Eye Vitamins with Lutein: Where is Lutein Contained and How to Take It

Lutein for the eyes is an important element that is not produced by the human body. Nature has endowed people with a complex visual apparatus that allows them to see the world around them and distinguish millions of shades. But in order to preserve vision for many years, you will have to make some efforts.

With a lack of this component, retinal degeneration occurs, which leads to visual impairment. The problem concerns not only older people, but also those who constantly experience stress on the visual apparatus.

What does the body need lutein for?

The structure of the visual apparatus is very complex, each element of this system performs its own special function. The retina, in which the macula (macula) is located, is responsible for image perception and transmission of impulses to the brain.

Macula is a particularly sensitive place. It is called a yellow spot because it contains pigments - lutein and zeaxanthin. The more of these elements are contained in the macula, the lower the risk of developing eye diseases.

Zeaxanthin is produced from lutein. These substances protect the eye from ultraviolet radiation, bright light and prevent retinal degeneration, age-related changes. Lack of pigment leads to structural abnormalities in the visual apparatus.

Important! This pigment cannot be produced by the body. You can get it only with a special diet and taking a multivitamin with lutein.

Daily dose of lutein for the eyes

A person needs a daily dose of carotenoids to protect their eyesight. Lutein-rich foods can only partially solve the problem. The pigment obtained from food replenishes the daily requirement by 80%.

Lutein for vision needs 5 mg per day, and zeaxanthin - 1 mg. Biologically active supplements that are purchased in the pharmacy network will be able to provide such a dose. Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers a decent selection of such drugs.

To avoid structural changes in the retina, a course intake of vitamins for the eyes with lutein and zeaxanthin is required.

Foods containing lutein

To create a balanced diet, you need to include fruits, vegetables, eggs. It has been established that the record holders for the content of lutein are vegetables and fruits of dark green, red and orange colors.

Lutein in food plays an important role in maintaining vision. The consumption of such products is of great importance for the elderly and those who are at risk.

In order to prevent the development of retinal dystrophy, a diet with a high content of lutein during pregnancy is recommended.

The following products will help to fill the lack of pigment:

  • spinach (up to 20 mg of the element);
  • cabbage (up to 25 mg);
  • greens, green peas, dandelion leaves (about 14 mg);
  • orange;
  • melon;
  • pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • peach;
  • sweet potato;
  • papaya;
  • apricot;
  • corn.

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It is also useful to include raspberries, pomegranates, tomatoes, beets, peppers in the diet. In these products, lutein is retained even if used in canned form. The diet should include other foods - sources of vitamins and minerals for general strengthening of the body.

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Indications for the use of lutein

It is a misconception that lutein eye pills should only be taken by older people to prevent changes. The circle of people in need of visual support is much wider. In addition, vitamins for vision with lutein can and should be periodically consumed by healthy people. But such help is especially important for those who work at a computer for a long time, who have had eye surgeries, patients with disorders of the cardiovascular system and blood circulation.

At risk of developing degenerative changes in the retina are:

  • people with eye diseases;
  • patients with a history of trauma to the visual apparatus;
  • persons suffering from diabetes mellitus;
  • people experiencing stress in connection with professional activities;
  • workers who have to be in difficult conditions;
  • those whose work is associated with great physical stress.

For contact lens wearers, vitamin support for the organ of vision will be a reliable protection. Even in the absence of eye complaints, a complex of vitamins for eyes with lutein and zeaxanthin is indicated for use for persons who have crossed the age mark at 40 years.

It is recommended to take the drugs in courses twice a year. In some cases, it is necessary to carry out the course for 1 to 3 months with breaks between doses of 2 to 4 weeks.

What are the best eye medications with lutein?

Taking vitamin complexes allows you to:

  • reduce eye fatigue and strain;
  • improve metabolic processes;
  • resist the effects of free radicals;
  • protect from bright light (ultraviolet radiation);
  • stop age-related changes and the development of diseases (such as glaucoma, cataracts).
Multivitamin complexes contain a set of vitamins necessary to maintain eye health

Pharmacy chains offer a wide range of drugs for people with different needs and financial capabilities. It should be noted that the most effective remedies are very popular.

