Leuzea herb (maral root): indications for the use of the extract, properties

The medicinal properties of the maral root and contraindications are of particular interest to supporters of alternative medicine. It is famous for its tonic and adaptogenic properties. People also call it bighead and Chinese ginseng.

What it looks like and where it grows

Leuzea is a perennial herb belonging to the Astrov family. It got its name from maral root because it is used to treat maral deer. The plant can reach a height of 80 cm. It has a ribbed hollow stem and a branched rhizome. The roots are distinguished by their dark brown color and resinous smell. The ovate-lanceolate leaves are distinguished by jagged edges. The diameter of tubular flowers is on average 3-8 cm. In appearance, the root of the leuzea resembles a thistle, but differs from it in the absence of thorns.

The medicinal properties of the maral root, the photo of which is posted below, affect all life support systems. That is why the plant has received widespread demand in alternative medicine. It grows in alpine and subalpine meadows. Leuzea is also found in Southern Siberia and Altai.

Leuzea flowers have a pleasant relaxing scent
Attention! The flowering period of the plant is in late June or early August.

Chemical composition of Safflower Leuzea

The widespread use of the herb leuzea in folk medicine is due to the content in it of a large number of useful substances. Their greatest concentration is concentrated in the stems and leaves. The flowers of the maral root contain phytoecdysone, which stimulates the synthesis of proteins. Leuzea root contains the following components:

  • carotene;
  • vitamin C;
  • tannins;
  • coumarins;
  • sterol;
  • minerals;
  • inulin;
  • essential oils;
  • alkaloids;
  • organic acids;
  • catechins;
  • ratiball;
  • flavonoids.

The presence of tannins in the composition makes maral root effective in bleeding and inflammation. Ratibol has a tonic effect on the body. Organic substances take part in the digestive processes and help maintain the acid-base balance. Inulin protects the liver and promotes the proper absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Due to the content of ascorbic acid, Leuzea root has a stimulating effect on the immune system. Alkaloids in its composition help to cope with stress.Flavonoids, in turn, lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Carotene has a positive effect on skin condition and normalizes visual function.

Why is maral root useful?

Leuzea root has many beneficial properties. It is used for the preparation of herbal teas, tinctures and decoctions. Previously, the inhabitants of Siberia believed that the plant helps to cope with 14 diseases. In eastern countries, leuzea is used to treat the oral mucosa, kidneys and fevers. The main distinguishing feature of the plant is the ecdysone content. They provide the adaptogenic effect of leuzea. The equally important properties of Leuzea roots include:

  • activation of the immune system;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • lowering blood sugar levels;
  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • normalization of blood flow;
  • acceleration of regenerative processes;
  • removal of irritability;
  • slowing the growth of malignant tumors;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • normalization of blood pressure levels;
  • improved blood composition;
  • increased physical endurance.

Due to its ability to have a beneficial effect on the vessels of maral, the root is often used for vegetative-vascular dystonia. It helps relieve headaches and stabilize the emotional state. In some cases, leuzea helps prevent the growth of malignant tumors. The abundance of vitamins in the composition of leuzea makes it effective in the development of immunodeficiency.

Leuzea root is considered an effective remedy for physical and emotional fatigue.

Medicinal properties of maral root for men

Herbalists often discuss the benefits and harms of leuzea for men. When used correctly, it helps to normalize potency and increase physical endurance. To improve erectile function, maral root is combined with Eleutherococcus. In addition, the plant contains components that help in building muscle mass. This is especially beneficial for men involved in sports. The healing properties of the maral root for men also include the elimination of alcohol dependence. At the same time, the remedy removes toxic substances from the body, making it easier for a person to feel.

Medicinal properties of maral root for women

Women use leuzea root to normalize the menstrual cycle. The beneficial substances in its composition help stabilize the hormonal background and cope with increased irritability. After the treatment course with maral root, the vascular cavity is strengthened and the working capacity increases.

Medicinal properties of maral root tincture

Alcoholic tincture of Leuzea is characterized by a high concentration of nutrients. You can prepare it yourself or buy it ready-made at the pharmacy. It perfectly restores libido and strengthens the immune system. In addition, the remedy has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the central nervous system. This helps to increase the body's resistance to stress and improve the quality of sleep.

Advice! Before treatment with leuzea root, you should consult a specialist.

