Walnuts: useful properties and contraindications, how much to eat per day

The benefits and harms of walnuts are an interesting question, since the product is considered very valuable for health. It is worth figuring out when a nut is really useful, and in what cases it is better to refuse to use it.

The composition and calorie content of walnuts

Walnuts take a leading position among all the others for a reason. Their value is due to their unique composition, which includes:

  • potassium and sodium;
  • vitamins A, E, K and C;
  • vitamin PP;
  • calcium and manganese;
  • fluorine and cobalt;
  • organic acids and healthy fats;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B9, B6 and B5;
  • iodine, selenium and zinc;
  • cellulose;
  • copper, iron and magnesium;
  • antioxidants;
  • sulfur, chlorine and phosphorus.

A specific feature of nuts is extremely large amounts of vegetable-type protein, as much as 16 g. The calorie content is about 650 calories per 100 g, however, the benefits of a walnut for the human body are that it does not have a negative effect on the figure. It is customary to consume the delicacy little by little, so the high nutritional value does not contribute to weight gain.

Why are walnuts useful?

The benefits and harms of the walnut tree are inseparable from each other. But if you approach the use of the product correctly, then the effect on the body will be beneficial. In particular, nuts:

  • have antiseptic properties and help fight internal and external inflammation;
  • have a positive effect on the brain, stimulating mental activity;
  • serve as the prevention of oncology;
  • help with diseases of the genital area in men and women;
  • strengthen blood vessels, reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood and protect the heart from the development of dangerous ailments;
  • regulate blood pressure;
  • prevent the development of obesity in diabetes mellitus;
  • improve bowel function and eliminate diarrhea;
  • help to fight constipation and excessive accumulation of toxins in the body;
  • increase immune resistance and protect against viruses and colds.

The properties of the walnut are used in the treatment of vitamin deficiency and anemia. A healthy treat helps to restore strength, supplies the body with valuable vegetable protein and is of great benefit to muscle and bone tissues.

For women

The benefit of walnuts for a woman's body is that the product protects against stress and nervous exhaustion, helps maintain a good mood. Also, the properties of nuts help to establish a monthly cycle and protect women from breast cancer due to the increased content of antioxidants.

Nuts are beneficial in the treatment of infectious diseases. It is advisable to use them both for gynecological ailments and for other inflammatory processes.

For men

The benefits of walnuts for a man's body are also very great, first of all, the delicacy allows you to maintain good potency and the ability to conceive. Fatty acids, present in large quantities in nuts, strengthen blood vessels and protect men from strokes and heart attacks. Walnut helps from prostatitis - the substances in the composition fight inflammatory processes.

The product is of particular benefit to athletes, since it is directly involved in the building of muscle tissue. The properties of nuts increase endurance and are also responsible for the overall tone of the body.

For children

The benefits of a walnut for children can hardly be overestimated - the product contributes to the healthy development of the baby, protects against many diseases, and improves the mental activity of the child. But at the same time, you can give a treat to children only after reaching 3 years. Since the treat contains quite a lot of fatty acids, earlier babies simply cannot digest it and will be harmed by diarrhea and bloating.

Sometimes the properties of the product cause allergies, so you should start with the minimum dosages, offering the child no more than 1 nut per day. If a negative reaction does not appear, the portions can be gradually increased and the weekly rate of nuts can be brought to 40 g.

Attention! The benefits of walnuts for children will be only in the absence of contraindications. Before introducing a new product into the diet, you should definitely consult a pediatrician.

Walnut during pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is difficult to argue with the benefits of a walnut for pregnant women. A delicacy in a constant diet protects the expectant mother from the development of anemia, replenishes the hemoglobin level, and supplies the female body and the fetus with folic acid. Also, the nuts contain calcium and phosphorus, which are fundamentally important for the formation of the baby's skeletal system, and magnesium, which allows a woman to cope with edema during pregnancy.

The benefits of walnuts when breastfeeding are no less, they enhance lactation. In addition, nuts improve the composition of breast milk and make it more nutritious. But since the delicacy contains a lot of fat, a woman needs to closely monitor the baby's reaction and give up nuts at the first signs of a baby's digestive upset.

