Cherry juice: what is useful, calorie content, chemical composition

The benefits and harms of cherry juice are closely related to each other. With careful use, the product has a beneficial effect on the body, but the rules for using fresh juice and possible contraindications must be taken into account.

The chemical composition of cherry juice

The benefits of cherry juice for the human body are determined by its chemical composition. Fresh pomace without additives contains:

  • vitamin C;
  • potassium, calcium and iron;
  • vitamins A and P;
  • tocopherol;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamins B1, B2 and B6;
  • antioxidants;
  • organic acids;
  • copper and phosphorus;
  • tannins;
  • cellulose;
  • enzymes.

Fresh juice is not consumed in large quantities, as it irritates the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. But in small volumes, the product has a beneficial effect on the state of the body.

Cherry juice helps with migraines

Calorie content of cherry juice

The energy value of fresh cherry juice is low - 100 ml of the product contains 50 calories. The drink can be consumed on a diet, it will not lead to weight gain.

Why natural cherry juice is good for you

You can use cherry juice for various diseases and for general prevention. When used correctly, a healthy drink:

  • replenishes the lack of vitamins in the body and prevents the development of anemia;
  • improves memory and concentration;
  • evens out blood pressure and strengthens blood vessels;
  • improves the psychological state during stress and helps with insomnia;
  • eliminates cramps in the limbs;
  • promotes fat burning by accelerating metabolic processes;
  • relieves inflammation in diseases of the bladder and kidneys;
  • removes excess fluids, toxins and toxins;
  • accelerates the outflow of bile;
  • improves stomach function and intestinal peristalsis.

You can take cherry juice to maintain muscle tone. The drink has immunomodulatory properties and increases resistance to viruses and infections.

Benefits for women

The benefit of cherry juice for women is that the product has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and prevents the appearance of congestion in the pelvic organs. Regular consumption of the drink helps to improve the menstrual cycle.

Fresh cherry juice relieves abdominal pain during menstruation, eliminates the negative effects of blood loss, improves mood and helps get rid of irritability. In small quantities, fresh is recommended for use on a diet - it contributes to weight loss.

Attention! The drink has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and skin, helps to maintain youth for longer and prevents early aging.

Is cherry juice possible for pregnant women

Natural cherry juice is very useful during childbearing. First of all, it helps to avoid vitamin deficiency and contributes to the normal development of the fetus. The drink contains a lot of folic acid, which is necessary for the formation of the baby's nervous system and internal organs.Fresh fresh juice helps the expectant mother get rid of toxicosis, prevents the development of edema and serves as a prevention of constipation.

In this case, the use of the drink must be agreed with the doctor. During pregnancy, women often develop allergic reactions to familiar foods. Also, tart cherry juice should be consumed in moderation, otherwise it will cause heartburn, stomach pain, and diarrhea.

Benefits for men

Cherry juice has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system in men and has the properties of a natural aphrodisiac. Taking it is beneficial for increasing libido and semen quality.

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The drink strengthens blood vessels and improves blood circulation. Due to this, the likelihood of developing heart attacks and strokes, which are especially susceptible to the stronger sex, is reduced.

The anti-inflammatory properties of cherry juice benefit from prostatitis

Why juice is useful for diabetes

Cherry juice contains anthocyanins, which stimulate insulin production. Drinking a drink for diabetes is good for improving the functions of the pancreas and for speeding up metabolism. Moderate consumption of cherry juice inhibits fluctuations in glucose levels and helps to avoid complications of the disease.

With diabetes, you need to drink natural juice without sugar. To improve the taste and reduce acidity, it is only allowed to dilute fresh water.

Why juice is good for joints

Cherry fresh has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties and also contains calcium and phosphorus. It is useful to use it for arthritis, rheumatism and other joint ailments.

The drink improves the condition of bone and connective tissue, and in addition, prevents the deposition of salts. At the same time, the product is not a full-fledged medicine, but only performs an auxiliary role.

How to make and drink cherry juice

Finding fresh cherry juice without additives in the store can be difficult. But the drink can be made at home from ripe berries. The algorithm looks like this:

  1. Cherries are sorted out and only the highest quality juicy fruits are left without blackheads and soft barrels.
  2. The stalks are removed and the berries are washed in warm water to remove contamination.
  3. The seeds are removed from the cherries, and the pulp is placed in a blender or meat grinder.
  4. The raw materials are thoroughly crushed until the most homogeneous slurry is obtained.
  5. Squeeze the mass through cheesecloth folded in several layers to separate the cake and the remnants of the skin.
  6. Pour pure juice into a glass dish.

It is necessary to take a cherry drink in moderation, 200-400 ml per day.

Advice! The pulp remaining after the creation of the fresh juice can be combined with sugar in equal proportions to make a delicious and healthy jam.
Cherry fresh is best drunk in the morning or in the afternoon, shortly before meals.

