Sausages while breastfeeding: can mom use

Correct and balanced nutrition is essential for breastfeeding. Food components are known to pass into breast milk. This can provoke unwanted reactions in the infant. During lactation, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of meat products to provide the body with protein. Breastfeeding sausages are not prohibited foods. However, when buying them, you should pay attention to the composition.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to sausages

A carefully thought-out diet ensures that your child's nutritional needs are met. In the first weeks, the products should be introduced gradually in order to track the reaction of the child's body. You can avoid the occurrence of allergic manifestations and disorders of the digestive system by excluding the use of food containing preservatives.

Sausages made from natural meat are healthy. They are referred to as a protein that is easily digestible. Natural sausages have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system.

Natural meat products are good for breastfeeding

There are often sausages on the market that contain a significant amount of food additives that have a negative impact. Their use can cause poisoning of child and maternal organisms. This indicates the need for careful study of the composition of the products.

Important! During breastfeeding, you can eat sausages, which are made in accordance with the rules of GOST.

Why are sausages harmful with HS

Shredded meat, which is part of sausages, is beneficial. Women during lactation should refuse to purchase sausages, including:

  • soy;
  • vegetable protein;
  • additives (marked E);
  • thickeners.

These substances are harmful to health. Their penetration into the body can provoke a decrease in the amount of breast milk. Experts also recommend avoiding starch-containing products. This component contributes to weight gain.

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What sausages can be used for breastfeeding

The product must comply with GOST. The protein content for breastfeeding does not exceed 10%. Nutritionists call the following permitted options: amateur, dairy, cream, special.

Attention! The sausages must be of "Extra" or First grade.

Contraindications to sausages with HB

It is forbidden to use products containing dyes and food additives. It is also necessary to pay close attention to the expiration date and production date. A long storage period indicates the presence of harmful components in the composition.

It is undesirable to introduce sausages when breastfeeding in the first month of the baby. 12 weeks after the baby is born, you can try the product in small quantities. The reaction from the child's body is assessed within a day. In the absence of unwanted effects, the portion should be gradually increased.

Rules for using the nipple when breastfeeding

For meat products to be beneficial, you must follow a few simple rules. Before purchasing products, you should carefully study the composition to ensure that there are no hazardous components. Shelf life and manufacturing are essential.

Attention! The usual implementation period is 3 days from the date of manufacture (at temperatures up to 8 ° C). A longer reading indicates the presence of preservatives in the composition.

When using sausages while breastfeeding, you should adhere to the basic recommendations:

  • purchase a product manufactured no more than a day ago;
  • buy products exclusively in natural casing;
  • choose the names of local businesses, which reduces the risk of using stale goods.

You should not buy chicken products. These include ground feathers and bones. Buying products of a combined nature (pork or beef and chicken) is also not the best option.

Sausages when breastfeeding a newborn should have a uniform pink color. A deep red hue indicates the addition of preservatives.


Breastfeeding sausages are allowed to be consumed no earlier than 3 months after childbirth. The product must comply with GOST standards, have a short shelf life. When buying a product, you need to pay attention to the production date in order to minimize the risk of poisoning and allergic reactions.

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