Why is Nordic walking with poles useful, how to walk correctly, how to choose poles

Everybody saw elderly people walking with ski poles in the park. This is called Nordic walking or Nordic walking. This sport is widespread among European retirees and those who want to lose weight. It is useful not only for these categories of the population. The opinion that it is necessary only for the elderly is incorrect. The benefits and harms of Nordic pole walking are important for young people as well.

What is Nordic pole walking

It is believed that the first "walkers" appeared hundreds of years ago. They were shepherds and priests who constantly walked with a stick. The first snowshoes appeared in the Stone Age. People put them on their feet and took 2 poles, which made it possible to avoid slipping in the snow.

According to the name, Nordic walking with sticks originated in this region. The Finns trained not only in winter, but also in summer, respectively, without skis. Such training spread to all residents in the 1970s.

For people not versed in Nordic, it will seem ridiculous and useless. But the health benefits of Nordic walking are just as good as jogging and more than walking. In order for sports to be truly effective and not harmful, adhere to the correct technique.

The benefits of Nordic walking with sticks

Finnish walking is more energy intensive than normal walking. Muscles are involved that are inactive in the second case. For the athlete, there is a pleasant dissonance: despite the tension of more muscles, the load is more easily tolerated.

The beneficial effects of Nordic are already felt at the first training session:

  1. The number of calories burned is 1.5 times more than with standard walking.
  2. The work involves not only the muscles of the legs, but also the upper body.
  3. Posture becomes smoother.
  4. Movement coordination and balance are improved.
  5. Blood pressure is corrected.

From when you practice Scandinavian walking, in the morning or in the evening, its benefits for the body are different. Morning exercises help to activate the body, give a boost of strength for the whole day. And walking in the evening is the key to a sound and healthy sleep.

For the elderly

It is important for the elderly to adhere to safety precautions so that the Nordic does not cause any harm. This group is most prone to falls and injuries. The benefits of Nordic walking with poles for the elderly are much greater than the slowest running. During running, there is a "flight phase" when both feet push off the ground. Therefore, this sport is more traumatic and is not recommended for pensioners.

Nordic walking is one of the options for aerobic exercise. That is, those that take place in the fresh air. Aerobic exercise has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.Therefore, Nordic with sticks is an effective prevention of hypertension, heart attacks and strokes - diseases to which people of older age groups are most susceptible.

Regular Nordic exercises improve the overall well-being of the body, increase resistance to pathogenic microorganisms, and reduce the level of harmful cholesterol - low density lipoproteins. These statements are true for all age groups.

Shown is Finnish walking for retirees suffering from high blood sugar. Regular exercise promotes the utilization of glucose, which is harmful to the body in high concentrations. In milder forms of diabetes, daily one-hour Nordic exercise and diet will help keep sugar within normal limits.

For joints

Not only the elderly, but also young people, suffer from joint pain, impaired mobility. In the elderly, problems are associated with degenerative changes between the articular surfaces. With age, water evaporates, harmful salts are deposited. Changes in the spine are called osteochondrosis, the hip joint is called coxarthrosis. In young people, the cause of joint problems is an autoimmune inflammatory process.

In both cases, the benefits and harms of Finnish stick walking are disproportionate. Regular exercises delay in time the development of irreversible joint changes - dislocations, deformities, ankylosis (complete immobility in the joint). Uniform load on the joints of the lower extremities, spine, arms forces them to develop, to be in constant motion.

For pregnant

Nordic walking is the best sport for pregnant women. Providing maximum benefits, it is the safest and most harmless. Before starting classes, you should definitely get permission from your obstetrician-gynecologist. Better to ask again about this at every visit to the doctor.

If the expectant mother has not done Nordics before, classes should be postponed until the second trimester. During this period, anxiety decreases, toxicosis is not so pronounced. It is better to do it in the park, in the forest - in places far from highways. The most suitable speed for pregnant women is 5-6 km / h. The maximum training duration is 1 hour.

The benefits of Nordic walking for pregnant women are the same as for other populations:

  • increased immunity;
  • improving general well-being;
  • a charge of energy and vigor for the whole day.