What is useful for children

Leuzea root can be given to children only after the age of 12. This is due to the pronounced tonic effect of the plant. For school-age children, remedies based on maral root are given to normalize immunity and protect against colds. A decoction made from Leuzea leaves is used for early recovery after serious injuries and surgical intervention.

Preparation and application methods

There are several options for preparing leuzea root. Each of them is used in the treatment of specific diseases. When choosing one of them, one should be guided by the specifics and severity of the disease.In complicated situations, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.



  • 500 ml of vodka;
  • 100 Leuzea roots.


  1. The root part is crushed in any suitable way.
  2. The resulting powder is poured into a dark glass container and poured with alcohol.
  3. For 20 days, the drink is infused in a dark place.
  4. After a specified time, the liquid is filtered and taken according to the recommended scheme.
Ready-made tincture of Leuzea can be found in any pharmacy



  • 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials;
  • 200 ml hot water.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour the crushed Leuzea root with hot water and cover with a lid.
  2. The remedy is insisted for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Filter the infusion before use.
To prepare the infusion, you can use not only roots, but also stems with leaves



  • 200 ml of boiling water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Leuzea roots.

Cooking process:

  1. Prepared raw materials are poured with water and placed in a water bath.
  2. After boiling, the drink is kept on the stove for 30 minutes.
  3. After removing from the heat, the broth is cooled and filtered.
It is not recommended to store the broth at room temperature.


Leuzea root tea is recommended to use to maintain immunity during the demi-season. It helps prevent colds and viral diseases. For making tea, powder is used in filter bags. You will need 1 bag for 1 cup of water. The brewing time is 15 minutes.

Recommended reading:  Mint tea: useful properties and contraindications, how to make
Leuzea tea is often used to stabilize the nervous system.


Leuzea root oil helps to normalize blood pressure levels and relieve headaches. It is sometimes used for topical application to affected areas of the skin.


  • 500 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 100 g of leuzea root.


  1. The root is crushed and placed in a deep container.
  2. Pour oil on top. Instead of vegetable, you can use olive or flaxseed.
  3. The remedy is infused in a dark place for 2 weeks.
Ready-made essential oil of Leuzea can be used to scent rooms


The beneficial properties and contraindications of Leuzea honey have long worried supporters of alternative medicine. The product has a powerful immune stimulating effect. But before using it, it is extremely important to exclude the presence of individual intolerance.


  • 180 ml of bee honey;
  • 20 g of leuzea root.

Cooking process:

  1. The root is crushed to a powdery state.
  2. It is mixed with honey until a homogeneous consistency is obtained and put into the refrigerator.
  3. The resulting product is taken in 1 tsp. 3 times a day.
Recommended reading:  Honey: useful and medicinal properties, contraindications
The color of maral honey depends on the presence of impurities, weather conditions and other factors.
Important! Leuzea decoction works well with symptoms of hangover.


Among the indications for use, Leuzea extract is distinguished by joint diseases, muscle pain and skin damage. It can be used locally. The extract is sold ready-made in pharmacies and specialized stores.

How to take leuzea

According to the instructions for use, maral root should be used in accordance with a specific scheme. It will be individual for each disease. The duration of treatment is on average 2-3 weeks. In some cases, it reaches 1 month.

How to take Leuzea liquid extract

Leuzea root liquid extract is used to stabilize the nervous system. It increases the performance of a person and eliminates increased irritability. The adaptogen is often used when it is necessary to survive in extreme conditions. The remedy mobilizes strength and reduces the risk of developing serious diseases. It is taken 20 drops 2-3 times a day. Reception is carried out with meals.The duration of treatment with Leuzea root extract is 14-21 days.

How much to drink Leuzea

The duration of the therapeutic course depends on the severity of the disease. For preventive purposes, it is enough to take the root of leuzea within a week. With a complicated course of the disease, therapy can last 3-4 weeks.

How to take leuzea for men

In some cases, the method of administration and doses of Leuzea for men may differ from those for women. This is due to the significant difference in body weight. Liquid extract of leuzea root for men should be taken 25 drops half an hour before meals. Reception is carried out 2 times a day, after diluting the extract with 20 ml of water.

How to take Leuzea tincture for potency

To improve erectile function, Leuzea tincture is taken 30-40 drops no more than 3 times a day. Reception is carried out 30 minutes before meals. The therapy lasts 3 weeks. After it, the man will notice an increase in sexual desire and a surge of vigor.

