How to remove putty from clothes

Putty is a popular tool used when working with documents. With its help, you can quite easily and quickly correct a mistake made while writing. Often there are situations when this product gets on clothes, upholstery or other surface. In order to remove a touch from clothes, you need to know a few tricks that will help you cope with pollution and save your favorite thing.

How to remove water-based concealer from clothes

There are several types of correction fluid. The easiest way to remove the water-based putty is to remove it from your clothes. If you follow all the necessary recommendations, then after washing there will be no trace of the corrector stains.

Advice! If putty gets on your clothes, you should start the process of removing contamination as soon as possible. This makes it much easier to remove the stain.

There are two main ways you can easily and efficiently remove the water-based barcode corrector from your clothing.

First - involves soaking the item before finally washing it. To do this, you should:

  • prepare a warm soapy solution (in this case, the most preferable option is to use laundry soap);
  • in the prepared composition, you need to soak the soiled thing for about half an hour;
  • after a specified amount of time, you need to hand wash the product using the same laundry soap or ordinary washing powder intended for hand washing things, or wash the product in an automatic machine by selecting a mode suitable for a particular type of fabric.

Second - based on washing up damaged items under running water. As a rule, you should resort to it when it is not possible to use the first option, since it is somewhat more labor-intensive. In order to remove the putty using an alternative method, you need:

  • carry out a thorough washing of the thing under running water, while using laundry soap (in its absence, it is permissible to replace it with ordinary household or liquid soap);
  • at the end of this procedure, you need to wash the product in the washing machine using your usual detergents.
Important! If it is not possible to wash clothes immediately after putting putty on them, then you should simply rinse the thing under the tap, thereby ridding it of the main layer of pollution.

How to remove solvent-based concealer from clothes

Corrector stains on clothes that contain solvent are the hardest to remove. In order to wash this type of corrector, for example, from jeans, you will need to resort to the available tools at hand, which will become additional helpers in this process. In this case, you need to prepare:

  • small clean soft cloth;
  • cotton pads;
  • a solvent composition (as a solvent, an ordinary liquid for erasing cosmetic varnish or white spirit is suitable).
Advice! To remove solvent-based putty from clothing, the first step is to turn the garment inside out.

The further sequence of actions to remove the stain is as follows:

  • the front of the garment must be placed on a clean cloth;
  • moisten a cotton pad with the prepared dissolving composition;
  • use a cotton pad to wipe the dirty area with gentle movements;
  • the main direction of movement when rubbing the stain from the putty should be from the edges to the center (in order to prevent the corrector from getting on an uncontaminated area of ​​clothing);
  • wash clothes by hand or in an automatic machine, setting a mode suitable for a particular type of material.
Important! If the stain from solvent-based school putty is very strong and profuse, then it is strongly not recommended to remove it by soaking or washing clothes.

How to scrub alcohol-based concealer from clothes

Wiping alcohol-based putty off clothes is also tricky compared to a water-based concealer. In this case, to remove the stain from the correction fluid, it is necessary to act according to the algorithm:

  • it is necessary to wait until the putty on the clothes is completely dry, when it forms a dense and hard crust;
  • using any sharp object, for example: a knife or a nail file; pick up the formed dense layer of correction fluid and remove it from the surface of the material;
  • then the remaining trail should be treated with a cotton pad dipped in any liquid containing a high concentration of alcohol (for example, vodka or alcohol itself);
  • blot the treated area of ​​clothing with a clean dry cloth;
  • wash the item in the washing machine using your usual cleaning agent.
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Another proven method for removing stains from clothes from a dash based on alcohol is to solution ammonia with water. To wash clothes in this way, you will need:

  • mix ammonia and water in advance;
  • moisten a cotton swab in the prepared cleaning composition;
  • treat the surface of the fabric that has suffered from putty;
  • leave everything in this form for about 15 minutes;
  • wash and rinse the product.
Advice! To wipe the putty off your jacket, it is better to use the manual option of washing the product after getting rid of the stain directly, or to dry-clean the item.

It should be borne in mind in this case: in order to wash off the alcohol-based correction fluid from clothes, you do not need to pre-soak the product, since contact with water will only aggravate the situation, and the coloring pigment will be absorbed even more into the fabric fibers. After that, it will be almost impossible to cope with pollution on your own.

Attention! Do not use perfume, tonics or eau de toilette in removing white alcohol-based corrector from clothes. The alcohol content of perfume is not enough to deal with stains of this origin, and essential oils can leave greasy impressions on the product.

Features of removing putty from different types of fabric

Before you start removing putty stains from things, you need to pay close attention to two aspects:

  • what type of corrective fluid the thing was damaged (depending on this, it is necessary to use one or another cleaning agent);
  • what material (fabric) the thing is made of.

For most materials, the general laws and rules for removing putty stains apply. There is no fundamental difference in the procedure for washing putty from trousers sewn from a waistcoat, wiping putty off a jacket made of any suit fabric, or removing corrective fluid from a woolen product. In all these cases, it is necessary to be guided by the general recommendations in force regarding what composition the putty has and what cleaning composition it is best to wash it off.

In order to remove the putty from jeans, you must do the following:

  • to remove the main layer of the corrective agent from the surface of the denim material, you first need to blot the stain with a clean napkin;
  • with a clean soft cloth, previously moistened with normal warm water, it is necessary to treat the entire contaminated area: it is important to try not to go beyond the spot to prevent the putty from getting on the clean areas;
  • wash jeans in any usual way (manually or in an automatic washing machine).

Important! If the item is sewn from delicate fabrics, for example, silk, chiffon, velvet, then it is better to leave the idea of ​​how to independently remove putty stains from such materials. In this case, the most appropriate solution would be to resort to the services of professional dry cleaners, who can easily cope with the task at hand and allow you to keep the attractive appearance of your favorite clothes.

Features of removing a stroke from different surfaces

A situation may arise that the corrector got not only on clothes, but also other surfaces, furniture upholstery or even human skin suffered from its coloring composition. In each of these cases, it is necessary to act individually, and then there will be no trace of the former pollution.

Important! It is possible to wipe the putty stain from any surface without fear of damaging the product if, before using any of the selected cleaning agents, check the mechanism of its action on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product: this way you can avoid damage to the color scheme or the appearance of the treated surface.

In order to wipe off the corrector from the table, stroke from plastic or other surface (for example, tiles), you can resort to one of the following simple methods:

  • using a soft spatula, you need to scrape off the putty from the damaged area with gentle movements;
  • using a cotton pad dipped in an alcohol solution, clean the putty with dabbing movements.

The listed methods will help you quickly and easily wipe the putty off the table.

If the putty gets on the upholstery, then the sequence of actions should be similar to the methods for clothing. Initially, it is necessary to find out what kind of composition the corrective agent has and, already based on this, choose a suitable means to combat pollution.

If the skin of a person has suffered from the coloring composition, then you can wipe off the corrector from the skin with simple actions:

  • if the putty was water-based, then just wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water;
  • if the putty had a different composition, then you can resort to additional means of struggle, which are suitable: alcohol, nail polish remover, makeup remover tonic.


Anyone who is faced with such a nuisance can erase a stroke from clothes. For the successful completion of this process, you just need to find out what composition the corrective fluid that spoiled the thing had, and, depending on this, choose the right cleaning agent. If all the necessary rules and recommendations are followed, there will be no trace of the former pollution, and your favorite clothes will delight its owner for a very long time.

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