Why hake is useful

The benefits and harms of hake are of interest to every lover of fish dishes and supporters of healthy eating. The product occupies high positions in the rating in the consumer basket of buyers due to its taste and ease of preparation.

What does hake look like and where is it found

The hake fish is a marine predator belonging to the Salmonidae family. It lives in the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean at a depth of 20 to 300 m, and chooses the continental shelf for optimal existence.

The color of the body is characterized by silvery tints. The sides and belly are slightly lighter than the back. The specimen usually has a length of 30 to 70 cm. An elongated body with one long and short dorsal fins. The main feature is a large mouth with a short upper jaw.

Hake composition

The lean meat of healthy sea fish is tender and light, and a small amount of bones after heat treatment is separated without much effort. The product is a good source of healthy proteins and a wide variety of vitamins and minerals.

Energy value of healthy hake:

Fat (g)

Proteins (g)

Carbohydrates (g)




Knowing the chemical composition of a product, one can realize its compliance with the principles of healthy eating and a positive effect on well-being. Healthy fish contains a large amount of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, acids.





trace elements


10 mcg


335 mg


0.9 mg

IN 1

0.12 mg


240 mg


0.7 mg

AT 2

0.1 mg


30 mg


135 mcg

AT 6

0.1 mg


75 mg


160 mcg

AT 9

11.1 mcg


35 mg


0.12 μg

AT 12

2.4 mg


165 mg


20 mcg


0.5 μg


240 mg


4 μg


1.5 mcg




7 μg


4.3 mg




700 mcg

Nutritional value and colossal content of components necessary for the vital activity of the human body explains the active use of healthy sea fish.

Hake calorie and nutritional value

The calorie content of hake per 100 grams is 89 kcal, but this figure varies depending on the place and time of fishing, as well as the method of preparation:


Calories (kcal per 100 g)







Regular consumption of sea fish will have a great effect on the beauty and health of the body, saturating it with all the necessary substances without the threat of gaining extra pounds.

Useful properties of hake fish

The benefits of hake for the body are extremely important, since the combination of organic and inorganic components helps to improve the performance of many body systems and gives strength and energy. The product should be included in the menu for the treatment and prevention of many diseases, since it is capable of:

  • accelerate metabolic processes in the body;
  • stabilize blood sugar levels;
  • get rid of hormonal disruptions, and in particular from problems with the thyroid gland;
  • block the growth of harmful bacteria and microbes in the body;
  • positively affect the skin and the condition of the mucous membranes;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • strengthen immunity and resist viral and bacterial diseases;
  • improve vision;
  • restore after loads the reserves spent on physical work and intellectual activity;
  • support after serious illness and surgery.

Hake dishes should be present in the diet of people with a grueling work schedule, regular lack of sleep, as well as depression and frequent nervous stress. Eating healthy sea fish will rid the body of dangerous toxins and radicals, which will improve overall health.

Important! The combination of substances such as riboflavin and folic acid can significantly enhance brain activity, which should be taken into account by parents whose children are preparing for the exam!

For what diseases is hake useful?

The product has a beneficial effect on all body systems and also optimizes their performance. Due to the significant content of nutrients, healthy sea fish is recommended in the case of:

  • problems with the organs of the digestive system;
  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • menopause, irregular menstrual cycle;
  • obesity.

Hake in diabetes is very beneficial to the body, since it helps to lower blood glucose. With such a disease, you need to follow a strict diet, and healthy sea fish is the main ingredient in most dietary dishes.

Is hake good for pregnant and lactating women

During pregnancy, a woman's body works in an enhanced mode, therefore it needs a double portion of vitamins. Gynecologists are in no hurry to prescribe pharmacy vitamin complexes, but recommend supplementing the diet of every pregnant woman with healthy sea fish, since it will help:

  • protect the body from viral and bacterial infections;
  • replenish iodine deficiency, which is especially important for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • reduce irritation and nervous tension;
  • cope with hair loss and brittle nails.

