Physalis: benefits and harms to health

The beneficial properties of edible physalis are very diverse - an unusual vegetable is able to strengthen health and tone the body. But when eating edible fruits, there are some rules to keep in mind.

Physalis chemical composition and value

Physalis is edible, vegetable or berry, - a product with a rich chemical composition and numerous beneficial properties. It consists mainly of carbohydrates - 3.9 g of the total pulp. Another 1 g in the composition of berries is occupied by fats and proteins.

The edible nightshade vegetable is closely related to tomatoes.
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The fruits of the vegetable contain numerous organic acids - tartaric, citric, succinic and malic. Berries contain phytoncides and antioxidants, dyes and fiber, pectins.

Vitamin content

The vitamins in the pulp deserve special attention. The fruits contain:

  • vitamins of group B in almost complete composition - from B1 to B9, their share is from 1.5 to 3% of the daily value;
  • ascorbic acid - from berries you can get 13% of the daily value of the substance;
  • vitamins PP and K - about 9% of the daily value;
  • vitamin E - approximately 2.5%;
  • vitamin A and beta-carotene - 0.7 and 1.3%, respectively.

The use of the product in small quantities can compensate for the deficiency of nutrients and prevent the development of vitamin deficiency.

Macro and microelements

Edible physalis is highly valued not only for the presence of vitamins, but also for the presence in the composition of a large number of trace elements. In particular, the pulp contains the following substances:

  • potassium - 11% of the daily value;
  • manganese and copper, approximately 8% of the daily dosage;
  • magnesium and phosphorus - 5% of the daily value.

The edible vegetable also contains calcium, iron, zinc and selenium, although their volumes are not very significant.

How many calories are in physalis berries

The calorie index of physalis per 100 grams is extremely low. A small portion of the fruit contains only 32 kcal, the vegetable is well suited for dietary use.

Useful properties of physalis berries

Eating delicious berries is not only pleasant, but also good for your health. A refreshing edible vegetable has the following properties:

  • strengthens the immune system and prevents colds and viral diseases;
  • improves the functioning of the metabolic system and digestion;
  • replenishes energy reserves and returns vigor;
  • improves mood and helps to cope with stress;
  • has a beneficial effect on the body during inflammatory processes and helps to quickly restore good health;
  • strengthens blood vessels and the heart system, improves blood composition;
  • prevents the occurrence of vitamin deficiency even with a strong lack of nutrients.
The product contains many vitamins B, ascorbic acid and potassium

Due to the increased amount of antioxidants, it is recommended to take edible physalis in order to maintain youth. Also, the product has good anti-cancer properties and can serve as the prevention of cancer.

Useful properties of dried physalis

Not only fresh, but also dried vegetables have valuable properties. The concentration of nutrients in an edible vegetable only increases when water evaporates, and all vitamins remain in full composition if the berries are not subjected to heat treatment.

The dried product is particularly effective in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. It can be used for coughs and bronchitis, flu and SARS.

Useful properties of physalis jam

Jam from exotic fruits undergoes high-temperature processing and therefore retains less vitamins in its composition. For example, when heated, most of the ascorbic acid is destroyed. But there are still a lot of useful substances in the composition of the product. In particular, the jam contains organic acids and the antioxidant lycopene, minerals and fiber, and mineral components.

You can use edible vegetable jam as an anti-inflammatory and diuretic. The properties of the delicacy have a hemostatic and analgesic effect. Jam can be taken not only for colds, but also for hypertension, diseases of the digestive tract, cholecystitis.

Attention! The benefits and harms of physalis jam depend on the dosages, since the delicacy contains a lot of sugar, it cannot be consumed in large quantities.

Useful properties of strawberry physalis

Berry physalis is called strawberry - another edible variety of the product. Strawberry physalis differs from vegetable physalis in size, color and taste, the fruits are slightly smaller, have a bright orange color and a brighter, dessert taste.

Strawberry Physalis tastes brighter and is edible raw

Strawberry physalis is more often used for fresh consumption; it is also used to prepare jam, marshmallow and jam. In terms of the composition of vitamins and minerals, the varieties of vegetables are very similar, therefore, they have the same useful properties. Berry fruits also strengthen immunity, saturate the body with useful substances and have a positive effect on digestion and the state of blood vessels.

