Vitamins for fast and even skin tanning

Tanning vitamins help you achieve a smoother, more beautiful skin tone. In addition, a brown skin tone appears faster against the background of their intake. To get the desired bronze tone of the epidermis in a matter of days, you need to understand in more detail which vitamins are responsible for tanning.

Effect of vitamins on tanning

Sunburn is caused by the production of melanin pigment in the lower layers of the skin. It gives the skin a pleasant dark complexion. And although the epidermis is constantly renewing itself, with a normal level of melanin in the body, an even golden skin color can be maintained for several months.

In turn, the production of melanin is facilitated by the skin tanning vitamin melatonin. It is the primary hormone required for melanin synthesis. If the production is disrupted for some reason, certain problems arise with tanning. It either appears too slowly and simply does not have time to lie on the skin in a short sunny period, or being under the sun leads to burns and peeling.

Taking vitamins allows you to accelerate the production of melanin and achieve a faster tan. In addition, vitamins:

  • protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and prevent burns;
  • strengthen the immune system and general tone, thereby reducing the risk of getting heat or sunstroke;
  • protect the body from long-term negative consequences, in particular, help prevent the development of oncological ailments against the background of an excess of ultraviolet radiation.
Attention! You need to take vitamins competently, with uncontrolled intake, hypervitaminosis can develop.

Vitamins to enhance tanning

Many substances affect the speed of tanning and its quality. To understand exactly which beneficial compounds you need to use and where to get them, first you should consider in detail the effect of different vitamins on the skin.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A has a direct effect on sunburn. This chemical compound accelerates the production of melanin, but at the same time protects skin health and strengthens the epidermis, prevents burns and prevents the growth of cancer. Beta-carotene, a type of vitamin A, works especially well for darker shades.

Vitamin A can be naturally obtained from carrots and broccoli, sea buckthorn and watermelon, beef liver and cod liver. With a deficiency of a substance in the body, not only the tan lays down slowly. The skin looks dry and ages quickly, and burns often occur even after a short exposure to the sun.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D for sunburn is beneficial in that it prevents UV burns. The substance increases the regenerative capacity of the skin, the epidermis is renewed faster.You can get vitamin D for tanning not only from pharmacy supplements, but also from products - from egg yolks, oily fish, from cottage cheese and milk.

Important! One of the main vitamins is produced by sunbathing under ultraviolet rays. Therefore, moderate sun exposure is also beneficial for maintaining normal vitamin D levels.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is known mainly for its anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. However, in addition, the vitamin contributes to sunburn and is responsible for the rapid recovery of the skin after burns and injuries. It also helps maintain a normal skin moisture level and a good epidermal renewal rate.

With a lack of ascorbic acid, tanning is often accompanied by rapid and severe burns of the epidermis. In addition, the golden hue lays down unevenly, the skin begins to peel off. To restore the balance of vitamin C in the body, you should consume more white cabbage, lemons, oranges, black currants and rose hips.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E after sunburn is a very important compound. It participates in the production of melanin and the restoration of damaged skin, protects the epidermis from burns and peeling, promotes the rapid renewal of the skin. With a normal level of vitamin E, a dark shade of the epidermis appears quickly, but the skin does not begin to peel and peel off, but remains beautiful.

You can take vitamin E for tanning naturally, it is mainly obtained from eggs and any vegetable oil, as well as from nuts, seeds and seafood.

B vitamins

For tanning to stick better, B vitamins must be present in the diet. They are responsible for the rapid renewal of epidermal cells, for the elasticity and freshness of the skin, for the resistance of the skin to the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation. If B vitamins are not enough, then, among other negative symptoms, dry skin, the rapid onset of burns and their slow healing are noted.

You can restore the level of B vitamins with the help of seafood, bananas, any animal liver, fresh herbs and milk. Also, the necessary substances are found in cereals, bran and eggs.


An element such as iron is also responsible for an even and beautiful tan. Due to it, the cells are saturated with oxygen, and thus the processes of renewal and restoration are faster. At a normal level of iron, melanin is produced in sufficient quantities, while with a lack of iron, synthesis slows down. Iron deficiency can also be recognized by chronic fatigue, anemia and feelings of weakness.

You can fill the iron deficiency with simple foods. The element is present in buckwheat and apples, peas and corn, lean meat and pine nuts.


Zinc is another important ingredient for sunburn. It takes part in the synthesis of melanin and helps to restore skin damaged by ultraviolet radiation. If there is not enough zinc in the body, then this is manifested by excessive pallor and dryness of the skin, the rapid onset of burns, as well as fatigue and a tendency to hair loss.

You can get zinc from seafood and nuts, honey and seaweed, liver and buckwheat, oatmeal.


For an even and fast tan, selenium must be present in the body in sufficient quantities. This element protects the skin from burns and damage, and most importantly - prevents the development of cancer. Therefore, even a large amount of ultraviolet radiation does not pose a threat to health, and tanning remains safe.

Naturally, selenium is found in all nuts, lentils and corn. It is also found in broccoli and crabs, crayfish and animal liver.

Tryptophan (amino acid)

The production of melanin is significantly accelerated by the amino acid tryptophan. It also has a protective effect and protects the skin from destruction by ultraviolet radiation.With a lack of tryptophan from exposure to the sun, burns quickly occur, and a fresh tan begins to peel off and peel off.