Application in traditional medicine

The beneficial properties of cherry juice help in the treatment of a variety of ailments. Traditional medicine uses the drink for colds and digestive disorders, for joint diseases and renal inflammation.

With bronchitis

Cherry juice fights bacterial processes in bronchitis and promotes expectoration. They usually use it like this:

  1. Warm 250 ml of the drink until warm.
  2. Stir a small spoonful of natural honey in the juice.

You need to take a healthy drink twice a day in between meals.

With arthritis

For joint diseases, a drink made from cherry juice and milk is especially beneficial. They do it like this:

  1. Heat 250 ml of fresh milk to a hot temperature, but not to a boil.
  2. Mix with an equal amount of cherry juice.
  3. If desired, add a little honey to the medicinal drink.

Use the remedy on a daily basis in the morning and evening. The product relieves joint pain well and helps to cope with the exacerbation of the disease.

With intestinal inflammation

The properties of cherry juice help to improve digestion, relieve intestinal cramps and eliminate inflammation. For treatment, such a remedy is prepared:

  1. Mix 500 ml of cherry juice with an equal amount of pure water.
  2. Pour two small spoons of washed fruit stalks into the liquid.
  3. Bring the solution to a boil and heat over low heat for no more than 15 minutes.
  4. Leave for several hours under the lid to cool.

A ready-made juice-based decoction is taken in 30 ml four times a day.

Application in cosmetology

The valuable properties of cherry juice are used for skin and hair care. The drink has a pronounced rejuvenating effect and increases the elasticity of the epidermis, nourishes the follicles of the curls and prevents them from falling out. At home, you can prepare several cosmetic products based on the product.

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Mask for oily hair

With increased oily hair and scalp, you can use the following mask:

  1. 30 g of potato starch are poured into a small bowl.
  2. Combine the powder with a small amount of cherry juice with constant stirring.
  3. Fresh squeeze of one lemon and a few drops of olive or peach oil are added to the resulting gruel.
  4. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

The resulting composition is distributed over the entire length of the curls and wrapped in foil and a warm towel. You need to keep the mixture on your head for 40 minutes, after a period of time it is washed off using a natural mild shampoo.

Cherry juice not only strengthens, but also cleanses the hair. The product regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, so the curls, in principle, begin to get dirty more slowly.

It is recommended to use cherry juice for hair up to twice a week.

For hair growth

For thin and weak curls, you can use cherry juice to activate dormant follicles. Fresh is used like this:

  1. Preheat a small amount of the drink to about 35 ° C
  2. Thoroughly rub the juice into the hair roots before shampooing or immediately after a hygiene procedure.
  3. Leave the pomace for 20 minutes.
  4. Wash off the remnants of the product with warm water and natural shampoo.

Vitamins and minerals in the composition of the fresh nourish hair follicles and stimulate their rapid growth. Due to this, the curls become thicker and acquire additional volume.

With age spots

The high content of organic acids endows cherry juice with whitening properties. Means for skin care are prepared as follows:

  1. Mix 30 ml of cherry juice with pulp with an equal amount of viburnum fresh.
  2. 5 g of natural honey is added to the liquid.
  3. Stir the ingredients thoroughly.
  4. Apply the composition to the face for 20 minutes, avoiding the eye area.

After the expiration of the period, the mask must be washed off with warm water. After the procedure, the face is treated with a moisturizer.

With acne

The anti-inflammatory properties of cherry juice help fight acne and acne. At home, use this remedy:

  1. A small amount of corn or potato starch is diluted with cherry juice until a thick mass is obtained.
  2. Apply the substance to the face for 20 minutes.
  3. After a lapse of time, wash off with clean water.

Berry juice penetrates deep into the pores and helps cleanse them. At the same time, starch dries out the epidermis and has a tightening effect.


The health benefits and harms of cherry juice depend on many factors. It is not recommended to use fresh juice:

  • with gastritis with high acidity in the acute phase;
  • with stomach ulcers and acute pancreatitis;
  • with severe chronic ailments of the respiratory system;
  • with individual allergies;
  • with a tendency to diarrhea;
  • with large stones in the kidneys and gallbladder.

An overdose of concentrated cherry juice poses a certain danger to the body. It contains too many active substances that can provoke heartburn, belching, stomach pain and diarrhea.

Before use, cherry juice must be diluted with water in equal proportions

Storage conditions and periods

Freshly squeezed cherry juice is recommended to be consumed immediately after preparation. Within half an hour, its value begins to gradually decline. At the same time, it remains suitable for use for 12 hours when stored in the refrigerator.

To slightly extend the shelf life, you can add a couple of drops of lemon juice to the drink. But even in this case, you will need to use the product within 24 hours.

Warning! You need to keep cherry juice in a glass container under a tightly closed lid, as it quickly oxidizes from contact with air.


The benefits and harms of cherry juice accompany each other. The drink improves well-being in many ailments, but can lead to negative effects if consumed in excessive dosages. You cannot drink cherry fresh juice undiluted, as it contains too many corrosive acids.

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