Are walnuts good for weight loss?

Despite the fact that the delicacy has a fairly high calorie content and contains a lot of fat, nuts are very useful on a diet. They accelerate blood circulation, promote the rapid removal of toxins from the body, improve the absorption of vitamins and minerals supplied with food. All of these properties contribute to rapid weight loss and improved overall well-being.

But of course, the benefits of shelled walnuts depend on adherence to small dosages. If you consume the product unlimitedly, nuts will harm both the figure and the digestive processes.

How many walnuts can you eat per day

The health benefits and harms of walnuts are determined by their quantity. A safe daily dosage is considered to be 30 g of nuts per day or no more than 10 pieces. If you exceed the recommended dosage, it is possible that side effects may occur - nausea, bloating and diarrhea.

The use of walnuts in traditional medicine

The benefits of walnuts have been scientifically confirmed, but traditional medicine used the product for treatment long before the nuts were officially recognized. At the same time, it is interesting that in healing recipes, not so much the fruits of the nut are used, but other parts of it.

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Walnut partitions

Partitions are the dry parts of the nut located between the edible kernels.They are usually thrown away after cleaning, but in fact, partitions are of great benefit. They contain a vast supply of tannins, vitamins and minerals, which provide them with analgesic, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. Septa will be useful for digestive upset and pressure surges, for joint pain.

Walnut leaves

In home medicine, the healing properties of walnut leaves are highly regarded. Due to the high content of vitamins, they are an excellent wound healing and anti-inflammatory agent. The benefits of walnut leaves are manifested when applied externally in the form of compresses, and they are also used to prepare means for oral administration.

With upset stomach, internal bleeding and parasites, there will be no harm from the leaf-based decoction. They do it like this:

  • 2 large spoons of foliage are poured with a glass of freshly boiled water;
  • cover the glass with a saucer or lid;
  • stand for an hour, and then filter the liquid and drink on an empty stomach on a large spoon.

For skin diseases, allergies, gastritis and liver ailments, the properties of the tincture on the leaves are beneficial. To prepare it you need:

  • pour 1 large spoonful of raw materials with alcohol;
  • keep the vessel away from sunlight for 3 weeks;
  • strain.

They drink the tincture in limited quantities, no more than three times a day for a small spoon. Since the product contains alcohol in its composition, if the dosage is exceeded, it can cause unnecessary harm to health.

Along with the leaves, walnut earrings are beneficial - they are allowed to be added to decoctions and tinctures.

Walnut shell

Home medicine uses the strong healing properties of walnut shells. Cleansers have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, therefore they are used externally and internally. In particular, for eczema, lichen and dermatitis, it is useful to make compresses and take medicinal baths with a decoction, rinse the eyes with conjunctivitis, and in case of gynecological ailments, douching. Prepare the tool like this:

  • a liter of water is boiled and thrown into the cleaning liquid from 10 nuts;
  • boil for 10 minutes, until the water turns dark brown;
  • remove the broth from the stove, cool it and filter it.

Since the product is very concentrated, it is additionally diluted with plain water in equal proportions before use. Otherwise, the benefits of walnut shells will turn into harm, and the broth will burn the mucous membranes when douching or washing the eyes.

For intestinal disorders, cardiac pathologies and diseases of the respiratory system, tincture of walnut shells is beneficial. It effectively cleanses the body, normalizes blood pressure and also protects against the development of cancer due to its antioxidant properties. Make the tincture as follows:

  • the shell of 14 nuts is poured with 500 ml of vodka in a small glass vessel;
  • removed for a week in a dark place and kept under a lid;
  • filtered and consumed as needed.

The recommended dosage of healthy tincture is no more than 1 dessert spoon per day, shortly before eating. If desired, the product can be diluted with water. It is strictly forbidden to consume the tincture in large quantities, due to the presence of alcohol in the composition, it can cause serious harm to the body.

Walnut juice

The benefits of walnuts for the brain, blood vessels, heart and other body systems are manifested in the event that you consume fresh walnut juice. Most of the valuable substances present in the delicacy are concentrated in the juice, so the effect of its use comes very quickly. A very useful remedy for diabetics - nut juice evens out glucose levels.

