Useful properties of elephant garlic onion (Rocambol) and contraindications

The benefits and harms of Rocumboll are worth exploring - the unusual elephant bow is attracting a lot of attention. It is used both in cooking and for medicinal purposes - the plant has many valuable properties.

Origin story

Rocambol is an interesting plant that is a cross between onions and garlic. Breeders did not participate in the creation of the culture - the hybrid belongs to the category of natural and has been known for hundreds of years. For medical purposes, it was used by the ancient Egyptians.

The natural habitat for Rocumboll is Central Asia. In Europe and the North Caucasus, the unusual bow first appeared in the 18th century, and in 1877 it was brought to Russia. Currently, Rocambol is grown in vegetable gardens and greenhouses around the world, including in temperate and cold regions.

One large Rocumball fruit can be larger than a tennis ball in size
Important! You can meet a giant bow under the names of elephant, Spanish, Egyptian or hairstyle.

Description of Rocamboll's garlic and varieties

Rocambole is a perennial herb that combines the appearance and taste of leeks and garlic. It has leaves up to 120 cm in length and up to 6 cm in width, light green in color with a waxy bloom. The underground tuber of the Rocamboll onion in the first year of life is whole, and in the second or third season it is divided into cloves, like in garlic, but larger - up to 15 cm long. It has a less intense odor and less pungent taste. The top of the bulb is covered with a tough gray-yellow husk.

The mass of tubers reaches 400 g, the plant is characterized by a high yield - up to 3 kg from one meter of the garden. The elephant onion blooms in July with beautiful spherical inflorescences, consisting of numerous purple buds.

Currently, there are three selection varieties of Rocambolla:

  1. Pearl... The variety was bred in 2004 in Russia. It ripens in medium terms, the bulbs of the variety are flattened, with white scales, reach 53 g in weight and form up to five cloves. The color of the flesh of Rocumboll is white-yellow, its taste is sharp.
    The Rocambol onion of the Pearl variety has a yield of up to 2 kg per meter
  2. Janissary... Another Russian variety of Rocamboll's elephant onion bears large fruits up to 500 g each weighing. It has a pleasant, moderately spicy taste, due to which it is very popular. The disadvantages of the variety include weak resistance to cold and fungal ailments.
    Janissary elephant bows are planted only in warm weather - it cannot be sown before winter
  3. White elephant... Frost-resistant Rocambol produces rather compact bulbs weighing only about 200 g. The fruit consists of six cloves, they taste spicy, but pleasant, with a garlic smell, suitable for marinades, first and second courses, salads. The yield of elephant onions is up to 3 kg per square meter.
    Rocambol White Elephant ripens in 120 days in the southern regions and the middle lane

Chemical composition

The benefits and harms of Rocamboll's garlic are due to the composition of the vegetable. Among the main substances present in fruits and leaves are:

  • fiber;
  • proteins and carbohydrates;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B5 and B4;
  • tocopherol;
  • calcium and magnesium;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • selenium and manganese;
  • vitamins PP and K;
  • iron, copper, zinc and sodium;
  • potassium;
  • phytoncides;
  • saponins;
  • caffeic and chlorogenic acids;
  • allicin;
  • rutin and quercetin;
  • ferulic acid.

The nutritional value of Rocamboll's elephant onion is 149 calories per 100 g.

Why is Rokambol garlic useful?

Rocambol is used not only to add pungent taste and aroma to familiar dishes. Its properties are actively used by traditional medicine. In particular, the elephant bow:

  • maintains healthy vascular tone and increases their elasticity;
  • prevents blood clots;
  • improves heart function and serves as the prevention of heart attacks and strokes;
  • lowers blood cholesterol levels;
  • increases immune resistance and protects against seasonal viruses and colds;
  • improves digestion and normalizes appetite;
  • helps to relieve breathing with a runny nose;
  • accelerates metabolism and promotes weight loss;
  • has a tonic and invigorating effect.
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Means based on Rocambol's onions are used not only internally, but externally. Broths can be rinsed hair to strengthen and wipe the skin with heavy rashes. The anti-inflammatory properties of elephant onions are beneficial for cuts, sores and wounds.

Infusions of elephant onions can be used to lubricate cuts for disinfection and quick healing

Application in traditional medicine

Rocambol's elephant bow can be used to treat colds, vascular, inflammatory and other diseases. Traditional medicine offers several proven recipes for medicines.

With atherosclerosis

Rocambol's elephant onion helps to improve the elasticity of blood vessels, get rid of excess cholesterol and prevent the development of severe complications of atherosclerosis. For medicinal purposes, an alcoholic tincture of an unusual vegetable is prepared. They do it like this:

  • the elephant onion is rubbed on a fine grater or crushed into gruel in a volume of 100 g;
  • the mass is placed in a glass vessel and 500 ml of good quality vodka is poured;
  • the container is closed, shaken and removed for a month in a dark, cool place;
  • periodically the vessel is removed and shaken.

At the end of the specified period, the Rocambolle elephant onion tincture must be filtered through tightly folded gauze. Take the remedy 20 drops three times a day, diluting the medicine in a glass of warmed milk.

Rocambol's tincture helps not only with atherosclerosis, but also with hypertension and anemia
Advice! Rocumbol's onion tincture can be used for rinsing with angina, for this ten drops of the drug are diluted in 250 ml of warm water.

