Cyanocobalamin for hair in ampoules: application, reviews

"Cyanocobalamin" for hair is used in case of excessive hair loss and insufficient growth. It is a B12-based drug that is involved in metabolism and cell division. Its intake in the body in the required amount ensures the density and strength of the hair.

How does vitamin B12 affect hair

Cyanocobalamin is a healthy red liquid. It is produced in the form of ampoules for injection and external use. Its advantages include the budgetary cost - no more than 30 rubles per package. This allows Cyanocobalamin to compete with prestigious medical brands.

Vitamin B12 is used in most cases for hair growth. It activates the work of the hair follicles, supplying them with nutrients. B12 deficiency is often accompanied by a weakening of the hair structure. In advanced cases, the problem can lead to baldness.

The main benefits of B12 are as follows:

  • combating loss caused by stress;
  • ensuring the flow of oxygen to the hair roots by stimulating the production of red blood cells;
  • giving hair a natural shine;
  • acceleration of the process of cell division.

Among other things, B12 takes the strain off the liver by regulating fat metabolism. This indirectly affects the condition of the hair, since with abnormalities in the liver, their condition worsens. Thanks to its regenerative function, hair breakage is eliminated. Among other things, "Cyanocobalamin" helps to cope with inflammation and fungal diseases, which can act as a factor in stimulating hair loss. By normalizing blood circulation, "Cyanocobalamin" provides oxygen to all areas of the scalp. It stimulates new hair growth.

Important! If hair loss is caused by genetic abnormalities or hormonal disorders, Cyanocobalamin will not be able to cope with the problem.

When to use vitamin B12 for hair

The main indication for the use of "Cyanocobalamin" is the deficiency of the substance in the body. Vegetarians, the elderly and insulin dependent are at risk. Sometimes the supply of vitamin in the body decreases with parasitic diseases.

Typical symptoms of a lack of substance include:

  • paleness and yellowness of the skin;
  • unmotivated fatigue;
  • tingling in the limbs;
  • violation of coordination of movement;
  • mood swings;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • optic neuropathy.

With a lack of B12, women notice a deterioration in the condition of the hair and skin surface. Curls become brittle and thinned, their natural shine disappears.They start to fall out, despite the provision of quality cosmetic care.

How to use vitamin B12 for hair

The principle of using synthetic vitamin B12 depends on the format in which the drug is produced. There is a possibility of oral, external and injection use. Experts recommend rubbing a vitamin B12 emulsion into the scalp once a day. It is also permissible to use "Cyanocobalamin" in the preparation of cosmetic masks. B12 is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously to improve overall health and enhance the effect of external use. It is taken orally as part of complex biological supplements. Sometimes women combine several ways of using the medicine at once. It is important not to overdo it in order to avoid side reactions of the body.

Rubbing vitamin B12 into the scalp

One of the most common ways to use vitamin B12 for hair is by periodically rubbing it into the scalp. The composition is distributed with massaging movements using the fingertips. Then you can lubricate the curls along the length with the remnants of the product. It is advisable to apply the solution to the newly washed hair. This will ensure the unhindered penetration of nutrients into the open pores of the skin and hair.

Another way to distribute B12 locally is to add it to your shampoo or conditioner. A few drops of the vitamin liquid are mixed with a single serving of the cosmetic product. Only after that it is used for its intended purpose.

Hair mask with vitamin B12

For hair loss, vitamin B12 is often used in masks. All components for their preparation can be easily found at home or in the nearest pharmacy. For each individual problem, a specific mask composition is provided. Before using it, it is required to determine the reaction to a potential allergen by conducting a special test. For this, a small amount of B12 is applied to the inside of the fold of the elbow. After a few minutes, you can evaluate the result. In some cases, the response may be delayed.

Hair mask with vitamin B12 must be applied at least twice every seven days. The duration of the treatment course varies from ten days to two months. This is determined by the intensity of the problem. A repeated treatment course can be carried out after a break of 1-2 months.

Comment! If there are rashes on the scalp, it is better to refuse to use "Cyanocobalamin".

Cyanocobalamin hair mask recipes

When choosing a mask recipe, you should proceed from the specifics of your problem. You can combine several options for a cosmetic product, thereby enhancing the effect. The proportions of the ingredients should be observed and the mask should be kept for the recommended time.

