Useful properties of char

Fish are rightfully given the first place in terms of the content of the main nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Red fish is especially rich in them. And although many have long appreciated such representatives of the salmon family as salmon or trout, the benefits and harms of char remains a mystery to many. But this red fish has the most unique qualities, which will be discussed below.

What does the char look like and where is it found?

The char fish is one of the representatives of the salmon family. There are several varieties of it, the largest of which is kunja. It can weigh over 10 kg and be more than one meter long. In addition, there are subspecies such as Dolly Varden char and arctic char.

The photo shows what kind of fish is:

It is found in the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans. Some species also live in fresh water - lakes in Europe and the American continent. Kunju can be found in water bodies in the Russian Far East; many representatives of this species also live in Japan.

Char composition

This food is richest in the following nutrients:

  • vitamins, especially group B;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium;
  • Omega-3 fatty acids.
Recommended reading:  Foods containing potassium: which are the most, table

Vitamins of group B provide coordinated activity of the whole organism. They are necessary for the normal transmission of nerve impulses along nerve fibers, for the effective functioning of the immune system, the formation of blood cells, especially erythrocytes, which provide all organs and tissues of the body with oxygen and nutrients. With a deficiency of vitamins of this group, anemia, neuropathy (impaired conduction of a nerve impulse) develop, a person is constantly exposed to the influence of infections due to poor functioning of the immune system.

Phosphorus is extremely important for the musculoskeletal system: bones and joints. In addition, a sufficient amount of this mineral supports the thought processes at a higher level. It should be noted that char contains more than 30% of the daily phosphorus requirement.

Selenium is found in a fairly small amount of foods, so the fact that its concentration in this fish is more than 20% of the daily value is really a unique phenomenon.

Advice! To get the maximum amount of selenium, it is recommended to consume char with the products shown in the picture below.

Calorie fish char

The calorie content of char per 100 grams is 135 kcal, which includes proteins in the amount of 22 g and fats - 5.7 g.


Quantity per 100 grams of product

Percentage of the required amount per day


5.7 - 5.9 g



19 - 22 g



0 g


Calorie content

135 kcal


The table below shows the calorie content of the product depending on the cooking method:

Cooking method

Calorie content

Baked in the oven

135 kcal


135 kcal


135 kcal


158.2 kcal

For a couple

133.4 kcal

Hot smoked

135 kcal

Cold smoked

135 kcal

Lightly salted

135 kcal

Why is char fish useful?

The uniqueness of the composition of this fish determines the presence of many useful properties in it.

Firstly, due to the content of omega-3 fatty acids in it, char helps to maintain normal blood cholesterol levels, which prevents the appearance of unwanted cardiovascular pathologies (myocardial infarction, stroke).

Secondly, eating it helps to strengthen bones. Bone tissue assimilates calcium and phosphorus contained in fish. This not only contributes to an increase in tissue density, but also to good bone growth in length in children.

The high concentration of potassium in this product (12% of the daily value) makes it extremely useful for maintaining normal muscle function, ensuring water and electrolyte balance in the body.

Fish is also good for the nervous system. Improved conduction of nerve impulses due to the presence of B vitamins provides increased body resistance to stress and mental work, increases efficiency.

Due to the presence of selenium, regular consumption of char increases immunity, slows down cell division, which leads to a decrease in the risk of neoplasms and slows down the aging of the body. Regular intake of this product literally prolongs youth by optimizing metabolic processes in the body.

The benefits of magnesium found in large quantities in char for the body:

Is char good for pregnancy and breastfeeding?

The product is recommended for regular use by lactating women and during pregnancy. The high concentration of magnesium in this product has a good effect on bearing a baby. This is due to the fact that in the prenatal period, the fetus's need for magnesium for the normal formation of internal organs is extremely high.

Attention! Magnesium is especially useful in organizing the baby's nervous system. Therefore, the use of foods high in this trace element, including char, has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy.

You also need to include fish in the daily diet of nursing mothers. The optimal set of microelements and vitamins in this fish, which will be passed on to the baby in breast milk, is necessary for the normal growth and development of the baby.

Is it possible to fish char for children

Fish is of great benefit to children. As noted above, it contributes to the normal growth and development of the child's body. And since the child's need for vitamins and microelements is much higher than that of an adult, children are not only recommended to use char, but it is also advisable to give it even in larger portions than an adult.

It is also worth noting that the immunity of children is not sufficiently developed, which leads to their greater vulnerability to infectious processes. Therefore, the selenium contained in fish plays a very important role in the health of the child.

Benefits of fish char for the elderly

The benefits of char for the elderly and the elderly cannot be overstated. After all, old age is the main risk factor for the development of myocardial infarction and stroke. And, as noted earlier, fish is an important product of the diet for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases.

Another important benefit of char for the elderly is that it reduces the risk of osteoporosis (softening of the bones), which can lead to fractures.

And the ability to prolong youth, which is facilitated by the use of this fish, plays a special role for elderly people.

Loach for weight loss

The low calorie content of this type of fish has made it a staple of many diets. Although fish from the salmon family, in principle, are usually classified as dietary products, it is the char that contains the least amount of fat. And its high protein content makes it a good protein lunch or dinner.

Whether steamed and boiled, or simply salted, char can become a staple in the diet. This applies not only to diets for weight loss, but also to medical nutrition.

How to cook char fish

This fish is very easy to cook as it has no scales.Therefore, it does not even need to be cleaned, it is enough just to wash it well.

The most useful loach is steamed, boiled or baked, since such methods of culinary processing allow you to preserve the maximum useful properties with a minimum of calories.

Optimal both in terms of taste and healthiness is a dish made from baked loach with the addition of lemon and vegetables. It is also popular to use this fish as a filling for pies. Fish soup cooked in char broth will also be delicious.

Frying fish is not recommended, as it increases the calorie content of the dish. In addition, many useful properties of the product are lost during frying.

The video shows one of the ways to cook char fish in the oven:

Loach harm and contraindications

The char can have a negative impact only on the health of people who are allergic to fish of the salmon family. Then a wide variety of manifestations of an allergic reaction can be observed: from lighter (rash on the body, redness) to serious (Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock). However, such reactions are rare and are typical mainly for those who have already noted their allergies to other foods.

In addition, eating stale fish can lead to food poisoning.

How to choose and store char

Usually it is sold frozen, and when buying, in order to choose a fresh product, you need to pay attention to its following characteristics:

  • The scales are silvery with whitish spots on the sides.
  • The gills should be pink in color.
  • The fins fit tightly to the carcass.
  • The carcass should be flat and smooth, without kinks, the presence of which indicates multiple freezing of fish.

When buying chilled fish, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • When pressing on the fish, there should be no dents on it.
  • The gills should be pink.
  • The fish's eyes should be transparent.

Important! To prevent poisoning, you need to pay attention to the external signs of fish listed in the article.


It can be concluded that the benefits and harms of char are absolutely not equivalent concepts, because the benefits are many times greater than the possible harm. The char fish can rightfully be called one of the most beneficial for the body. Therefore, anyone who wants to have a healthy diet and also wants to improve their health should include dishes from this fish in their daily diet.

Fish reviews

There are many reviews on the Internet about the preparation of char dishes. The vast majority of them are positive. It is noted that the fish is more juicy and has better taste in comparison with other salmonids. Also, buyers write that even just steamed fish with rice is a tasty and self-sufficient dish.

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