Urbech: what is it, useful properties, how to use and cook

The benefits and harms of Urbech are based on the components that make up the composition. The treat is made from various plant seeds and nuts. There are more than 10 types of pasta using 1 ingredient and many options for combining several products to create an urbech.

What is Urbech

For the first time a useful product appeared in the 17th century. Dagestan is considered his homeland. Highlanders always have a jar of Urbech with them. The delicacy helps to quickly restore strength and satisfy hunger for a long time.

The product is prepared according to an ancient recipe. Plant seeds are ground with stone millstones and get a uniform consistency. Pasta is made exclusively from natural and fresh ingredients without heat treatment, so Urbech acquires properties to have a positive effect on the body.

Composition, properties and calorie content of Urbech

Initially, only flax was present in the composition of Urbech, which in the Dagestan language sounds like "Urbech" or "Urba". Today, on store shelves you can find pasta from:

  • pumpkin or sunflower seeds;
  • sesame;
  • apricot kernels;
  • poppy;
  • various types of nuts;
  • cumin.

To give the urbech a sweet taste, honey or wedge syrup is added. Due to the variety of components, the paste contains vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for health:

  • vitamins A, B, C, E, F, K, H, PP;
  • Fe;
  • Mg;
  • P;
  • F;
  • Na;
  • Ca;
  • K;
  • Iodine.

Urbech is a high-calorie product. 100 g contains about 500 kcal. It is able to replace a full meal without harm to the body. The paste contains:

  • proteins - 12 g;
  • fat - 33 g;
  • carbohydrates - 42.

A healthy product rich in carbohydrates and fats, it quickly satisfies hunger and gives strength for the whole day.

Advice! For recreational purposes, experts recommend using urbech without adding sweeteners (honey, syrup) so as not to harm the figure.

The mixture should be washed down with warm water in the morning.

Useful properties of the product:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • protein saturation;
  • positive effect on the skin;
  • fast satisfying hunger;
  • diabetes therapy;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system.

Despite the high calorie content, healthy urbech is included in the dietary menu. Pasta is able to saturate the body with the necessary substances with limited nutrition and is absorbed much faster than meat products.

Types of Urbech and their benefits

Each type of urbech has its own positive qualities and has a different effect on the body. The presence of preservatives and food additives is completely excluded. Pasta is a 100% natural product that is not exposed to heat, which preserves the presence of a vitamin and mineral complex in it.

Sesame urbech

The benefits of urbech from white sesame seeds are in a positive effect on bone tissue.It is recommended to use the paste for young children to prevent rickets, if there are no contraindications. The high calcium content in the product helps prevent osteoporosis in the elderly.

The benefits and harms of black sesame urbech are unequal. The paste is absolutely harmless if the measure of use is observed. It is recommended for athletes because of its ability to quickly recover strength after physical exertion.

The beneficial properties of sesame urbech are based on the high content of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium. Regular use of the product creates a rejuvenating effect, helps to cope with gastrointestinal problems, and improves immunity.

Apricot seed urbech

The benefits and harms of apricot kernel urbech depend on the individual characteristics of the organism. The product may cause an allergic reaction, therefore it is better to consult a specialist before ingestion.

Important! Excessive consumption of the product leads to indigestion and can cause food poisoning.

The benefits of apricot kernel paste in vitamin B17 in the composition. The element prevents the occurrence of cancers.

The mixture is useful for people suffering from constipation, diseases of the urinary tract and respiratory system. Urbech also helps to destroy parasites in the body.

Pumpkin seed urbech

The benefits and harms of pumpkin seed urbech are on a fine line. To eliminate the negative effects in the form of constipation, hypovitaminosis, ulceration in the digestive tract and a rapid set of extra pounds, it is necessary to observe the measure. You can eat no more than 2 tsp. per day.

Pumpkin urbech is useful for constantly feeling tired. It quickly tones the whole body and activates the brain. The high zinc content in the product contributes to the rapid elimination of worms.

Pumpkin seed urbech is useful for varicose veins. It has the ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The paste is recommended for people with chronic kidney disease due to the diuretic effect.