It's easy to make juice - peeled nuts need to be ground in a blender and squeezed through cheesecloth.The juice is consumed in a couple of large spoons on an empty stomach, and it is beneficial for atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, fungal ailments, joint diseases, anemia and gout.

In all cases, nut juice must be diluted with water - in a proportion not less than 1: 4. If taken undiluted, it will burn sensitive mucous membranes and cause harm.

Advice! Fresh nut juice retains its properties for up to 2 days even in the refrigerator, but if you dilute it with alcohol and make a tincture, you can use the product for up to six months.

The benefits of walnuts with honey

One of the most useful combinations is nuts with honey. This delicacy has an excellent taste, in addition:

  • increases immunity and strengthens resistance to viruses and bacteria;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes in the body;
  • improves metabolism and contributes to the full assimilation of all vitamins from food.

It is very easy to prepare a healthy delicacy - the peeled kernels need to be chopped in a blender, and then pour over with honey and, if desired, add a few lemon slices. Such a tool can be stored for several months, it is allowed to use it daily. The properties of honey with walnuts will be especially beneficial in the cold season, they will help to avoid colds.

The benefits and harms of sprouted walnuts

Sprouted cereals have long been a common dish in the diet. But not everyone knows about the benefits of sprouted walnuts, and in the meantime, it also has very valuable properties for the body. Sprouts are very useful for the nervous system and for cleansing the body, due to the high content of antioxidants, they prolong youth and accelerate cell renewal.

It is not difficult to germinate nuts, for this you need to soak them in cold water according to the standard scheme, making sure that the liquid slightly covers the surface of the nuts. Once every couple of days, the water needs to be changed; for a good result, it is recommended to mix the nuts twice a day. The process takes about 2 weeks, and you need to store the seedlings in the refrigerator, while not removing them from the water.

Since healthy sprouts are very high in fiber, they can be harmful if consumed excessively. The daily portion should be no more than 6 nuts.

The use of walnuts in cosmetology

Organic acids and vitamins in the composition of nuts make them an extremely useful cosmetic product. The treat is used to prepare home remedies for body care, and the effect of using nuts comes very quickly.

Facial masks

Nuts have a beneficial effect on any type of skin: dry epidermis moisturize, and oily skin helps to dry a little. In addition, nuts are a good anti-aging and tightening agent, and also help get rid of acne and irritations.

For oily skin, the following mask will benefit:

  • a large spoonful of peeled nuts is crushed into gruel;
  • to the resulting gruel, add 2 egg whites, 2 small spoons of honey and 2 large tablespoons of oatmeal, previously ground in a blender;
  • the mixed components are applied to the face for a quarter of an hour.
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The effect of applying the mask becomes noticeable immediately, and it is best to repeat the procedure a couple of times a week.

Hair beauty recipes

The valuable substances in the nut give the curls a beautiful shine and increase their volume, as well as nourish the scalp - this strengthens the hair follicles and stops hair loss. The following mask is especially popular:

  • 2 large spoons of nuts crushed into gruel are mixed with a raw egg;
  • add a small spoonful of honey;
  • distributed through the hair and wrapped up warmly for about half an hour.

At the roots, the mixture must be thoroughly rubbed into the scalp, then the beneficial properties of the mask will penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.

Cellulite remedy

The beneficial effect of walnuts on the skin can reduce cellulite in problem areas. At home, it is customary to prepare such a scrub:

  • 3 large tablespoons of ground nuts are mixed with 2 large tablespoons of olive oil;
  • add 3 tablespoons of sea salt and the same amount of ground coffee;
  • massage the mixture over the thighs, abdomen and buttocks.

Massage the skin thoroughly for 10 minutes. The components of the scrub will accelerate blood circulation, help to establish fat metabolism and tighten the skin, all this will contribute to the fact that cellulite becomes less noticeable.

How walnuts are used in cooking

If the benefits of walnut flowers, its shells, leaves and partitions are used mainly in medicine, then peeled kernels can often be found in various dishes. The taste and benefits of roasted walnuts are highly valued, they are more pleasant to eat and at the same time retain almost all the useful substances. The main thing is not to fry them for too long, otherwise the healthy fats will completely collapse.

