Anise essential oil: properties, application for hair and face, reviews

Anise oil is a valuable natural extract that is popular in the medical field and cosmetology. You need to use it a little, but with proper use, the benefits of the oil will be significant.

How anise oil is obtained

A valuable product is prepared from the fruits and seeds of anise - ordinary or star-shaped. The essential oil in the fruits of anise is localized in its seeds, and they are used as raw materials. In the manufacturing process, a standard method of steam distillation is used - plant raw materials are treated with hot steam, as a result of which volatile essential substances are released from the anise. High-quality steam distillation can only be carried out in an industrial environment with a high consumption of raw materials, and therefore the product is quite expensive.

The finished essential agent has a yellowish color, is rather viscous in structure, and its smell is sweet and pleasant.

Essential product made from anise seeds

The composition and benefits of anise oil

The anise extract contains many useful substances - organic acids, vitamin compounds, trace elements. But in particular, several components can be distinguished:

  • curcumin and camphene;
  • anisic aldehyde;
  • atenol;
  • propionic and butyric acid;
  • methylchavicol.

Thanks to its many valuable ingredients, anise remedy can provide a wide variety of benefits. Among the positive properties are the following:

  • tonic - Anise ether has an invigorating effect, restores optimistic mood, improves mental activity;
  • anti-inflammatory - anise ester helps fight infections, and also reduces fever and soothes pain;
  • expectorant - you can use anise oil for bronchitis, ARVI with cough and other ailments;
  • immunomodulatory - the tool helps to increase the body's resistance and prevent colds;
  • diuretic - anise oil is used to improve kidney function and to prevent urolithiasis.

Also, anise ester, when properly used, improves metabolic processes in the body, accelerates blood circulation, and prevents the development of bacterial processes in the stomach and intestines. The product is able to lower blood pressure and is recommended for women to improve estrogen production and relieve painful periods.

Anise product has pronounced medicinal and cosmetic properties

What oils are combined with

In cosmetology and aromatherapy, anise seed oil is often used along with other valuable esters. It goes well with oils:

  • coriander and tangerine;
  • cedar and rosewood;
  • dill and fennel;
  • cumin.

Anise can also be used with floral and herbal esters such as lavender, mint, rose and sage.

The use of anise oil in cosmetology

Home cosmetology is the most popular use for anise ester. Natural oil is able to improve the water-fat balance of the epidermis both on the face and throughout the body, strengthen hair and prevent hair loss. The product effectively helps to fight skin imperfections such as stretch marks and cellulite.

Anise essential oil for face

If you add a small amount of aniseed ether to regular masks, then their effectiveness will be higher. For example, the following compositions are popular:

  1. Rejuvenating mask... A couple of drops of anise ether are added to peach oil in the amount of 2 tablespoons and spread over the skin for 20 minutes. The product has a nourishing effect, makes the skin softer and tightens the first wrinkles.
  2. Emollient cream... Add 1 drop of anise to a regular moisturizing serum or day cream just before use. The softening effect from the use of a cream or serum will be higher, the skin will receive more nutrients.
Important! You can use masks and homemade creams with the addition of anise on a daily basis. But in total, they need to be applied no longer than 14 days, after which you need to take a break.
You cannot apply ether to the skin in its pure form - this will leave a burn

Anise body oil

The properties of anise oil in cosmetology are beneficial for the epidermis not only on the face, but also throughout the body. Anise improves subcutaneous fat metabolism, warms up muscles and has a mild analgesic effect. Massage with anise ester can be performed both for treatment and for weight loss.

The massage mixture is made in the standard way - 5 drops of ether are added to 2 tablespoons of any oil base. The product is rubbed into the skin in the right places for several minutes, it is best to carry out the procedure every other day. With regular use, anise ether makes stretch marks less noticeable, and the contours of the figure are tightened.

Anise oil for hair

The beneficial properties of anise ester help to strengthen curls and stop hair loss. The components of the ether penetrate through the skin to the hair follicles and nourish them with vitamins, due to which the destruction processes stop, and the growth of the strands becomes more intense.

Types of funds:

  1. Anti-hair loss mask... A couple of drops of anise ether should be diluted in 2 small tablespoons of burdock oil, then rub into the scalp. You need to hold the product for half an hour; for the best effect, the head is insulated with plastic wrap and a thick cloth. Wash off the mask using a very weak vinegar solution. The use of the product stops the process of hair loss and makes the curls more elastic and silky.
  2. Accelerated growth mask... To stimulate dormant hair follicles, add 3 drops of anise to a large spoonful of pepper tincture and mix with 2 tablespoons of regular hair balm. The pepper tincture and anise ester will improve blood circulation under the skin, accelerate the growth of new hairs, and you need to keep the mask for about 20 minutes.