How physalis is useful for humans

Edible vegetable physalis is eaten after a short treatment in hot water or blanching, berry physalis can be eaten unprocessed. In both cases, the fruits of an exotic vegetable have the following properties:

  • have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect;
  • have an analgesic effect;
  • stop bleeding;
  • serve as a good natural diuretic and choleretic agent;
  • help with ailments of the respiratory system;
  • improve the condition with cholecystitis, gout, inflammatory processes of the kidneys and ureters;
  • promote recovery from gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • have a beneficial effect on diabetes.

Vegetable fruits can be used to treat hypertension; the properties of exotic fruits help to equalize blood pressure.

Physalis benefits for men

Edible physalis is of great benefit to men, first of all, it has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. The use of berries prevents the development of inflammation in the urogenital area, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs and increases potency.

When consumed, the product cleanses the body and strengthens blood vessels

The edible physalis also benefits the liver. Taking the fruit is especially recommended for smokers and men who drink alcohol, the product will help remove toxic substances from the body and reduce the burden on the liver.

Advice! Since the product increases the absorption of nutrients from food, you can use it when playing sports. The vegetable will improve endurance and strengthen immunity, as well as make blood vessels stronger and protect the heart system from ailments.

Physalis benefits for women

The edible fruits contain a lot of manganese and iron, so it is useful for women to use the product for painful menstruation. The vegetable not only improves well-being and soothes pains, but also replenishes blood loss during heavy periods.

Exotic berries help with muscle and headaches, reduce stress and restore good mood. Eating berries is useful for the prevention of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.

Is it possible physalis during pregnancy

For pregnant women, vegetable or berry physalis is not prohibited, its useful properties are in great demand during the period of bearing a child. Due to the high content of vitamin C, the vegetable helps protect against colds and inflammation, strengthens the immune system of a pregnant woman and prevents the development of vitamin deficiency.

The product is useful for pregnant women if there is no allergy

The fruits of an edible vegetable contain potassium, so eating berries is useful for the prevention and treatment of edema in pregnant women. The properties of the fruit help to cope with toxicosis, the vitamins in the composition have a beneficial effect on the formation of the baby in the womb. However, you can eat a product only if there is no allergy, it is advisable to consult a doctor before using it.

Is physalis good for breastfeeding?

During lactation, the properties of an exotic vegetable can be beneficial. First of all, it restores the balance of vitamins in the body of a nursing mother, allows you to recover faster from childbirth, improve digestion and restore a good figure.

But in a child, an unusual product can provoke an allergy. It is recommended to introduce edible physalis into the diet of nursing mothers only 3 months after childbirth and very carefully, in small portions, carefully observing the baby's reaction.

Is it possible for children to physalis

The vitamins and minerals in the berries can enhance the health of the child and improve his mental activity. But you can offer fruits to children no earlier than 3 years old; in young children, the properties of physalis often cause allergies or digestive upset.

Attention! Before adding a vegetable to a children's diet, you need to consult a pediatrician, since Physalis has a number of strict contraindications.
Children can use the product, but only after 3 years

Why are physalis berries useful for the elderly?

For men and women over 50, it is recommended to consume edible fruits to prevent constipation. Physalis contains a lot of fiber, and if you eat a few berries shortly before eating, it will have a positive effect on the work of peristalsis.

Physalis will also benefit the elderly for blood circulation. The properties of the vegetable will strengthen blood vessels, prevent the development of atherosclerosis and help avoid an increase in cholesterol and heart disorders.

What Physalis Cures

The fruits of vegetable and berry edible physalis are a valuable remedy. With the help of the product, colds and vitamin deficiencies, vascular disorders and edema, and nervous disorders are treated. But the properties of the product are especially beneficial for several ailments.

Physalis for type 2 diabetes

The glycemic index of edible physalis is low, and it has a very beneficial effect on the blood. When consumed with diabetes, berries help to align blood glucose levels and avoid sudden fluctuations in sugar levels.In addition, the product strengthens blood vessels and improves the functioning of the pancreas, which is also very useful in diabetes, as it helps protect against complications.

