Green tea: beneficial properties, contraindications, lowers or increases blood pressure

The benefits and harms of green tea are of interest to many - in terms of its popularity, it is in no way inferior to traditional black tea. It is necessary to understand the features and properties of the product in order to correctly answer the question.

Green tea production technology

For the production of green and black tea, the same raw material is used - tea tree leaves. However, production technologies differ significantly.

  1. In order to make black tea, the leaves are fermented, or oxidized.
  2. In the process of creating green tea varieties, this stage is skipped - the collected leaves are treated with steam, stopping the oxidation process.
  3. After that, the raw materials are immediately rolled and dried, and then sorted and sent for sale.

The health benefits and harms of green tea are determined precisely by the production technology. Unfermented tea leaves retain the maximum useful properties and are significantly superior in value to black tea.

Composition, nutritional value and calorie content of green tea

The benefits of green tea for the human body can be assessed by carefully studying the composition of the product. Dried leaves contain a huge supply of valuable substances.

In addition, the composition contains amino acids and catechins, alkaloids and essential oils, tannins and caffeine, antioxidants. Proteins in the composition of the product take about 20 g, fats - about 5 g, and very little remains for the share of carbohydrates - only 4 g. The calorie content of dry leaves is 140 calories per 100 g.

Vitamins and minerals

Content, mg







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AT 2


















Why green tea is good for the body

With frequent use, the drink brings unambiguous benefits. Namely:

  • slows down the aging of the body and has a rejuvenating effect;
  • serves as an excellent cancer prevention - antioxidants in the composition do not allow the spread of malignant formations;
  • strengthens the body's defenses and quickly removes toxins, toxins and carcinogenic substances from the blood and tissues;
  • strengthens blood vessels and supports the work of the heart, approximately halving the likelihood of developing a heart attack;
  • starts the process of burning fat and generally improves metabolic processes in the body;
  • lowers blood glucose and helps fight cholesterol;
  • protects the liver and contributes to its healthy function;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and the brain, tones up and improves performance;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • protects vision and reduces harm from eye strain;
  • eliminates gum inflammation and prevents the development of caries.

Healthy green tea is a good remedy for thirst, since it restores the balance of fluid in the body no worse than plain water.

For women

The benefits of green tea for a woman's body is that it helps maintain a slim figure and healthy bowel function. Tea improves hormones and physical condition during menopause, protects women from the development of oncology in adulthood. In addition, tea leaves are an excellent cosmetic product - tea-based masks and lotions have an effective tonic and tightening effect.

For men

The benefits of green tea for a man's body is that it regulates the reproductive system, improves the production of the hormone testosterone and increases potency. The caffeine in tea has a tonic effect on the nervous system, which helps to improve endurance and stress resistance.

The benefits and harms of green tea for men are also expressed in the ability of tea to strengthen blood vessels and heart. When consumed frequently, tea can reduce the likelihood of prostate tumors.

Is green tea possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Benefits of green tea for pregnant women - the drink strengthens the tissues of the heart and blood vessels, helps to maintain vigor and good mood. However, it must be consumed with great care and in small quantities. The fact is that the caffeine and tannins in the drink can have an overly stimulating effect on the nervous system and thereby cause harm. In addition, large amounts of green tea interferes with the absorption of folic acid, which is essential for the fetus.

The same applies to the lactation period. In the absence of a negative reaction in the baby, you can use the drink, but only in the morning and no more than 1 cup per day, so that there is no harm. To enhance the benefits, tea can be diluted with milk or honey.

Can children drink green tea

For babies, the drink is likely to do harm, it will turn out to be too exciting for the sensitive children's nervous system. It is possible to introduce tea into the child's diet only after 3 years, and the leaves should be brewed weakly, and offered only in the morning. The child will benefit from green tea with honey, the taste will improve, the valuable properties will only increase.

Attention! Since in some cases the product is very harmful and prohibited for use, you need to consult a pediatrician before offering a drink to a child for the first time.

How green tea affects blood pressure

The properties of green tea for blood pressure are useful for hypertensive patients, despite the high content of caffeine and tannins, it lowers blood pressure. However, there is one caveat - before brewing tea, it is recommended to rinse the leaves in clean water to reduce the caffeine content.

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Healthy tea cannot act as an instant pressure relief tool. However, it brings noticeable results with regular use - pressure surges will become less frequent.

Does green tea help you lose weight?

The properties of green tea for weight loss are very useful - the product significantly speeds up metabolic processes, which helps to remove toxins from the body. Accordingly, weight is also reduced - the diet brings quick and impressive results.

For the benefits of green tea for weight loss to be manifested in full force, it is best to take it in the morning. There will also be benefits from green tea before bed, it will contribute to the rapid absorption of food received during dinner.

The benefits of green tea with various additives

The properties of tea have a beneficial effect on the body, even if consumed in pure form. But some additives will not harm either and will only increase the product's benefits.

