Why a headstand is useful and how to learn how to do it

Few know what yoga exercise is called the "queen of asanas" - for the exceptional beneficial properties of this exercise and the striking healing effect on the body. In order to look sensibly at a useful practice, and not to see in it only a "magic pill", let us understand in more detail what the benefits and harms of a headstand are.

Let's take a look at the main pros and cons to help you decide whether to practice the headstand.

The benefits of a headstand

Shirshasana in translation means: "head" and in ancient texts it is called "the king of all asanas": the mother was considered softer in performance Sarvangasana, known in our country as "birch". This is due to the fact that the headstand, working at all levels - physiological, emotional, energetic, helps the functioning of organs and systems of the body so much that it is able to reverse the aging process and expand the spiritual horizons of the practitioner.

At the same time, the Shirshasan stance is considered one of the most difficult and traumatic asanas in yoga, requiring good physical training under the tutelage of a professional instructor, but it pays for its complexity with the benefits of a healing effect on the human body.

In answering the question about the benefits of a headstand, yoga masters identify two aspects of the beneficial effects of exercise on the body: energetic and physiological.

At the energy level, the headstand redistributes the energy flows moving up and down the body, at the point below the navel (the second chakra of a person), from where it spreads through the body through the system of 72 thousand energy channels (nadis) as intensively as possible. It is the inverted position of the body that provides the property of the stand "to make the body immortal."

Physiological aspects of the impact of the "counter-resistant" also affect all the main organs and systems of our body.

Improved mood

Unbelievable, but true: one of the useful properties of the Shirshasana stance is to work with the mental state of a person. In fact, there is no magic here: the stance rid our adrenal glands of excess of various harmful toxins, contributing to a positive attitude. Also, due to the property of providing blood flow to the brain, asana helps to increase the amount of hormones such as melatonin and estrogen, which are responsible for our good mood. In yoga practice, there have often been cases where the stance prevented depression or completely cured it. So it's worth keeping in mind: a few minutes of head-on in the morning can set your day in the right mood!

Getting rid of edema

Many people face the problem of water accumulation in tissues and their swelling on the body.Regular standing exercises help speed up blood circulation and improve metabolism, as a result of which the "blocks" that retain water in the tissues go away, and with them the heaviness in various parts of the bodies, in particular, the legs. This is why the headstand is especially beneficial for women.

Rejuvenation of the body

The headstand has another useful property - the ability to rejuvenate the body. Incorporating daily head-standing practice is beneficial for anti-aging benefits. The duration of the headstand is gradually increased to 15 minutes. Due to the fact that the so-called "pure" blood arrives at the brain cells, the body starts the process of self-renewal. The result will pleasantly amaze - everyone who practiced the headstand for a certain time began to notice an immediate effect: the face is smoothed, wrinkles disappear, the skin acquires elasticity and firmness, and the hair becomes thick and shiny.

Interesting! Scientists have proven that yoga can transform negative DNA programs.

Prevention of varicose veins

The problem of varicose veins is familiar to many - the blood thickens and "stops": its normal circulation in the body is disrupted, and this can even lead to fatal consequences. By practicing head-standing, we tone our muscles and stimulate them to work, thus improving blood circulation throughout the body. It should also be borne in mind that the optimal treatment should be comprehensive, in addition to the headstand, include a special diet.

Positive impact on visual acuity

By practicing the Shirshasana stance, you can also improve your eyesight. The whole secret is in the blood: it flows in a powerful stream to the head and brain, while giving our eyes a large amount of oxygen and nutrients. However, it is worth remaining vigilant and extreme caution: with increased eye pressure, as well as with physical damage to the eyes, the headstand is contraindicated.

Improving the functioning of the digestive system

Practicing a headstand can help improve bowel function in just a few sessions. The asana on the head has the beneficial property of stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, thereby reducing the level of tension in the body, and this is one of the main factors for the proper functioning of the digestive system. Also, the headstand has a beneficial effect on the pelvic region: blood circulation in the internal organs and intestines is significantly improved, as a result of which the body's digestion returns to normal.

Hair growth acceleration

Everything is quite simple here: the blood flow to the head increases several times, and this leaves the hair no choice but to grow beautiful and healthy! The benefits are especially relevant for those who have lost some of their hair due to stress, when prolonged and regular standing on the head can help: as you know, most health problems are associated with mental imbalance.

Benefits for the cardiovascular system

Standing on your head has the beneficial effect of helping with heart problems. The reverse stance relieves the circulation of blood, allowing the heart to rest and recover, while venous blood from the extremities quickly returns back to the heart.

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Important! The headstand has a particular benefit to affect the reproductive system, normalizing its processes, which is important for men in restoring potency.

Headstand harm and contraindications for performance

The Shirshasana stand has its own contraindications, which are very important to pay attention to. Having been impressed with the benefits and all its advantages, you need to be aware that without preparation, independent performance of the asana is fraught with serious injuries to the body.Therefore, it is necessary to assess the capabilities of your body, taking into account the following contraindications:

  • Uterine bleeding
  • The headstand is strictly prohibited during menstruation, since after returning to the starting position, the harm of heavy bleeding can be provoked.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Despite all the importance of the asana on the head for unloading the heart, it should absolutely not be practiced with serious cardiac pathologies.
  • The headstand itself, even with a short execution time, gives a serious load to the body, therefore, gradual preparation is so important to ensure the body adapts to a sharp change in the conditions of its functioning.
  • Hypertension
  • The ability of Shirshasana to induce blood flow to the head is not always beneficial to the one doing the stance. As a result of the practice, pressure can rise, which can lead to a stroke or hypertensive crisis. That is why the stand is contraindicated for people with skull injuries.
  • Spinal deformities
  • If a person suffers from problems associated with spinal deformity, then the load in the form of a headstand can lead to an increase in this pathology. This threatens with pinching of the nerves or the development of an intervertebral hernia.
  • You should also not practice standing on an empty or, on the contrary, a full stomach, as this can harm digestion.