Hake during breastfeeding has a positive effect on the mother's body, restoring it after childbirth and strengthening the immune system.

Attention! It is important to consult with your doctor before introducing hake into the diet, since sometimes the simplest product can provoke an unwanted reaction in the body.

Is it possible to give hake to a child

Children from 1 year old can start feeding in small portions 1-2 times a week, but only after consulting a pediatrician, as well as making sure that there are no visible contraindications and allergies. The benefits of fish for a baby in a beneficial effect on all organ systems and the development of the skeleton and muscles.

Sea fish is useful for children in times of crisis or getting used to kindergarten, school, as it strengthens the nervous system during stressful situations. Hake is essential for children who spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor to support their vision.

Hake benefits for the elderly

The health benefits of hake for the elderly are manifested in improving the functioning of sensory organs and eliminating memory problems. For a person of age, it will be useful to use sea fish for the treatment and prevention of diseases, as well as for improving well-being and adding vitality.

Slimming hake

The product helps to quickly get rid of extra pounds on a specially designed diet, as it is easily digested and does not bother the digestive system with long processing. Low-calorie healthy sea fish eliminates the accumulation of fats in problem areas and provokes partial utilization of the fat layer. Many experts recommend boiled and baked products on the menu, but even fried fish does not contribute to weight gain if consumed in moderation.

How to cook delicious hake

There are many ways to cook sea fish. But frying turned out to be most useful, since it does not require prolonged heat treatment, which contributes to the preservation of all useful qualities.

Delicious Fried Hake Recipe:

The benefits of boiled hake are irreplaceable due to the low calorie content and high nutritional value. It will fit perfectly into the diet of supporters of a healthy lifestyle.

There are some interesting tips to improve the quality of your fish:

  • the combination of the product with vegetables, herbs and white wine will be harmonious;
  • to obtain a golden crust, you need to roll the product in flour before heat treatment;
  • To make the dish taste perfect, you need to place the fillet in salt water for a few minutes before frying.
Recommended reading:  Why boiled beets are useful for the body
Advice! When preparing soup, you need to use seafood with a head part, this is the only way to get a truly exquisite dish.

Hake fish harm and contraindications

Despite all the beneficial properties of sea fish, a number of contraindications, in addition to an allergic reaction, are still available. It is not recommended to consume the product in large quantities if:

  1. Constipation - due to the content of a large amount of iron in fillets, which is endowed with a binding effect.
  2. High acidity - because it can provoke an exacerbation.

The human body can be negatively affected by sea fish that lived in polluted waters, since they have absorbed a large amount of heavy metals. Also, with carelessness in the choice of fish and improper preparation, the possibility of severe poisoning or parasite infection increases.

How to choose and store hake correctly

When choosing a sea fish, you need to pay attention to its appearance and smell. In order not to fall for the hook of unscrupulous sellers, it is worth carefully studying the main criteria for choosing a fish:

  • the eyes are bright, shiny, with pronounced pupils;
  • the gills should be pinkish;
  • spring the carcass when pressed and do not leave dents;
  • the smell does not give off acid or rottenness.

The product is sold frozen. Fresh fish quickly loses its beneficial properties. The shelf life of a fish can be determined by weight. If it is very heavy, it will be re-frozen.

It is not recommended to store marine fish by re-freezing. For the preservation of all useful properties, it is better to prepare the product immediately after purchase.


The benefits and harms of hake require careful study to support vitality and energy. Useful sea fish is an excellent addition to the diet, and in the absence of contraindications, the systematic use of the product will have an excellent effect on the health of the body as a whole.


Katerina Orlova, 25 years old, Volgograd
I don't really like fish, but the taste of hake really pleasantly surprised me. I have already started looking for new recipes to try to cook more dishes with this healthy fish.
Liza Vlasova, 31 years old, Mogilev
Very useful and nutritious, even a child is delighted with hake and eats with pleasure. It is now one of our family's favorite foods.
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