Is Doshirak harmful, the benefits and harms of instant noodles

Doshirak became a real salvation for people who do not have time for a full meal. Such a snack quickly saturates and does not require any effort to prepare, moreover, it has a pronounced taste and pleasant aroma. The benefits and harms of Doshirak are the subject of lively discussions: someone claims that the product is not as harmful as they say about it, and someone categorically disagrees with this. One thing is clear: fast food cannot be unambiguously useful, so you should not abuse it.

Doshirak's composition

The basis of the legendary product is, as you might guess, noodles made from white wheat flour. Do not be afraid of this ingredient, since it is somehow present in the diet of every person (white bread, pasta, baking dough are made from such flour) and does not cause much harm to health. However, the benefits of wheat flour are also extremely small, since in the process of processing it loses most of the substances the body needs.

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Doshirak also contains palm oil, which is not the richest in vitamins and has very little benefit, but it does not affect human health as destructively as the media claim.

Much more dangerous are the flavoring additives that are attached to instant noodles and endow them with harmful properties. The dressing contains, in addition to dried vegetables and balls of soy meat, an overwhelming amount of salt, as well as various food additives (including monosodium glutamate), dyes and flavorings.

Why is Doshirak useful?

Doshirak has few useful properties, but still they are.

First of all, noodles contain dietary fiber necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system - this is the main benefit of noodles.

The main advantage of Doshirak is his ability to satisfy hunger in the shortest possible time. Another useful property of noodles is an easy and quick way of cooking, which saves time and effort.

And finally Soy meat, always found in the product, contains protein and health-promoting organic substances.

Doshirak cannot boast of an abundance of useful properties, but nevertheless, the harm of noodles is significantly exaggerated.

Doshirak's harm

The fact that Doshirak is harmful to health is a well-known fact: unfortunately, the beneficial properties of the product do not cover its health hazard.

So, the dish does little good to the figure. It has been proven to cause obesity when overused (over 450 calories per serving). In addition, fast carbohydrates form the basis of noodles, which saturate for a short time and thus stimulate overeating.

Harmful to health and seasonings that are attached to Doshirak. These additives are designed to give the broth a rich taste and aroma, however, the digestive system suffers greatly from the use of hot spices: the acidity of the stomach increases, heartburn and discomfort in the abdomen often appear, and gastritis and peptic ulcer disease may develop in the future.

Attention! You should not eat Doshirak on an empty stomach - this is a direct path to serious disorders of the digestive system!

Abuse of the product brings little benefit to the cardiovascular system, as a serving of this high-calorie meal increases cholesterol in the body.

The colossal amount of salt in the broth also negatively affects human well-being. Excess sodium can cause fluid retention in the body, which is harmful for the kidneys.

Some researchers argue that unlimited consumption of instant food can be fraught with the development of malignant formations in the body, since the food additives that make up the noodles are carcinogenic. Thus, Doshirak can indeed be deadly if consumed in excessive quantities.

Contraindications to the use of Doshirak

  1. You should not get carried away with instant noodles for people with problems with the stomach and gastrointestinal tract (for example, peptic ulcer, gastritis, colitis).
  2. The product is recommended to be deleted from their diet for those who seek to lose weight or are overweight, since the dish is quite high in calories, contains almost only fast carbohydrates in its composition, and also provokes increased appetite and overeating.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to give Doshirak to children - the dish will not only not benefit the child's body, but also harm it!
  4. Pregnant and lactating women should not use the product, since the harmful properties of the dish will negatively affect the development and condition of the child.

Which instant noodles are best to choose

On supermarket shelves, you can find many different types of convenience foods and fast food with a wide variety of properties. So, the famous Doshirak has quite a lot of competitors.

One of the most famous rivals of the legendary Korean noodles are Rolton products. Rolton has a composition identical to Doshirak, but the product of this brand is less spicy. In addition, consumers notice a richer taste and aroma compared to the Korean product.

Big Bon noodles are also quite popular among domestic buyers. The advantage of the product is a rather tasty and satisfying sauce, as well as a healthy and aromatic vegetable seasoning.

Fans of fast food and semi-finished products should pay attention to Big Lunch products. They are distinguished by their rich meaty flavor, mouth-watering aroma, and a very impressive portion size. Big Lunch has slightly more useful properties than Doshirak.


The properties, as well as the benefits and harms of Doshirak, are fanned by many myths. Now we can say with confidence that instant noodles, indeed, do not contain a wealth of nutrients, however, their health harm is greatly exaggerated if you use it occasionally for a quick snack.


Smolenskaya Lilia Alekseevna, 34 years old, Vladivostok
Sometimes I have a snack with Doshirak - fast, tasty and satisfying! It helps a lot when there is no time for cooking. However, I try not to overuse it, because I know that this is not the most healthy food.
Vaneev Igor Stepanovich, 21 years old, St. Petersburg
I am a student, and student life in a hostel without "Doshik" is impossible. I eat noodles several times a week, since there is absolutely no time to cook something substantial. I'm not complaining about my health, there are no gastritis and ulcers. But in the future, when there is more time, I plan to replace Doshik with something more useful.
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