Preparing for a headstand

Despite all the benefits of the headstand, you need to be extremely careful when performing it. If performed incorrectly, without observing safety precautions, the stand can play a bad joke and lead to injuries to the back and neck.

To get into this difficult asana, you need to adhere to the following technique:

  • > Step 1: Get on all fours first.
  • Step 2: Clasp your hands together, place your forearms on the floor, keeping your elbows under your shoulders.
  • Step 3: Then you need to put the top of your head on the floor, holding your head behind with your hands. The back of the head should be “inside” the lock from the hands. At this point, it is recommended that you take several breaths to get used to the pose.
  • Step 3: Bend your toes, and then lift your pelvis up and straighten your legs.
  • Step 4: Gradually move your legs towards the body, lowering the pelvis parallel to the shoulders. At the same time, the back should be strictly flat. At this stage of preparation, you need to do three breathing cycles and check yourself for the most comfortable feeling.

Important! The main principle of hatha yoga is relaxation by removing muscle clamps - the so-called muscle corsets, which ultimately benefits the normalization of the body. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the sensations of the body when performing asanas: there should be a natural relaxation from the release of clamps in the body, the pain of stretch marks should also be tolerable, "pleasant".

Correct Headstand Technique

Before performing Shirshasana, it is important to adequately assess the capabilities and readiness of your body so as not to harm it. This stance is considered difficult in terms of technique and requires well-developed muscles of the cervical spine, shoulders and arms. It is also important to stretch your muscles before exercising to prevent possible injury and damage. Let us analyze step by step the basic principles of the technique for performing the Shirshasana stance:

How long do you need to stand on your head

You should never try to keep the body in a headstand for as long as possible: there will be no more benefit from this, but you can harm the body. You should determine for yourself the period of time during which you can easily maintain balance and be in the asana without tension. You also need to learn how to properly exit the rack.

Head position in stance

Recall that you need to proceed to this stage of the exercise if there is a confident and comfortable feeling in the previous steps of preparation for the stand.

It is necessary to determine the optimal place on which the head should rest.This is quite simple: take a book and hold it to your head at a 90-degree angle. The point where the book and the head come into contact will be the individual optimal place of support.

How to get out of the headstand correctly

Getting out of the rack is the most important element of the exercise, because if you make a mistake at this stage, you can get serious injury. Some people just "drop" their feet to the ground: this is not worth doing. Exit the rack as slowly as you enter it. Be sure to smoothly lower your feet to the ground, while doing breathing cycles.

Frequent mistakes when doing headstand

It is important to remember one rule: you need to especially carefully monitor your sensations in the neck, since it is this part of the body that is easiest to injure. The main support should be on the head, not on the fontanelle. Also, special attention should be paid to the position of the elbows and legs: if they are set too wide or, on the contrary, too narrow, it will be quite difficult to maintain balance. It is imperative to take into account the fact that when performing a headstand, the muscular corset takes on a large load, so it is so important to warm up the muscles before starting the exercise itself.

Headstand Tips

For beginners to practice Shirshasana, at first it is recommended to stand on your head, pushing off your feet from the floor and making a small swing with one leg for this. In this case, the second leg must first be raised up. But when the arms and back begin to "pull" the entire lower body by themselves, the need to swing will disappear by itself.

And also the most convenient and safe place to practice Shirshasana is in the corner of the room. You need to stand diagonally so that, if necessary, the feet have a support in the form of a wall.

An important detail should be taken into account - you cannot lean on the wall, otherwise you will not be able to exercise the stand in the future without additional support. If you have a feeling of balance, you can try to become in Shirshasana without a wall at all. If suddenly the balance is lost, and there is no support nearby - you need to fall on your back, grouping your body in a "somersault" pose, which will result in the result.

A passive version of the Shirshasana stance is its execution with belts or rope. The advantage here is obvious: this technique allows you to increase the duration of the performance, which, in turn, will allow you to get rid of the deepest tensions, accelerate the regeneration process and restore the energy charge of the body. This option is especially helpful for people struggling with asthma and bronchial problems.

The advantage of Shirshasana with belts will be the passive form of the exercise, which gives deep relaxation and elimination of the centers of hidden tension.

The benefits of the headstand are ideal for:

  • for those suffering from asthma and bronchial problems;
  • from the tension of the neck, shoulder girdle;
  • to slow down the aging process.

The duration of stay in the position can be slightly increased: from 3-5 to 20 minutes, and always under the guidance of a certified yoga teacher.

Attention! It is necessary to leave the rack immediately if there is a feeling of increased pressure in the ears, eyes, head.


Shirsasana is one of the most difficult and most popular asanas in yoga, therefore the benefits and harms of the headstand are well understood. The effect is undeniable and amazing: it's hard to believe that a daily 5-minute stance can completely heal the body from head to toe! A headstand can do everything from improving digestion to preventing cardiovascular disease. However, when starting to practice this useful asana, it is worth remembering both contraindications and the safety precautions of its implementation, because one mistake can cost the harm of getting a neck or back injury.

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