Hair Growth Stimulator


  • 1 ml "Cyanocobalamin";
  • 3 tbsp. l. pepper tincture.

Cooking process:

  1. The components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous liquid is obtained.
  2. It is rubbed over the scalp and left for 10 minutes.
  3. After a specified time, the remains of the cosmetic product are washed off using a cleansing shampoo.

Multi-component firming mask


  • 100 g rye bread;
  • 1 tsp linden;
  • 1/2 tsp nettle;
  • 2 tsp chamomile;
  • 1 ml of vitamins B12 and B6.
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Cooking principle:

  1. The herbs are mixed in a separate container and filled with a glass of boiling water. They need to be insisted for half an hour.
  2. Bread and contents of ampoules are added to the resulting broth. Stir everything thoroughly, after which the mixture is left to infuse for 15 minutes.
  3. The product is applied to the roots, slightly affecting the length of the hair. No sooner than nine minutes later, wash it off with any cleanser.
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Treatment for oily hair


  • 4 tsp burdock oil;
  • 1 ml "Cyanocobalamin";
  • 1 tbsp. l. thick honey.

Cooking steps:

  1. Honey and B are added to the oil. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  2. The resulting mass is distributed over the root zone of the hairline.
  3. The head is wrapped in plastic wrap, and a towel is put on top. This is necessary to create a greenhouse effect.
  4. After 17 minutes, the product is washed off with shampoo.
Advice! Keeping the mask on your hair longer than the specified time is highly discouraged.

Revitalizing mixture


  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil;
  • 1 ampoule of "Cyanocobalamin".

Cooking steps:

  1. The ingredients are mixed in a deep container until smooth.
  2. The mixture is distributed not only along the roots, but also along the entire length of the hair.
  3. After 1-1.5 hours, the product should be washed off.

Vitamin B12 with streak for dry hair


  • 1 tsp turns;
  • 1 tsp nettle leaves;
  • 5 ml of Cyanocobalamin.

Cooking process:

  1. The herbs are poured with water and put on fire. After boiling, they need to be boiled for six minutes. After removing from heat, the agent should be insisted for another half hour.
  2. The resulting composition is filtered and combined with B
  3. The mixture is distributed over the curls, paying close attention to the treatment of the root zone.
  4. After 30 minutes, the product is washed off with running water.

Moisturizing mask

Tandem B12 with seaweed provides high-quality hydration and nutrition to the hair. To obtain the desired effect, the mixture must be kept on the hair for at least the recommended time.


  • 1 tbsp. l. kelp;
  • 2 ampoules of "Cyanocobalamin".

Cooking process:

  1. The seaweed is poured with a small amount of hot water and left for an hour and a half. During this time, their consistency should become jelly-like.
  2. "Cyanocobalamin" is added to the kelp, stirring thoroughly.
  3. The resulting mixture is applied along the length of the curls. From above they are covered with cling film and a towel. The treatment mixture must be kept on the hair for 40 minutes.

Aloe Vera Nourishing Mask

For dry curls prone to brittleness, a cosmetic product with the addition of aloe vera is perfect. It will not only stop the loss, but also make the hair obedient.


  • 2 tbsp. l. aloe juice;
  • 1 ampoule B12.

Cooking process:

  1. Aloe juice is mixed with B12 in a deep bowl. The juice should be squeezed out just before making the mask. It is desirable that the plant be at least three years old.
  2. The liquid is distributed through the hair and left for 25 minutes.
  3. The remains of the cosmetic product are removed with a deep cleansing shampoo.

Anti-dandruff and hair loss remedy

Thanks to the content of rosemary and kefir, the mask with the addition of B12 regulates oily hair, prolonging its freshness. It relieves itching and dandruff, which is especially important for owners of sensitive scalp. Lemon essential oil provides a pleasant citrus scent.


  • 3 drops of lemon oil;
  • 1 ampoule of "Cyanocobalamin";
  • 2 drops of rosemary oil;
  • 100 ml of kefir.


  1. The components are mixed in a small cup.
  2. The resulting mixture is applied to the root area, distributing it with massage movements. For the best effect, wrap your hair in plastic wrap and a towel.
  3. After 45 minutes, the composition is removed with warm water using a cleansing shampoo.