Indications for Nordic walking with sticks

Aside from the pleasure and weight loss alone, Nordic walking has many health benefits. It is shown in the following cases:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, improper posture, arthrosis);
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system (arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart attacks or strokes);
  • chronic lung disease;
  • memory impairment;
  • mental disorders (stress, depression, sleep disturbance);
  • excess weight;
  • pathology of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus).
Warning! Before starting training, you should consult your doctor.

Nordic walking with sticks for weight loss

It is impossible not to mention the benefits of Scandinavian walking for weight loss. This is a very energy-intensive process that effectively contributes to weight loss. Fitness club instructors note that it was the Nordics that they achieved significant weight loss, and not by training in the gym.

How many calories are burned when Nordic walking

The level of energy expended directly depends on the correctness of the exercise. Depending on how a person learned to walk, the number of calories lost increases by 6%, 20%, or 30%. These indicators correspond to those with a slow run. But not everyone can run, and for a Nordic there are much fewer contraindications.

For 1 hour of active Finnish walking with sticks, from 400 to 700 kcal is spent. During the same time, a maximum of 400 kcal can be spent in the hall.

What muscles work

Scandinavian walking has many beneficial properties due to muscle tension in almost all parts of the body. On the lower limbs during exercise, the following muscles are strained:

  • quadriceps, or quadriceps muscle of the thigh;
  • calf muscles;
  • lower leg muscles;
  • triceps, or triceps femoris;
  • gluteus maximus muscle.

The rectus abdominis muscle (abs) works the most on the trunk. On the upper limbs, the following muscles are strained:

  • biceps, or biceps brachii;
  • deltoid muscle covering the scapula;
  • triceps, or triceps brachii;
  • scalene muscles of the neck.
Recommended reading:  Why walking is useful

How to walk with sticks correctly

The benefits of exercise can only be obtained by following the rules of Nordic walking with sticks. The workout consists of 3 stages: warm-up, proper walking and cool down.

Warm up

The purpose of the warm-up before the Nordic is to prepare muscles, ligaments, joints and the body as a whole for intense stress. It is necessary to warm up the whole body, starting with the small joints of the hands and ending with large parts (trunk, pelvis). The warm-up part helps to adjust the cardiovascular system. Thanks to her, the heartbeat accelerates gradually, and not in leaps and bounds.

The duration of the warm-up depends on the expected duration of the next phase. It takes 5 to 15 minutes. Warm-up exercises are done in the following sequence:

  1. Unhurried walking. Sticks are held in front of them.
  2. Breathing exercises.
  3. Rotation and swing of limbs in different joints.
  4. Dynamic stretching of the muscles of the back, legs and shoulder girdle.

Execution technique

The Nordic walking technique with sticks, with 4 consecutive steps, makes it possible to fully master this sport. The following are the main stages, adhering to which it will not be difficult to walk correctly:



Walking with foot rolls, keeping the sticks in the middle

1. Sticks are taken in the middle, one at a time in the hand and hold them, as in simple walking.

2. At each step, the foot is rolled forward, while the arms move naturally.

3. The shoulders are lowered and relaxed.

4. It is necessary to find a rhythm that is comfortable for oneself and keep going in it.


Walking with sticks behind

1. Hands are inserted into the lanyards at the end of the sticks.

2. Begin to walk as if walking normally.

3. Hands are kept open, sticks are dragged along.

4. Gradually increase stride length and speed. At the same time, the hands move forward and backward.

5. Still keeping the hands open, place the stick while moving it forward. Grip should be felt.

Walking on sticks

1. The handle of the stick is squeezed with a brush.

2. At each step, the hand opposite to the leg in front is brought forward along with the stick.

3. The stick is inserted at an angle so that the shaft is pointing back.

4. Putting the stick, the elbow is carried out in front of the body. The arm should be straight.

5. Continue to walk at a comfortable pace.

Pushing off sticks

1. Each time pushing the stick forward with one hand, the other is behind.

2. Leaning on the back stick, continue its movement back. In this case, you need to feel how the body itself is pushed forward.

