pregnancy

Many women put on extra weight while carrying a baby. You can avoid this if you follow the recommendations of doctors and follow the diet. You can avoid health problems by completely avoiding fast food. It must be remembered that street food is dangerous, it is difficult to overestimate the possible harm from eating low-quality foods during pregnancy.

In the absence of problems with excess weight, the work of the digestive tract, cooked at home shawarma can occasionally be included in the diet. But you need to make it from fresh products.

Shawarma while breastfeeding

During lactation, as well as during pregnancy, it is advisable to refuse food prepared in unverified places. But there will be no significant harm from homemade shawarma.

Attention! Lactating women can include doner kebab in their diet only if the child is not allergic to the ingredients in its composition. It is desirable to limit the amount of spices.


The benefits and harms of shawarma depend on the place of preparation of the dish and the products included in the composition. You can avoid problems if you give up street fast food. Everyone can make a healthy and nutritious meal at home.

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