You can treat your hair with masks using anise twice a week, the effect in this case will appear very soon.

Diluted Ester Can Help Restore Weak Hair

Anise oil for breast

The tonic and anti-aging properties of the product help to combat sagging breasts, a problem often faced by middle-aged women. The following remedy has a good effect:

  • the esters of rosemary, anise and petitgrain are mixed with each other in equal proportions - 3 drops each;
  • add the mixture to 2 large spoons of any oil base.

You can rub in the product every other day, the duration of the course should not exceed a couple of weeks.

Attention! When caring for breast skin, it is important not to apply the product to the nipples. their skin is too thin and sensitive.

Anise oil for massage

Using anise oil is very useful to massage; for this you just need to add a couple of drops of ether to the burdock or olive base.

Anise massage can be done for relaxation, but more often it is carried out for medicinal purposes. It has a good effect on muscle sprains and inflammation of the joints, anise quickly relieves pain and removes local edema.

Anti-cellulite bath

Anise ester is suitable for fighting cellulite on the thighs, abdomen and buttocks. Massage has a good effect, but special baths are also used.

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For a filled container, you need to take 100 g of sea salt and add a complex mixture of essential oils, drop by drop of mint and vetiver, 4 drops of grapefruit ether and 3 drops of anise. The oil-enriched salt is then dissolved in water and a bath is taken for 25 minutes.

Instructions for the use of anise oil in medicine

The valuable product benefits from therapeutic use. The anti-inflammatory and strengthening properties of the ether have a beneficial effect on the immune system and the nervous system, help to improve the functioning of the intestines and kidneys.

Product properties help with colds

Anise oil for coughs for children

When coughing in children, anise ether helps to cope with bacterial processes in the respiratory tract and promotes expectoration. For treatment, rinse is used, a couple of drops of the product are diluted in a glass of warm water and gargled twice or three times a day.

Advice! To increase the effectiveness, you can add 1 tablespoon of honey or a little soda to the solution, and both must be thoroughly mixed.

Anise oil for insomnia

Anise ester has a pleasant relaxing scent. You can use it to normalize sleep - the tool helps to calm down and tune in to rest.

When fighting insomnia, the following methods are usually used:

  • aromatization of the room - half an hour before bedtime you need to light an aroma lamp in the bedroom with the addition of 2 drops of anise;
  • aromatization of the pillow - you can drop the oil directly on the corner of the pillow, then the pleasant aroma will remain for the whole night.

It is important to put no more than 1 drop of ether on the pillowcase and burn the lamp for no longer than half an hour. If the smell of anise is too strong and intrusive, it will backfire.

Anise oil for edema

Anise is of great benefit in case of a tendency to swelling of the legs, for example, with varicose veins. In this case, you need to prepare an ordinary oil solution - add 2 drops of ether to a small spoonful of the base.

In a healing agent, a folded bandage or gauze is moistened, and then applied to the swollen legs below the knees for 20 minutes. Anise improves blood circulation and lymph flow, so the puffiness resolves very quickly.

The remedy well relieves local swelling of the legs

Anise oil against lice and nits

The oil can help in the fight against head lice, it is especially useful when used together with pharmaceuticals. As in all cases, you need to add a couple of drops of ether to regular vegetable oil and apply the mixture to the strands and the root area. It takes at least an hour to keep the remedy, then it is washed off with plenty of water.

Anise oil is useful primarily due to its enveloping effect, it slows down the vital activity of parasites. In addition, the aroma of anise additionally repels insects, and anise oil is often used in everyday life for fleas and other pests.

