How to get cat urine odor off the floor

Pet lovers, especially cats, often encounter problems such as unpleasant odor of animal urine. And this is not about an uncleaned tray, but about a situation when a pet marks its territory or simply shows dissatisfaction if it is mistreated. At the same time, removing the smell of cat urine from the floor, especially the marks of the territory, is not so easy. After all, the success of the result depends not only on the use of detergents, but also on the floor surface, since some materials are highly susceptible to dirt and various aromas.

Features of removing cat urine from the floor

If a wet spot was found on the floor and by the smell it immediately becomes clear that this is not spilled water, but the tricks of a beloved pet, it is necessary to take action to eliminate urine immediately. If you do not remove the stain from the floor in time, then there is a high probability of spreading a pungent smell, which can cause the cat to repeat its unpleasant business. In addition, the longer urine is on the floor surface, the deeper it penetrates into the flooring material.

The reason for such a pungent and long-lasting smell of cat urine is its chemical composition, namely the content of the following components:

  • urochrome;
  • urea;
  • uric acid.
Attention! Uric acid crystallizes rapidly during the drying process of the cat tag, which makes it difficult to remove, since the crystals do not dissolve in water.

The intensity of the odor and its persistence directly depend on the surface of the floor where the urine has entered. And if the material absorbs liquid well, it will be more difficult to remove the smell.

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How to remove cat urine odor from linoleum

Linoleum is the most common flooring in residential areas. By itself, this material practically does not absorb liquid, so it will not be difficult to remove the smell of cat urine from linoleum.

In order to remove an unpleasant odor, you can use such a simple method as:

  1. First you need to grind the laundry soap, you can rub it on a grater.
  2. Add a small amount of washing powder to the resulting soap crumbs.
  3. Pour this mixture with warm water and stir until the soap dissolves.
  4. Remove traces of urine with the resulting soapy solution, then pour it on this place on the floor and leave it for 3-4 hours.
  5. Then wash off the soap solution with clean water and wipe the linoleum dry.

How to get cat urine odor off parquet

Parquet, unlike linoleum, is more susceptible to moisture, so a wet spot can quickly be absorbed into this floor covering and leave behind not only an unbearable smell, but also a visual defect. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable, after detecting urine, to immediately remove the liquid from the floor, and then proceed to eliminate the odor.

You can use a manganese-vinegar solution to remove all traces of cat urine from parquet flooring. Knead it only in cold water. With this composition, they thoroughly wash the place on the floor where liquid pollution was found, and then simply thoroughly rinse the floor with clean water.

How to get cat urine odor out of wood

Natural wood flooring is the most vulnerable material for such liquid contamination. Cat urine is absorbed very quickly into the wood floor, preventing its smell from removing without leaving a trace. In addition, such a floor covering is quite demanding to maintain, so only the most gentle products should be used to remove urine stains. In this case, diluted lemon juice can help, with which the stain from cat urine is rubbed, not allowing it to dry for 5 hours. Then they wash the place with clean warm water, wipe it with a dry cloth, without leaving liquid on the surface.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from the floor with folk methods

If the animal has appeared in the house for the first time, and the cat has not yet fully mastered the room or is not accustomed to the tray, it is not necessary to stock up on specialized household chemicals in order to remove the unpleasant smell. For the first time, you can resort to using available tools.

There are many folk methods that allow you to remove the smell of cat urine from the floor, and as practice shows, many of these methods will not just mask, but will permanently remove the unpleasant odor.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from the floor with vinegar

Uric acid contained in cat urine does not dissolve in water, but under the influence of other acids it begins to decompose. Therefore, the first thing that can be done is to use ordinary table vinegar 9% to remove the smell of animal urine from the floor, which is found in almost every kitchen.

How to remove urine smell from the floor with vinegar:

  1. The first step is to remove traces of cat urine on the floor, this can be done with paper napkins or toilet paper.
  2. Then, a vinegar solution is prepared: for this, table vinegar is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio.
  3. The resulting solution treats the place where the puddle was wiped off.
  4. Without wiping, cover the place with a paper towel and leave it until dry.
  5. After drying, remove the paper towel, rinse the area on the floor with clean water and wipe dry.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from the floor with iodine

In addition to vinegar, uric acid crystals also perfectly dissolve iodine. Therefore, the iodine composition will effectively help remove the persistent smell of urine from the floor.

Attention! Iodine should only be used on dark floor surfaces, brown stains may remain on light floors.

To remove an unpleasant smell and a trace of urine on the floor with iodine, you need:

  1. Prepare an iodine solution (15-20 drops per 1 liter of water).
  2. The resulting composition is treated with a spray gun on the floor surface.
  3. Allow the solution to soak into the floor covering (wait 1-2 hours), and then rinse the treated area with clean water.

This method helps to remove even the old trail of cat urine.