Attention! Leuzea root does not have a harmful effect on liver cells.

With cardiovascular diseases

For cardiovascular diseases, safflower leuzea is often used. The use of maral root helps to strengthen blood vessels and relieve stress on the heart muscle. Its reception is often combined with the use of tinctures of lemongrass, eleutherococcus, ginseng or rose hips. Leuzea tincture is taken 20-25 drops 2 times a day, dissolved in 50 ml of water.

Recommended reading:  Rosehip infusion: benefits and harms, how to cook

To tone up

To tone the body and activate brain activity, Leuzea root is taken 20 drops 2 times a day. This therapy helps prevent insomnia and normalizes the emotional state.

For bruises and sprains

For sprains and bruises, compresses based on Leuzea tincture are applied to the painful area. They are kept on the skin for at least 2 hours. This allows you to stop the pain syndrome and prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

How to take Leuzea tablets

On sale, the tablet form of Leuzea root is often found. It acts as a dietary supplement. It is used to relieve fatigue and build up a muscle corset. In addition, the drug copes well with immunodeficiency and nervous disorders. Tablets are taken 1-2 times no more than 3 times a day.

Pills help you recover faster after intense workouts

Application of leuzea in sports

Leuzea root is also widely used in bodybuilding. It is considered an effective herbal steroid. It increases physical endurance and takes part in protein biosynthesis. Athletes take 15 ml alcohol tincture of Leuzea 2-3 times a day. It is advisable to combine the intake of a therapeutic agent with a protein diet.

Application in cosmetology

Leuzea essential oil is used for cosmetic purposes. Hair masks with it in the composition are recommended to be done 2-3 times a week. Leuzea oil is mixed with any other base oil and kept on the hair for at least 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with a deep cleansing shampoo.

In facial skin care, Leuzea root oil helps to get rid of acne and acne marks. It can be added to any moisturizer. An alcoholic tincture, previously diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio, can be used as a cleansing lotion. The first changes in the condition of the skin will become noticeable within a week.

Comment! Leuzea root has a powerful vasodilating and hypertensive effect.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the long list of medicinal properties, maral root also has contraindications. These include:

  • encephalopathy;
  • hypertension;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • severe nervous disorders;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • kidney disease;
  • age up to 12 years.

If you need to combine Leuzea root with medications, you should consult your doctor. Co-administration with drugs that depress the nervous system can lead to serious problems. If the prescribed dosage is exceeded, the following side effects may occur:

  • indigestion;
  • increased irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • skin rashes.

Collection and procurement

Maral root is harvested in late August or early September. It is carefully dug up, cleaned of the earth and dried. In addition to the roots, you can harvest leaves and flowers. Drying is carried out at a temperature of 60 ° C. For these purposes, you can use a special dryer or oven. It is also allowed to dry the roots of Leuzea in an open space, providing protection from direct sunlight. In order for moisture to evaporate evenly, they need to be mixed periodically.

Dried Leuzea roots must be stored in tightly closed bags or jars. It is important to provide them with protection from moisture and sun. An ordinary closet would be an ideal storage place. If all conditions are met, the shelf life of the Leuzea will be 3 years. Herbal decoctions and infusions should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 3 days.


The medicinal properties of the maral root and contraindications must be taken into account, even when using the plant for preventive purposes. Violation of the dosage regimen can lead to serious consequences. The correct approach to treatment will strengthen the body and improve well-being without much effort.

Reviews of the medicinal properties of maral root for men

Goncharov Petr Vasilievich, 49 years old, Krasnodar
I used Leuzea tincture for developing prostatitis. After 7-10 days, I noticed that urination was normalized, and the heaviness in the prostate gland disappeared. After the full course of treatment, my libido was fully restored. But I'm not sure if the result will be the same in advanced cases.
Zverkov Vladimir Georgievich, 38 years old, Sevastopol
I drank a tincture of maral root with Eleutherococcus. Against this background, my productivity has noticeably increased. The initial reason for the treatment was decreased libido. At the moment, the situation has completely stabilized, but I still sometimes use the tincture for prevention purposes.
Menshov Mikhail Anatolyevich, 51 years old, Chelyabinsk
I decided to take Leuzea tincture for general strengthening of the body. Stimulating an erection would be a nice bonus for me. The effect was not immediately noticeable, but it surprised me in some way. Now I periodically continue to take maral root to maintain good health.
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