The use of anise oil for other diseases

In addition to the listed ailments, anise oil is beneficial in other situations:

  1. Anise ester is a good antispasmodic. It can be applied externally for rheumatic, muscle, joint, premenstrual and other pains. A couple of drops of ether are diluted in a small spoonful of vegetable oil, and then gently, but with force, rubbed into the sore spot.
  2. With increased gas formation and flatulence, anise oil inside helps well.For a small spoonful of honey, you need to add only 2 drops of anise, eat a medicinal delicacy, and then wash it down with tea or hot milk. You need to use the tool 1-2 times a day, the total treatment is continued for no more than 2 weeks in a row.
Attention! In large doses, anise oil is very dangerous for the body and can burn mucous membranes. Therefore, you need to take it inside only in accordance with the recipe.
You can use the product inside, but in a couple of drops and with great care

The use of essential anise oil in everyday life

In addition to home cosmetology and therapy, anise oil is used in everyday life. Its main field of application is to repel insects, for which the aniseed smell is very unpleasant. Anise oil is used for cockroaches, ticks and mosquitoes.

In the summer, you can often light an aroma lamp against mosquitoes, and mosquito nets are often lubricated with oil or added to the water when cleaning the room with wet cleaning. During summer outings in nature, diluted ether can be used to lubricate exposed skin.

Anise oil in cooking

The concentrated product is used in food preparation only in minimal dosages. You can add it to dishes literally in a couple of drops, ether acts rather as a flavoring agent along with other spices and spices.

You can meet anise ether as part of:

  • sweet and sour sauces for meat, kebabs and pilaf;
  • marinades for beef, lamb and poultry;
  • baked goods - muffins, pies, cookies, gingerbread.

Anise extract is used to flavor alcoholic beverages - liqueurs, liqueurs, mulled wine and absinthe.

The harm of anise oil and contraindications

Not everyone can use anise extract - it has its own contraindications. It is necessary to refuse to use oil:

  • with individual allergies;
  • with fresh burns, ulcers and wounds on the skin;
  • during pregnancy and during lactation.
In some conditions, it is better to refuse aniseed ether.

Before using the extract for the first time, it is worth checking whether anise will cause negative reactions. To do this, apply a couple of drops of diluted oil to your wrist or the skin at the bend of your elbow and wait a couple of hours. If redness and itching do not occur, then you can use anise ether without fear - there will be no allergy to anise oil.

Side effects of anise are manifested mainly in case of overdose. If you use too much of the extract, then irritation may appear on the skin, and the smell of ether, if the dosage is violated, causes dizziness and nausea. With excessive use of oil inside, symptoms of irritated mucous membranes appear - stomach pain, heartburn, nausea.

Selection and storage of anise oil

Choosing anise ester is quite simple. You need to pay attention to several points:

  1. Composition - this ester should consist exclusively of anise essential oil without the addition of base oils or other components.
  2. Consistency and the shade of the oily liquid should be uniform, there should be no sediment on the bottom and no foreign inclusions.
  3. Price... All natural esters are sold at medium or high prices. Frankly, anise extract cannot be cheap, since its production is a complex technological process and is associated with high consumption of raw materials.

It is worth giving preference to ether, which is sold in a dark glass container, such a container is optimal for storage, since it does not transmit light. Keep the product at home in a dry place, at temperatures up to 25 ° C and away from sunlight. If these conditions are met, the anise extract can retain its properties for up to 3 years.

When buying a product, you need to evaluate its color, consistency and composition

How to make anise oil

You cannot repeat the steam distillation procedure at home, this requires special equipment. But you can prepare a product that will be as similar as possible to real ether in its qualities. This requires:

  • thoroughly grind 100 g of anise seeds in a ceramic container, they should give an oily liquid;
  • transfer the resulting mass to a glass jar;
  • pour the crushed seeds with 100 ml of almond oil;
  • close the jar and leave it in the light for 3 days.

After the expiration date, you need to strain the product through cheesecloth and pour into a dark glass bottle. In terms of properties, homemade anise oil will be weaker than natural ether, but it can also be beneficial.

It is quite possible to make a home ether remedy, but in properties it will be inferior to the purchased one.


Anise oil is beneficial in everyday life, in treatment and in personal care. The extract with a pleasant smell improves well-being and maintains youth, the main thing is to use it according to all the rules.

Reviews on the use of anise essential oil

Fedorova Tatyana Dmitrievna, 37 years old, Moscow
Among essential oils, I especially highlight aniseed. It has a very pleasant smell, the price is relatively low, and the remedy works wonderfully. With its help, I take care of my face and the whole body and still preserve soft and velvety skin.
Istomina Nadezhda Grigorievna, 41 years old, Kaluga
Anise oil helped me with hair loss, at some point my hair lost half of its volume. I read articles on the Internet and for a couple of weeks I made masks with anise ether - the hair became stronger, pleasant smoothness and shine returned to it again.

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