Walnuts are consumed not only in pure form. They are an ingredient:

  • salads and desserts;
  • pastries and soups;
  • pates and mayonnaise;
  • cheeses and rolls;
  • cakes and sweets.

Walnuts with sour cream are especially beneficial for men - this delicacy increases potency. As a rule, nuts are added to most dishes in a minimal amount, but even so they increase the benefits of products and endow them with a more interesting taste.

Walnut harm and contraindications

Of course, under certain conditions, nuts can be harmful to health. It is worth abandoning them:

  • with obesity;
  • with an individual allergy to any components of the walnut;
  • with a tendency to form blood clots;
  • with acute pancreatitis, peptic ulcer and gastritis.

Since the product can cause allergies, it should be used with caution in case of skin ailments - psoriasis or eczema. Under unfavorable circumstances, nuts will be harmful and will only increase the itching.

Frequently asked Questions

Walnuts cannot be called a common product suitable for everyday use. Therefore, they raise a lot of questions to which it is important to know the answers.

Why walnuts are bitter

Some of the peeled nuts can have an unpleasant bitter taste. This means that the walnut has been stored for too long and the oil inside has had time to turn rancid. You cannot eat such nuts - this can be harmful, as it will lead to poisoning.

Can you be allergic to walnuts?

Nuts intolerance is not so common, but they can nevertheless cause allergies. Sometimes human immunity mistakenly perceives the plant protein in the nut kernels as a toxic component and reacts by releasing histamines - this leads to the appearance of allergy symptoms.

How to split and peel a walnut

The shells of the nuts are very hard, so it is often impossible to peel walnuts with your fingers. They are split mainly in the following ways:

  • with a knife - the tip of the tip is inserted into the gap between the two halves of the shell and rotational movements are made until the shell falls into pieces, and then carefully pick up the nucleoli inside the halves with a knife;
  • with a hammer - the nut is placed on a hard surface and lightly hit on it with a hammer to crack the shell;
  • with pliers, garlic press or pliers, in this case the nut just needs to be squeezed on both sides.

It is most convenient to use the latter method - this way the shell does not fly apart in different directions, it splits evenly, and the kernels remain intact. Pliers or pliers allow you to easily adjust the pressure.

How to choose walnuts

When buying a product, you must adhere to several rules.

  1. It is best to purchase unpeeled kernels in shell, they can be stored for the maximum amount of time.
  2. A good walnut should be weighty, you can also shake the nut near your ear and listen. If the nucleolus clearly rolls inside, this means that the nut is already old and simply dry.
  3. The embossed shell of a quality nut should have a light, uniform color. There should be no cracks or chips on it.

When it comes to buying peeled nuts, you need to pay attention to the expiration dates and the tightness of the packaging. If the packaging is damaged, then, with a high degree of probability, the product has managed to oxidize and deteriorate under the influence of air and bacteria.

How to store walnuts

Unrefined kernels can retain their beneficial properties for up to a year. But they must be kept in a cool place, in the dark, at a temperature not higher than 10 ° C. As for the peeled nucleoli, even in the refrigerator they remain usable for no longer than 2 weeks. To extend their shelf life, they can be baked in the oven and then frozen in a plastic bag or plastic container.


The benefits and harms of a walnut depend on the quality and freshness of the product. In the absence of absolute contraindications, the delicacy will have a beneficial effect on the state of health, you just need to ensure that the nuts are not rancid and control their quantity.


Vasilyeva Tatyana Vladimirovna, 27 years old, Moscow
I often use walnut for hair when curls lose their shine under stress or changes in the weather. Walnut masks always help in 3-4 applications. Several times I made decoctions from walnut shells - the remedy worked great for eye inflammation, the infection quickly disappeared.
Kochkina Anastasia Nikolaevna, 30 years old, Krasnoyarsk
Walnut treatment has repeatedly proved to be more effective for colds than pharmaceuticals. I especially love walnuts with honey - the delicacy is very tasty, quickly relieves the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, and if you start using the remedy in advance, you can avoid colds altogether.

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