Mask with "Cyanocobalamin" for hair shine

This version of the mask is designed for lifeless and dull hair. The positive impact of the procedures becomes obvious as early as the second week after the start of their implementation. Due to the cocoa content, the medicinal mixture is not suitable for blondes.

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  • ½ tbsp. kefir;
  • 1 tbsp. l. castor oil;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 ampoule of "Cyanocobalamin";
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder.


  1. Kefir must be slightly warmed up.
  2. The remaining ingredients are gradually added to it, stirring the mixture thoroughly until smooth.
  3. The cosmetic is applied to the root part and the length of the curls.To enhance the effect, it is necessary to provide a greenhouse effect with a towel.
  4. After 40 minutes, the mixture is washed off with warm water.

Vitamin B12 oil mask

This version of the mask is perfect for girls with dull and brittle curls. Egg yolk helps to repair damaged cells, and B12 fills them with useful elements from the inside. By adding burdock oil, the hair becomes shinier and smoother.


  • 1.5 tsp. almond oil;
  • 1 chicken yolk;
  • 1 tsp burdock;
  • 1.5 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • 1 ampoule of "Cyanocobalamin".

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Beat the yolk in a separate container. As its consistency changes, the remaining ingredients are added.
  2. The resulting composition is gently rubbed into the root. Contact with the product on the hair length is undesirable.
  3. After one hour, the remaining vitamin mixture is washed off with warm water.


Before using "Cyanocobalamin" for hair, you need to study the instructions for use. The drug should not be used in the presence of an allergic reaction. In this case, he is able to provoke flaking and itching on the scalp.

The combined use of vitamins for hair of groups B6 and B12 is possible. In this case, the effect will be most pronounced. It is not recommended to combine Cyanocobalamin with the following substances:

  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • vitamins of groups B1, B3 and A;
  • iron.

It is undesirable to heat Cyanocobalamin before use. This will neutralize its beneficial properties. It is also not recommended to apply the product to dirty hair. Dirt and dust clog the hair scales, which prevents the healing fluid from penetrating deep into their structure. It is impractical to keep the composition on the scalp for less than 20 minutes. To activate the effect of the drug, you need to wait at least half an hour.

Attention! The maximum daily dosage is 2.5 mg. Exceeding it can provoke an allergic reaction.

When the effect will be noticeable

The effectiveness of therapeutic manipulations depends on the degree of manifestation of the original problem. New hairs become visible within a week after the start of the course. An improvement in the hair structure is observed in the 2-3rd week of using the drug. When combined with other useful components, the effect will be more pronounced. Women using the drug for cosmetic purposes note a significant strengthening of the curls and the elimination of hair loss. In order for the result to meet expectations, procedures should be done on a regular basis.


"Cyanocobalamin" for hair must be used with caution, following the recommendations of experts. This will help make the hair thicker and more manageable, as well as stop hair loss. External rubbing of the medicinal mixture of B12 can be combined with the intake of the vitamin by mouth.

Reviews about "Cyanocobalamin" for hair

Krylova Evgeniya Alexandrovna, 27 years old, Voronezh
Faced with hair loss, I immediately resorted to the help of vitamin B12 for hair. Reviews allowed me to choose the most suitable mask recipe. I began to mix "Cyanocobalamin" with other B vitamins. The effect was not long in coming. The prolapse gradually stopped, and after two months it completely stopped. As a nice bonus, I got an improvement in my hair.
Orlova Irina Nikolaevna, 42 years old, Yekaterinburg
I used "Cyanocobalamin" together with nourishing oils. My goal was to strengthen and restore hair. I will not say that I suffered from loss, I just wanted to add thickness and gloss to the curls. After a month and a half, I noticed the appearance of new hairs, which became an additional plus for me. Now I periodically repeat the course when the condition of the hair ceases to please me.
Ibragimova Elena Viktorovna, 23 years old, Naro-Fominsk
I have oily hair, so I am wary of any cosmetics. Some of them contribute to the rapid pollution of the scalp.A friend advised to use a self-prepared mask with vitamin B12 and honey for hair loss. I was surprised that it did not weigh down my hair at all, but it gave an incredible result. Now I advise her to everyone who is familiar with similar problems.
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