With milk

Green tea with milk will be especially beneficial for the stomach - it will reduce acidity and eliminate the symptoms of heartburn and gastritis. Such a product will prove to be valuable for tooth enamel as well. Besides the fact that the body will receive an increased portion of calcium, milk will eliminate the staining effect - after drinking tea, the teeth will not darken.

Green tea with sugar and milk will benefit - the taste will become very pleasant. In addition, sugar and milk will increase the absorption of substances that prevent the development of diabetes mellitus, and, oddly enough, sweet tea will be a good preventive measure against this ailment.

With lemon

In combination with lemon, the medicinal properties of green tea become an excellent prevention of colds. Tea itself contains quite a lot of vitamin C, and lemon only increases this indicator - up to 15 mg of the beneficial substance per 1 cup. Drinking tea with a slice of lemon is especially beneficial during the fall and winter virus season, when the body needs additional protection.

With honey

Green tea is beneficial for diabetes, if you add a little honey - the taste becomes sweeter, and honey does not provoke a sharp increase in glucose. Of course, the drink should not be overused - a couple of cups a day will be more than enough.

In combination with honey, green tea is useful in preventing colds, as it also contains a lot of vitamin C and other antiviral substances. There will be benefits on the diet - tea with low-calorie honey makes it easier to endure the rejection of the usual sweets.

With ginger

The properties of green tea with ginger have a beneficial effect on the stomach and speed up the metabolism. Ginger as an additional ingredient helps to get rid of the problem of constipation, green tea with this spice effectively removes toxins from the body.

You need to add spice to tea in very small quantities - no more than a teaspoon of ginger powder per cup. Drink tea shortly before eating.

With mint or lemon balm

The main beneficial property of green tea with lemon balm or mint is its calming effect on the nervous system. Drinking it is very useful for stress, emotional upset and insomnia. The remedy is good for headaches and chronic fatigue, invigorates and at the same time relaxes.

Mint and lemon balm contain a lot of potassium. Green tea with these herbs is good for the heart, kidneys and muscles, it has a mild antispasmodic effect. And cold green tea with lemon balm or mint has a wonderful refreshing effect in the summer heat.

With jasmine

The beneficial properties of green tea with jasmine are that it effectively reduces blood pressure, soothes the nerves and improves performance. Jasmine in tea has a pronounced tonic effect, suppresses appetite and promotes weight loss - therefore, the benefits of green tea on an empty stomach are great.

To properly prepare a drink, you need to mix green tea leaves and dry jasmine flowers in a ratio of 4 to 1. Tea is brewed in the usual way, and by the way, after 2-4 brewing cycles, jasmine does not lose its beneficial properties, but only better reveals its taste and aroma.


The benefits of green tea for the liver will be increased if cinnamon is added. The aromatic spice has a pronounced cleansing effect. Cinnamon helps to remove toxins and toxins, stimulates the rapid functioning of the metabolic system, lowers glucose levels and improves blood composition.

Making healthy tea is very easy - you just need to add a pinch of spicy cinnamon to hot tea. You can also brew cinnamon separately in a thermos and dilute green tea with its infusion - no harm will happen, but the benefits will only increase.

How to brew green tea properly

The correct preparation procedure for green tea is slightly different from the standard one. Here you need to follow a number of rules - they will help to fully reveal the beneficial properties of green tea for the body.

  1. Leaves are brewed only in a glass or ceramic container - metal teapots are not suitable for this purpose.
  2. First, you need to scald the kettle with boiling water and let it warm up a little so that the walls become warm.
  3. The tea leaves are poured into a kettle in the amount of a couple of teaspoons and poured with hot water for a few minutes, and then drained.
  4. Then the tea is again poured with water and insisted under the lid for another 2-3 minutes, and then poured into cups.
Advice! To preserve the benefits of strong green tea, it is brewed in hot water, which has managed to cool slightly after boiling. You cannot scald the tea leaves with boiling water - it does not bring harm, but it reduces the beneficial properties.

How to consume green tea

There are also certain rules regarding tea drinking. So, the healing properties of green tea are manifested if you take it in the morning or late afternoon, but no later than 5 hours before bedtime. It is recommended to drink the drink in small sips, without haste - this allows you to feel all the shades of taste.

How much green tea can you drink per day

A healthy drink suitable for daily consumption. But at the same time, the daily amount of tea should be limited and drink no more than 2 cups per day, otherwise harm is possible.

Green tea traditional medicine recipes

The beneficial properties of the product are so great that tea is even used as a healing agent. Traditional medicine knows many ways to use the product for the treatment of ailments.