Walnut urbech

Urbech from plant kernels improves heart function, removes toxins and toxins, replenishes iron stores, relieves headaches. There are several types of nut products that have different health effects:

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  1. Peanut urbech has choleretic properties. Useful for diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. The paste has a positive effect on the epidermis, strengthens hair and nails. The product helps to improve reproductive function in men.
    Important! Peanut urba is a highly allergenic mixture. Excessive consumption also leads to obesity and gastrointestinal problems.
  2. Walnut paste strengthens the cardiovascular system. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain. Useful for people with prolonged mental stress.
  3. Almond paste cleanses the body of harmful and heavy impurities in the environment. The product is especially useful for people living in ecologically polluted areas.
    Important! The almond product is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

    Recommended reading:  Why almonds are useful, properties and contraindications
  4. Cashew urbech strengthens bones, teeth and hair. The paste has the most valuable composition in comparison with other types.
  5. Hazelnut urbech is a huge benefit for the circulatory system and heart. The presence of vitamin E in the composition makes it indispensable for mental health problems, skin diseases and anemia.
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Nut types of pastes have a whole vitamin and mineral complex. But before ingestion of any type of product, you should make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the components.

Coconut Urbech

The benefit of coconut urbech is its ability to quickly restore energy.It contains fatty acids necessary for the proper functioning of the central nervous system and parts of the brain.

Coconut urbech has properties to resist germs and viruses. It increases libido for both women and men. The presence of fiber in the product helps in the normalization of the digestive system. Vitamin B6 prevents the development of plaque in blood vessels.

The benefits of coconut urbech are manifested not only when used internally, but also when used externally. It is found in anti-aging face masks, creams for softening dead skin areas and antiseptics.

Chia seed urbech

Chia seed urbech has health benefits in general, and harm from the product is practically eliminated. But it should be included in the diet of women in position and nursing mothers with extreme caution.

With regular use of Urbech, the body's protective functions and its resistance to various infectious diseases increase. The mixture is used to prevent atherosclerosis. Useful urbech is used to eliminate toxic substances, normalize heart function, strengthen nails and as a regulator of blood cholesterol.

Black cumin urbech

Urbech copes well with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, removes harmful substances, gently cleansing the body. A useful product is used for lung disease, is used as a restorative agent after childbirth in women.

Before taking black seed urba, you should exclude an allergic reaction to the seeds. In the absence of side effects, the daily rate is no more than 2 tsp.

Hemp urbech

The beneficial properties of hemp urbech are based on the presence of chlorophyll and protein in the composition. The substances help to cope with iron deficiency, increase hemoglobin levels, and help with insomnia.

The hemp mixture activates the ability to conceive a child, and for men it normalizes potency.

Important! It is not recommended to use the product for people suffering from urolithiasis, overweight and diseases of the gallbladder, so as not to harm the organs.

Poppy urbech

The benefits and harms of poppy urbech border on each other. Subject to the norms of consumption per day, the beneficial effect will not keep you waiting. Regular intake of the mixture in a small dosage improves brain activity, reduces the likelihood of depression, and speeds up the metabolic process.

Poppy seed urbech is useful for people with increased excitability. It has a sedative effect on the central nervous system. It is allowed to be taken by pregnant women due to the high content of vitamins and minerals, but strictly under the supervision of a doctor to exclude possible harm to the child.

The beneficial properties of poppy urbech help get rid of parasites, have a pain relieving effect. Especially the product is suitable for vegetarians, due to the large amount of nutrients in the composition.

The most useful urbech for women

Several types of urba are most suitable for the female body:

  1. Hemp paste has the ability to produce milk during breastfeeding and relieve swelling while carrying a baby.
  2. Cashew or hazelnut-based urbech prevents the development of varicose veins. This property is especially useful for women who prefer high-heeled shoes.
  3. Chia seed paste is rich in antioxidants.
  4. Sesame urba strengthens bone tissue.
  5. The almond treat has a rejuvenating effect.

It is impossible to choose one of the highest quality type of urbech. Each has its own positive effect on the body. An exception may be peanut butter due to the high likelihood of allergies.

Which Urbech to choose a man

For men, you can safely use nutty pumpkin and linseed urbech. Pumpkin paste helps with hair loss at an early age. Walnut increases potency, saves from overwork and activates brain activity.