How to beat off the smell of cat urine from the floor with vodka or alcohol

Plain vodka, rubbing alcohol, or ethyl alcohol are also effective at removing the unpleasant odor of cat urine from the floor. But their role nevertheless lies not in removing the smell, but in interrupting it, since an alcoholic drink or alcohol has a pungent aroma that disappears for a rather long time. The advantage of this method is that vodka and alcohol contain substances that cats do not like, so the animal will not shit again in the same place.

In order to remove the pungent smell from the floor with vodka, do the following:

  1. A small amount of undiluted alcoholic beverage or alcohol is poured into the place where the urine was found (it must first be removed with a paper towel).
  2. After that, the floor is washed with water with the addition of washing powder or detergent (you can dissolve a small piece of laundry soap).
Important! It is not recommended to use ammonia, since it contains urea, sensing which the cat can take the treated place on the floor for the mark of another cat, and will again mark its territory.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from the floor with citric acid

Citric acid, like vinegar, allows you not only to mask the smell of cat urine, but to completely remove it along with the stain.

Attention! Citric acid is a natural bleach, so its use on a dark floor surface is highly discouraged.

To remove the unpleasant consequences of a feline oversight with citric acid, you should:

  1. Heat a small amount of water to 70-80 degrees.
  2. Wipe off the urine with a paper towel, and sprinkle citric acid over the remaining wet trail.
  3. Pour hot water over it. To prevent the water from spreading, put a paper napkin on top.
  4. Then, after about 5-7 minutes, the dried citric acid is removed, the place is washed with warm water and wiped dry.

Potassium permanganate

A cool potassium permanganate solution can also remove the pungent smell of cat urine from the floor. Potassium permanganate, like acid, has a detrimental effect on the composition of urine, destroying its components. At the same time, removing the smell from the floor will not be difficult, for this:

  1. In a container, potassium permanganate crystals are diluted so that a sufficiently dark solution is obtained.
  2. The resulting composition is poured into a spray bottle and the place marked by a cat is treated with it (the urine is removed with a paper towel before spraying).
Important! Be sure to completely dissolve potassium permanganate crystals in water, as they can leave a mark on the floor surface.

Hydrogen peroxide and soda

Soda is a substance that perfectly absorbs foreign odors, so it can also be used as a neutralizer. For a more successful result, soda should be used in combination with hydrogen peroxide (3%).

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Application method:

  1. Soda is first poured onto a fresh wet trail of cat urine in such an amount that it completely covers the stain (the soda must absorb the urine).
  2. Then it is poured over with hydrogen peroxide (a chemical reaction should begin, during which an ammonia smell will be released).
  3. In this form, leave a place for the night. In the morning, the leftovers should be removed with a damp cloth, and then thoroughly rinse the floor with soapy water.


Glycerin, like the other substances listed, is also able to break down uric acid crystals. Therefore, it can help remove the awful smell of cat urine from the floor. You can use both medical glycerin and glycerin soap.

Neutralization stages:

  1. If there is still liquid urine in place (the stain is fresh), then it is removed with a paper napkin.
  2. Then the dried area is treated with glycerin, gently rubbing it into the surface with a brush.
  3. Wash the treated area on the floor with clean warm water and wipe dry.

How to get cat urine odor off the floor with specialized products

If a pet periodically leaves its marks, then it is still worth stocking up on specialized means. Today, neutralizers can be purchased at pet stores that will not only drown out the pungent smell, but also destroy it from the inside, preventing it from reappearing.

These specialized tools include:

  1. «Dezosan"- a product based on nonionic surfactants and food fragrances. Not only masks the unpleasant smell of cat feces, but removes it forever, breaking down at the molecular level. Use as a spray or concentrated product. Processing is performed after urine removal. Treat the contaminated area with a product and wait for complete drying. Repeat the procedure if necessary.
  2. «ZooSan"- a product that does not contain harmful substances, but is quite effective as a neutralizer of the smell of cat urine. Apply it in the form of an aqueous solution in a ratio of 1: 9. With this solution, wash the place where the cat left the mark, wipe it dry. Secondary treatment may be required for severe or persistent contamination.
  3. «Odorgone»- a product that not only eliminates the unpleasant odor of cat urine, but also has a deodorizing effect. The product contains natural ingredients that do not cause allergies. The principle of use is based on spraying the preparation onto the odor source. For greater efficiency, the treated area should be covered with plastic wrap.
Attention! There are also other specialized tools, when purchasing any of which you need to carefully study the instructions for use so as not to spoil the floor surface.


You can remove the smell of cat urine from the floor using improvised means or specialized household chemicals. But if the pet periodically relieves the need in the wrong place, it is worth not only cleaning up on time, but also taking measures to prevent the problem (you should place the tray in a place convenient for the animal and change the filler in time).

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