For digestion

The product contains a lot of fiber, so eating the fruits is very useful for regulating digestion. Against the background of the use of edible physalis, metabolism is accelerated, nutrients are absorbed better, and toxins are not retained in the body. The vegetable helps get rid of constipation and flatulence, eliminates intestinal spasms.

The product effectively fights constipation and regulates digestion

Taking physalis is useful as a prophylaxis for peptic ulcer disease. With regular use, the product serves as the prevention of intestinal cancer.

When regenerating wounds

Edible Physalis contains a lot of iron, increases hemoglobin levels, accelerates blood circulation and oxygenates tissues. Therefore, it is recommended to take it for quick healing of wounds and cuts. Cellular regeneration is accelerated, tissues and mucous membranes are regenerated faster.

The use of physalis in traditional medicine

The beneficial properties of edible physalis are manifested even with moderate consumption of the fruit. But for the targeted treatment of ailments, traditional medicine offers several especially effective recipes.

Decoction for cystitis

With an exacerbation of cystitis, the following decoction will benefit:

  • 20 dried berries are poured with water in a volume of 500 ml;
  • put the pan on low heat;
  • boil for about 15 minutes, and then filter.

You need to take the product four times a day, 40 ml. The broth will quickly relieve the symptoms of inflammation and improve well-being.

Oil infusion for kidney treatment

Homemade oil will be beneficial for inflammatory processes in the kidneys. They do it like this:

  • 100 g of dried fruits are poured over 50 ml of olive oil;
  • insist closed for 20 days in a dark place;
  • filter after reaching readiness.
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Healing decoctions and infusions are prepared on the basis of the product

You need to drink oil twice a day, 50 ml, the whole treatment continues for about a week.

Decoction for rheumatism and inflammation of the bladder

Such a decoction based on edible physalis has a good anti-inflammatory effect:

  • 2 large tablespoons of pulp pour 500 ml of water;
  • boil over low heat for 15 minutes;
  • insist under the lid until it cools completely and filtered.

You need to drink a decoction of 80 ml four times a day, the beneficial properties of the drink will help you quickly cope with inflammation.

Joint ointment

With rheumatism, arthritis and osteochondrosis, an ointment made from fresh fruit pulp helps. Prepare it like this:

  • several fresh berries are kneaded into a soft gruel;
  • mixed with melted pork fat or petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1 to 4;
  • insist in a closed container for a week.

The resulting ointment is rubbed several times a day with sore joints or a compress is applied for 1-2 hours.

Why is edible physalis useful for losing weight

Physalis properties are highly valued in slimming diets. The calorie content of the vegetable is very small, but there are a lot of fiber and diuretic substances in it. Therefore, against the background of the use of fruits, toxins and excess liquid quickly leave the body, and with them kilograms go away.

Due to the fact that physalis has a pleasant taste, a diet with its use is much easier to tolerate. Juicy berries help not to worry about the fact that all tasty, but harmful foods are temporarily excluded from the diet.

How to use physalis correctly

The way of using the product depends on its type. Before use, edible vegetable physalis must be doused with boiling water or boiled in hot water for 2-3 minutes, this will remove the sticky plaque from the surface of the berry.

Berry, or strawberry edible physalis can be consumed without pretreatment. It is enough just to remove the dry husk covering it from the fruit and eat the juicy orange berry.

Berries help you lose weight quickly without harm to health
Important! An adult should consume no more than 200 g of a juicy vegetable per day. In excessive quantities, the properties of the product can not only cause allergies, but also provoke indigestion.

Limitations and contraindications

Although edible fruits are very healthy, they also have certain contraindications. Physalis should not be eaten:

  • if you have an individual allergy;
  • with lactation in the first 3 months after childbirth;
  • with exacerbation of hyperacid gastritis or stomach ulcers;
  • with pancreatitis.

The fruits are used with caution during pregnancy, the use of the product must be agreed with the doctor.


The beneficial properties of edible physalis can have medicinal effects for many ailments. You can use berries both fresh and in the form of decoctions and infusions, but before that you need to make sure that there are no contraindications.

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