To make up for the tryptophan deficiency in natural ways, it is recommended to drink tomato juice, eat cabbage, and also eat parsley, bananas and dates.

Tyrosine (amino acid)

Tyrosine is also responsible for the rapid synthesis of the pigment melanin and protects the skin from damage in hot sunlight. With a lack of tyrosine, dry skin and an uneven distribution of tanning are noted, as well as the occurrence of burns after short sunbathing.

Natural sources of tyrosine are legumes and eggs, and the amino acid can also be obtained from peanuts, meat, and cheese.

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Omega-3 acid

Among the vitamins for a beautiful sunburn at sea, Omega-3 fatty acid plays an important role, it promotes skin rejuvenation and renewal, improves the elasticity and firmness of the skin. If there is too little Omega-3 in the body, then this is manifested in dryness and irritation on the skin, in an uneven and quickly peeling tan.

Vegetable oils are good natural sources of Omega-3, but also found in pumpkin, avocado, cheese, eggs and seafood.

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Vitamin complexes for tanning

Sometimes getting tanning vitamins from food is tricky. If it is impossible to diversify your diet, but you want to get an even and quick tan, then it makes sense to resort to pharmacy dietary supplements with the best vitamins for tanning.

Aquion Vetoron-E

This vitamin preparation protects the cells of the epidermis from burns and destruction, but at the same time contributes to the appearance of a strong and fast tan. The preparation contains vitamins E and C, as well as beta-carotene. The product is sold in liquid form.

Doppelgerz Beauty

Doppelherz tanning vitamins are available in capsule form and contain biotin, which stimulates collagen production, and magnesium, which is important for skin renewal. When taking the product, the skin does not suffer from sunlight and does not lose excess moisture, and the tan lays down evenly and beautifully.


Vitamin for better sun tanning called Betamax contains beta-carotene and natural algae, which accelerate the synthesis of carotene in the body. Due to the action of the drug, metabolic processes in skin cells are accelerated. The tan lays down smoother, and a few days after sunbathing, the skin does not begin to peel off.

Bluebonnet nutrition

This tanning vitamin contains selenium, beta-carotene and vitamins C and E and accelerates the production of melanin in the lower layers of the epidermis. The dark color appears on the skin faster, and the epidermis itself does not suffer from burns, so the golden hue is even and pleasant.

Vitamin cocktails for a good tan

You can quickly restore the deficiency of vitamins not only with pharmaceutical supplements, but also with cocktails made from vegetables and fruits. For example, it is helpful to drink vitamins before sunburn in the form of the following drinks:

  • citrus cocktail - freshly squeezed orange, grapefruit and lemon juices are mixed in a 2: 2: 1 ratio, and then a little still mineral water is added to dilute the concentration;
  • carrot-lemon cocktail - 3 fresh carrots and 1 lemon are passed through a juicer, and then juices are mixed with a small spoonful of vegetable oil for better absorption of vitamins;
  • fruit and vegetable cocktail - carrots, an apple and 3 stalks of celery are cut into small pieces, and then chopped in a blender until a thick smoothie is obtained, diluting the cocktail with water if necessary.
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Advice! Any vitamins with carrots for sunburn, and especially with citrus fruits, should be drunk on a full stomach.Due to the high amount of organic acids, drinks can be harmful when consumed on an empty stomach.

Contraindications to taking vitamins

Despite the benefits of vitamins that enhance tanning, not everyone is allowed to take them. You should refrain from using supplements and cocktails when:

  • hypervitaminosis;
  • allergies to sunlight;
  • excess melanin in the body;
  • hypersensitivity to certain vitamin components.

During pregnancy and lactation, vitamin substances themselves are not prohibited for use. However, supplementation should not be overused, and in general it is advised to exercise caution with sunbathing. Although the body gets vitamin D when sunbathing, excess UV light can be harmful.

Overdose and side effects

In pursuit of a quick tan, many people forget to take precautions and consume too many vitamins. An overdose of nutrients is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • nausea and diarrhea;
  • the appearance of redness and rash on the skin;
  • severe itching and swelling;
  • headache.

In rare cases, shortness of breath, tachycardia and dizziness are observed. If taking vitamins has resulted in side effects, supplementation should be stopped immediately. Until the symptoms of an overdose disappear, you should drink plenty of water, so the excess of nutrients will quickly leave the body.


Tanning vitamins can be obtained from foods, specialty supplements and shakes. But the use of nutrients should be approached with caution, since even if they are in excess, they cause harm.

Reviews of vitamins for a good tan

Borisova Olga Nikolaevna, 27 years old, Moscow
Summer in Moscow is not always sunny, so I try to get a tan as soon as possible. Usually in June I take a course of Doppelherz vitamins - the tan then sticks firmly and evenly. In addition, general well-being improves.
Lopyreva Irina Viktorovna, 31 years old, Stavropol
I burn very quickly in the sun, so I need vitamins not only for a strong tan, but also to protect my skin. I usually buy Doppelherz or Betamax at the pharmacy - the products really improve the condition of the skin. I also try to include more fruits and vegetables in my diet.

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