3. During the first 50 steps, more effort is made on the sticks, the next 50 - less.

4. Continue walking at this interval.


After a Nordic walk, be sure to cool down. It prevents muscle spasm and improves stretching. At this stage, the intensity of walking is gradually slowed down, slowly reducing the number of heartbeats. The muscles are well warmed up, so you can choose exercises for flexibility, strength or other desired qualities if you wish. Respiratory gymnastics is mandatory.

The video shows the correct Scandinavian walking technique:

How to breathe properly when Nordic walking

Correct breathing is very important in Nordic walking, as in any other sport. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.On flat terrain, inhale in 3 steps, exhale in 4 steps. On slopes, deep inhalation takes 2 steps, exhalation takes 3 steps.

Typical mistakes

Many, having learned about the benefits of Finnish walking, immediately take their ski poles and run outside. But they are completely unsuitable for this kind of sport. This is because ski poles:

  • heavy;
  • too long;
  • not elastic enough for asphalt;
  • are not pushed forward.
Important! The choice of walking poles should be given special attention. Making the wrong choice is the most common mistake newbies make.

For the first time, many mistakes are often made in the Nordic technique. Here are the most common ones:

  • very wide step;
  • hands are close to the body;
  • weak push from behind;
  • the body is too vertical;
  • coordination of movements is impaired.

What equipment is needed for Nordic walking

The choice of equipment for Nordic walking is an important step in sports. Clothing should be comfortable, and sticks specially selected for walking.

Choice of clothes and shoes

There are no big requirements for clothing. The main thing is convenience. The most important thing is the right shoes and socks.

Shoes are best bought at the end of the day after the person has walked a lot. Moreover, running shoes are not suitable for a Nordic. Shoes should fit perfectly.

Advice! It is better to try on sneakers on the sock in which the person is going to walk.

When choosing socks, you can pay attention to tracking socks. They are made according to the shape of the right and left legs and have a stitched heel. The leg does not rub or sweat in them.

The right choice of sticks

As noted earlier, the choice of sticks is a very crucial moment. To get the most out of your walking, buy specially designed carbon poles. They are light, have a resilient shaft, and push well forward.

Many sports shops offer trekking poles disguised as Finnish walking equipment. But they don't fit. You need to look for a store on the Internet that specializes in Finnish walking. There are separate schools dedicated exclusively to this sport. You can also purchase the desired stick there. It must be matched to your height.

Possible harm to Scandinavian walking and contraindications

Nordic walking experts say that if a person is allowed to walk, then he can train with sticks. Nevertheless, doctors still identify a number of contraindications in which classes can do a lot of harm. These include:

  • acute form of heart failure;
  • aneurysm - a bag-like protrusion of the thinned wall of a vessel or heart;
  • thrombophlebitis during an exacerbation;
  • high risk of bleeding;
  • acute inflammatory diseases or chronic pathologies in the acute stage;
  • severe respiratory distress;
  • high risk of retinal detachment (with glaucoma, worsening myopia);
  • systolic blood pressure over 180 mm Hg. Art .;
  • severe form of diabetes mellitus.

As a rule, such groups of people rarely come to walking classes. They are usually treated in hospitals, health centers or at home. In this case, not only Finnish walking, but also other physical activity harms the body.


The benefits and harms of Nordic walking with sticks are two absolutely incommensurable concepts. This is the most atraumatic sport that has many useful properties. It is suitable even for retirees and pregnant women. The main thing is to remember that before starting the lesson, it is imperative to learn the execution technique and choose the right equipment. Then walking will be an effective sport, not just walking sticks around the city!

Reviews of losing weight and retirees

Markova Marina Vladislavovna, 35 years old, Kaliningrad
For a long time I tried to lose weight, forcing myself in the gym and without getting any pleasure. My nutritionist advised me to try Nordic pole walking for weight loss. And so I did. The result of Scandinavian walking exceeded all expectations. Within a month I lost 4 kg.Every workout is a great pleasure for me!
Bobrova Irina Yaroslavna, 65 years old, St. Petersburg
I have a beautiful park near my house, where I constantly watched familiar pensioners with sticks. At first I did not understand what they were doing. Then a friend told me that this is Scandinavian walking, and it has great health benefits. I soon joined their group and never regretted it. Every time I feel a surge of new strength and energy. Moreover, the pressure has stabilized!
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