  1. Green tea is of great benefit for arrhythmias and other heart ailments. About 250 g of tea leaves should be mixed with 5 chamomile, motherwort, valerian root, add 5-6 dried hawthorn berries and 25 g rose hips. The components are mixed well, then 1 large spoonful of collection is poured with hot water and kept for 7 minutes. Drink infusion with honey three times a day, the remedy helps well to strengthen the heart.
  2. With daily use, the benefits of green tea for the kidneys will appear. In case of a tendency to edema and the formation of stones, it is recommended to use the product twice a day for a couple of weeks - this will contribute to the elimination of excess water and harmful salts from the body.
  3. The benefits of green tea for gastritis will be that it soothes irritated mucous membranes, prevents inflammatory processes from developing and regulates the acidity of the stomach. On the first day after an exacerbation, you can consume only medium-strength tea throughout the day, several sips - until the pain subsides.
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The use of green tea in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of the product are also actively used by cosmetology. Tea has a beneficial effect not only on the face, but also on the skin of the whole body, as well as on the hair.

Facial masks

The benefits of green tea for facial skin include a toning, anti-aging and smoothing effect. The following softening and tightening mask gives an excellent result:

  • a large spoonful of tea leaves is poured with hot water;
  • insist for a quarter of an hour;
  • then the water is drained, and the wet tea leaves are mixed with 20 g of honey.

The mixture is distributed over the washed face, kept for about 10 minutes and washed off. The mask will be most beneficial if done at least once every 3 days.

They benefit from rubbing the face with green tea - the infusion cleanses the skin, moisturizes it and relieves inflammation.

Hair care

Green tea leaves not only add shine and extra volume to your hair, but also prevent hair loss. To strengthen the curls, you can make the following mask:

  • a large spoonful of brewed green tea is diluted in 100 ml of mineral water;
  • add 5 drops of lemon oil and a teaspoon of hair balm;
  • the mixture is distributed over the strands and kept for 20 minutes, wrapping the hair with a film and a towel.

After that, the curls will need to be washed. The mask will not only strengthen the strands, but also reduce the degree of oily scalp.

Wraps with green tea for cellulite

The antioxidant properties of tea make it a good anti-cellulite agent. About 25 g of tea leaves should be ground into a powder, then diluted with warm water to a gruel state and add 2 large tablespoons of honey and a pinch of cinnamon.

The mixed product is applied to problem areas and wrapped tightly with foil for 40 minutes, and the body is insulated with a towel on top. After the time has elapsed, the cosmetic mixture must be washed off under the shower.

Green tea extract properties

In pharmacies, you can find such an interesting drug as a water-alcohol extract of green tea or its extract. The product is available in the form of capsules or powders, suitable for dilution in water or for taking with food.

Useful properties of the extract are that it effectively resists vascular and heart diseases, prolongs youth, strengthens the body's defenses and quickly removes harmful substances from tissues. The valuable components of green tea in the extract are present in an increased concentration, which is what determines its benefits.

Important! You need to use the product strictly according to the instructions on the package. Since the extract is very high in nutrients, an overdose can be harmful.

Green tea harm and side effects

Green tea has harmful properties - these include a strong tonic effect and the ability of the drink to increase blood pressure in case of an overdose. It is very important to take the product in small quantities - otherwise the tea will harm the nervous, vascular and heart systems.

In excessive amounts, green tea is harmful to bones. It can flush valuable substances from joints, which leads to increased fragility of bone tissue.

Contraindications to drinking green tea

In some conditions, it is recommended to completely abandon green tea to avoid harm. Contraindications include:

  • increased nervous irritability and chronic insomnia;
  • tachycardia;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer;
  • severe chronic ailments of the liver and kidneys;
  • atherosclerosis.

You need to drink the drink with caution while carrying a child.

How to choose the right green tea

It is not difficult to buy quality tea - you just need to pay attention to a few points.

  1. Date of tea production. Dry brewing has a shelf life - tea is considered fresh if it was harvested no more than a year ago. Too old tea will not harm, but you can not expect any benefits from it either.
  2. Colour. The tea should really be green - pistachio, light silver, or herbal. Too dark color indicates improper processing and questionable benefits of the infusion.
  3. Appearance. High-quality tea leaves should consist mainly of large, medium or small leaves. If there is too much "garbage" and pieces of twigs in the tea, you should not buy it.

At home, the brew should be additionally checked for moisture content. Excessively dry leaves scattering in the fingers indicate improper processing of the tea, it will not bring much benefit.


The benefits and harms of green tea depend on the amount of drink consumed. If you do not exceed the recommended dosages, the product will strengthen the body and allow you to get rid of the symptoms of some diseases.


Astashkova Irina Vladimirovna, 32 years old, Moscow
I mainly drink green tea for weight loss - on a diet, it helps to speed up weight loss and regulates appetite. Green tea with ginger works especially well - the metabolism is getting better already on the second day of consumption. I also use green tea for my face - even simple washing with tea leaves perfectly tone up the skin.
Stoletova Anna Igorevna, 45 years old, Tomsk
Green tea lowers blood pressure, so I often drink it when the weather changes, I have chronic hypertension. Most of all I love green tea with milk - the desired effect after it comes very quickly, and besides, the taste of such a drink is unusual, but very pleasant.

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