Eye preparations are divided into several groups:

  1. Containing carotenoids... Substances penetrate into the bloodstream and reach the retina, protecting it from external influences, improving visual acuity and color perception.
  2. With blueberry extract in the composition... Improves metabolism. Anthocyanin - an active ingredient obtained from the plant, helps to strengthen capillaries and cell trophism. Preparations with blueberries protect from monitor radiation, enhance protection from bright light.
  3. With lutein... Thanks to the active substance, these vitamins suppress the formation of free radicals, improve visual acuity and prevent structural changes in the retina, actively fight against the manifestation of age-related disorders.
  4. Combined funds... They include several useful components at the same time. They have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Due to the complex composition, they often cause allergic reactions.

Pharmaceutical companies from Germany, Switzerland and Italy are leading among the manufacturers of effective products.

The eye carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin are obtained from the plants Tagetes erecta - the tagetis known as marigolds, nasturtium, marigolds, and algae. Pharmaceutical products in which the content of the active substance lutein is at least 5% are considered to be the quality standard.

Most drugs are not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. This rule is dictated by the fact that research in this segment has not been conducted.To compensate for the lack of eye pigment during pregnancy and lactation, it is necessary to choose a balanced diet to protect the eyesight.

Vitalux Plus

Vitamin and mineral complex Vitalux Plus contains the entire set of necessary elements for the production of eye pigment

Dietary supplement Vitalux Plus belongs to the category of multivitamins with lutein. The preparation contains vitamins E, C, group B, zinc, omega-3, zeaxanthin.

The product is produced in capsules and film-coated tablets. Used as an additional source of carotenoids.

Okuwaite Lutein Forte

Ocuwaite is considered one of the best dietary supplements in its group due to its balanced composition

Belongs to the category of multivitamin dietary supplements for the eyes. A balanced complex of nutrients supports not only the health of the retina, but also the body as a whole. Tocopherol in Ocuwaite inactivates free radicals, selenium neutralizes them, zinc provides protection from bright light and ultraviolet radiation.

The tool is recommended for people with eye diseases, smokers to protect the visual apparatus from the negative effects of nicotine and people over 45 years old.

Blueberry Forte with lutein

Blueberry Forte from the pharmaceutical company Evalar is a good choice for supporting the visual apparatus at an affordable price.

Vitamins for eye health with lutein and blueberries show a high level of effectiveness. The drug is a dietary supplement. The anthocyanin contained in blueberries promotes the synthesis and renewal of the visual pigment rhodopsin.

Blueberry Forte with Lutein is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.

Lutein complex for eyes

The complex is recommended for the prevention of visual impairment for people at risk

The complex preparation is used as an additional source of lutein. It is produced in tablets, which contain vitamins A, C, E and microelements necessary for vision.

The biologically active food supplement is recommended for use in such cases:

  • visual impairment (myopia);
  • working at a computer and under the influence of bright light;
  • tired eye syndrome;
  • long-term driving at night;
  • living in ecologically unfavorable areas.

The drug for the eyes is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.


SuperOptik - a drug with a high content of lutein

Dietary supplement SuperOptik is available in capsules, its main task is to protect the retina and vitreous body from damage. The drug is effective for eye fatigue, increased stress. Improves visual acuity, adaptive ability at night, provides protection from negative external factors.

In addition to the basic indications, SuperOptics is recommended for people who smoke and those who often stay in smoky rooms, for motor vehicle drivers and people over 40 years old.

The preparation contains the whole complex of vitamins and active microelements for eye protection, omega-3 fatty acids.

Doppelgerz Active

One capsule of the drug Doppelherz for the eyes contains 3 mg of lutein

Good eye vitamins with lutein meet international quality standards. A special complex improves color perception, helps protect the eyes from bright light, is an effective prophylactic agent for cataracts, retinal dystrophy, and myopia.

It is recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus to prevent retinopania.

Available in capsules. The composition includes: lutein, zeaxanthin, zinc, vitamins A, E, C. demonstrates high antioxidant properties.


In Lutein-Intensive, the pigment content for the eyes is as high as possible: 1 tablet contains 5 mg of active ingredient

The peculiarity of this drug is in the content of the maximum dose of lutein - in 2 tablets, its amount is 10 mg. When the drug is taken, the active substance accumulates in the retina.