For immunity

Garlic onion Rocambol strengthens the body's defense system and helps to avoid ARVI and influenza viruses. For prevention and treatment, such a remedy is prepared:

  • the head of a giant garlic is crushed into gruel using a special crusher, fine grater or blender;
  • squeeze juice from four ripe lemons;
  • mix citrus liquid and rocumboll onion gruel;
  • insist in a glass container in the refrigerator for at least a day.

To strengthen the immune system, it is necessary to dilute 15 g of the mixture in 100 ml of water every morning and drink the healing agent on an empty stomach. The course of use is continued until 24 lemons are used to prepare the drug.

Important! Unlike regular garlic, Rocambol has a rather mild scent. It can be used without fear of ruining the freshness of the breath.

For toothache

Onion garlic Rocambol has strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It can be used for caries, gingivitis, periodontal disease and pulpitis to relieve unpleasant symptoms before consulting a doctor.

The herbal remedy is very simple to use. Rocambol onions must be peeled and crushed in a garlic press to release the juice.After that, the gruel is wrapped in a piece of gauze, applied to the problem tooth and bitten. In the near future, the pain should subside.

To thin the blood

Rocambol can be used for thick blood and a tendency to varicose veins and thrombosis. The valuable substances in the composition of the plant improve the permeability of blood vessels and accelerate blood circulation, prevent the development of stagnation.

The following healing remedy brings benefits:

  • five large heads of Rocumball's elephant bow are peeled and ground into a gruel in any convenient way;
  • squeeze the juice from ten medium lemons;
  • mix the components and add 1 kg of natural honey to them;
  • bring to homogeneity in a glass container and put in a dark place for a week to infuse.

You need to take the drug once a day for 20 g. In this case, it is recommended to divide the portion into several small spoons and swallow the contents of each with an interval of a minute.

You can take a mixture of honey with elephant onions for arrhythmias

With asthma

Rocambol's elephant garlic has a beneficial effect on the body in asthma and reduces the frequency of attacks. For medicinal purposes, such a remedy is prepared:

  • three medium-sized teeth are cleaned and rubbed on a fine grater;
  • the gruel is poured with a glass of warm milk.
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It is necessary to take a remedy from Rocumboll onions daily in the evening. Milk should not be too hot, as it loses its beneficial properties with intense heating.

Cooking applications

One of the main uses for Rocumboll onions is in cooking. In food, you can use both the teeth of the vegetable and its aerial leaves, all parts have a pleasant pungent taste.

The elephant bow is used:

  • as a seasoning for meat, fish and vegetables;
  • for adding to fresh salads;
  • as part of marinades for preservation;
  • when making sauces.

Rocambol onions are also used as a bite with sandwiches or added in crushed form to a pate.

Application in cosmetology

The benefits and harms of Rocamboll's garlic are used in home cosmetology. A vegetable and is used to care for skin prone to breakouts. For plentiful acne, you can prepare the following mask:

  • using a garlic press, fresh juice is squeezed out of the Rocumboll teeth;
  • in the amount of six drops, mix it with a small spoonful of blue cosmetic clay;
  • add three drops of essential tangerine oil;
  • thoroughly stir the ingredients together.

If the elephant onion is too viscous, dilute it with a little green tea. Using a cotton swab, the composition is pointwise applied to problem areas of previously cleansed skin. After the product is completely dry, it will need to be removed with a cotton pad dipped in herbal infusion.

Garlic onion has strong antiseptic properties and unclogs the pores of problem skin

You can use the Rocambol elephant bow for hair care. The active ingredients in the vegetable stimulate the development of follicles, regulate the oiliness of the scalp and eliminate dandruff. To strengthen the curls, the following remedy is prepared:

  • five peeled slices of Rocumboll onions are ground into a homogeneous gruel;
  • add 10 ml of brandy;
  • make a similar amount of unrefined vegetable oil;
  • mix the components.

The onion remedy is carefully rubbed into the root area of ​​the head, and then put on a shower cap or simply wrap the hair with cling film. From above, the mixture is insulated with a terry towel. You need to keep the mask with onions for 6-8 hours, it is most convenient to carry out the procedure at night in order to wash off the product in the morning using natural shampoo.

Advice! To rinse your hair, you can use a decoction of chamomile with the addition of wine vinegar.

Contraindications to the use of Rocambol

The beneficial properties and contraindications of Rocumbol are combined with each other.Although elephant onions are not as pungent as regular ones, you should still use them with care. It is necessary to refuse to use the vegetable:

  • with gastritis with high acidity and stomach ulcer;
  • with chronic kidney disease;
  • with internal bleeding;
  • with ailments of the gallbladder;
  • with a tendency to diarrhea;
  • with individual intolerance.

The health benefits and harms of Rocamboll are controversial in pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is not forbidden to eat onions, but it is better to eat them in minimal quantities and with the permission of a doctor. Children can be offered a vegetable from the age of three, but only in boiled or stewed form in small portions.

In large quantities, elephant bows can cause burns to the larynx and esophagus.

The benefits and harms of the leaves of Rocamboll and its fruits depend on the dosages. It is permissible to eat no more than 5 g of pure onions per day. When taken in excess, Rocambol can cause nausea, diarrhea, headache, skin rashes and changes in blood pressure. In rare cases, onion poisoning leads to spasms of cerebral vessels and a decrease in visual acuity.


The benefits and harms of Rocumball are combined with each other. Delicious elephant garlic is used not only for culinary, but also for medical purposes, it is used to treat colds and vascular diseases. But Rocambol cannot be used in high dosages, it has serious side effects.

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