Is it possible to urbech

With all the advantages of pasta, there are restrictions on some of its varieties. For example, the benefits and harms of urbech with honey are unequal for those who follow a diet. It contains sugar that can help you gain weight. For children and pregnant women, the use of the product is allowed under the supervision of a specialist.

When losing weight

Despite the high calorie content of the treat, it is ideal for a diet. Experts recommend using a flaxseed product to get rid of excess weight. It burns belly and flank fat in conjunction with physical activity, thanks to the fiber in the composition.

The effect of the drug is observed with constant use for at least 21 days. When calculating the total calories from all products per day: for women no more than 1500 kcal, for men up to 2300 kcal.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

For women in position and for nursing mothers, sesame, hemp, and poppy seeds are most suitable. They tend to have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, bone tissue, teeth, hair and replenish the supply of nutrients in the female body.

Important! Peanut butter is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If the mother does not have an allergy, then the child may develop it.

For children

Urbech is good for children and can be used as an alternative treat to confectionery. A growing body needs to be constantly replenished with vitamins, if there are no contraindications - natural pasta is a reliable assistant.

The product enhances physical activity, strengthens the immune system and energizes the baby for a long time.

Important! You can start introducing urbech into the child's diet after 3 years, carefully observing the reaction.

Urbech in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of the mixture are also noticeable when applied externally. Nut pastes in combination with honey are applied to the skin of the face to get rid of acne, achieve a rejuvenating effect, heal wounds and ulcers.

After regular manipulations, the skin will become lighter, dirty pores will be cleansed and oily sheen will disappear.

How to cook urbech at home

To get a useful product at home, you need to buy a special device. Millstones are large stones used to grind seeds into a paste. At home, getting an analogue of a real Dagestan urba is a difficult task.

Conventional kitchen appliances (blender, meat grinder) are not suitable for making. They are only able to grind seeds into flour without excreting oil. Therefore, at home, you can use a wooden mortar, as for making butter from cream. But this occupation is very long and painstaking. It is also necessary to monitor the temperature and not overheat the mass.

How to use Urbech correctly

To make a full-fledged dish out of pasta, sugar or honey is added to it. Butter and honey with urbech will remind you of the taste of chocolate.

To make such a dish, you need to warm up the pasta and stir with ghee and honey. You should not bring the resulting mass to a boil. Dessert should be eaten liquid or spread on bread, after having cooled it in the refrigerator.

Linen urbech should be eaten with bread, as in its pure form it can stick to the palate. Sesame or peanut butter is consumed without any additives.

The harm of urbech and contraindications to it

If the paste is made from black cumin, then it should be excluded from the diet for people suffering from ulcers and gastritis. Urbech is harmful to persons with heart ischemia or heart attack. A diagnosis of thrombosis also restricts pasta consumption.

How to choose an Urbech when buying

When purchasing a paste, you need to pay attention to the urbech manufacturer. Only well-proven companies should be preferred. A real useful product has an increased or medium density and is distinguished by a strong and cloying odor.

The paste should not contain any dyes, additives or preservatives. This product contains only seeds.

Storing Urbech at home

The paste should be stored for up to 4 months in a dark and cool place. If the temperature is high, then the properties of urbech begin to deteriorate.

After some time, the product may separate, so it must be stirred periodically. If the paste seems too greasy, you can drain some of the oil after settling.


The benefits and harms of urbech are contained in the ingredients that make up the composition. If the consumption standards are observed, the product has a positive effect on the body. An exception can only be people prone to allergic manifestations to the components of the paste.

Customer Reviews

Yavtushenko Lydia, 34 years old, Tver
Several years ago I tried Urbech. Now I only put it on bread. I decided to completely abandon condensed milk or other similar products. The taste and benefits of pasta are very difficult to overestimate. I recommend everyone to try it. I especially want to highlight the useful black cumin urbech.
Vinokurova Oksana, 45 years old, Arkhangelsk
The whole family is enjoying the indescribable taste of this delicate pasta. I often add urbech to cereals that my husband and children eat. I especially like the product with walnuts. Just be sure to mix it with honey, then it will not stick to the palate.

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