Supplements are dispensed without a doctor's prescription, but an ophthalmologist's consultation is required first. For best protection, regular pills are needed.

Another plus of this drug is its relatively low cost, which makes it affordable for people with different financial capabilities.

How to take lutein for the eyes

Due to the natural components from which carotenoid agents are produced, dietary supplements with lutein and zeaxanthin are absorbed by the body by 80%, which is a very good indicator.

Dietary supplements should be taken with or immediately after a meal. Capsules are not opened or chewed, they are swallowed whole. Capsules dissolve faster than tablets, but the action of the two forms does not differ from each other.

Some drugs are available as lozenge tablets. Such information is indicated by the manufacturer in the annotation, where you can also read the admission rules.

The pharmaceutical industry produces vitamins with lutein to protect the eyes of children. It is not worth choosing dietary supplements on your own. It is important to get a doctor's approval.

In addition to tablet forms, vitamin products with pigments are released in drops. Their use allows you to accelerate the flow of the active substance directly to the retina.

An alternative to solid dosage forms are eye drops with lutein

The benefits of lutein for the eyes are obvious: it nourishes and protects the retina, the harm from taking medications is minimal. The substance itself does not harm the body, but in case of an overdose it can cause allergic reactions.

In the clinical picture of an overdose, yellowing of the skin of the nose, feet and palms may be noted. In this case, the intake of vitamins is immediately stopped.

It is recommended to take vitamins for the eyes within 3 months with a break between courses of 30 days.

Side effects and contraindications of lutein

Contraindications to taking complexes for eye protection are individual intolerance and the period of pregnancy and lactation. For children, the recommended norm of lutein for the eyes is up to 5 mg. Daily doses for adults are different, therefore, to compensate for the lack of carotenoids in children, special forms are used, for example, Vitrum Vision.

The benefits and harms of eye drops with lutein are expressed similarly to solid pharmaceutical forms. Drops can replace capsules and tablets, they are absolutely identical in action.

Lutein Compatibility with Other Substances

The substances included in the vitamin complexes are selected so as to get the maximum benefit. Lutein is not a drug, belongs to the group of dietary supplements, and therefore, provided that all components are well tolerated by patients, they can be combined with other drugs.

The best companions are fat-soluble vitamins A, E, C, group B, and trace elements.

Lutein analogs

In case of intolerance to the components, the deficiency of nutrients for the retina can be replenished in other ways. Lutein analogs:

  • Lohelan;
  • Nutrof Total;
  • Antiox;
  • Blueberry Forte.

These products are free of lutein and zeaxanthin. But these drugs are effective against free radicals. Among the list of analogues, you can choose funds with a low cost, which is a key aspect for some citizens.


Lutein for the eyes is important not only for people with eye conditions. This pigment allows you to restore reduced trophism and protect the retina from external negative influences.

When used, this substance accumulates in the body. It is important to remember that it is not produced on its own and comes only from the outside in the form of pharmaceutical forms or with food.

Reviews of doctors

Konstantinov S.M., 52 years old, the city of Kaluga.
I recommend taking vitamin complexes with lutein and zeaxanthin to all people whose activities are associated not only with the load on the visual apparatus, but also those who are experiencing heavy physical exertion. It is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later.
Malinovsky N.P., 49 years old, city of Tver.
Modern ecology and the prevalence of gadgets have led to the fact that visual impairments began to occur in children much more often than before. A balanced diet is not always able to fully restore the lack of eye pigments. Lutein products do this. They are also available and well tolerated.

Patient reviews

Smirnova O. V., 38 years old, city of Kazan.
My job is computer related. Earlier, there was often eye fatigue, she had conjunctivitis repeatedly. I thought about protecting my eyes. For the second year I have been taking a complex of vitamins for the eyes, I noticed that it became much better.
Petrova L.A., 56 years old, city of Semipalatinsk.
Decreased visual acuity. The doctor said that unless action was taken immediately, it would be impossible to restore it. I started taking Okuwait Lutein Forte. The condition has improved. I will use it regularly, very effectively!

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